The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, October 20, 1946, Page Page 3, Image 3
M-ju-Vitvti Sunday, October 20, 1946 THE DAILY NEBRASKAN Page 3 Pheasants Lure Men from Gals As Hunt Begins There is not a person on this whole campus who doesn't know what happened last Friday, but there are a lot who wish it hadn't. Right here is where the fellows can stop they aren't among us, the forgotten element, the de serted dozens, the women of the university they needn't waste anymore of their time reading our laments. They had better go pheasant hunting again. For the first time since school opened in September, the ratio has changed from three men to every woman, to three men to every pheasant. Far be it from us to complain, all we will say on the subject is, "We certainly hope the pheasants enjoyed their week end." , t Besides, thehunting at the Uni veristy of Kansas wasn't too bad. Kansas Game . . . (Continued from Page 1.) kick after Dick Thompson had fumbled the pass from center. In the third quarter the Jay hawks scored when French popped up between two Nebras ka secondaries to grab Evans' 12 yard pass in the end .zone with seven minutes gone. ' i Fambrough added the extra point to send the Red and Blue team out ini front. Pattee recovered Tom Novak's fumble on the Nebraska 29 to set up thej pins ior the town down. if ' ' The Huskers roared right beck to march down the field to score five minutes; jater, Bill Moomey crossing the goal from 43 yai'ds out. J 1 It was one of Nebraska's pet plays, naked reverse, which pro duced the Score, for Moomey was all by himself as he managed to outlast Ray Evans in a race for coffin-corner. This time Va- canti's kick! was perfect. Another fumble brought about the score Bob Schleiger picked off a loose bell after Bud French had fumbled Jack Pesek's punt on the 31 yard line. Just two minutes later Nebras ka added the margin that clinched the victory and again it was a Jayhawk fumble that gave the while clad Huskers their chance. Eddie Schwartzkopf recovered French's fumble on the Kansas 23 alter Novak and Vacanti had moved the pigskin to the 17 and three more running plays suc ceeded in moving the ball to the five. Vacanti dropped back on the fourth down and split the up rights for the three pointer which kept Nebraska in the ranks of the unbeaten in Big Six competition. The final Kansas tally came with six minutes gone in the last quarter when end Otto Schnell bacher got behind the Nebraska defenders to haul in Evans' pass all by himself in the end zone Riflin' Ray fired the ball from the 27 yard line. Once more Fam brough, who has not missed a con version all season, was good for the extra point. Nebraska threatened again late in the game after the Jayhawks elected tc run on a fourth down POSTPONED GAME. The game between Beta Sigma Psi and Beta Theta Pi which was postponed from last Thursday will be played Mon day on Field 5. The winner of the game will be tied with Delta Upsilon for first place in League two. play. Jack Pesek smothered Frank Pattee for an 11 yard loss and the Huskers took over on the Jayhawk 30 but could not cash in on the opportunity. Evans was topr for the Kansans with his passing and running plus some fine wort at the safety po ition on delense as he stopped several runners who appeared to be oti the touchdown trail. For the Huskers the line smash ing of Fullback Tom Novak, the great defense work of the line, and heads-up play by the rest of the backfield gave several thou sand Nebraska fans who were present for the game plenty to cheer about. The Huskers gained 326 yards by rushing as compared to 134 for Kansas and piled up nine first downs to six for the Jayhawks. Nebraska's pass defense allowed the Kansans to complete five of 13 tosses while Sam Vacanti and Dick Thompson were connecting on seven of 16 efforts. Each club fumbled four times but Nebraska recovered three of the Kansas bobbles and converted them into scores. Lineups: Nebraska pos. Kansas Hazen le Schmidt Snmurlson It WyRle Lorenson lg Fambrough Partington c Fischer Schwartzkopf n; Crawford Stiner rt Johnson Pesek re Schnellbacher Vacanti qh Evans Hutton In irencn Moomev hi Griffith Nouk ft).. Pattee Nebraska 0 6 7 316 Kansas 0 0 7 .714 Nebraska scorinK: (Touchdowns) Hut ton. Moomey; (field goal) Vacanti; (try for point) vacanti i placekick). - Kansas scoring: (Touchdowns) French Schnellhaoher; (try for point) Kam brough (2). - tplacekicks). Substitutions': Kansas (ends). Tice, B Sperry; (tackiest, Kttingcr, Monroe; (guards). Snerrv. MicKlick. 'lomnnson: (center). C. Penny, (backs), McNutt, D. Berttuzi. Baker. Nebraska: (Ends). Sclilniger. Cochrane, Nvden; (tackles), Tegt, Dibiase, Hall (uuards). Linns .Deviney. Wilktns; (ccn ter), Taylor; (backs). R. Thompson. Long, Myers, Stroud, Kooney, Collopy, Metheny Moore. Swimming Party Scheduled Oct. 23 In Coliseum Pool The first of a series of monthly co-recreational swimming parties will be held in the swimming pool in the coliseum next Wednesday evening, October 23, from 7 to 8:30 p. m. All students are invited to bring their husbands and wives and at tend these swimming parties. All persons attending the parties must either - present their swimming permits or have their swimming permits on file in the mens or womens dressing rooms. Locker room.f acuities are avail able for both men and women. Participants are reminded to bring their own swimming suits for the occasion. It is recommended that persons wishing to attend the swimming parties check with the Student Health Service for a. medical ex amination and swimming permits IM Football I.K.Af.l K I. W I. Phi Delta Theta 5 SlKina I'ht Ki'silon ... 3 I Sigma Nu 3 1 Kappa Klgma 2 t Brown Palace -p . . I 3 Phi Ciamma Delta 0 3 Zrta. Keta Tau 0 4 I.KA(.IK II. Delta I psllon 5 1 Keta Tbrta PI 4 1 Rrta Simla Psi 4 I Alpha Gamma Rho. ... 2 3 Delta Tan Delta I 3 Pioneer 4'o-op 1 4 Sigma Alp Ha Mil 1 5 I.KAGIE III. Sigma Chi 0 Sigma Alpha Kpullun. . 3 2 Farm Houw t 2 Phi Kappa Pal 2 2 Thela XI 1 2 4'oriihunkrr Co-op .... 1 2 Aloha Tau Omega .... 1 4 Pts. Op. pis Ml 13 24 24 24 1 21 12 7 72 35 2 X 1 1 57 36 24 14 18 18 I 14 21 13 M M 38 14 13 I 4S 35 HO 44 13 38 SO 31 31 26 Betas Replace ATO In Free Throw Contest An errnr was made in COmDUt- inff tnn rpsults of the basketball free throw tournament, and Alpha Tau Omega has Deen ruiea in eligible for the team champion ship. The rules on the basketball free throw tourney stated that an organization must enter five men in the tourney in order 10 De eug ible for the Team Championship. Alpha Tau Omega, although scor ing the most points, enterea oniy four men in the tourney. Beta Theta Pi has been declared Tpam fhnrrmion with a total of 8 nnints. while Delta Tau Delta is cornnH with 3 noints. Phi Delta Theta finished third with 2 points; Delta Upsuon is lourtn wun i'z nnints and tied for fifth with t point each are Sigma Chi, Sigma Nu and Sigma Aipna r.psnon. Ag College Free Throw Tourney Begins Monday The Ag College Basketball iTee Throw Tournament will begin Monday, October 21, in tne Ac tivities Building gymnasium. Pre liminary qualiiying rounas win De held on Monday and luesuay from 4 to 6 p. m. 40 Qualifying: Throws. F.arh rnntpstant will have forty throws and the thirty-two men making the best records wiH enter the elimination tournament which begins Wednesday. This event is open to all Ag College men. This week s Ag toucn iootoau games: Monday, October 21 Farm House vs. Alpha Gamma Rho. Tuesday, October 22 Farm House vs. Ag: Men's Club. Wednesday, October 23 Odds and Ends vs. Gym Class. Thursday, October 24 Ag Y. M. C. A. vs. Alpha Gamma Rho. INDKPKNIIENTS. w i' rt. Miles I 0 6 0 Presbyterian Houke ... 1 0 12 0 YM A 1 Xrt'n Organization ... 1 I I 6 Delia Sigma PI 0 1 0 7 A Freshmen 0 1 12 V-91 1 L Ruffct Dinner This Week Escallopctl Turkey Vegetable and Fruit Salads Frozen Green Beans Chocolate Cake 85c 5:30 p. m. to 7:00 p. m.. Sun.. Oct. 20 Union Main' Dining Room Jay Norris, Pianist At The Student Union, Sun., Oct. 20 Faculty Recital, 4:00 in Ballroom Coffee Hour, 5:00 in Lounge Free Variety Show Walter Pidgeon Or George Sanders k J A kl III I KIT in j vim in nuiN i II: 1 SURPLUS DEALERS GOV'T SURPLUS I Swpfe Salts! ROOM, ROOM. We Need Room For Niat Molii Co G . Surplus in Ten Short Days-Con W Do It, We Think We Con-We Must. PAHTS Priced for quick sale. 3,000 pairs of fine quality army YOUR CHOICE pants, fill sizes. Reg. army twill built lor years oi ruggea service. 1 1 Sun-tan color. Slightly used. 3)g? - u SHIRTS YOUR CHOICE $1129 fearlv. Come'Late Won't Be Disappointed 2.000 army shirts. Nearly new. fill sizes. Top quality poplin. Heavy and light twills. Stock up now. We must have space now. Used.......- CO m Z H 5 z a Yes. the same pillow we have sold to merchants in 38 states. Lower than cost. Slightly used. ALL FEATHERED STERILIZED LARGE SIZE Pillows YOUR CHOICE WE UMlt NOTHING WE RESERVE NOTHING ,. ARMY jSSBi This will rock the town. Jlpf'' I 100 wool army reg. SSjgEjjjgS closely woven, hard tn- Sp2!l ished. tightly whipped ends. Used but near new Blankets $95 Ask Your NeighborsOur Prices Defy Ml Competition V''" 7vi;i4 M Are you sure you know what this jacket is? If you don't, come in. This is reg. fine quality poplin with or without wool lin ing. Re-issue classifica tion. The crowds learn to come here first. Full zipper FIELD Jackets $95 "FOLLOW THE CROWD TO 1028 "O" ST. WAC PANTS 79c WOOL PANTS $2.98 COMBAT BOOTS $6.00 SHORTS .... PEA COATS $11.95 TEE SHIRTS STEEL FOLDING COTS $6.50 DOUBLE BUNKS $12.95 1028 0 ST. 1028 0 ST LINCOLN'S LARGEST SURPLUS DEALERSf '8:00 Pi .M., in' Ballroom 1 A