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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 27, 1946)
Sunday, October 27, 1945 THE DAILY NEBRASKAN Page 3 ; Student Federalists Meet H. Turk Elected Chairman The first meeting of the newly formed Student Federalist organi zation was held Thursday night in the Union, with more than 20 interested students attending. It ns concerned with the basic principles of world federalism in general and Student Federalism in particular. Herman Turk and Eugene Ber man conducted the meeting. The first portion was not only devoted to explanations, but also included a question period, during which those present asked about those points of federalism that they did not completely understand. Fol lowing the discussion, the atten tion of the group was focused on organizing a permanent group. Turk Elected The first step taken was the unanimous election of Herman , Turk as acting chairamn. A con stitution committee was appointed to prepare a draft to be ready for ratification by the group at the next meeting, which is to be held Thursday night. Other business accomplished at .he meeting was the decision to have three students prepare ex planatory talks dealing with some phase of federalism for presenta tion at future meetings. The first talk, entitled "Federal Principles in History," will be presented at Thursday's meeting by Herbert Rohde. The next two talks, "Fed eralism in the United States" and "A World Federal Order; Requi sites and Prospects" will be de livered at the following meeting by Dorothy Lasher and C. Vance Hubbard respectively. The pur pose of these talks is to give those interested a substantial back ground in federalism so that they can proceed to discuss some of the more advanced problems. Anyone interested is invited to attend the meetings and to become a member in the organization, ac cording to Mr. Turk. Thos that are particularly interested are in vited to be at the next week's meeting, for it will still be or ganizational and will also feature the special talk. Next University Theatre Drama Try outs Listed Tryouts will be held Wednes day, Thursday and Friday of this week for the second University Theatre production of the year, "Girl of the Golden West," by David Belasco. The play will be presented Dec. 1, 12, 13, and 14 and requires 21 men and two women in the cast. It is an action-packod drama of California in the gold-rush days and was made into an opers star ring Enrico Caruso. Eligible Students. All university students eligible , for activities are invited to try outs which will be held from 4 f. m. to 6 p. m. in room 306 of the Temple building all three days, according to Theatre Director Dallas Williams. A male quartet, accordion or .concertina player, and banjo or guitar player are also needed in 4this production. Tryouts for mu sicians will be held Monday, Nov. 4, in room 201 of the Temple from 4:00 to 6:00 p.m. Awgtvan Opens Subscription Booth in Union With the hour of publication drawing near, the Awgwan, cam pus humor magazine, opened a subscription campaign with a booth set up in the lobby of the subscription there. Union. Students can procure a Sorority houses have already been canvassed with the first two houses obtaining a 100 percent sellout having one of their fairer members as cover girls for the magazines. As yet fraternity houses have not been solicited, Prize-winning Works of Nebraska Artists Featured in Morrill Hall Guild Exhibit An all Nebraska art exhibition, displaying the works of Nebraska artists exclusively, is being spon sored by the Lincoln Artists' Guild, and will open at Morrill Hall this afternoon at 2 p. m. to continue through November 11, according to Mrs. Dwight Kirsch, chairman of the Guild. In past years the annual fall exhibit has displayed entries con tributed predominantly by Lin coln artists, but this year's show will feature the works of many outstate artists who have con tributed more than half of the 160 entries. This year's exhibit will be larger than any previous one due to the increase in the number of contributors. Winning Works. Open to the public, the ex hibition will feature oil : paint ings, water colors, sculptures, and ceramics to be shown in two of the art galleries and in the hall way. Outstanding among the dis plays will be several portrait heads and a prize-winning torso. the works of Miss Philhs Camp bell of Lexington who received national recognition by winning first and second awards at the Walker Art Center in Minne apolis, Minn. The selection jury whose job it was to judge the entries and choose the best ones for the ex hibition was comprised of Miss Myra Biggerstaff of Auburn, Miss Dorthea Kropp, professional dec orator for Gold's, and Mr. Murray but canvassers will cover all houses. The cost of a single copy of the Awgwan is $.25. A year's eight subscription, which will be eight issues is $1.75, and a semester subscription is $1.00. The booth in the lobby will be open during the remainder of this wek and all of next week. Student Voters Should Register in Court House Out of town university students who do not plan to register in their home town before Nov. 5 and who want to vote in the com ing state elections may register in Lincoln at the Court House before Saturday. These students by registering ere may vote for all but county officials. Elections will be held November 5. Recent World-Herald headline: "Court Drops Curb on OPA." Sounds like the law means to add injury to insult. 136 So. 13th NOVEMBER 13tb Ileiueinlwr This Date, For after Nov. 13th, DePs will be open evenings for your convenience. At Del's you will find one of the largest selection and assortments of Gifts and Christmas Cards in the City of Lincoln. Cinny Pester, a campus eutie, is your representative, and will be glad to help you select from our wonderful assortment of Gifts. For Guf$ and GaV$, h'$ Gifts From DeP$ Shop to Background Music ot Del's, and Save Those Unnecessary Extra Steps. Del Llenemann, '41 President Charlotte Llenemann, '45 Manager OWNED Cr AND OPERATED BY HUSKER GRADS Turnbull of the university art de partment. Miss Biggerstaff recently re turned from Sweden where she had been studying art; she also studied in France. Miss Kropp who was awarded a scholarship to a Paris art school also studied abroad. Mr. Turnbull, a former student at the Colorado Springs art center, was an art instructor in Great Falls, Montana, before coming to teach at the university. A reception in honor of the contributing artists will be given by the Guild Tuesday night in the Morrill Hall art gallery. Reporters All students who signed up to work on the Daily Nebras kan at the AWS mart should report to the Rag office any time Monday p. m., according to Phyllis Teagarden, editor. njprpe! lilt's ttflae MEW IF ADD! We beard yonr demand for these warm and stylish stockinr caps and here they are . . . the slickest hubba-bubba numbers in town. You'll want to stock up on stocking caps when you see the large election of pure whites, popular stripes and bright solid colors. All are made, of 100 wool. It's a sharp set-up you'll shout about. Third Floor Millinery. i I t. t I