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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 8, 1946)
Page 4 THE DAILY NEBRASKAN DEr Usr too 'inrocftn (is In order to meet an early pub lication date, information collect ed during registration for the Stu dent Directory must be checked at once, it was reported Monday by Student Foundation President Lorene Novotny. Although this is the third year of publication for the directory, it is the first time that the in formation concerning each regis tered student has been checked. With such a large enrollment, it is important that all details are accurate. Following is the first list of stu dents which will appear for check ing. All students whose names are listed below are asked to correct any errors on the accompanying coupon. The coupons are to be dropped in the Student Founda tion mailbox in the basement of the Student Union or mailed to the Student Foundation by Wed nesday. AARDAPPEL, Norils. D3, Lincoln, 1908 Bo. 11. 3-9454. AARSTED. Howard. AA8EN, Anna, AK4, Falrbury, 480 No. 16 2-7913 AASEN, ' Betty, AS4, Falrbury, 480 No. 16, 2-7913. A BART. Leonard, Baasett, 428 So. 29, 5- 9786. ABBOTT, Clifford, Bl, Lincoln. 3924 J, 4-3H0. ABBOTT, Marilyn, Lincoln, 1924 Park, 3-5292. ABBOTT. Sidney, AS1, Lincoln, 1924 Park. 3-5292. ABEGGLEN, Gene, Bl, Columbus, 1235 K. ABEL, Ann, AS4, Lincoln, 2335 Sheri dan. 3-2630. ABNOR, Helen, T2, Presho, N. D., 130 No. 32. 5-8597. ABOU 8ABE. Abdel Hamid, G, Cairo, Egvpt. 229 No. 17. 2-6197. ABRAHAM, Katharyn, A4, Alma, 716 No. 16. 2-1926. A BRA HAM SON, Charles, Bl, Omaha, 1345 R. ACE. Charles, El, Alliance, 2245 N, 6- 8249. ACKERMAN, Cecil. AS1, W. Mempil, Ark., 1520 No. 31, 6-2638. ACKERMAN, Gilbert, AS1, Hampton, 1120 E. ACKERMAN, Joanne, A S3, Sidney, 1545 S 2-3287 ACKERMANN, Kenneth, Tl, S'ltton, 1459 Plum. ' ACKER, Laverna, Al, Bridgeport, 3420 Holdrege, 6-5046. ACKERMAN, Robert, A81, Sidney, 1344 C 2-3501. 'aCOSTA, Gulllermo, Salinas, Peru, 511 No. 16, 2-3777. ADAMS, AdOO, A81, DIX, 1503 f, 2-5583. ADAMS, Catherine, AS2, West Point, 1520 R. 2-1174. ADAMS, Dale, Tl Randolph, 1500 U. ADAMS, David, E2, Primrose, 3148 S. ADAMS, Darrell, Lincoln, 1636 P. 5-4892. ADAMS, Duane, AS4, Omaha, 1452 U, 5- 7056. ADAMS, Donald, Bl, Arapahoe, 1504 S. ADAMS. Donald, Bl, Valley, 947 So. 13. ADAMS, Donna, Tl, Lincoln, 2743 So. 38 4-2157. ADAMS,' Elizabeth, AS1, Arlington, 2990 Sheridan. 3-2991. ADAMS, Harley, Bl, Lincoln, 1636 P, 6- 4892. ADAMS, Helen, Tl, Lincoln, 1905 So. 26, 3-3211. ADAMS. Jack, AS2, Wllmette, 111., 1545 R. ADAMS, John, T3, Geneva, 601 No. 16, 2-7764. ADAMS, John, G, Lincoln, 2827 No. 53, 6-3530. ADAMS, Joyce, AS4, Wakefield, 2208 No 56, 6-2208. ADAMS, Katherine, B4, Waverly, 501 So. 13, 5-8553. ADAMS, Kenney, Bl, Grand Island, 1423 R. ADAMS. Loyde, PI, Doniphan, 306 No. 17. 5-6845. ADAMS, M?rJorie, B3, West Point, 425 University. ADAMS, Ray, E2, Nelson, 1121 Q, 2-6226. ADAMS. Ruth, A 2, Waverly, 501 So. 13, 5-8553. ADAMS, Veralynn, T4, Broadwater, 464 NO. 16, 2-2304. ADEL, Raymond. B4. Spearfish. 8. D., 1522 S, 2-1037 ADERSON, Frank, Al, Lincoln, Route 8, 4-8227. AESCHBACHER. William, G, Lincoln, 236 No. 16, 5-6219. ACNKW, Kenneth, Bl, Sidney. 1302 Q. AGNEW, Richard, JD1, Sidney. 1701 E, 2-7741. AHLIQUIST. Ralph, E2, Omaha, 1702 So. 15, 3-8384. AHI.MAN, Arthur, Bl, Stanton, 646 No. 26. AHLQUIST, Robert, B3, Beatrice, 1620 M. AHRE, Allen. El. Lincoln, 1325 R. AHRENDS, Stanley, E3, Dlller, 348 No. 14. 2-2571. A 1 1. Erf, Jack, E2, Lincoln, 2310 Dudley, 5- 8492 AKROMIS, Daniel, 1, Omaha, 612 NALBEE. Bob, E2, Grand Island, 1841 South 3-6359. , ALBERT, Dwyer, Al, Adams, 3019 Hol drege, 6-4353. . ALBERT, Frederick, AS1, Lincoln, 6025 South, 4-1448. ALBERS, Robert. AS1, Falrbury, 2726 E, 2-1016. ALBERT, Waco, A, Adams ALBIN, George, JD2, Lincoln, S771 D, 4-2566. ALBRECHT, Robert, AS2, Lincoln, 1980 Park, 3-7161. ALBRCHT, Sidney, AS1, Lincoln, I960 Park, 3-7161. . , ALBRECHT, William, G, Lincoln, 1904 Harwood. 3-8300. ALBRO, Paul, E2, Kairbury, 1005 4th St., 2-1910. ALDKICH, Thomas, El, Sioux City, 540 So. 33, 3-3557. ALEXANDER, Fred, B3, Lincoln, 1310 So. 10, 3-6312. ALEXANDER. Joe, AS1, Omaha, Hus kerviile LAAF. ALEXANDER, Ivrgil, AS, Gordon, 1910 E. ALFARO, Arseuio, A S3, Isabel, PR, 1311 No. 37. ALFORD, Mary, T3, Lincoln, 4203 Starr, 6- 2055. ALr KEY, David, Tl, Louipville, 274 So. 10, 6-1748. ALFKEY, Donna, AS2, Lincoln, 420o Starr, 3-4843. ALFKEY, Elbert, Bl, Louisville, 2834 A Liu, Charles, tit, Lincoln, tjul io 2- 7512. AL1G, Robert, El, Lincoln, 1935 Hluh. 3- 4843. ALKEY. Dale, Atlantic, la. ALK1KE, L-, Aai, Islington, 1620 K, 2-2360. ALLAWAY, Jean, T3, Homer, WtfJ ituntington, 6-3650. ALLDEK, Wayne, El, Lincoln, 331 No. 13, 2-1386. ALLEN, Alice. T3. Malcolm. ALLEN, Arnold, El, Malcolm, 1832 So. 22 St., 3-6586. ALLEN, Becky, AS3, Lincoln, 1515 R, 2- 7757. ALLEN, Bert. B4, Omaha. ALLEN, Bruce, E3, Lincoln. 3-4200. ALLEN, Dale, El, Fremont, 1637 D, 3- 4200. ALLEN, Edward, El. Lincoln, 3-6586. ALLEN, Eugene, B4, North Platte, 1832 So. 22, 3-6586. ALLEN, Harold, Al. David City, 1826 P, 2-4891. ALLEN, Hugh, LI, B assert, 1734 N, 2- 4891. ALLEN, John, D2, Elsie, 2320 Park, 3- 801 0. ALLEN, John, Oneill, 2634 Q. ALLEN, Keith, Al, Brownvllle, 1M9 No. 40. ALLEN, Marjorie, ASS, Omaha. 1975 Ryons, 3-6328. ALLEN. Mark, A4. Lincoln. 1137 No. 37, 6-1569. ALLEN, Melvin, E2, Neligh. 181 M0. ALLEN, Neil, D, Lincoln, 2904 No. S3, 6-1693. ALLEN. Paul, T4, Lincoln. 1718 Bo 22 3-3889 ALLEN,' Rachel, AS2. McCoofc, 2975 Holdrege. (-1784. ALLEN, Robert, 3. Lincoln, 1C3T D, 3-4200. ALLEN. William. AS4, Lincoln, 1441 M, 5-7649. ALLGOOD, Robert, Bl. 8tella. 1641 N, 2-5351. ALLISON, James. AS. Lincoln. 3243 T. ALLISON. William. L, Gerlng, 135 Washington, 3-4733. ALLPRESS. Henry, G. Western, 1345 No. 32. 6-3144. ALMQUIST, Martin, E3. Central City. 901 No. 16. ALTHOU8K. Aurdey. Bl. Surprise, 620 So. 18, 2-2375. IN COKE tE DDI E YOUf? ROD $ OVfft HER! Student Directory Corrections If there are any corrections, please clip this coupon and brine or mail to the Student Foundation mail box. Union basement Name Address Phone No. . College Tear in School. ALTHOUSE. Jeary, A31. Surjrise, 620 So. 18, 2-2375 . AMATO, Francis, ASS, Omaha, 2291 Sheldon. AMEND, Laura, T4, Lincoln, 1525 Otoe, 3-586H. AMEND. Margaret, T3, Lincoln, 1525 Otoe, 3-5664. AMIOT, sterling. DI, Lincoln, 1817 No. 25, 2-5094. AMSDEN, Alan, A81, Omaha, 1545 R. AMSDKN, Don, ASS, Omaha. 1629 R. ANDELT, Melvin, B2. Dorchester, 1337 R, 5-8085. ANDELT, Warren, AS2, Dorchester, 1137 R. ANDERSON, Arthur, AS3, Lyons, 310 So. 28th. ANDERSON, Arthur, E3, Lincoln, 2543 Vine, S-4M6. ANDERSON, Betty, T4, Lincoln, 464 No. 16th, 2-2304. ANDERSON, Beverly, Tl, Omaha, 2003 No. 28th. 6-2262. ANDERSON, Carl, Dl, Sioux City, la., 1423 Q 2-2253 ANDERSON.' Carl. B3. Lincoln. 2105 8. 3-5226. ANDERSON, Clifford, El, Oakland, 1435 S. ANDERSON. Charles, B2. St. Joseph, Mo., 1515 R St. ANDERSON, Charles, E3, Lincoln, 1510 So. 23rd, 3-2340. ANDERSEN, CHRISTIAN. El, Harting- ton, 2233 T. ANDERSEN, Chris, AS4, Lincoln, 2543 C, 3-1560. ANDERSON. Dale, JD1, Atlantic, la., 924 Sooth. 2-1949 ANDERSON, David, 1 Fremont. ANDERSON, Deliiert, Dl, Detroit Lakes, 125T So. 21st, 3-2651. ANDERSON, Denica, 1, Lincoln, 302 So. 26, 5-8484. ANDERSON, Donald, BlStromsburg, 2324 T 2-3753. ANDERSEN.' Dorothy, A2, Valley, 3257 Dudley. 6-3881. ANDERSON, Ellen, Lincoln, 3325 M, 2-4156. ANDERSON, Elmer, AS1, Chicago, 111., 24th and Randolph. ANDERSON, Elinor, ASS, Omaha, 2034 F, 3-5490. ANDERSON, Elizabeth, T3, Newman Grove. 334 No. 13th, 2-2184. ANDERSON, Ernest, K3, Lincoln, 2220 O, 2-4166. ANDERSON, Frank. Al, WilsonvUle, 3805 Holdrege. ANDERSON, Francis, B, Lincoln, 3501 Dudley, 8-1496. ANDERSON, Glenn, E2, Lincoln, 601 South 34th, 3-5022. ANDERSON, George, PI, Ogallala, 1433 R 2-7523 ANDERSON, Gerald, L, Omaha, 1237 R, 2-6480. ANDERSON, Harvey, E3, Wahoo, 1300 P, 2-1251. ANDERSON, Harold, MSI, Butte, 210 No. 13th, 2-1251. ANDERSON. Harold, E2, Lincoln, 2801 So. 14th. 3-1698. ANDERSON, Harold, Al, York, 2929 Starr, 6-4284. ANDERSON, Helen, Tl, Wausa, 640 No. 16, 2-7371. ANDERSEN, Henry, D Cozad, 516 No. 16, 5-7584. ANDERSEN, Henry, AS2, Omaha, 1433 R st. ANDERSON, Ida, AS3, Ft. Collins, Co., 1127 Garfield. 3-8735. ANDERSON, Jack, AS2, Omaha, (25 No. 16th, 2-7858. ANDERSON, Jacqueline, Arrapahoe, 540 No. 16th, 2-7371. ANDERSON, June. T3, Denison, la., 2975 Holdrege, (-1784. ANDERSON, Jeanne, A84, Pawnee City, 1531 S. 1-5332. ANDERSON, John, AS1, Pawnee CltJI, 745 Klmwood, 3-4079. ANDERSON, John, B, Lincoln, 2136 E, 3-5381. ANDERSON, John, Bl, Lincoln, 2424 Washington, 3-8340. ANDERSON, John, AS, Omaha, lit Vine. ANDERSON, Kenneth, Al, Creston, I., 2017 So. 14. ANDERSON. Kenneth, B2, Omaha, 511 No. 24. 5-6778. ANDERSEN, Keith, Bl, Pierce, 229 No. 17. ANDERSON, Lemoine, Bl, Sutton, L. ANDERSON, LeRoy, AJSJ, Lincoln So. 14. ANDERSEN, Lou vera, JD1, Omaha, 2662 Bo. 13, 2-5326. ANDERSON, Lois, Bl, North Platte r 2409 Randolph. ANDERSON, Margaret, G, Lincoln, 1959 C, 3-4418. ANDERSON, Mary, T3, Lincoln, 3601 Dudley, (-1496. ANDERSEN, Mary, Tt, Steele City, 1(24) So 2? 3-1837. ANDERSEN," Merle, AS2, Fremont. ANDERSON, Norman, Neligh, 1527 So. 18 3-4278 ANDERSON, Norrls, Kearney, 1425 R, 2-7915. ANDERSEN, Peter, B2, Minden, 234 0a. 18, 5-9685. ANDERSON, R., A82, SootUbluff, 1531 S, 2-5332. ANDERSON, Ralph, A3, Lincoln, 1317 I 2-2092. ANDERSON, Robert, T3, Lincoln, IT 11 Ryons, 3-3036. ANDERSON, Robert, E4, WRboo, 219 No. 13, 2-1251. ANDERSEN, Robert, L, Valley, 1548 It, 5-354. ANDERSEN, Roland, AS1, Lincoln, 2521 No. 4, 6-2984. ANDERSON, Rodney, E, Strom sou rg, 1719 L. ANDERSON, Ronald, A3, Concord, 4013 Holdrege, 6-1436. ANDERSON, Richard," AS1, Lincoln, 1536 Van Dorn, 3-1365. ANDERSON, Stanley, E2, Uehling, YMCA. ANDERSON, Shirley, AS1, Halsey, 540 No. 16. 2-7371. ANDERSON, Shlriee, A3, Grand Island, 616 No. 16, 2-1885. ANDERSON, Theodore, B2, Sioux City, la., (01 No. 16. Letterip (Continued done about the matter of rejuvenation of the tradition of rigorous and complicated final exams by the Board of Regents or by any other influential factor of this institution. Tradition is usually rather hard to break away from and for this institution it appears to be terifically difficult. It has followed the same rut for a long time, so I hear. I have been in attend ance at this university for only one year so it is perfectly obvious that I am not an age-old and ex perienced person but from the little experience that t have had here I have noted one thing in partic ular and that is that some one seems to be trying their level best to modernize this school. That is to say, several holes have been dug in the campus and a lot of manure has been spread around try ing to grow some grass, but I have noted nothing that has been done to modernize the methods of instruction and the methods of finding out what from Page 2.) the student has gotten out of all the instruction ne or she may have been exposed to. Regardless of how beneficial to the student body the proposed policy of final exams may be, I doubt that the faculty can be convinced that the average student can learn a few things without going through hell and high water and trying to memorize a book overnight. It is a shame that the Board of Regents and the faculty do not appreciate the fact that a lot learned quickly is often for gotten just as quickly. Probably not much can be done to bring recog nition to this proposed policy unless enough people get behind it. Why not make the proposal a plat form and push the platform? If enough force is applied something will eventually give and lets hopethat it is the Board of Regents and any other influential body that may be of some help. JOE BECKER nc ooxx nisi swssesnow s eniors at the try your hand FMX DE PARI Vogue's College-to-Career Contest Vogue's 12th Prix de Paris closes its entry list November 1, 1946. If you're a senior who wants a career after college... a job-with-poseibilitiea in fashion, writing, merchandising, art or pho tography, advertising. ..enter the Prix. Firal prize is year's job oa Vogue, including 6 months in Paris if living conditions there are suitable; 2nd prize, 6 months on Vogue. Tea honorable mention winners are considered for' jobs on other Conde Nast publications: Clamour,. House & Car den, and Vogue Pattern Book. One hundred next-ranking contestants are given introductions to stores, advertising agencies, and othermagazines for job interviews. Witt morfrrfirmsielhnk to Prix it Paria Dkitor,Xou,ciJ21L LcMn&ku A rtnmNtw York 17, N. Z ' u. - --- - - - -