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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 9, 1946)
r! Page 4 THE DAILY NEBRASKAN iWeanesBcfiC RaqqsucL BY ELLIE SWANSON. While the big news of the day seems to be politics and elections, the world of society is still crawl ine alone and a few of us pessi mistic fools wonder what will be come otudying in the shuffle, Candy passings are becoming more and more plentiful, and Monday night witnessed several fraternities traveling the campus undoubtedly creating a new cigar shortage. The Phi Delts made the trip to the Pi Phi house to cele brate a pinning of sometime be tween Buzz Black and Jean Har vey. The wedding will take place in the spring. The Sig Alphs went Gamma Phi way to do the hon ors for Ann Doudna and Reggie Davies, and a slightly belated candy passing was that of Merrill Shutt and Don Grant who were recently married but didn't want to miss the fun either. Several members of the Awg- wan staff were slightly puzzled Tuesday afternoon at the odd be haviour of Elmer Sprague and Phee Mortlock. The two locked themselves in the Awgwan office and spent some time with their heads togetner . . . politics, no doubt. Getting Involved. Jan McArthur, rumor has it, is becoming slightly involved at the Phi Gam house. No names were mentioned, but several brothers wonder what is to become of the poor Fiji who has "been dating Jane while two others take over this weekend . . . sounds con fusing, but you know as much about it as I do. Parties are as usual the thing of the weekend. The Sigma Cms will have an open house Saturday night and two to bo found in the gaiety will be Katie Phifer and Bill Kiefer. Monday night the Beta Sigs serenaded the most recent Beta Sig girl, Pat Lee at the Sigma Kappa house, who now wears Bill btunkers Cross, Heart, and Rose, Iowa Bound. Amony the many journeying to Iowa Citv this weekend arp Anne Whitam with Jack Reese, while if everything goes as planned, Norm ieger ana ran jwee will also make the trip. The weekend, by now prac tically planned, will find Jean Compton and Dick Howell to gether again, Marilyn Miller with Herb Frandsen and Mimi Smith with Jack Campbell Friday night. uoing steady are Jackie Wight- FRIDAY, OCT. 11 COLLEGE NIGHT at V . f 'A mm W-5:. j SKIPPY AKDERSOII featuring "ClkJlkJ' crk VI" titi ren Dancing 9 until 12 College Couples Only No Stags Bring Your Ident, Card man and Duke Dierry. while sister &urs expect some such develop ment irom Peggy Margolin and Larry "Gavvy" Gavenmann. An other cute couple and lso very promising is that of Marilyn Cof fey and Bob Cappell. Directory List ANDERSON. ThMvlnr R1 T lnml. lull Dudley, 6-1496. ANDERSON, Vayden, El, Stromsburg, 1510 Vine. ANDERSON. Waltnr. A Elthnn, T. 443 So. 30. ' " ANDERSON, Willard, Bl, Holdreee. 1548 S, 2-4433. ANDERSEN, Dewel, E3, Lincoln, 2935 So. 25, 3-4533. ANDREWS, Donald, AS3, York, 1925 R. 2-7915. ANDREW. Georee. R2. Fill ii H 25, 5-4030. ANDREAS, George, B2, Lincoln, 1630 P. 5-5167. ANDRESS, Gerald, El, Allbnce, 625 No. 16, 2-7858. ANDRESSEN, Gordon, E3, Scottabluff. 229 No. 12. ANDRRWR .Tnftin.illn it f i i Wlnthrop, 4-2601. ANDRESEN, John, PI, Plalnvlew, 601 No. 16. ANDREW, Louis, A, Lincoln, 3282 Hold redge, 6-4006. ANDREAS, Paul, AS2, Lincoln, 6409 Platte, 6-4432. ANDREAS, Thomas, AS1, Lincoln, 6409 Platte, 6-4432. ANDROS, Andrew, B3, Lincoln, 6330 Fairdale Rd., 4-2030. ANDROS, Theodore, AS1, Lincoln, 5330 Fairdale, 4-2030. ANGELL, Anna, AS1, Mead, 540 No. 16, 2-7371. ANGELINO, Henry, G, Lincoln, 2905 Orchard, 6-3083. ANGLE, Wallace, L, York, 1337 H. ANKROM, Lowell, AS2, Falls City, 635 No. 18, 2-7740. ANNEREAUX, Ralph, G, Delpaso, HGT, C, Sprague, Neb., B 41. ancon, Esther, AS2, creston, 80S no. 14, 64987. ANSTEY, Paul, E2, Scottabluff, 4150 Sheridan, 4-1579. ANSTEY, Robert, AS3, Scottsbluff, 4150 Sheridan, 4-1579. ANSTINE, Glenn. Bl. Valentine. 715 No. 16. ANSTINE. Jeanne. T2. Fremont. 4029 E, 4-3087. ANSTINE, Robert. B4. Kearney. 610 So. 17, 5-6597. ANTHONY, Jack, PI, Wilber. 1245 J. ANTHONY, Lavern, AS1, Sidney. 1309 Q. ANTHONY. MarJorle. Tl. Sidney. 130 No. 32. 5-8597. ANTHOLZ, Sylvia, A S3, Syracuse, 1520 R. APGAR, Charles, AS2, Lincoln, 1621 O. 2-5061. APPEL, David, B2, Dannebrog Sewell, 3-9251. APPLETON, Arthur, 1)1, Lincoln, 1325 R. APPLEGATE, Floyd, AS2, Uncoln, 2905 Vine, 6-4879. APTHORPE, Ronald, AL Kinsman, Ohio, 1421 C, 8-9000. ARBUTHNOT, Sue, O, Paplllion, 626 No. 16. ARENAS, Lupe, Bl, Cedar Rapids. ARENSON, Lois, Al, Lincoln. 2137 Vine, 6-7757. ARGABR1GHT, Helvin. E-2, Auburn, 1500 P, 2-4869. ARMATYS, Walter, Bl, Silver Creek, 19 No. 16, 5-4719. - ARMBRUST, Herbert, 1, Omaha, 401 ' So. 42, ARMINTROUT, Myron, Al, Milford. ARMOLD, Florence, A3, Scotia, 3420 Holdrege, 6-5046. ARMOLD, Margaret, B4, Scotia, 425 University, 2-1107. CONTRACT BRIDGE CLASSES Begin 4:30 P. M., Thurs. Oct. 10 Dale Ball, Instructor Union 313 Contract- Bridge Tournament 2:00 P. M., SAT., OCT. 12 Unoin Parlors YZ Register at Office ARMS, Vto, tK SUmSmmk ML SUrr. 6-820(1 " ARMSTRONG, CtUUdM, XL QMeMHaL 342 So. 24. ARMSTRONG, DM M, FtfMH, KOI No. 30. 6-2014. ARMSTRONG, K'lyaMM, Mt, IftiKOfifc 1341 No. 46, 8-224tt. ARMSTRONG, Mertjm, E3 AttbUM 2315 Q. ARMSTRONG, Fearl, ASlt Xtacolrl, IOS Pawnee 3-4882, ARNOLD, Beverly, Tl, Mahaska, ElIRi 840 No. 16, 2-7371. ARNOLD, Jack, E, Taylor, 4123 BL Paul, 6-6718. ARNOLD, Maurice. B2, Geneva, 150OH. 2-4869 ARNOLD, Vance. PI. Sutherland. 830 No. 27. ARNOLD, Vernon, T3, Lincoln, 2926 B, 2- 1451. ARNOT, Janes, Scrlbner. 2793 Bumneis, 3- 3652. ARNOT, Ltland, AS1, Lincoln, 825 Sb. 34, 3-6667. Q. WHAT'S ROTTEN? A. The records of our REPUBLICAN Congressmen They Voted AGASfJST HOUSING FOR VETERANS EFFECTIVE PRICE CONTROL BALLOTS FOR SERVICEMEN (Big Business of course fold thern io) JOIN NOW The Demo-Vets & Young Democrats of the U. of N. Next Meeting: Wed. Oct. 9, 8 P. M., Parlor Y, S. V. Or Phone Donald Morrow, Chairman, 5-8108 U it I The sports suit Out of the classic cocoon comes the new "social butterfly" sports suit . . . looking ever so smart. New lines and a new way with accessories . . . you'll be wearing yours from a. m. to p. m. 1840 H5 SPORTSWEAR-SECOND iyJ IlIilEK -. 17