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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 18, 1946)
Page 4 Faculty Recital Plans Revealed By Westbrook The Drotfram for th r;f o AOL" Ulty recital h Union ballroom Sunday afternoon i was revealed today by Dr. A. E. Westbrook, Director of the acnooi oi Fine Arts. Miss Kathryn Dean, contralto; Mr. J. Dayton Smith, tenor; Miss Charma Davies, pianist; and Mr. Robert Stepp, French horn, will comDine talents to present the following selections: Allersetlen (Strauss), Schlechtes Wetter (Straus.), Noon (Robbinson) and Song fror.i the Masque (Ootner). fron the Masque (Gomer). Miss Dean and Miss Berner. Nocturno (Porsch), Villanelle (Dukaa), Mr. Stepp and Mr. Harrison. Sonatlne (Ravel), Modere. Mousement de menuet, Anlme, Miss Davies. The Star (Gretchanlnoff), To Tou (Gretchaninoff), Through Dark Midnight Skies (Gretchanlnoff), I Hear, 1 See (Gretchanlnoff). Mr. Smith and Mr. Harrison. Sunday's program will be the first of a series of four fall recitals to be presented by faculty mem bers of the School of Fine Arts. Others will be given on October 27, November 3, and November 24, according to Dr. Westbrook. All university students are invited to attend. THE DAILY NEBRASKAN New Students Sign At Union Activity Mart Entering students siened for ac tivities In which they intend to participate, at the Activities mart, held ia the Union ballroom Thurs day afternoon from 4 to 6. Functions of the seventeen ac tivities had been explained at meetings Oct. 9 and 16. and fur ther information was given at the tables where , students signed. Activities represented were USA, BABW, Alpha Lambda Delta, YWCA, WAA, Mortar Board, AWS, Tassels. University Theater, Kosmet Klub, YMCA, Ag. Executive board, AUF, Student Foundation, Cornhusker, The ..vviujaau auu VIM-U Counselors. YWCA Schedules Penitentiary Tour For Saturday First maior activity of th h- ginviiner social service Proun nt thp YWCA will be the field trin tr the penitentiary this SlaturHav The group will meet Saturday morning at BIDS in front of Ellen Smith Hall. Joan Mover Is In rharKA rt iha . 1 . . . discussion group which studies social problems in preparation for the study and actual participation Friday; Qdb&er g En In social service nrovided br the advanced committee. To duplicate the Jerky, Jumpy movement of the silent flickers Director George Marshall speeded up the film for portions of Para mount's "The Perils of Pauline," in which Betty Hutton portrays Pearl White, early day serial queen. U.S.A. Dance Unaffiliated Students' As sociation will hold a harvest dance ic the Union ballroom Saturday, Oct. 19, from 9 to 12 p. m. Admission will be 25 cents each, "and refreshments will be served. Tickets may be obtained from U. S. A. representatives at the door. Counselor Tickets AU Coed-Counselors vb bave not yet turned In their money for dinner tickets are to do to today noon at the booth In the Union, according to Marthella Holcolm, presN dent A Series of South American Dance Classes Begin 8:00-9:00 p. m., FRIDAY, OCT. 18 Flavia Waters Champe, Instructor Union Ballroom FREE Please Come With Escort TODAY'S 170MEN and MILLER & PAINE 9(stS District YM-YW Elects Chairmen Phil Lyness was elected re gional co-chairman of the district YM-YW movement at the confer ence held at Doane college last week. Lyness will serve with Betty Lou Horton, who was elected last April. At the Doane conference, Mrs. Ray Rice was named adult non-staff member of the district executive council, and Jim Seif- fert of Midland college was voted deputation coordinator. Other officers elected last spring are Mary Dye. district representative, and John Aiken of .Kansas Mate, co-chairman. GO INTO A HUDDLE Lueth (Continued from Page 1.) "While adjustments undoubted ly will have to be made to meet the economic and social conrli. tions of the dav. nurses should be aware and proud of the fact tnat tneir social heritage is that oi service," the dean pointed out, and concluded that, "The appeal to service and to professional care oi the patient will be the most stimulating and motivating tea. ture in securing the kind of wom en wanted ior nurses in the future." and come out with touchdown tidings about fashion! Miller's has the clothes that score'. . . read the article about the fashion preferences of All-Americans in the OCTOBER "TODAYS WOMAN" and then be more literal than lateral and pick these winners! Coeds . . . (Continued from Page 1.) Deadline will remain at i9-9rt Fridays, and men must be out of nouses oy xz:30, as before. No late minutes will be allowed on l o clocks. The new rule is effective immediately. Council Vacancies Students interested in filling Use two positions which are still open on the Student Coun cil are to file by 5 p. m. Mon day in the Student Activities office in the Coliseum, accord ing: to Bob Coonley, president Vacancies are: One junior man from the law college and one woman from the graduate college. Classified LOST Gold tody Elgin watch, posilbly between Delta Gamma and Theta iivubc. uucru rewara. call 2-7742, LOST Gold Wyler wriat watch. Sat 12 oiBJiM rni nouse ana 2.15. "SreS: phone 150,1 Moore- - VAUGHN MANCHA, Alt-Amtrf. (an Center, University f A la bo mo, eoyst Recordings Made of any and all occasions Reasonable Rates for Professional Recordings Estimates upon request ri- .Ilm. at 5nits arc wonderful, bat they throw me for Ion when they copy the stiff tailoring that we men are stuck with. Give tne suits, kaod girls, with curves!" THE MODERN ACE ROOM for iuniort "softie" suite . . , 39.95 f $50. ECOND FLOO n ' ' NEIL AKMjlKUNV, AU-AmCfV 1 can End, Oklahoma! A I M, My hms tv A0j NEIL sayt: Plain clothes are all right for every day, but when there's a party or dance, ! like ry girl to .get into the swing of things with loo of glitter and razzle-dazzle!" SPARKLE DRESSES for qfltr-gam festivities, 29.95 to 69.95. Mima SECOND FLOOB WM the men order on FASHION FLOOR-SECOND m?LLE R C PAfdE can fun wuviu KFOS 2-6965 after 2:30 p. m.