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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 27, 1946)
Sunday, October 27, 1946 THE DAILY NEBRASKAN Page 5 Marjorie Settell t i WiHTunriiniiKOMi mktioti riMi M m I iuhi lima Cuitesy Lincoln Journal Announcement of the engagement of Miss Marjorie Settell, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. A. R. Settell of Bloomfield, to William R. reterson, son of Mr. and Mrs. T. S. Peterson of Evanston, 111., was made known Friday evening. Miss Settell, a senior, is a member of Alpha Xi Delta. Mr. Peterson, who served with the navy for thirty-five months, is also attending the university. There s no getting around the fact that the women on this cam pus are athletes. And if you don't believe me, all you have to do is wander over and watch some of the intramural games in which the girls are now participating. Here you may see the cross section of American womanhood the pride of the Union. Un doubtedly the most to be feared is the zealous type who runs madly at her opponent snarling viciously. Watch her carefully. With all the strength she can muster, she makes one last drive, sinks her bared teeth into the rival's de fenseless shoulder, and then lies panting on the ground, feigning innocence as the referee's whistle blows. Now notice the hearty good sportsman. Her warm handshake is aimed to cripple, and that hearty back slap has put many a potential Pauline Betz limping to the white-walled corridors of a hospital. The gay collegiate athlete has a ne'er-to-be forgotten charm all her own. Always aware of spec tators on the sidelines, she spends her time cavorting gracefully around the field putting on a one woman show. Not to be forgotten are the rooters on the sidelines. Ask any of them, they will tell you how hard it is to win a game. Hard on them that is. Theirs is much the toughest job.. But far be it from me ridicule the girls they have a good time (they claim) and heck, it's all in the game. New Foundation Members Will Meet Tuesday The first meeting of the year for all students who signed up for Student Foundation at the activities mart is scheduled for Tuesday at 7:30 in the parlors ABC of the Union, according to Lorene Novotny, president of the organization. The purpose of the organi zation and duties of its mem bers will be explained in full, and it is important that all stu dents connected with Student Foundation attend this meet ing, she stated. Any students who are inter ested in the organization but will be unable to attend Tues day's meeting should contact Lorene Novotny at the Alpha Phi house or Joyce Geddis, secretary, at the Kappa house before Tuesday. Crib Offers New Twist; Vic Sticks! By Bob Gillan. Far be it from me to complain about conditions on th? campus here at the dear old U. of N, but I think that something should be done about the Juke-box in the crib. Now, I am afraid that I have missed the last few hit parades (it comes at the same time as Rhodora Faversham Girl Labor Racketeer, my favorite program) but as I remember it all the songs didn't end with five minutes of thump-tittledce - thump-tittledee-thump. It may be part of the ad vertising campaign but it will never take the place in my affec tions held by LSMFT. This may not seem like a press ing problem at first glance or even second or third but it really poses quite a problem (A little to left Miss Problem, that's it. Now hold it.) There are a great many students who judge our dear alma mater by the Union exclusively, because that is all they see of it. Memories. I can see the scene now. The old grads of some of our institu tions of higher learning gather in some distant den of iniquity. The Wisconsin Alum says "We had beer in our student union." "That's nothing," tops one of. the Iowa men, "we had a doorman." "But have you heard about Nebraska" one of them whispers, "Their juke box sticks at the end of the rec ord." All this is in a .tone that highly paid doctors usually re serve for a discussion of a rare Psychopathic malady. As a constructive sugeslion, they might get some of the wee folk that are grading my English papers to stand there and punch the bottom . . . Kicking the juke box might be turned into an in tramural sport with appropriate prizes. Its nothing like Sextath Ion, but then what is? Dorothy Converse :ww. t ' f I V I -fit - "Couru'fsy Lincoln Journal Mrs. I. E. Converse of McCook has announced the engagement of her daughter, Dorothy, to Victor James llarr, son of Mrs. Ray Harr, also of McCook. A graduate of the university, Miss Converse was a member of Delta Delta Delta while attending school. Mr. Harr, who served as a first lieutenant with the army air corps, returned from active duty in the Panama Canal zone last Majr. 'Firstest WithMostest' Males Get Best Dates TC. UNI Foundation Lists Names For Correction The following students neg letted to check the Student Di rectory list of correct addresses and phone numbers, according to Joyce Geddes, secretary of Stu aent foundation. Names, ad dresses, and phone numbers must be left in the Student Foundation mailbox in the basement of Union Deiore Aionaay night. Uct. la. or the student's name will not ap pear in the directory. BoIIht. Joseph "larjorle Willard Allen, Alice Allen, Kert Allen, Bruce Allen, KiiKone Allen, John Allisin, William Anderson, David Anderson, Klmer Anderson, Merle Anncreaux, Ralph Arenas, Lupe Armentront, Myron Arthauii, Mnry Arihaud, Kaymond Artman, Allen August, Joseph Austen, Paul Ayers, Henry Ayers, Edwin Bernstien. Gerald Bernstlen, Lee Berry, Kdward Bestor, John Beyer, Mona Bland, Robert Hlmde, Leonard Bloniendahl. Ballance, Jean Bane, Harry Banhs. Ratnona Barbur, James Harnett, Vivian Barrett, Edward BartushH, titan Barton, Gerald Batemun, Rosa Bales. Willard Bathe. Roy Balie, Joseph Bolton. Bool. Earl BosKomeycr, Alan Bouyn, Roger Brandt, William Branson. Willard Breck, Brennie BriKhtenburk, Melissa rinegan. Merle Brounson, Klwyn Broun. John Bruckner, Max Bi unker, Carrol Brunben. Raymond Bruns, Kred Burnley, Ellsworth Runner. Daniel Burr, Oeorge Burr, William Busby. Robert Busshohi, Poyle Bills. William Bnhabursingh, Ral Bniley, Forrest Chase, Isaac Ohenowith, Robert Christ. John Chrlstensen, Keith Christian, O. Churchill, Donald Clopham, Eldon Claussen, Valgene Claussen, Willard Clem, Charlci Cohen, Arthur 'l.WANTONE LKE THAT'.' Baughman, Marjorie coUman. Raymond" ocaii, cnzHuein a. Becker, Harold Becker, Robert Bchrends, William Bell, Forrest Berck, Gienna BerB, Bert Berg, George Bergh, Amy Jo Berklieinier, Iceland Berkshire, Robert Bernard, Mark Berney, Carrol Beruholtz, Velma Berning. Robert Cahill, James Cain, Blanche C'imeron, Jyle Campbell, Carl Cuppel, Robert Carey, Doris Carlberg, Donnal Carlberg, Robert Carman, Eugene Carpenter, Zacb, Carr, Shirley Carr. Kenneth Carson, Elizabeta Case, Billy Casey, R. Chase, Helen Connelly. John Conradt. James Cook, Edgar Coufal. Jamel Cover, John Cowles. Shirley Crabanskl, Harold Craig, Frit Creed, Bennett Crom, Howard Crump, Jesse E. Curtis, Dale Cusack. Paul Cushlng, Herbert Dalke, Harry Danker, Donald David, Virginia Davis, John Davis, John Davis, Dorothy Day, Robert Dempster, Richard Denison, Richard Dewulf, John Dickson, Ervln Didriksen, Coraan Dlers, Robert Dobesh. Charlea Dolen, Howard Dolen, Jack Dolen, Robert BY TWO FIFTHS OF FIVE. "Do you have a date for Home coming?" or "Then what are you doing Christmas? Foresight undoubtedly is a vir tue, but what poor mortal can be expected to prearrange destiny months in advance. So far as dat ing is concerned, the element ot chance had been ruled out also most men on the campus. Dating today is, in a word, a ' debacle." The man (we use that word loosely) who is the "firstes with the mostest for th2 farthest away" is in. Same as Dying. I suppose that a girl likes to plan on a date but the ridiculous situation which exists today, dates in advance that is, seems to nie to be the same as dying. When tbe time comes, ycu just do it. Since the female element oa the campus has chosen to reduce dat ing to a virtual lottery, they might as well admit to their hypocrisy and date on a lottery basis. Each man should be assigned a Musical Variety Offered at Faculty Program Today Presented by the School of Music today in the second pro gram ot the f aculty Kecital series, Miss Mary Louise Boehm, Miss Sarah Davis and Mr. Donald Lpntz will offer a variety of instrumental music. Piano, cello and flute se lections comprise the program which begins at 4 p.m. in the Union Ballroom. ODeninff the recital with a rlln sonata bv Corelli. Miss Davis will make her second appearance on a faculty series. She joined the staff a year ago at this time. Sonata Mr. Lentz Will hp hparrl in Reinecke's flute "Sonata Undine" and in a shorter solo dipcp pn- titled "Poem," by Griifes. Concluding the program. Miss Boehm will first nlav Rach'c "Italian Concerto" and follow this with tWO ChoDin eturlps Trip firct of these is known as the "cello etude" because of its sustainpH melodic line, while the second de mands great dexterity and pro vides a marked contrast to the first etude. We thank the thousands of customer friends trho hate pat ronized us the past tieenty-seven years. Motor Out Company IToward L. Britt Mrs. Howard L. Britt number, and then each girl given her quota o numbers for the month. This system might help to alleviate the name situation at hour dances. (Author's note: Any one that will go as low as to dale a girl a month in advance surely wouldn't mind having a number on or maybe something trivial like a ring through his nose. Names. Even though some of the coeds have a hard time remembering names, I am sure that the ma jority of the women on this cam pus could remember a number. This might help to remedy a sit uation such as the one that de veloped on the steps of Residence Halls last week. A certain girl was saying good night to her one and only for that night. She looked up dollar signs sparkling in her eyes and while tenderly shaking his hand whis pered softly "I had a wonderful time SAM, and won't you piease call again next month." Not tiust ing himself to speak, JIM turned and walked down the steps. We wish to congratulate those few remaining remnants of the male population who have re tained some semblance of integ rity by refusing to attempt to date before Monday night. If these last few normal beings would be in terested in joining the Stay Away From Women club please notiiy me at once. OuH. ruxmii &hx BIG 'N LITTLE Wt nuJa people tap p. LOOK FOR US ON NORCROSS GREETING CARDS Get them at the G0LDEHR0D 215 North 14 th Street (South of Student Union)