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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 10, 1946)
Thursday, October 10, 1946 THE DAILY NEBRASKAN Page 7 0 HARD I . itor SURE TO CO""' v CNOTHC PRE-WAR HUSKER, FlRED WAS DISCHARGED IN TJME TO WIN A LETTER V W: TME LEFT GUAPP 5 THE tfHOflTIST MAN ON THE VARSITY, . BUT HIS SPEED AND 190 LPS. MORE THAN OFFSET HIS LACK OF HEIGHTS - , aw GET no DUNNYf YV. k?HE TSN& EFFORTS OF LINE MEN fi f..h4 OFTEN PSS BY UNHERALDED BUT POST- ww-ir -iwvcj rnuvtw mm im ilc rtxc-witL k 41, IS A STAND-OUT ON DEFENSES p&gS n n n iniawEieve sieves Prepares for MM Under the able direction of Coach Eddie Anderson, the Uni versity of Iowa football eleven is preparing for this week's clash with the University of Nebraska at lowa city lioasting one of the strongest teams in the midwest, the Hawk eyes are determined to bounce back into the win column follow ing last Saturday's 14 to 7 loss to Michigan. Besides holding the vaulted Wolverine attack to two touchdowns, the Iowans have stacked up two victories with wins over feeble North Dakota State, 39 to 0, and not-so-feeble Purdue, 16 to 0, Despite talk of another team of iron men, Coach Anderson is not making any predictions on this week's contest. Pointing to the high scoring: possibilities of the T-formation, the Iowa grid men tor is shaping defensive maneuv ers for the Huskers. Racking up 62 points to oppon ents 14, all by Michigan, the Hawkeyes don't appear in any dire need of defensive or offen sive tactics. Stout line play has marked a top forward wall and drove the Michigan eleven to the air lanes to pave the way for their t scores. Tunnell Stars. Ton threat in the Iowa back field is Emlen Tunnell. a Necro. who has an uncanny knack of pitching and catching the pig skin. It was Tunnell who threw Saturday's touchdown Dass to End Harold Shoener for the Hawkeyes only score. Three former members of the Frosh Outfit Busy Running Rivals' Plays Freshman football players have been getting plenty of activity this week, running Iowa university plays against the Husker varsity and displaying Kansas State for mations against the Nubbins team as the weekend games against Iowa and Kansas State B teams draw near. Coach Pop Klein has several standouts from high school ball last year working on the fresh man outfit which has a fulltime assignment learning plays of fu ture opponents of the varsity and Nbbins teams. First String. The frosh outfit: Ends, Ed Donegan, Lincoln and Ralph f Damkroger, De Witt; tackles, Earl v Godfrey, Cozad and Bob Farner, Omaha; guards, Edward Lupo mech, Omaha and Bill Kimball, Lincoln; center, Hubert Unger, Clay Center, Kas.; quarterback, Bruce Bergquist, Lincoln; half backs, Duane Cox, Broken Bow and Don Finstrom, Kearney; full back, Bob Scoville, Hartington. great Seahawk eleven of 1943 which lost only to Michigan are also in the backfield. They are Louis King, with Tulsa last year at quarter, and Bob Sullivan and Tex Smith at right half. Tunnell holds down the left half spot. At fullback, Iowa has a good man in Dick Hierner, 210-pounder who also played service ball. Hoerner has already served notice that he is a top-notch line-smasher. If v ' . fry A! , , fcs r r i - BILL KAY Husky 220-pound Iowa tackle who is expected to give the Husker speed boys plenty of trouble when the two teams collide Saturday after noon at Iowa City. Suits Available For 11 Freshman Grid Candidates Freshman Football Coach L. F. Pop" Klein has announced that additional suits are available for candidates wishing to report for freshman football. Pop lists these men as first in line for togs if they wish to re port: Bernie Climer, Roland Ev ans, Paul McKenzie, Len Mockel strom, Frank New comb, Charles Runty, Ralph Wagner, Duane Birt, LaMont Huggeler, Kirk Gil lespie and Bill Mannschuck. Happy to be back in Hollywood Warlene Dietrich opened three bottles of French champagne and toasted the cast and crew of "Golden Earings" her first day on the set. UN Nubbins Work Against WildcatPlays Nebraska university's unbeaten i Nubbins team plays its second home game of the season tomor row afternoon at 3 p. m. in Me morial Stadium, against the Kan sas State Wildcats. The price of admission will be the same as for the opening contest, 50 cents for adults and 10 cents for children. Creed Advances. - In an effort designed to bolster his injury riddled backfield, Coach Prochaska elevated Ben Creed, Hinsdale, 111., quarterback from the freshman team to the Nubbins. The injury to Carl Dill dine left only Del Wiegand and Ray DeBolt to handle the all important job of setting the T 'ormation in action. Defense against Kansas State lays was again the main point of last night's practice. The first two lineups as they were running yesterday were: First team: P. Allen and Dan Brestel, ends; Jim Scmmers and Oscar Mussman, tackles; Bob Harrington and Dick Goeglein, guards; Gail Gade, center; Wiegand at quarterback; Bill Prall and Bob Schreiner, half backs; Wally Hopp, fullback. The second team had Jim Mc Williams and Bob Schneider at ends, Meno Wilhelms and Melvin Mohler at tackles, Bill Rolfsmeyer Nebrcflsto Kosher Sliced 35 Men Latest news from the Co,-n-husker football camp as the Scarlet squad prepares for its invasion of lows, university this weekend was the word that Coach Bernie Masterson had trimmed the varsity squad to 35 members. This figure is within traveling squad limits and it includes an extra right end and left guard in addition to three full teams. The first string listed on the squad roster has Jack Hazen and Alex Cochrane a ends, Carl Sam uelson and Vern Stiner at tackles, Fred Lorenz and Eddie Schwartz kopf at guards, Joe Partington at cenetr. Sam Vacantl at quarter back, Dick Hutton and Cletus Fischer at halfbacks and Tom Novak at fullback. Willard Bunkei and Jack Pesek were listed at ends on the second string, with Bob Tegt and Mike DiBiase at tackles, Bob Deviney and Gene Wilkins at guards, Jim Taylor at center. Dick Thompson at quarterback, Roy Long and Bill Moomey at halfbacks, and Junior Collopy at fullback. On the third eleven are Frit? and Bruce Allen at guards, and Dick Short at center. DeBolt was handling the quarterback duties. Dale Adams and Harvey Stroud were at the halves, and Darwin Salestrom was at fullback instead of his regular halfback slot. Mandula and Ed Nyden or Bob Schleiger at ends, Roger Johnson and Gordon Hall at tackles, Jerry Jacupke and Bob Lipps or Frankie Leik at guards, Jim Thomson at center, Fred Metheny at quarter back, Jim Myers and Pat Roomey at halfbacks and Gerry Moore at fullback. Other players formerly on the varsity were ordered to report to the Nubbins squad. Pass Defense. Wednesday afternoon the Husk ers ran through a pass defense drill and then Pop Klein helped his freshmar scout onto the prac tice field at the south end of the stadium where the yearlings ran through Iowa formations. The varsity combinations listed by the Husker coaching staff show that Centei Jim Taylor, David City athlete has moved ahead of Jim Thomson, while B.b Tegt, Fremont tackle, has moved up to the second string. Alex Cochrane, Ord pass snatcher, continues to run with the first team and will probably get the starting tod against the Hawkeyes, while Vern Stiner and Mike DiBiase are battling for the right tackle assignment. The Huskers will leave Lincoln at 4:45 Friday afternoon and will return immediately after the game, arriving lr. Lincoln at ap proximately midnight. If - S'S-ir- 1 i i.HVl ; 1 ELI .v..'W,..Jl V - 1 JACK BENNY ISN'T KIDDING "It's only once a year," says Jack Benny, "that the Community Chest asks you for a contribution. But all year long you can watch that gift of your help ing make your home town a better place to live in through Community Chest Red Feather services for kids, for veterans, for families, for old folks, for everybody. The Community Chest is really many appeals in one. It's no wonder that most people say 'yes'." OCTOBER 14TH TO 24TH ocauuaiTY ; APPEALS IN