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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 30, 1946)
Wednesday, October 30, 1946 THE DAILY NEBRASKAN Page 3 QJ LTC EE LP -i D B Di D D"IT EE J By George Miller The Cornhuskers are not the only Big Six team to get a trip to warmer surroundings at the close of the football season. While Bernie's boys are In Los Anreles for a battle with UCLA, the Kansas State Wildcats will be facing the University of Arizona at Tucson. By that time .though, the idea of travel will be old stuff to Hobbs Adams' crew. On November 9 the K States will fly to San Francisco for a game with the University of San Francisco ,and two weeks later they will be in Albuquerque for a tilt with the New Mexico Loboes The Arizona game comes on the following Saturday, so ,'.e wild cat players should be sporting healthy tans when they return to -Manhattan in December. Oklahoma s top heavy Win against Iowa State, 63-0, marked the first time since Mike Michal Injuries Hurt Cyclone Hopes For Triumph AMES, Iowa. With Jim Riding out for the season and, Ed Farni not expected back before the Ne braska game, the Iowa State coaching staff will go to work on replacements this week. Riding, one of the nation's best defensive .centers, had his back injured at the end of nine minutes of play against Oklahoma and will be lost to Coach Mike Michalske for the rest of the season. A frac tured vertebra was the result of his hard play on the first Okla homa kickoff of the came. Farni, sophomore quarterback, had a pair of ribs pulled loose late in the game and will be out for aoout two weeks. Nebraskan Takes Over. Carter Kokjer, Sidney, Neb., and George Schoel, Waterloo, both reserve centers, will share the pivot duties. Bob Dennis Platteville. Wis., and Jim Suther land, Ames, will be the leaders for Farni's vacated post. Both are ireshmen. Another freshman who seems certain to see more action is Bill Chauncey, Webster City fullback. Hampered by injuries all season. Chauncey now appears physically ready to play. His showing against Oklahoma convinced both coaches and fans that the former all-stater is ready to go. While the Cyclones drill for the Kansas Mate game Saturday, the wnacats settle down to hard workouts too after an open date. Coach Hobbs Adams sauad. likp the Cyclones, will be seeking its iirsi tsig tix win of the year when Iowa State visits Manhattan. J Classified 1 HELP YOURSELF Find out why you should vot Democratic! Next meeting Young Democrat, Wed., Oct. 30 8 p. m,, Room 318, Student Union. LOST Brown notebook containing Spanish 31 and English 1 booki. Pleaae notify JRWasow.JMlBjBt:Phone 2-7741. FOR SALE Black velvet evenfiigwrapT aire 14. Like new. Call S-7008. FOR SALE Desk model typewriter. Call 6-1558 after S. FOR SALE Kensington double-breasted Tux. size 36. Worn one season. Call 8-9319 after 6 p. m. WANTED University men to distribute hand bills. Call Elmer. 2-1090, LOST In East Stadium, Ramp sTsoc. J. Row 161 pr. German Military Field Classes. Reward. Call 5-4118. ski has been at the helm of the Cyclone football fortunes that his team has been shut out. The last time that an Iowa State eleven has been blanked was in 1942 when Nebraska turned the trick by a 26-0 count. Thirty-five games have been played by Ames teams since then and the Cyclones have manaaged to score fn every encounter. Another Sooner back lurrmed into prominence in that Cyclone game, for Oklahoma's fullback, Eddie Davis, was acclaimed by the Iowa Staters as being every bit as good as his teammate, Joe uoiaing. When Kansas State and Iowa State get together this week end for their tussle at Manhattan to decide who gets last place in the conference, six of the seven leading punters in the loop will be present. Bob Dennis, 18 year old Cyclone booter, currently paces the loop with an average of 45.8 on his kicks, just .8 of a yard back of Art Pollard of Arizona U. who leads the nation in this depart ment. Other Cyclone punters are Ron Norman and Ron Ferguson, while the 'Cats can field Karl Kramer, second ranking Big Six kicker with an average of 41.2, Vic Jones and Harold Bryan. Huskers beware: The starting backfield for UCLA against Santa Clara last Satur day contained three players who are technically listed as fullbacks. But all three showed enough speed to win places in the start ing lineup and have been terrors ever since. Art Steffen, 205 pounder who runs at left halfback; Jerry Ship key, 215 pound right half who re placed t' t injured "Cal Rossi and Jack Myers, 200 pound fullback have rolled over the - -osing de fenders like runaway locomotives. Seems as if the Cornhuskers are playing the wrong teams at the wrong times. Injured stars on three rival teams yet to be played have been out or will be out of the linei. for varying lengths of time, but all will be set to play against Nebraska. tor Missouri regular Fullback Fred Bouldin " has been benched with a broken hand for several games but will be able to go against the Huskers this week. Iowa State's Ed Farni sustained couple of bruised ribs against Oklahoma and will be idle until the, Nebraska game on November lb, while Cal Rossi, Uclan spark plug who broke his leg against California, is on the mend and is expected to be fit and ready by the time the Scarlet clash rolls around on November 30. Sigma Phi Epsilon egisters Win In Table Tennis In the Intramural table tennis tournament, Sigma Phi Epsilon defeated Delta Sigma Pi Monday lght, as they captured 4 out of le 5 matches. Smiley came thru with the lone win for the Delta lgs, defeating Doering in 2 out f the 3 games played. Other results were: Sack, DSP. lost to Portwood, SPE; Capsey, bFE, defeated Anderson. DSP: Dickey, SPE, defeated Limbaugh, DSP; and Johnson, SPE, won by forfeit when his opponent failed to show up. Peferisive. Scheduled Drills for UN Blocking and tackling tech niques received plenty of atten tion in the University of Ne braska football camp as the Hus kers drilled for the Missouri game Saturday. Movies of the Indiana game showed that the Scarlet team was extremely ragged in these de partments and such deficiencies were in a measure-responsible for the failure of the Nebraska speed boys to do any effective ground gaining. With a victory over the Tigers WANTED Student Custodian Help 3:30 P. M. to 7:00 P, M., M., T., W., Th., F. Student Union - ' ' ! 4 Student Custodian Help 6:3Q - M.-8:30 A. M., M., T., Th., F.Sat. ! - 1 :30 P. M.-3 $30 P. M.', M., T.,f W., Th., F., Sat. ! Ag Student Union Apply STUDENT UhllON OFFICE Delta Upsilon Nips Sigma Chi In Playoff Tilt The 'first league playoff in the intramural football league found Delta Upsilon, League II champs, defeating Sigma Chi, the leaders of League III, by a 7-0 margin Hanson caught the winning touch down pass for the DU's. Phi Psi Team Wins. Phi Kappa Psi climbed a notch in League III standings byiefeat ing Theta Xi, 13-2. The YMCA turned on the heat in the inde pendent loop, to defeat the V-9's, 31-0. Cooper and Kienker led the Y attack. YMCA is now dead locked with the Lilies for first place in the independent league, and their game Thursday may de cide the championship. The Vet s Organization had an easy time collecting their third straight win, as they downed the Ag Freshmen, 8-0. The Vets made all their points in the first five minutes, and were never seriously threatened during the game. Wil- lemson took a pass over his shoulder from Sodergren as he went into the end zone for the only touchdown. Wednesday's schedule: Field Phi Gamma Delta vs. Zeta Beta Tau. Lilies vs. Ag Freshmen. Vets Organization vs. Presby terian House. League I second-place playoff. necessary if the Nebraska ban ner is to continue to wave at the top of the Big Six race, the Hus ker coaching staff intends to give the Scarlet gridders plenty of work this week. Tom Novak, pile driving full back who has developed into one of the top line backers and ball carriers in the conference, has been bothered by a shoulder in jury which he received in the In diana game. All other squad members with the exception of Cletus Fischer, who is still hob bled by a knee injury, will be set to play. Should Novak be out of the Bengal battle, the Husker stock would slump sharply, for the former Omaha South bruiser has been one of the standouts both on offense and defense for Nebraska. The Huskers' flimsy pass de fense will not be overlooked by the Missouri team Saturday. Des pite the fact that they have no big name aerial artist, the Tigers have completed 40 percent of the passes they have tried, not a bad average in any man's league. Any hopes the Huskers have that Missouri may have an off day Saturday when the two clubs get together to provide the fea ture attraction of the Nebraska Homecoming festivities should be forgotten. Against Southern Meth odist last week the Bengals were at their worst. Fumbles and poor punts set up all of the Mustangs' tallies and Coach Don Faurot will have his charges ready to go at top speed against the Scarlet-clad squad. . Before the Homecoming Game . LEE HANCOCK & ORCHESTRA Playing 9 to Midnite FRIDAY, NOV. 1 44 c per person UNION BALLROOM DEMOCRAT C RALLY SUPPORT THE PARTY THAT HAS FOUGHT FOR Price Stabilization to Prevent Inflation Ballots for Servicemen Housing for Veterans Prominent Local Democrat Will Address This Important Rally Wed., Oct. 30, Rm. 316, Student Union Who's the greatest halfback in America? DO YOU AGREI with Southern football coaches? They're acclaiming Charley Trippi of the University of Georgia as the best all-round halfback they've ever seen. Other players may outdo him in running, passing or punt ingbut, say the coaches, Trippi does all three things better than any other one player the South has produced. You won't want to miss this interest ing article about Trippi in today's Saturday Evening Pont. mmmwmumt mi van an iiiji naim . mm yi IW-HUOD 'I ( I v Wr plliiilf v ?f i-i v " ' V: - y THi ron wnt PVtutN tni f f 4 . 1 ( lOMpisrlcii ) ) J V V Ebstcdlltoa M ) AO; V V flllCTID IVTMI AMIilCAN S V J ' f ' X0DIMilC0ACHIIllClTIONX ,1 ' CIG BAD BULLDOG FROM DIXIE by Fred Russell MR OX PHOTO