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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (May 12, 1946)
Sunday, May 12, 1946 THE DAILY NEBRASKAN Page 7 EKlusker lEasebaSSers Split EDoufoleheader Nebraska baseballers split a doubleheader at Iowa State Sat urday after Friday's game was postponed because of wet grounds. The Husiters dropped the first game 6-5, but captured the second contest 7-4, bunching seven runs in the first and fifth innings to spell defeat for the Cyclones. In the first game, Iowa State picked up six runs in the last three innings of the seven-inning game. Two runs in the last in ning enabled the Cyclones to mo mentarily gain possession of un disputed second place in the Big Six standings with a 5-2 record. However, the second game defeat moved the Cyclones to third and leaves the Huskers in fourth place with five wins and five losses. Nebraska picked up a cluster of four runs in the opening in ning of the second contest to give Jim Sandstedt a good working margin, and he kept the situation well under control thereafter, despite a home run and triple by Ed Faunce of Iowa State. The Huskers were guilty of only two errors in both games, while the Iowans committed a to tal of six roksplays. 4 1 3 1 4 2 Nebraska ab h Hegwood 2b 4 1 O'Donnell rf BaHck 3b Masrr as Williams If Tackaon c Stork lb Bolen cf Jacob p Sandstedt P 0 0 0 0 al la. State 0 Faunce cf 0 Scott If 3 Jones s 2 Hicks rf OiOaletich lb liBuehner 3b 0: Miller 2b 0 Phelps c 51 Theobald p 0 ab h o a 4 10 0 2 10 0 3 2 14 3 0 11 2 1 12 0 3 112 3 0 2 4 10 4 2 10 0 2 Totals 29 7 18 111 Totals 23 6 21 15 Strong batted for Theobald In seventh. Nebraska .' . 000 122 05 7 1 Iowa State ,....000 022 26 6 4 Error: Hecwood, Jones 2, Buehner Phelps. Two base hit: buehner. Three base hit: Scott, Jones, Jackson 2. Srruitd iame. Nebraska ab h o a! Lowa State ab h o a Hegwood 2b 4 1 4 '3 faunce cf 4 2 2 0 3'Don'U rf 3 0 1 O'scott If 3 0 0 0 Baack 3b 4 10 1 1 Jones ss 3 0 11 Maserss 4 2 1 2 Hicks rf 4 12 1 Williams If 4 2 0 0 Galetlch lb 3 130 Jackson e 4 1 7 0 Buehner 3b 4 12 0 Stork lb 3 2 7 0 Phelps c 2 0 9 1 Bolen cf 3 110 Petersen p 0 0 0 0 Sandstedt p 2 0 0 S.Anderson p 10 0 1 Phog Allen Resigns As Phys Ed Head Kansas university announced Saturday that Dr. Forrest C. (Phog) Allen will relinquish his duties as head of the department of physical education to devote full time to coaching basketball. Henry Shenk, physical educa tion professor since 1941, was named to succeed Allen. Allen has been basketball coach at KU since 1919, and his teams have won national fame consistently. The seventeenth annual Big Six track and field championships are the event of the week at Me morial stadium Saturday with Oklaham, Kansas and Iowa State cinder squads competing. I Beers Hale p 110 0 0 0 0 0 Total! 31 10 21 9 Totals 25 6 19 4 Beers batted for Anderson In sixth. Nebraska 400 0:t0 07 Iowa State 220 000 04 Error: Maser, Jones, Hale. Two base hit: Williams 2. Three base hit: Faunce, Miller. Home run: Faunce. McCookWins Class A Title In State Meet McCook, Central City, Bassett and Talmage took team champion ships in the 44th annual running of the state high school track and field carnival which wound up Saturday at Memorial Stadium before a crowd of approximately five thousand fans. One New Record. One hew record was estab lished during the day's running, when Bob Berkshire of Omaha Benson sailed over the high hurdles in :14.6 to better the- old record of :14.9 set in 1943 by Norval Barker of Aurora. Leo McKillip of McCook, who ran second to Berkshire in the race was also under the old record with a time of :14.8. McKillip, although winning only the broad jump, paced the Mc Cook squad to the Class A cham pionship. In addition to his jump, Leo was second in the high hurdles, second in the 220 yard dash and ran a fast anchor leg on the Bison's winning relay team. Another outstanding performer was big Don Vollcrtsen of Tal mage, wh sparked his team to a repeat team triumph in Class D. The husky athlete won the 440 in :51.7, the beat time recorded in the meet, and also took first in the 220 with a time of :22.8 which was just a tenth of a second of Leonard K roll's gold medal per formance in Class A. Jim Martin of Benson won as expected in the Class A 880 yard run, but not without stiff com petition from Johansen of North Platte and Polly of Kearney. His time was 2:04.2, good enough for gold medal honors, but not close to the existing state record held by Bobby Ginn. Vanlter Top 12 Feet. A pair of Class A pole vaulters cleared 12 feet to tie for first place in this event. Leonard Kehl of Scottsbluff, who was the de fending gold medal winner, and Danny Peppier of McCook both soared over the bar at 12 even, but neither could conquer the 12 feet 3 inch height. Ed weir's varsity runners also got to compete, and two relay - f nCDm" Tk apwd flavor, and the rkliar, creamier tastt which everybody likes well U th rctult of Homof eaixadoa. HofBOfcalurion break up tK Urgt saiBt fat globules which are suspended ia ordinary milk and evenly distribute thesa stimuli nt h whole botti of milk, thue giving every ounce an equal share of cream nothing hae been added and nothing taken away. More and more people like this beaut- milk and are buying at because it U the beet (or drinking and far eooking. 'HOMOQENIU0 i" : '. ,,, Fairmont' Homo nked Milk tastes better. If ie carefully Homoge nized by i killed dairy men, using the moit modem equipment. The Fairmont Creamery Co. teams ran a special medley race which ended in a dead heat be tween anchor men Dean Kratz and Bobby Ginn. The time for their mile leg was announced as 4:36.1, but no overall clocking was released. Al Brown and Blaine Young ran 880 legs in the race, while Fritz Ware and Har vey Stroud led off with quarter mile sprints. BEST PERFORMANCES. 100 yard dash Frank Woofers, Broken Row. :10.S. 220 yard dash Ionard Kroll, Boys Town, :22.7. 444 yard dash Don Vnllertsen, Talniage, :M.7. 880 yard run Jim Martin, Omaha Ben son, t:04.t. Mile run Marvin Zimmerman, Nebraska City. 4:44.1. 120 yard hlth hurdles Bob Berkshire. Benson, :14.f (new record) 220 yard low bardies Bob Brrxklre, Ren son, :2.1.t. Shot put Frits Davis, Northist, 4 feet S Inches. Discus rrlts Davis, Northeast, 143 fret 10V, Inches. Poule vault I-eonard Kehl, Seottsblnrf and Peppier, McCook, II feet. Broad jump 1n McKillip, MrConk and Ron Henk, Central City, 20 feet Inches. High Jump Fred Ruff, Scottsbluff, fret l"a Inches. K-Slate Takes Action On Big Six Question In a vote taken yesterday at an all-college assembly at Kansas State college, students moved to ask faculty representatives of Big Six schools to abolish a so-called gentleman's agreement barring Negro students from participation in conference athletics. The all-college assembly was called by the student governing association, following discussion of the subject during the past few weeks. Round, Bogan,Hicc To Head Kearney Discussion Clinic George Round, Paul Bogen and William Hice will lead discussion groups at the Nebraska broadcas ters association radio news clinic to be held in Kearney yesterday. Big 6 Track Meet To Be One-day Ail air This Year The Big Six track and. field championships in Lincoln this week will be a one-day carnival, according to latest word from Husker track coach Ed Weir. Pre liminary events will be run off Saturday morning instead of Fri day afternoon, as had been con templated for a time. Interference with final exams at some schools caused conference coaches to telescope the competi tion into one day of intensive ac tion, with finals in all events scheduled for Saturday, May 18. Keen competition is expected in the battle for the team title, for Kansas, Oklahoma, Missouri and Iowa State in addition to the Scarlet thinclads could walk off with the Big Six championship. SEE SURRETWILL IN OUR WINDOW ... ON SECOND FLOOR 1 U A 1V1 , LA WHAT COULD BE BETTER THAN JL SMART SUITS IN ONE TO START YOUR WARDROBE? A FOR BUSINESS, SPORTSWEAR, WEEK-ENDING, EVENING It's good to be called "mister" again. And it's going to feel mighty good when you ease your military bearing inside a Surretwill suit. Surretwill is a fine, full-bodied, all wool fabric by Pacific Mills! It's smooth yet rugged, soft yet firm . . . woven for versatility and rich good looks. 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