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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 13, 1946)
Page 6 THE DAILY NEBRASKAN Sunday, October 13, 1946 Husker-Hawkeye Play-by-Play FIRST QUARTER. , Iowa won the toss and the Hawkeye will kick. Nebraska defending south goal Sullivan kicked oft into the end tone to Hutton who got back to the Nebraska IS, but there was a penalty on the play. Iowa was offnlie and the Hawks were set back five yards. Sullivan kicked off 56 yards to Hutton. who got bark to the Husker 28, NEBRASKA: Novak trieo the Hawkee right tackle for no gain. Fischer hit the same spot for 3 yards. Novak went off his own right side for no gain. Long replaced Fischer in the NU backfield. Long punted out of bounds on the 50-yard line. Posek replaced Cochrane at end for NebraHka. IOWA: Sullivan went over the Nebraska . left sde for S yards on the Nebraska 37. Fechter picked up 3 thru the middle. Fech- ter rammed the same spot fur 4 yards more. Sullivan fallen at right tackle, ball on the 30. McKinstry's shot pass was in complete and Nebraska took the ball on downs on its own 30. NEBRASKA: Long failed at his own right tackle. Novak picked up a yard over the Iowa right guard. Vacanti's pass was Incomplete. It was Intended for Pesek. Long punted out of bounds on the Iowa 26. IOWA: Hutton replaced Long in the Nebraska backfield. Fechter made a yard at Nebraska's right tackle. Bartells addea another yard at Nebraska's right guard. Novak was thru to spill Fechter for no gain. Sullivan punted to Fischer, who got back three yards to the Nebraska 41. NEBRASKA: Hutton made a yard thru the middle. A pass, Vacanti to Fischer, In the flat, netted 3 yards. Vacanti's pass to Pesck was incomplete. Long for Hutton. Long punted out of bounds on the Iowa 22. IOWA: Hutton for Long. Bartells fum bled and Hazen recovered for Nebraska on the Iowa 2'J. NEBRASKA: Hutton swung wide around the Iowa left side after taking a flat pitchout pass from Vacanti for 9 yards. It was inches ahor tof first down. Novak bucked Hie middle for a first down on the Iowa 18. Nebraska took out time. Four minutes left in first quarter. Bob Smith, King, Tunnell and Hoerner went In. the Iowa backfield. Hutton squirmed thru his own right tackle for 5 yards. Novad plowed the middle for a first down on the Iowa 7. It was a 6 yard gain. Fischer picked up a yard at left tackle. Novak rammed the middle for 6 yards. Ball on th 1-yard line. Novak got up to the goal line, but the Huskers were offside and set back S yards. Novak went straight thru for 5 yards and a touchdown. SCORE: NEBRASKA 6. IOWA 0. Stiner and Bchwartzkopf made the hole for Novak. Thompson was in the Husker backfielo. Vacanti's kick split the up rights. SCORE: NEBRASKA 7. IOWA 0. One minute and half left in the quar ter. Lawrence at center for Iowa. Vacanti kicked off 45 yards to Tunnell who was downed in his tracks on the Iowa 23. IOWA: King lost a yard at Samnelson's tackle. Myers in the Husker backfield. Tunnell picked up 4 yards at his own right and. Hoerner added 2 as the period ended. SCORE: NEBRASKA 7, IOWA 0. SECOND QUARTER. Metheny for Vacanti at quarterback for Nebraska. Ball on Iowa 27. IOWA: Smith punted to Fischer oa the Nebraska 25, Clctus handing the ball to Hutton on a reverse and Dick getting up to the Nebraska 40. NEBRASKA: Hutton skirted the Iowa left aide for 9 yards. Ball in midfleld. Novak cracked the middle for a first down on the Iowa 46. Novak got up to the Iowa 35 but Nebraska was fofside and set back to the Nebraska 49. Metheny's pass to Fischer netted 5 yards. Nyden was at end for Nebraska. Fischer fumbled and Smith recovered for Iowa on the Iowa 49. IOWA: Hoerner fumbled ami the ball was recovered by Tunnell. who returned for a 4 yard loss. Smith tried the Husker right side for 4 yards. Fischer making the tackle. Fischer was hurt and was replaced by Moomey. Ball on the Iowa 49. A pass, Tunnell t oSmtth, was good for 14 yards and a firs down on the Ne braska 37. Tunnell was trapped on the play but got rid of the ball to Smith wh was In the clear. Tunnell failed to gain at his own right tackle. Smith picked up two yards at guard. Wilkins waa hurt and Nebraska took out time. Bchwartzkopf re placed him. Boll on the Nebraska 35. Tunnell failed to find a receiver and ran the Nebraska left side for 5 yards. Head ington for Hoerner in the Iowa backfield. Fourth and 4 to go. Smith ran the Ne braska right aide for 15 yards. Ball on the IV. Smith picked up 5. but fumbled and Bamuelson recovered for Nebraska oa the Husker 10. NKBRA8KA: Hutton hrt bia own right tackle for 4 yards. Hutton fell over hi own Interference and tost 3 yarda. Ne braska was set back 5 yarda for too many timeouts. Ball on the four. Long in the backfield. Long punted out of bound on Uie Nebraska 32. IOWA; Tunnell raa MM Nebraska left THZ.T'3 THE KIND OF WRIT I LIKE TO SEE! side for S yards. A pass, Tunnell to Head ington, in the flat gave Iowa a first down on the Nebraska 18. Headington picked up 1 yards before he was forcev out of bounds trying the Nebraska right side. King's pass was knocked down by Novak. Tunnell went straight thru for 11 yards and a touchdown. SCORE :i NEBRASKA 7, IOWA 6. Sullivan replaced Tunnell. Sullivan's kick was good. SCORE : NEBRASKA 7. IOWA 7. Headington kicked off 61 yards to Hut ton, who got back to the Nebraska 15. rive minutes left. NEBRASKA: Moomey fumbled on the first play and King caught the ball in the air and raceo 17 yards for an Iowa touch' lown. SCORE: IOWA 13. NEBRASKA 7. Sullivan's kick split the uprights. SCORE: IOWA 14, NEBRASKA 7. Headington kicked off 61 yards to Mv ?rs, who. got back to the Nebraska 21. Nebraska waa offside, but Iowa refused the penalty. NEBRASKA: Myers made 3 over the middle. Moomey ran the Iowa right side for 5 yards. Four minutes left. Novak was dropped1 for no gain. Myers punted to Tunnell on the Iowa 30 the Hawk back getting up to the Iowa 37. IOWA: Rooney for Moomey for Ne braska. Iowa's King fumbled and Leik re covered for Nebraska on the Iowa 37. NEBRASKA: Myers broke loose for 31 yards getting up to the Iowa 3. Nebraska was offside on the next play and drew a 5 yard penalty. Ball on the 8. Rooney lost one trying the Iowa right tackle. Vacanti was in and so was Hutton. Nebraska fet back 5 for too many timeouts. Ball on 15 Headington intercepted Vacanti's pass and raced up to the Iowa 42 before he was nauled down by Bamuelson. IOWA: A pass, Smith to Headington, was Incomplete. Howard and Phillips in for Iowa. Tunnell's pass to Smith netted 13 yards. Ball on Nebraska 46. Smith circled the Nebraska right side for 8 yards. Tunnell long pass to Phillips was Incom plete. broken up by Rooney. Ten seconds left. Tunnell's pass to Smith was complete for 15 yards as the half ended. SCORE: IOWA 14. NEBRASKA 7. THIRD QUARTER. Headington kicked off to Moomey on the 12, the Huskers getting back to the Ne braska 29. There was a penalty on the Hawkeyes and Iowa will kick over. Head ington icked off 5o yarns to Hutton. who took the ball on the 10 and got back to the Nebraska 41. NEBRASKA: Novak slipped and failed to gain thru the middle. Moomey cracked the Iowa ngfcc side for S yards. Hutton on a reverse picked up a first down on the Iowa 46. Novak hit a stonewall but picked up a yard. Novak hit the Hawk right tackle for another yard. A pass Metheuy to Moomey netted a first down on the Hawkeye 35. It was a 9 yard gain. Hutton made a yard at Kay's tackle. Metheny went around the Iowa left aide for a first down on the Iowa 24. Hutton picked up 5 at his own right tackle. Novak plunged for 4 more thru the middle. Novak failed to gain. Ball on tht 15. Headington broke thru to spill Hutton on tlie Iowa 20 and it waa the Hawk ball on downs. IOWA: Iowa's ball on its own 20. Tun nell picked up 2 thru center. King on a delayed buck lost a yard, Stiner mad the tackle. Headington got back 2 yards over right guard. Smith punts out of bounds on the Nebraska 46. NEBRASKA: Hutton skirted the Iowa left aide for 10 yarda and a first down on the Hawkeye 45. Moomey failed at his own left guard. Metheny pass to Hutton was short and incomplete. Vacanti for Metheny. Vacanti's pass to Hutton was broken up by King. Myers replaced Hutton ia the Nebraska backfield. Myers' punt went almos tstraight up and sailed out of bounu on the Iowa 39. IOWA: Tunnell rammed hi own left tackle for 3 yards. Smith was lust short of a first down on a drive thru the middle. Smith went over the Hunker right aide for a first down on tlx Nebraska 44. Tunnell hit he Nebraska right tackle for a yard, Pesek making hte tackle. Smith was dropped for no gain. Heartington made the tackle. Tunnell' pas to Herb Shoener was in complete. Tunnell' pes to Headington was In complete. Headington dropped the ball with a touchdown In sight. Nebraska took the ball on downs on it own 40. Nebraska: Myers mad a yard at his own right tackle. Sullivan for Tunnell. Moomey was dropped by Herb 8hoener back on the Nebraska' 29. Hal Shoener wa thru to spill Myers for another loss setting the Husker hack on their 19. Long punted to Sullivan on the Iowa 39. Sully getting back to Iowa' 46 as the quarter end no. Scon: Iowa 14. Nebraska T. KOl'RTH Ql ARTER. Iowa: Rooney for Moomey. Curran and Bartells In the Iowa backfield. Sullivan kirtitd the Husker left aid for seven yard, but the Hawk were offside and set back to their own 41. On a weak side play Curran ran the Husker right aide for ten yard. Curran cracked the middle for three. Curran wa a yard short of a first dowa on tb Nebraska 44. Sullivan's 'Ct- punt rolled out of bounds on the Ne braska 25. Nebraska: Myers for Long. Novak failed to gain thru center. Novak hit the line for a scant yard gain. Metheny's pass to Myers wa Incomplete. Long' punt was blocked by Kay and it was lowa'l ball on the Nebraska 19. Iowa: King failed, but Iowa drew a five yard penalty for offside. Ball on 24. A pass, Sullivan to Hal Shoener. netted 13 yards. Sullivan made it a first down on the Nebraska nine. Headington lost a yard at Nebraska's left tackle. Samuel son made the tackle. Partington Inter cepted Sullivan's pass and got back to the Nebraska 37. Nine minutes left Nebraska: Moomey' fumbled and King recovered for Iowa on the Nebraska 38. Iowa: Curran skirted the Husker right side for six yards. Curran lost a yard at center. Ball on the Nebraska 33. A pass. King to Hal Shoener. was good for a first down on the Husker 23 It was a 10 yard pass. Six and one-half minutes to go. Sullivan ran' the Husker left wing for three yards. Currnn got thru for nine yards and a first down on the Husker 11. Sullivan picked up five yards over his left tackle. Sullivan ran wide around Ne braska left side for six yards and the third Iowa touchdown. He had graet in terference on the run. Score: Iowa 20. Nebraska 7. Schleiger for Hazen, Sullivan's kick was good. Score: Iowa 21. Nebraska 7. Collopy for Novak. Headington kicked off. Myers took the ball on the 7-yard line and the Husker got back up to the Nebraska 37. Nebraska: Smith for Curran In the Iowa backfield. Metheny's pass to Rooney was short. Metheny's pass to Myers was In complete. Collopy got up to the Husker 40 on a plunge over his own left tackle, Myers' punt rolled out of bounds on the Iowa 22. Smith was knoced out of bounds on the Nebrasa 49, Diclkng up 27 yards. Sullivan made four at his own left tackle. Sullivan got a first down on' the Ne braska 38, but Iowa was set back 15 yards for holding, putting the ball back on the Hawks 42. Hunter fumbled and De viney recovered for Nebraska on the Iowa 42. Nebraska : Vacanti's pass to Myern was incomplete. Metheny for Vacanti. Meth eny's pass to Myers lost a yard. Moomey, on a reverse, picked up eight yards. A pass. Metheny to Schleiger, and a lateral to Hutton gave the Huskers a first down on the Iowa 24. A pass Metheny to Moomey was incomplete. Legg Intercepted Metheny' paia and Iowa, on a series of laterals, got back to the Iowa 45. Kay went all the way but an official ruled the pass a forward. Iowa: Sullivan's pass was Incomplete. Iowa was penalized for delaying the game. The ball on Iowa's 40. Sullivan's pass was incomplete. A long pass, Sullivan to Howard, wa incomplete as the game ended. Final score: Iowa 21, Nebraska 7. Robisoii Wins Independent Free Throw Title The intramural basketball free throw tournament will end Mon day after running over schedule due to the large number of com petitors. Bob Robinson won the Inde pendent tournament u he came through with an average of 34 out of a possible 40. In the fra ternity matches, Doyle Busskohl of Alpha Tau Omega is one fi nalist. He will compete against the winner of Rice vs. Cottingham for the Fraternity championship. Then Robison will fire against the win ner in the Fraternity circle for the individual championship. The golden earrings Ray Mil land wears in the exciting gypsy story, "Golden Earrings," were presented him recently by a brother who is in the jewelry business. Ray says it's the first time anyone ever gave him ear rings. Natch! PAD SCRATCHINGS ... all eyes turned as the tall blond made his way through Sosh. Not only could they see his good looking head 10 inches above the other hurrying stu dents but he had on a HARVEY BROTHERS blazer in bright Nebras ka red. The envy of the males, the sighswooner of the femmes, this smart lad is outfitted for comfort, warmth and wear. HARVEY'S also have blazers in brown plaid and blue plaid ... ALL WOOL! JUST NOTES . . . concern the strike of Purdue students against one buck haircuts. Our advice to them is to "Use Crisco instead of oil on your hair and you won't need to cut it it's shortening!" The poor freshman always bears the brunt of most col lege jokes and here is one contrib uted by an appreciative reader that warrants reading. A timid little freshie To the mailbox did come; Dropped in his penny And waited for his gum. Its as simple as A, B, C, fellows. A, it rains; B, it blows and C you New League Begins IM Pigskin Play A new independent league will be inaugurated into intra-mural touch football play Monday. The league is composed of 7 teams which were not fully organized at the start of regular league play. To accommodate the new league, the schedule has had to be ex tended about two weeks. Part of the new schedule is printed in today's paper. The new teams include: YMCA, Presbyterian House, Ag Freshmen, Veteran's Organization', Delta Sig ma Pi, Lilies and the V-9's. All teams are unknown' quantities as yet. The Veteran's Organization, for one, has had a hard time col lecting a team, but should be ready to go Monday afternoon when they open play against the Lilies. Revised Schedule Monday. Orl. 14. Field 1 Alpha Gamma Rho vs. Beta Sigma Psl. 2 Delta Upsilon vs. Sigma Alpha Mu. 3 Beta Theta Pi vs. Delta Tau Delta. 4 -Vet's Organization vs. LilHes. ' Tnntday, Oct. 14. t Sigma Alpha Epsilon vs. Farm House. 2 Phi Delta Theta vs. Kappa Sigma. 3 YMCA vs. Delta 8igma Pi. 4 Presbyterian House vs. Ag Freshmen. 5 Phi Kappa Psi vs. Sigma Chi Wednesday Oct. I. 1 Vet'e Organisation vs. V-9's. 2 Alpha Tau Omega vs. Theta XI. 3 Brown Palace C-Op v. Zeta Beta Tau 4 Pioneer Co-Op vs. Sigma Alpha Mu. ThurMlay. Ott. 17. 1 Alpha Gamma Kho vs. relta Tau Delta 2 Beta Theta Pi v. Beta Sigma Psi. 3 Lilies vs. YMCA. 4 Presbyterian House vs. Delta Sigma PI. 5 Phi Delta Theta v. Sigma Phi Epsilon. Tutoring . . . (Continued from Page 1.) little heln: and another for vets who have forgotten high school math completely ,or who did not take math in high school. "Most of the veterans sort of apologize in asking for this help," says Stanleys!. Barnett, in charge of the refresher class, "but we take a different attitude. It's per fectly natural that manv of these men should have forgotten details of math while in the service, vvnai nloanpii us most is that all of them are interested and anxious to learn. Most of the students come from the colleges of Engineering and Business Administration which re quire math courses. One of the bloodiest screen fights since the memorable battle in "The Spoilers" takes place in Paramount's "Golden Earrings" between Ray Milland and Murvyn Vye. Ray Milland celebraeed his 14th wedding anniversary during the making of Paramount's "The Im perfect Lady," in which he stars with Teresa Wright His wife, Mai, visited the set for the occasion. DMA IM Standings League I. w 1 Phi Delta Theta 4 0 Sigmna Phi Epsilon.. 3 1 Sigma Nu .' 3 1 Kappa Sigma 2 1 Zeta Beta Tau 0 3 Phi Gamma Delta 0 3 Brown Palace Co-op 0 3 League II. Delta Upsilon 4 1 Beta Theta Pi . 3 1 Beta Sigma Psi 3 1 Alpha Gamma Rho. . 2 2 Delta Tau Delta 1 2 Pioneer Co-op 1 3 Sigma Alpha Mu . . 0 4 League III. Sigma Chi 40 Farm House 2 1 Phi Kappa Tsi 2 1 Sigma Alpha Epsison 2 2 Cornhusker Co-op ... 1 3 Alpha Tou Omega. . .1 3 Theta Xi 0 2 pts. op. 89, 13 24 14 24 21 24 12 6 31 21 53 0 44 49 14 58 13 16 1 29 27 8 21 1 59 0 26 51 6 24 26 14 24 24 1.3 19 14 31 Golf Tryouts Slated Today -By Williamson A trial golf tournament will be held today at the Pioneer course beginning at 9 a. m. Matches to day are open to all Cornhusker golf aspirants according to coach Bud Williamson. From the trials today, coach Williamson will se lect a ten-man team on a basis of medal play. Team To Play This team will be matched against teams from the Lincoln country club, Hillcrest and Pio neer clubs this fall. It will be a good chance to warm up for the intramural golf tourney which is scheduled for Sunday, October 20. Golfers who cannot participate in the Sunday trials should get in touch with coach Williamson at the Lincoln country club. Last year's intramural golf championship went to Don Spomer with a low score of 75. The team championship was won by Phi Gamma Delta with Phi Delta Theta coming in second. Frosh Women . . . (Continued from Page 1.) ent from 9:00 p. m.-10:00 p. m. Co-ops: All girls living In Co-op houses will take the exam in parlors X, Y, Z at the Union between the hours of 5:30 and 7:30 p. m. Ag Campus: Girls living on the Ag campus will take the exam at 303 Ag Hall from 8 to 8:30 p. m. A.W.S. Board members will be in charge of all of these examinations. Hollywood is calling Paulette Goddard's adventures in her next movie "The Perils of Paulette." She has a series of hair-raisers in C. B. DeMille's epic of early America, "Unconquered." byB.J.Holcomb get cold. Play the weather game wise and buy a comfortable, warm sweater. HARVEY BROTHERS have long sleeve all wool sweaters in many plain colors. A new style in, features a beautiful stripe pattern in shades of green and another black and green is woven into an unusual knit pattern. If you want sweaters of distinction, durability and style go down to HARVEY'S. CHARACTER NOTES ... for the week include Kingsize Cribber, the poisenality soda jerk who has a smile for everyone . . . the patient X-ray unit operators speedily run ning a mile long line through in rec ord time . . . the oh so kind instructors who considered clonvo speec whorth while, so dismissed their classes . . . the Awgwan editor (shout his name) spreading quips of wit to prove col lege humor is not dead ... the man who knows, for good clothes it's . . Harvey Brothers 1230 0 St.