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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 17, 1946)
Thursday, October 17, 1946 THE DAILY NEBRASKAN Page 5 A. Y t: with the dream of a weekend in Kansas, a pheasant hunting trip or a big date on the campus, most of us are struggling without much enthusiasm to put tests be hind us with as few flunks as possible. Newest additions to the troops heading Lawrence way will be Jo Pulton, Jerry Thomas, . Marilyn Coffey and Bill Stunt. Barbara Hunter will be with Norbert Tie man and Jim Liggett with his pinmate Pat Graham. Shirts Mc Kenna and fiance Bob Heinko, Mary Cox and Bob Martins, and Jan Wilson and Paul Burden are n few more . . . will this list ever end? Many who plan to desert the campus this weekend and are not traveling to Kansas will be open ing the hunting season with a bang . . . bang, that is it. A few of our hunters will try the vicin ity near Verdigre. They are Jim Lonergan, Charlie Smith and Dick Hepperly, while Bob Wefso, Car roll Louden and Chick Morhman will try their luck near Lexing ton. More Candy Passings. Passing the candy alter four Tears of going together were Dud Olney and Elaine Washburn Mon dayq night, and Jim Pettis experi enced a new punishment for not passing cigars in the form of being tied up at the Kappa house on a lawn chair by the UU pledges. Barbara Cypreasen is probably having the most different week end of anyone on the campus. She is leaving Friday for Minneapolis to see Wyoming play Minnesota . . .a Wyoming fan tat that. Have fun. Zip! A romance that began when Betty Kremlicak and Charles Hayes worked in the Crib, cul minated with an elopement to Kansas last Saturday. Both Betty and Charles will remain in school Two new steady combinations - of late are those of Belty Hubka and Jack Mechan and Betty Bahensky and Pete Durland. Two individualists will be danc ing to Gene Moyer Friday night at the Cornhusker . . . Harold Johnson once again with Better Gustavson. Also watch the Tri- Delt front porch in warm or cold weather alter football practice and you will see Fran Mandula (of BMOC fame) with Betty Keebler. Farmer s Formal Dancing in calico dresses and blue jeans at the Farmer's Formal Friday night will be Betty French with Dale Iindgren, Maurine Steyer with John Bun ner. Pat Crownover with Dale Narsteadt and Marilyn Lyness and Dimne Nielson. A few more who will attend this event in Ag Hall and help to make it a big success are Bob Koeler and Betsy Ko vanda, Jo Bridenbaugh with Gor don Luhr, Dorothy Luther and Paul Grosserode and Marianne Srb and Bob Otte. I will close now with this thought ... if you coeds find any men's clothes laying around your house, please notify a Kappa Sig pledge. (This is really a very innocent statement as the actives who hid the clothes will be glad to explain.) Religious Week To Emphasize Faith Theme "The Faith That Makes a Dif ference," will be the theme for Religious Emphasis Week to be held on the campus Nov. 5-10, ac cording to Mary Esther Duncan, executive secretary of the Com mittee Jn charge of arrangements for the week. Speakers will include the Rev. Harry V. Richardson, Jackson ville, Fla., director of religious ac tivities and vice president of Tus kegee Institute; Carl E. Lundquist, Minneapolis, Minn., pastor of Twin City Lutheran Student Foundation, and former president of the Lutheran Student Associa tion of America; Dr. John Oliver Nelson, director of the Commis sion on Ministry of the Federal Council of Churches; Phillips Prentice Moulton, New Haven, Conn., national director of Uni versity Christian Missions; Dr. H. G. Harmon, Des Moines, la., presi dent of Drake University; and the Rt. E. J. Weisenberg, S. J., as sociate professor of dogmatic theology, St. Louis University, St. X - r 1 The engagement of Miss Elaine Rosenblum, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. M. M. Rosenblum of Lincoln, to Peter Garfield, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Garfield of Salt Lake City was announced Tuesday. Miss Rosenblum graduated with distinction from the University where she is a member of Thi Beta Kappa and Phi Chi, national honorary psychology fraternity. Twenty-Nine Pledge Kappa Phi at Dinner Kappa Phi sorority announced the pledging of 29 freshman girls Wednesday, Oct. 16, after a Big Mary's Kas., and national presi dent of Phi Kappa, Catholic fra ternity. Moulton will be in Lnicoln Fri day to confer with committee chairman concerning plans for Religious Emphasis Week. Addi tional speakers will be announced later. and Little Sister Dinner at the Union. Rose Sunday was cele brated Oct. 13 with the giving of roses to each prospective pledge by an active girl in the sorority, The new pledges are: Virginia Bolsford, Margaret Boydston, Irene Claassen, Marion Collins Bernice Ebbers, Wilma Elson, Myrna Ficke, Frances Forster, Helen Foster, Margarite Grunke meyer, Roma Jean Harris, Janice Hengen, Joyce Ingwerson, Lois Jarmae, Carol Joycn, Denita Kirk- man, Marian Lallman, Mable Mat lock, Olive Belle Page, Jo Ann Parsons, Crystal Payne, Marvel Phillips, Helen Pretzer, Fern Pru- den, Mariorie Rickard, Virginia Robertson, Margaret Stanton, Shirley Wyss, and Wanda Young. If Interested in Work ot The Ag Student Union Checkstand Attendants and Waiters Apply to the Office STUDENT UNION For Bridge Class Fans Classes Will Be Held 4:00 p. m. ond 5:00 p. m., Thurs., Oct. 17 Dale Boll, Instructor Class Will Include Sample Ploys Union Room 313 A Series of South American Dance Classes Begin 8:00-9:00 p. m., FRIDAY, OCT. 18 Flovio Waters Chompe, Instructor Union Ballroom FREE Please Come With Escort 'APPENE0 I'' 'PANSH TEN COMMANDMENTS OF HUNTING. 1. Treat every run as if it is loaded. 2. Be sure barrel and action are clear before you fire. 3. Carry only an empty gun, ac tion open or taken down, into camp. 4. Carry your Run so you can control muzzle direction if you stumble. 5. Be sure of your target be fore you pull trigger. 6. Never point a gun at any thing you don't want to shoot. 7. Don't leave a loaded gun un attended. 8. Never climb a fence or a tree with a loaded gun. 9. Don't shoot at a flat, hard surface, or the surface of the water. 10. Don't mix alcohol with your gunpowder. JOHNNY COX ond Orchestra Playing 9 to Midnite FRIDAY, OCT. 18 44c per person Union Ballroom spy co-star KSX in a "big- ; M r iy: 'nX s3so Ik . 1 U :.(! ! I 0m Nelson Paige tail oring joins hands ilh Sakana rayon broadcloth, a 6tarM in wash tub stamina, and soft, luxurious feel. In one fine shirt, you get precise craftsman ship, comfortable fit, and audience-appeal! While, Bamboo, Blue, Tan. Fir$t Floor