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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 5, 1946)
Tuesday, November 5, Missouri BIO SIX STANDINGS. pet 1000 1000 .667 .S00 .2(H) .000 Missouri , ' 3 Oklahoma 2 NEBRASKA 2 Kansas 1 low State , 1 Kansas State 0 GAMES THIS WEEK. Oklahoma at Kansas. Drake at Iowa Htate. Colorado at Missouri. Kansas State at San Francisco. RESULTS I AST WEEK. Iowa State 13, Kansas State T. ' Oklahoma 14. Texas Christian 12. Missouri 21, Nebraska 20. Kansas 14, Oklahoma A. ft M. 13. Although only one Big Six con ference game is on tap this week, it will go a long ways toward untangling the jumble in the up per half of the standings. Oklahoma's unbeaten Sooners will visit the Kansas Jayhawks at Lawrence in an attempt to join Missouri at the head of the loop. The Tigers are currently pacing: the pack with three wins and no losses but have games with Okla homa and Kansas left on their league schedules. An Oklahoma loss would move Kansas into a tie with the Husk ers for third place, but in view of past occurrences, the Sooners ap pear to be a good bet to get past the Jayhawk menace. Missouri took over first place temporarily with a hair-raising 21-20 squeeze past Nebraska. Trailing 21-6 at the end of the first half, the Huskers turned on the power in the second half and were on the offensive most of the time. Huskers Have Chance. Coach B e r n i e Masterson's charges had previously been tied with the Tigers and Oklahoma at the head of the procession. With conference tilts against Iowa State and Oklahoma still on the sched ule, the Huskers have a chance to remain near the top. Nebraska has an open date this week before games with Iowa States, Oklahoma and UCLA, the last two encounters to be played away from home. " Missouri will take a week off from loop competition to enter tain the Colorado Buffs at Co lumbia. On the following- Satur day the Bengals will tangle with Oklahoma in the game which will probably decide the Big Six cham pionship. Iowa State, victorious over Kan- Bowling Loops Begin Action Six teams will officially open the intramural bowling season this afternoon when they meet in three matches at the Lincoln Bowling Alleys. Twenty teams have been divided into three leagues, while several more will comprise the independent league which will be announced Wed nesday. Regular matches, are scheduled up to Dec. 12, with playoffs in all leagues slated for Dec. 17. Teams which fail to appear as scheduled will pay the IM de partment a non-appearance fee of $3 since all alleys are reserved. Team standings will be deter mined on total games won and lost and not on matches won or lost. Today's bowling schedule: (All games begin promptly at 4:10 p. m.): Alley 1-2 Brown Palace vs. Sigma Alpha Mu. Alpha Tau Omega vs. Kappa Sigma. Beta Theta Pi vs. Corn- 5-6 7-8 husker Co-op. I.EAGl E I. Alpha Tau Omega Beta Theta PI Kappa Sigma Sigma Alpha Mu Brown Palace Co-op Cornhusker Co-op I.EAOl K II. Zela Beta Tau Delta Tau Delta Kigma Phi Epsilon Sigma Alpha Kpsllon Delia Epsilon Sigma Nu I.EAfU E III. Phi Delta Theta Beta Sigma Psi Pioneer Co-op Phi Kappa Psi Alpha Gamma Rho Theta XI Phi Uamma Delta Kigma Chi Coach Lepley Asks for Swim Team Candidates 4.11 men intending to come out for the varsity swimming team are a6ked to report to the train ing room in he field house for physicals at7:00 p. m.t Wednes day, Nov. 6. They are also requested to see Swimming Coach Hollie Lepley Thursday, Nov. 7, in order to ar range their practice schedule. 1946 Assumes sas State last week, will face an old rival this Saturday when the Drake Bulldogs move up from Des Moines for an intra-state 'contest. The Cyclones'-13-7 win over K State last week kept the Ames outfit from falling into the con ference cellar, and extended the Wildcats' string of losses. Oklahoma Squeezes By. Coach Jim Tatum's Sooners had a tough time moving past the rug ged Texas Christian Horned Frogs by a 14-12 margin. Only a pair of extra points off the toe of Dave Wallace enabled the Oklahoma team to avoid an upset. Kansas, the Sooners' foe next week, was able to do what the 1XU eleven could not. The" Jav hawks pulled one of the day's many upsets when they bumped Bob Fenimore and his Oklahoma Aggie mates 14-13 Saturday. Don Fambrough. the Kansas extra point specialist, did not fail as he provided George Sauer's club with its winning counter. A long trip is in prospect for the hapless K-Staters who will travel to the coast to meet the San Francisco university team Saturday. Joe Golding Heads League In Scoring Oklahoma's Joe Golding con tinues to lead Big Six scorers, having a total of 36 points on six touchdowns. Two Missouri backs, Lloyd Brinkman and Howard Bonnett are tied for second with 30 points, while Bud French of Kansas, Dick Hutton of Nebraska, Dick Howard of Iowa State and Earl Mitchell of Oklahoma are next in line with 24 points apiece. The complete list of scorers: Player School Ooldlng. Oklahoma Ids ept fg ptg Brinkman. Mo ' 5 Bonnett, Mo 5 Flench, Kas 4 HUTTON, NEB 4 Mitchell, Okl " 4 Howard. I. S. . . . 4 MOOMEY. NEB -t 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 wiiHce, UK 1 0 13 1 Rolllger. I. S 0 5 3 MOORE. NEB 2 0 0 Hopkins Mo 2 0 0 Piitte. Kas 9 0 0 r.vans, Kas 2 Allsup, Kns 2 Schnellbacher. Kas '. 2 Klootwvk, 1. S ' 2 Davis, okln ', , 2 Fambrotigh, Kas 0 VACANTI. NEB 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12 0 itrieK, Ukl 1 1 -n Thomas, Okl 110 Thomas. Okl 1 j 0 Tlce. Kas n 0 NOVAK. NEB 1 0 0 NY DEN, NEB 1 0 0 PKSEK. NEB 1 0 0 MYERS, NEB 10 0 West Mo 1 0 0 Entsminger, Mo 1 0 0 Teel. Mo 1 0 0 Bowman, Mo 1 0 0 Austin, Mo 1 0 0 McNutt. Kas 1 0 0 Owens, Okl 1 0 0 Jones, K. 8 1 0 0 Bartley, K. S 1 0 0 Merrlman, K. 8 1 0 0 Paetx, I. 8 10 0 Kami, I. 8 1 0 0 D. Latin, I. 8 10 0 Harp, Okl 10 0 Dinks. Okl 1 n n t 1 Turner, Kas 0 0 1 Day, Mo 0 2 2 Lesco K. 8 0 1 0 McNabb. Okl. ... 0 1 0 Safety (Okl., I. 8.) CONVOCATION DR. RAYMOND BRAGG Editor of the "HUMANIST" "European Rehabilitation How Far to Go?" 3:00 P. M. WEDNESDAY. NOV. 6 UNION BALLROOM Contract Bridge Tournament 2 Divisions For Duffers and Regulars 2:00 P. Mm SATURDAY, NOV. 9 Union 315 and 316 Register at Union Office By Noon, Nov. 9 "Contract Bridge Classes 4:00 P. M. and 5:00P. M. Thurs.. Nov. 7 Union 313 is THE DAILY NEBRASKAN Vets Attention! Any veteran who was un married when he applied for his G.I. educational benefits, and who has married since then, should apply immediately (If he has not already done so) for the subsistence allowance of $90 per month allowed to veterans with dependents. Since this increased subsistence is not retroactive to the date of marriage, but instead to the date of application for this in creased subsistence, it is im portant that application be made at once. Application should be made at the Vet erans Administration office, room 615, Sharp Building. IM Football (Regular Season over in fraternity League) I.KAGl K I. W Phi Delta Thcta 6 Sigma Phi Epsilon .....4 Sigma Nu 4 Kappa'Slgma 3 Phi Gamma Delta 2 Zeta Beta Tau 1 Brown Pa 1 I F.AH E II. Delta Upsilon 6 Beta Theta PI 5 Beta Sigma Psi 4 Delta Tau Delta 3 Alpha Gamma Rho 2 Pioneer Co-op 1 Sigma Alpha Mu 1 I.EAOl K III. Sigma Chi 5 Phi Koppa Psi 4 Sigma Alpha Epsilon 4 Farm House 3 Cornhusker Co-op 3 Theta XI 1 Alpha Tau Omega 1 INDEPENDENTS. Lille 5 YMCA 4 Vet's Organization 3 V-9's 3 Presbyterian House 2 Delta Sigma Pi 0 Ag Freshmen 0 Let Feet Take it Easy r iwjm LOAFEll SOX SOX Feet With Real Leather Al .ho Fnii f (hp Ihvt JEW V UNI U VI 111 V MS J After long hours at school, fishing er hunting find comfort and re lief in these Loafer Sox for Men ... in colors scarlet, royal blue and canary.. Small, medium and large sties. Pair Altt Site for Ladiet 128-132 North 10th Street 1 r m a mm m 1 ifi i jm i m w w MufefoinsRileetl&ansas & Team on Saturday BY WALT LOOMIS. Nebraska's Nubbins play their last home game of the season Sat urday afternoon when they meet the Universtiy of Kansas B team in Memorial Stadium at 2 o'clock. The Jayhawks and Huskers are two. of the. strongest, reserve squads in the conference, which would indicate that Saturday's battle should be a close contest. Frosh Tourney. Freshman Coach Pop Klein has organized his 97 first year grid ders into six teams and plans to stage a round-robin intra-squad tournament as a windup to this year's football activities. Having acted as guinea pigs for the Nubbins and varsity all fall, the freshmen will be given a chance to display their ability un- Varsity Baseball Candidates Will Meet November 6 Basebell Coach Tony Sharpe announced today a meeting of those students interested in com peting in varsity baseball for the '47 spring season. The meeting will be held in the varsity room in the basement of the coliseum at 7:30 p .m., Wed nesday, November 6. Christmas Gift Deluxe v f C i) j ! :-l The gift cmong gifts a handsome robe from our ter rific selection of woolens, rayons, and terry cloth robes. Perfectly tailored, and cut for comfort. $895 to USE OUR LAY Street Page 3 der game conditions when they square off against each other in the tourney. The six teams and their members are: Harvard. Yale Perry-Rod Johnson le Larsen-Hobbi Godfrey It H. Strimple Klmball-Fox g Funk Unger cc Turner Weddell-Bruining ..rg Berqulst-HawklmT " Bossemeyer -.rt Fouts-Phelps l-e re Fox Berqulst qb Hale-Keek Finstiom-Taylor ...lh Beckwith Cox rh... Stubbs-Hougnon. Seovllle fb Devish Columbia Princeton Donegan-Kllne ....le McKay Schrage It B. Villars-nustason Kane-Climer Ig Munson Kane-Climer lc Lock D. Vlllars-K. And'n.g Lupomech-R. Jh'n Ray rt Farner Moerer re Rlgg-Gillespie Preston rb . .Magsa men-Potter Churchill qh Long-BrowA Brooken-Shiclds ...In Barker Marinkov h-Nelson rb Lants DaMonde fb T. Strimple l-afnyrtte Rutgers Cotton le Allen Cisborne-Thompson It . . .Tumblln-Spitser Croisant g Hansen Slm-Schwink c Marev-Hibbs Alfrey rg Tomka Doerr-Ackerman . .rt Huggler-Bauer'ster Dennison re Farver Jones qb Powers Kverltt Ih.... Rlce-Newcomb Dobesh-Kubie rh. . Carmen-England Ewell-Whelan fb. . PulUam-Knrbellk The first two games were played yesterday when Harvard met Princeton and Lafayette went against Rutgers. Today's game sends Yale into action against Columbia. All games are played on the fields west of the Coliseum at 4:30 p. m. and are open to the public. Our Forty-First Year! $25 - AWAY PLAN! Floor