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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 3, 1946)
Page 4 THE DAILY NEBRASKAN Thursday, October 3, 1946 4 . . -. -......,. ... , . li ... I-L&- 3'"'' wrl it if - U tit I , . ' 7 11 Head Coach Bernie Masterson turns his back to the camera to scan the ranks of an early fall scrimmage. Out of this group some 90 hopefuls emerged the present varsity squad some of whom will face Kansasa State Saturday afternoon. The non-jersey clad spectators to the left are stray sports writers. C'oiirt-Rjr Lincoln Jiiiirnal. Usd&htmA ' JiuAlwwilisi BY GEORGE SHAW With its own post office sub Station, Huskerville, the recently established housing project for veteran UN students, is located on the northwest section of the for mer Lincoln Army Air Base. The inhabitants of this new community travel to and from the campus via their private bus line, eat their meals in the Huskerville Cafeteria and will soon be able to ettend their local movie theater. Bachelor Quarters At present 70 single student are living in Huskerville in two-men rooms, each containing study desks, lockers and Gl-type double bunks. Paying $10 per month rent end $1.50 per week for bus serv ice, if needed, they may eat their meals in their cafeteria or else Where if they so desire. The buildings now being used were at one time occupied by bachelor of ficers when the base was in oper ation. By converting these former of ficer's quarters, rooms have been provided for 144 single students, disclosed Max Swan, housing manger. He also announced that by Nov. 1, 45 apartments for mar ried couples would be completed With some of them being finished at an earlier date. The remainder of the apartments, which will number 253, should be ready by Dec. 1. Family Apartments These family apartments, which are being built in the former hos- Lutlieran Choir Rehearses Tonile Lutheran Student Choir will hold rehearsal tonight at the Stu dent Center, 315 North Fifteenth ttreet, at 7 o'clock. Alfred Blinde Is director. Any Lutheran student Interested in choral work is wel come, according to the Rev. Alvin Petersen, student pastor. Bing Crosby, currently appear ing opposite Joan Fontaine in Paramount 's "The Emperor Waltz," has organized a soilball team among the Paramount tech nicians and plays second base on the outfit. Batting in led-off position the other night, he made three hits the first three times up. William Bendix forsakes heavy dramatic roles by assuming an all-out comedy portrayal in Para mount's "Where There's Life." The popular star will play a thickheaded, blustering Brooklyn cop. pital, will contain a living room, a kitchen, two bedrooms and a pri vate bath. Each of the three buildings now occupied has a lounge room with recreational facilities for the ten ants. "With the arrival of the married students and their fam ilies," explained Mr. Swan, "Ar rangements will be made for the opening of a grocery store, barber shop and beauty shop." "I might also add," he went on, "That more and better equipment is now on order for the recreation rooms." Veterans skeptical of living in former GI dwellings should rally with the thought that the only visible clues as to the former ten ants are the faded and dilipidated military signs, such as "Out of Bounds!" Such objects now stand unnoticed. Doable Take m 1 Date Attention Seniors Seniors will not have thrir picture taken in cap and town this year. Pictures are being: taken at the Reinhardt-Marsden studio at Gold's. The schedule for this week is: Alpha Chi Omega. Alpha Omicron Pi Alpha Phi. Unaffiliated students must make appointments for their pictures at the Cornhusker of fice any afternoon between one and five, according- to Joan Fankhauser, managing editor. Bucketfuls of crocodile tears have, been shed' of late by the good old days boys and still no recognition. Time was when b well placed brick "or you won't make TNE" threat Would bring unequaled action "nix" to coin a continental phrase. The weaker sex have flexed their mental muscles determined to make known their supremacy on campus. There were a couple of extremely red faces yesterday morn following publication of coed intentions in editorial form Even Einstein is unaware of the vast difference between 13 and 15 if you know what I mean. It looks as if the "good old back-knifing days are definitely a thing of the past so togas might well be placed on defeated shoul ders and backwheel positions taken. The feminity has taken a firm guiding hand grip on the front wheel slots and don't appear to be frightened by worn out growls. The university might well in troduce a crime detection course udging from the number of ama teur sleuths who have crawled out from under desks. Quarry: The poor bedragled anonymous writers now having residence on the campus. The only trouble is none of the new "Perry Masons" know whether or not to trust each other. It's a vicious circle. Conspicuously absent are party cuacuses with elections only eight days away. According to rules unless a party meets confirming nomination the candidates must file independently. All will be on the up and up no doubt, with that oft mentioned party breath ing sighs of relief that "S'Matter" hasn't printed their independent slate. Remember he who laughs last IMt Eddy Albert, appearing in "The Perfect Marriage," Hal Wallis production for Paramount, lists pork dressing as his favorite dish but adds that the best way to pre pare it is to wangle an invitation to his mother's house. Union Plans Matinee Dances This Afternoon Matinee dances irr Union ball room have been scheduled for today from 12 to 1 p. m. and from 5 to 6 p. m., and on Friday from 12 to 1 p. m., according to Pat Lahr, Union director. Chuck Hall and his orchestra will play in the ballroom Satur day from 9 p. m. until midnight. Tickets, which are 76 cents each, are on sale in the Union office. One identification card will ad mit one couple. Sunday's free variety show at 3 p. m. will feature John Carson, magician and ventriloquist, dis charged naval veteran who is now a student at the University. The movie, "Laura," starring Gene Tierny, Dana Andrews and Clif ton Webb, will be shown following Carson's performance. The regular coffee hour will be held in the lounge at five, and at 5:30 p. m. the main dining room will be open for buffet dinner service. Price of the dinner will be 85 cents. Urgent ! This is an urgent appeal from the Regents bookstore! 75 General Biology books by Kcnoyer and Goddard, revised edition, are neede dfor students who have not yet been able to obtain them. Students who used these books a year ago and still have them, are asked to bring them to the Regents bookstore to sell. Debate Group Will Meet Tonight A meeting for all students in terested in pci.ipating in Uni versity debate and discussion will be held in room 201 of the Temple at 7 p. m. Thursday, according to Donald Olson, director of Uni versity debate. Intercollegiate and public serv ice programs will also be ex panded this year, announced Olson. Swimmers Asked To Attend Meeting Today at 5 P.M. Swimming Coach Hollie Lepley has asked that all men interested in trying out for the University of Nebraska swimming team at tend an oganizational meeting this afternoon at 5 o'clock. The meeting will be held in Room 1 in the coliseum basement. During the making of Para mount's "Two Years Before the Mast" William Bendix bought a Great Dane which he nicknamed "Mort," short for mortgage which was what Bill figured it would take to feed the pet. unflHeftuin) Photographer wanted. If you know how to use a Cine Ko ';.k Special and Kodacbrome, and if you desire part time work mak ing motion pictures, see Mr. Tay lor or Mr. Mercer, 201 Nebiaska Hall. The first ' meeting of the Stu dent Branch of Chemical Engi neers will be held in Avtry Lab room 208 on Thursday, October 3, at 7:15 p. m. All chemical en gineers are invited to attend, ac cording to the president, Bill Larson. 1 AIIMY SI EIJiS I 4 'Si Only a.mammourh Government Purchase presents this Greatest Buying Opportunity of a Lifetime. FIELD JACKETS Reg. reissue, popli zipper, water repel! wool lined. Buy now for cold weather. n, full v O IT Your choice PEA COATS Girls, it's the fad. ew 100 wool navy pea i coats. Plenty of, warmth without Weight. Why pay more? $fi 1 95 u u New - PILLOWS Large size, all feath ered pillows. Priced ridiculously low. Your choice used BLAI(ETS Army reg., full- bed size, hard finished, closely woven, 100 wool. Slightly used. 8)95 Near E3 New 5 WOOD BUHKS Only one to a residence. Ex cellent, e o m fortable. A sen satlonal saving. A Real Bargain 1)95 ( i used 17AC PANTS Reissue twill w"o r k pants. Full cut. Built pants, run cut. Built mi for plenty of abuse, t U j Vt R Used-laundered and I 1 ready to wear. it 1028 0 ST. 1028 0 ST. erf IT 30