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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 8, 1946)
Tuesday, October 3, 198 THE DAILY NEBRASKAN Page if D0DiLD"O"EJJ Br Georgo Miller Every Big Six team finished 60 minutes of gridiron activity last Saturday on the winning side of the ledger for the first time tnis season. It was not without a fight in some instances, for Missouri, Oklahoma, Kansas and Iowa State, in fact every team except the Huskers, was forced to work all the way to gain a victory. Nebraska fans should not be too smug after viewing: the one-sided win which Bernie Masterson's pu pils hung on the claw less Wild cats. Bernie remarked that the Scarlett squad looked worse in defeating Kansas State than they did in losing to Minnesota a week earlier. The all-victorious week end considerably enhanced the loop record against outside foes, and the standings now show that Big Six teams have won five, lost seven and tied one against non conference opponents. Kansas Uni versity ' sports the best record, having won two and tied one, while Iowa State has scored 36 points against three opponents to lead the Jayhawks by one point in scoring against the non-Big Six teams. Non-conference standings: w 1 t pts opp Kansas U 2 0 1 35 20 Oklahoma ... 1 1 0 17 28 Missouri 1 1 0 32 64 Iowa State ... 1 2 0 36 62 Nebraska 0 1 0 6 33 Kas. State ... 0 1 0 7 21 In overall scoring, non-conference and conference games, Ne braska has the edge with a total of 37 points in two games. Kansas has allowed the fewest enemy points, 20 in three games. The art of field goal kicking, almost a lost art among collegi' ate football players, is returning to the Big Six this season. Dave Wallace of Oklahoma and Harle Rollinger of Iowa State are the most proficient booters, Wallace having one to his credit, while the Cyclone artisf has registered a trio of three point efforts. Wallace's field goal came in the last 25 seconds of play against Texas A. & M. Saturday and gave the Sooners a 10 to 7 win over the Aggies. Rollinger contributed two place ments against the Iowa Teachers, one from the 31-yard line, and had earlier come through with a Cyclones to Open Conference Play Against Jayhawks AMES, la. With three non conference games out of the way, the Iowa State Cyclones will swing into the Big Six drive here Saturday. Coach Mike Michalske's Cy clones will face undefeated Kan .sas here in a Parents' day contest that is expected to attract some 15,000 fans. It will be the first conference encounter of the year for both teams, and the fourth game of the year for both. Headliner of the rejuvenated Jayhawks is Ray Evans who has been touted as Ail-American back field material from the mo ment of his return from the sec ond air force eleven. successful attempt against North western. While on the subject of field goals, Sam Vacanti's 17-yard bullseye against the Kansas State Wildcats should have been worth three points in ordinary circum stances, but the kick came after the Huskers had been caught holding on a point after touch down. A similar holding penalty cost the Scarlet another rjoint. for after the second touchdown Va canti again split the uprights, but a second penalty forced him to try again from the 17-vard line. and a treacherous southeast wind blew the ball to the right of the goal posts. Jersey numerals of both teams were much larger, in accord with new regulations, and made the job of spotting the players a sim ple task when compared to the situation in previous years. The Huskers' numbers go much higher this season, with Bob Schleiger's "80" topping the list. Any number over "60" was al most never seen on Nebraska jer seys during the past years. ::v:'V.:-:::: - j': 4,?- ..' . " t - .-I-y I UN Nubbins To Entertain K-State B's Having proven by virtue of their 18 to 0 win over Colorado that their T formation functions equally well in dry or rainy weather, the Nebraska Nubbins will this week be polishing their rough spots in preparation for the first of two games with the Kan sas State Wildcats. The first game of the home and home series will be played Friday, Oct. 11, in Me morial stadium, while the second contest will be on the Manhattan playground on the 25th of this month. Last week's only casualty on the Husker squad with Bud Gerlach, who will be out for the remain der of the season with a broken ankle. Although his loss will be noticed. Coach Ray Prochaska has ample backfield replacements in the personages of Harvey Stroud, Bill Frail, and Darwin Sale strom, any one of whom can step into Gerlach's position. Coach Lud Fiser's boys also, have two games under their belt this season, their first being a 12 to 0 triumph over the University of Wichita reserves, while last weekend found them tangling with their arch rivals, the Kan sas Jayhawks. Light Backfield. The K-State backfield, which averages only slightly over 160 pounds, may find the going a lit tle rough against the big Scarlet line. Ww$ T.linieireose Willard Bunker, Husker game captain. Willard Bunker To Lead Squad For Iowa Game Willard Bunker, veteran left end who was a member of the Rose Bowl squad, has been named game captain for the Iowa uni versity clash at Iowa City Satur day by Coach Bernie Masterson. Bunker returned to school last fall in time to join the B squad, and he rose to the varsity in time to help them win their November games. Masterson is not satisfied with the Huskers' performances, and has indicated that there will be plenty of polishing this week as the Nebraska team prepares to meet the strong Hawkeye eleven. Q. WHAT'S ROTTEN? A. The records of REPUBLICAN Congressmen They Voted AGAINST HOUSING OF VETERAN EFFECTIVE PRICE CONTROL BALLOTS FOR VETERANS (Big Business of course fold fhem to) JOIN NOW The Demo-Vets A Young Democrats of the U. of N. Next Meeting: Wed. Oct. 9, 8 P. M., Parlor Y, S. U. Or Phone Donald Morrow, Chairman, 5-8108 Higgenbotliam Announces Ag Football Slate Ed Higgenbotham, director of intramural activities on the ag campus, has announced the touch football schedule for the ag col lege league which is made up of six teams. First games will be played to day at the ag college field begin ning at 5:15 p. m. Schedule: Oct. 8: Ag Men's Club vs. Y.M.C.A. Oct. 10: Odds & Ends vs. Gym Class Team. Oct. 15: Odds & Ends vs. Al pha Gamma Rho. Oct. 17: Gym Class vs. Y.M.C.A. Oct. 21: Farm House vs. Alpha Gamma Rho. Oct. 22: Farm House vs. Ag Men's Club. Oct. 24: Y.M.C.A. vs. Alpha Gamma Rho. Oct. 28: Gym Class vs. Ag Men's Club. Oct. 29: Farm House vs. Odds & Ends. Oct. 30: Alpha Gamma Rho vs. Ag Men's Club. Nov. 4: Y.M.C.A. vs. Odds & Ends. Nov. 5: Farm House vs. Gym Class. Nov. 6: Ag Men's Club vs. Odds & End?. Nor. 7: Alpha Gamma Rho vs. Gym Class. Nov. 11: Farm House vs. Y.M.C.A. X"7 frti LOOK FOR HER ON NORCROSS AMERICA'S BEST-LOVED GREETING CARDS Obtainable at the GOLDENROD 215 North 14th St. gaoth f BUdent Vnltn BIO SIX STANDINGS w i. rr orr Nebnwka I 31 o Mififiiiiiri 0 O Oklahoma 0 O Kansas O a low 8ta(e SO Kansas Mtate 9 t 0 SI KKSl'I.TS I. AST H'KKK. Nebraska 81, Kanxaa Slate 0. Oklahoma 10, Texaa A M 7. Missouri IS, St. I-ouIh 14. Kansan 14, Wichita 7. Iowa State 20, Iowa Teacher la. GA.MKS THIS WKKK. Nebraska at Iowa I'nlveraity. Oklahoma at Texan University. Kanaaa at Iowa State. Missouri at Kansas Mtale. Nebraska's 31-0 win over Kan sas State highlighted activity in the Big Six last weekend, as the conference gridiron chase official ly got underway. While the Huskers were drubb ing the Wildcats, other loop teams were having tough times with non-conference opponents, but every Big Six team was on the long end of the score when the final gun sounded. Last Minute Wins. Oklahoma and Iowa State were forced to do their last bit of point making in the final minutes of their games. A field goal by Dave Wallace with less than a minute remaining gave the Soon ers a 10 to 7 win over the Texas A & M aggregation at Norman, while a desperation pass con nected for a touchdown and the margin of victory as Iowa State edged out their home state rivals, the Iowa Teachers, by a 20-18 count. Don Faurol's University of Mis souri eleven had an unexpectedly rough time Friday night against St. Louis University before finally winning 19-13. Their showing a week earlier when they tied Ohio State had made the Bengals ap pear to be overwhelming favorites, but the Billikens forced the Columbia boys to go all out. Kansas University managed to (A slt (IT w 'o;d ' y 4VS'' -aX- v' CLAYTON COLBERT Iowa Halfback Get Your . . . SEASON TICKETS for LINCOLN SYMPHONY Concert Series TODAY! STUDENT UNION or SCHOOL of MUSIC Students $5 incl. tax 1st Concert . . . OCT. S YEHUDI Univ. MtNUHIN Coliseum Next Five Concerts In STUART THEATRE scrape past Wichita University with a 14 to 7 victory Saturday afternoon in another game which turned out to be much closer than the experts had figured. Conference Action. Play inside conference circles picks up this week, with two Big Six games on tap, Missouri In vades Kansas State in what should be a rousing start for the Bengals, and Iowa State is host to Kansas University. This game should see George Sauer get off to a winning start in loop competition. Oklahoma takes another week for nonconference battling before swinging into conference play, but the Sooner's opponent, Texas Uni versity, is currently t'..e nation's hottest ball team, and Coach Jim Tatum's lads will be glad to get back into Big Six circles after Sat urday's game. The Cornhuskers go afield again when they meet the strong Iowa Hawkeyes at Iowa City in the 34th' renewal of a series which began in 1891. This year's tilt will close the series at least for the present, because the '47 schedules do not show a meeting between the two schools. Universiliees and Colleges all over liie country are ask ing us for instructors, As sistant professors, associate professors and professors. All Fields. Part limes in structors also: Salaries S2500 to $6000 and up. SECONDARY AND ELEMENTARY Hundreds of vacancies in cluding Pacific Coast Ctates and others with high Salary Schedules. $2000 to $3000 and up according to qualifi cations. Supervisors,' Critic Teachers in great demand. CLINE TEACHERS AGENCY East Lansing, Michigan SCARFS WITH "NEBRASKA" IN NAILIIEADS .V Um 1)25 5 Suede-finish rayon head squarees in your favorite colors; white; black, red aqua, green, maise, royal blue, or brown with nail head trim. Street Floor