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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 22, 1946)
Tuesday, October 22, 1946 THE DAILY NEBRASKAN Page 3 Cornhuskers Share Top Spot in Big Six BIG SIX STANDINGS . Nebraska 2 0 Missouri 2 0 Oklahoma 1 0 Kansas 1 I Iowa State 0 2 Kansas State ... 0 3 Results Last Week Nebraska 16, Kansas 14. Missouri 33, Iowa State 13. Oklahoma 28, Kansas State Games This Week Oklahoma at Iowa State. Indiana at Nebraska. Kansas at Tulsa. Southern Methodist at Missouri. Nebraska provided the week end fireworks in Big Six play as all conference teams were in volved in loop games. The Husk ers' 16-14 win over Kansas gave Coach Bernie Masterson's crew a share of first place with Missouri and assured them of a place at the top of the loop scramble until November. Although not on the winning side, Kansas State showed signs of developing into a stubborn team e by giving Oklahoma a whale of a battle for three quarters before dropping to the running wizardry of the Sooners' Joe Golding. Tigers Keep Rolling t While Nebraska and Oklahoma were scoring league victories, the Missouri Tigers kept pace by blasting Iowa State 33-13. Once again the Cyclones began to roll only when they trailed by a couple of touchdowns. Most of the Big Six teams desert conference warfare this week to face outside foes prior to going into the intensive stages of league campaigning. Oklahoma journeys to Iowa State for the lone con ference game. Nebraska will be host to Indi- ana, the third start the Scarlet will make against Big Nine op- position, and the chances for a Husker victory are not hopeless. Iowa's two touchdown win over the Hoosiers on Saturday was pnmiph tn eivp Nebraska eriddprs i ' hopes for a triumph. Jayhawks Meet Tulsa The Jayhawks will attempt to regain thir winning ways agaisnt Tulsa Saturday. However the Hurricanes also suffered their first defeat last week and will be j anxious to prove that the Detroit i University victory was all a mis- I take. I In the renewal of a rivalry I which began last fall, Missouri will entertain Southern Methodist at Columbia. Last year the Tigers grabbed a 10 to 7 win and this year's game could be just as close. Kansas State will take a much i needed rest this Saturday after absorbing three conference defeats in succession. Coach Hobbs Adams and his staff will be working over time preparing the Wildcats for the Iowa State clash on November 2. If the K Staters are to score a victory in Big Six play, the Cy clone game looks like the spot. i wlh n J-ofLN ; . iooe woN O&ix honors in ft? Vfe V IWO AS A HUSKER , ANO IS ONEftfif vx Nj, J i'1'' Nj OF THE FEVJ ROSE-BOWLERS I f UVr ' 0 ' I THIS YEARS TEAM. HEENTERZD J V$. I i THE ARMY AS A PRIVATE AND ROSE V )4 -g, I w ' - I TO A MATOR IN THE SOUTH PACIFIC f :Jprrr POUNDS, OUT HIS SPEED AND AGfrKES5Mi NESS OFFSET THE WEIGHT OF HIS OPPONENTS i I Courtesy Lincoln Journal TOM NOVAK Powerhouse of the Nebraska backfield, his line plunging was instrumental in the Huskers' 16 to 14 win over Kansas Saturday at Lawrence. UN Golf Team Downs Pioneer Squad 32 12 -21 Golfers of the University of Ne braska defeated the Pioneers club, 32 '2 to 21 '2 Sunday at the west Lincoln course. Low scoring honors for the day went to Bernie Mortenson of the Husker squad, who fired a 79. Close on his heels wereErv Pe terson 81, Wilbur Everett 81, and Charles Moyer 81. The Cornhuskers will play the Hillcresl shotmakers next Sunday at Hillcrest. Results of Sunday's rounds: l-IRST MATCH: Don Wait 86. and Bernie Mortenson (79), Nebranka nefeatetl Krv Peterson (80) and Wilbur Everett (81). Pioneers. 5 to 3'4. SKCOMI .MATCH: Floyd Moslier (86). and Dirk Greenemt'ier S3. Pioneers, de tented Don (Jreenewood (87) and Willie Polite (8ti. Nebraska, 7 to 2. THIKI) MATCH : Ray Wallasky (82) and Bob Cox (92), Nebraska, defeated Stan Stroh (83) and Henry Hcrzog (91), Pio neers. 6 to 3 I OI Ki ll MATC H: Kd Dosek 1861 and Morris Costello (91), Pioneers defeated Jim Kressen (86) and Phil Simpson (88), Nebraska, SV. to 3M. FIFTH MATCH: Georite Bosny (89) and Vern Strauch (84), Nebraska, defeated Bob Lusher (93) and BUI Brennau (US), 7ji to 1V-. SIXTH MATCHt Clmrles Moyer (81) and Steven Kliinsbenr (81), Nebraska, de feated Ray Johnston (83) and Paul Kel ler (96). Pioneers, 8 to J. Oregon State Included On '47 Slate Athletic Director A. J. Lewan- dowski announced Saturday that Oregon State has been added to the Huskers' football schedule for 1947, replacing the University of California at Los Angeles which was unable to arrange a date with Nebraska. The Beavers will play in Lin coln on November 29 and the fol lowing year the Huskers will jour ney to Portland lor a game on November 27. Oregon State is coached by Lonnie Stiner, former UN star, who is an uncle of Vern Stiner, regular right tackle on this year's Nebraska team. Five home games are listed on the Nebraska schedule for . next year, which was completed with the signing of the Beavers. The only drawback is that the four games on the road come in suc cession. From October 11 until Novem ber 8, Nebraska will play away from home, meeting Iowa State, Notre Dame, Kansas State and Missouri in that order. At home Bernie Masterson's team will play Indiana, Minne sota, Kansas, Oklahoma and Ore gon State. The complete schedule lists one open date, on November 13, which will not be filled. The Oregon State contest re places the Iowa University date on the schedule. Next year's meet ing will be the first since 1936 be tween Oregon State and Nebras ka, and the six game in history between the two schools. The Huskers have won all of the pre ceding contests. Complete schedule: September 27: Indiana at Lincoln. Oetoher 4: Minnesota at Lincoln. October 11: Iowa State at Ames. October 18: Notre Dame at South Bend. October 25: Kansas State at Manhattan. November 1: Missouri at Columbia. November 8: Kansas at Lincoln. November 15: Open (will not be filled). November 22: Oklahoma at Lincoln. November 29: Oregon State at Lincoln. IM Football Field 1 Phi Gamma Delta vs. Kappa Sigma. 2 Sigma Alpha Epsilon vs. Theta Xi. 3 Brown Palace vs. Sigma Phi Epsilon. i Lilies vs. Delta SigmaPi. Zeta Beta Tau 7, Sigma Nu 0. Cornhusker Co-op 7, Sigma Chi 6. Beta Sigma Psi 1, Beta Theta Pi 0. V-9's 9, Ag Freshman 7. viuch about a replacement for .larvey Stroud. Gail Gade, regular first string center, and Jack Sclzer, hard run ning Scottshluff halfback, who has been out most of the season with injuries, have returned to the squad and will offer addi tional strength for the game this week. Following the K-State contest, ihe Nubbins have only Miiland College and the University of Kansas B team to dispose of in iheir quest for a perfect season. The game with Midland will be played at Fremont on Nov. 1, while the final struggle will be with Kansas at Lincoln on Nov. 9. FKOM Carnegie Hall New York Wednesday TO TURNPIKE FHIIIAV. OCT. 2Z Selzei Gade Reioin Nu b bins for KS Ba ttle With the return of favorable football weather, Coaches Ray Prochaska and Bob Kahler have been putting the Nebraska B team through a rough series of practices in preparation for a game with the Kansas State Wild cats this Friday at Manhattan. Having defeated the Kansans by a 25 to 14 count earlier in the season, the Huskers hope to main- lain their undefeated and untied status at the expense of the Wild cats. Prochaska has been well pleased ! mn Hrnnnrl 1'rrun (hp ;rrcitv ....... 11 . . v u ... . with the showing made by the squad. The line play of Keith Manning and Jerry Jacupke, along with the general all-around spirit of the men, shows that they are going all out to win back their varsity togs. Ackerman Sparkles. The running of Bob Ackerman, Sidney freshman halfback, has also been a bright spot in late practices, indicating that Pro chaska will not have to worry too If 1 THE KING of swim; BENNY GOODMAN Hfiff his array of start including llw FAMOVS SEXTET Tickets now on sale at Srhmoller & Mueller Piano Co., I'.'I'i 'O" St. i.t() Each, Fncl. Tax yi:ti:ieans HELP A VETERAN Patronlxe the VETERAN'S BARBER SHOP Chamber of Commerce Bldf. 214 No. 11th St. MUSIC For Your House Parties 1 Rejnt a Public Address System JOHN BESTOR Phone evenings at 5-9118 SCA1IBFS . colorful and in tremendous demand! Cay, exciting filmy rayon squares by Clentex to add a Maze of color to your ensembles. You'll love the frolicking clowns among spheres and cubes on tlie vivid DOMINO scarf pictured. GOLD'S . . . Slreel Door DBE1LTS Jf V. Street """" Floor the big fashion note this fall! a bell to complete etvry costume! Leather and plastle belt hi widlht from '.k to 4 inrbeo wide. Black, brown, red, tan and green . . . tailorrd or tad trimmin(9. 1.50-5.95 Metal Belts In fold and silver finUhef, for daytime and formal wear. 1.95-5.95 plai ta f C tC) i i i) c c