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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (May 5, 1946)
Page 6 Track Team Wins 75 56 Over Mizzou The Nebraska track and field squad scored its first win of the current outdoor season by defeat ins the University of Missouri 75 to 56 in a dual meet at Colum bia Saturday. Ts'scrs Missing. Missouri was without the serv ices of three ace performers, Big S' sprint king Bb Crowson, dis tance runner Bill Chronister and hurdler Bob Chase, which enabled the Huskers to pile up unexpected points in the shorter races and re peat their indoor dual meet tri umph. Bobbv Oinn aain sparked the Nebraska squad by posting a pair of wins. He raced to a 1:57.5 win in the half mile and teamed with I mii Kratz for a, dead heat in the mile run in the time of 4:33.7. The mile win was the second locked arm finish of the season for the two. A sweep for all three places in the two mile run boosted the Ne braska total, for Don Yocum, Stan Martin and Wayne Roads finished in that order. Yocum was clocked in 10:10.3 for the distance. In addition to Ginn's sparkling time in the 880, Harvey Stroud 11; shed top form in the quarter mile and took the event in :50. as veil as placing second in the 220 vard dash. IIi"'ins Wins. The anticipated pole vault riv a'ry botweon Dick Miller and Mi --ouri's Dick Higgins went to tho Bengal vauller, as he cleared 11 feet 9 inches to win first n::iey. F'iyd Gaultney of Missouri was the top individual scorer of the d iv. He amassed 13 points in win ni.ig the high hurdles, broad jump and placing second in the low hurdles, nummary: " it put: Won bv Nnrtznian. Nebraska: SI hi Imn. Missouri, second ; Hansen, Ne- tliird. Distance 43 feet and 113. imes. .' I :h jump: Won by FitzRerald. Ne 1 Howe '' vri serond: Howard M .M.url, third Heul t 6 feet A inclic- .'oile run: Kratz. Nebraska, and Glno Nelnaska. tied for first; friel, Miaso1.'- ' tin . I Time 4:17 ' I'd at it dash: Won by Stroud, Ne-r:- l:a ; Whit.-'cre. Missouri, second; M' i;-ehouse. Neliraska, third. Time :r0. I'" 'aril dash: Wo" by Ware. Nebraska Ai th- Mission-!, sc.-ord: Best, Missouri Ti-- :'" "! e vault: Won bv Higi;ins, Misson." ,Whr:irka -.of: I i-enhart. .V. . third. lieinht 12 feet 9 Inches 1 ard hiKh horjles: Won by Gault Missouri;!:er, Nebraska, second .Nebraska, third. Time :15.3. nev ' o:i vaid run Won by flinn. Nebraska; K li.i.ih, Mlssop'j. second: Brown, Ne ! ';. third. Time 1:57.5. D'sciif. throw: Won by Hheehan. Mis- S' it ; Pappas, Nebraska, second; fJear. I r.-oMwIiu, third. Distance 137 feet 1 3 ?:io ard dnsh: Won by Ault. Missouri r.i;it. Nebraska, second; Ware, Nebrar tli' d. Ture :Ti 5. bv f.aiiltnev. Mi' :n: Ware Ni-bri: lta, second; Howar ii. t.iil l. lo.-i iiice 20 feet lo:l . Two mile run .Won by Yokum. Nehru It i ; Martin. Nebn . second; Korwls. N bi.i-ka .third. Time iO to 3. '. 0 yard low hutdlei: Won by Barker. N."r:iska; f:miii'ev. Missouri. bit-iihI A fHt . .Missouri, third. Time :2V .l.i elm throw: Won bv Tatum, Missouri Hi v:in. Missouri st'ion.i fear. Nebrasl." tlnr.i Danite 172 feet, HI, inches. :'lV tela'. ; Won bv Nebraska (M'Hj ' ho'-. Brown, You-a. Wirel. Time 3.32 fl C-lono Gf)lf'rs Win The Iowa St itc golf team scon a 1 Oto 8 win over the Nebraska golfers Saturday at Ames. V Spomer of Ncbi.isl-.n was mod;. I ist with a store of 7"). OPENS Weil, lav ' Hi.lO P. M. Every Wed. St Fr' IPS 'J ,1 FREE First t hour vrv' iv y ....... , AND KIS ORCHESTRA J 1 Kinn anion Has Amazing Tale Of Hard Luck If you think hard luck is dog ging your steps, stop and con sider the plight of Bill Kinnamon, regular catcher on the Nebraska baseball team belore injuries re moved him from the lineup for the duration of the season. The Latest. The broken hand and split fin ger that Bill sustained in the 1 i ist game of the Oklahoma series were only the iatest in a long line of misfortunes which base trailed him since high school days. Kinnamon got to figuring the totcl number of injuries which have come his way and came up with this talc of woe: Broken hand and split fhnrer in Oklahoma baseball same: right foot broken twice in football and once in baseball; three broken vertebra in hifth school; both lees broken above the knees: left hip broken; three vertebra and right shoulder broken plus three days of uronsciousness and a skull con cussion from an automobile acci dent: broken knee cap and three broken fingers in football. In ad dition lie has had more rharlie horses than ran be found in any riding academy. INTRAORALS Sollbllll SIll.UU'lTH 17, Seorev Nhvv Stmlent I'.m.-,. n Phi Psi ! Betn Thota Pi . T'm'Im i h. Smoin No H. Wota Sima Psi 8. Piont'er o. Volli-yhilll Scnrt'N. Phi IVIta Th.-ta 2, Phi ;.-imm Deltn 0. Alpha liamma Kho 2. Kelt lpsilnn 1. Monday' tUume. YMCA vs. Korresters. Lilies v.h Bin Wheels. Alpha Tail Omega vs. Kappa Sik and DTD. Beta Thetn Pi vs. Beta Sicma Psi. THE DAILY NEBRASKAN Baseball Team Wins Fair from The University of Nebraska baseball tea machieved a .500 mark in games played thus far this season by sweeping a double header from the Missouri Tigers Saturday at Columbia, by 5-2 and 5-4 scores. Rain Friday. After the scheduled opener on Friday had been rained out, Coach Frank Smagacz sent Harold Jacob and Jim Sandstedt against the Bengals yesterday and each hurler came thru with a victory. Shortstop Wes Maser was the big gun in the Huskers' first tri umph, for he pounded three hits in four times at bat including a triple. He was batting in the cleanup spot in place of Frank Brown, who was unable to get away from his job to make the trip. Missouri was able to collect only six safeties off Jacob, who fanned five and walked two, while receiving errorless support from his mates. The Huskers were able to garner nine blows from three Tiger pitchers in the seven inning tilt. Juggled Lineup. The absence of Brown forced Coach Smagacz to juggle the Ne braska lineup. Regular first base man Dean Jackson handled the catching duties, while pitcher F'loyd Stork held down first base. Utility man Fritz Hegwood ap peared in left field in place of Brown and responded with one hit in two trips to the plate. Nebra-ka ah h o a1 MtssnurT ab h o a 3 112 3 0 111) 2 12 2 3 2 0 1 3 110 2 0 12 lluhino 2b I) 1 1 2 WaHierlc 3b 2 1 1 0 K.shkin lb 4 2 11 Mor;m 2t 4 3 2 3 Spink i f 3 0 0 0 H'u.k If 3 0 S 1 1 Kelir ss Hegwood If Kaack 31) Mnser ss Williams rf Jackson c Uolin el Stork 1h Jacob p 2 0 2 1 Keklman ss 10 0 1 3 1 9 0 Kigellierger cf 1 0 2 0 3 10 2 .ler.kinr cf 2 10 0 lllrvden c 10 0 1 I Reed c 10 2 0 EKTIOR Graduation is just around the corner -Order your caps and gowns. MOW AT LONG'S No deposit on caps or gowns. tflMPU5 i!l!n Missouri IFelderman p I Rutoek p I Pitts p IConnentino ISpreitzer I Decker 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 10 0 10 0 10 0 Total 27 0 21 10 Totals 25 6 27 11 Cntisentino batted for Fehlerman in third Spreitzer batted for Dryden in fifth, Decker batted for batock in sixth. Nebraska 030 200 0 5l Missouri 000 002 0 In the nightcap Nebraska broke loose with a four run uprising in the sixth inning to take the lead after the Tigers had captured an early two run advantage, and then held off a determined Missoui rally which fell one run short in the seventh frame, to grab a 5-4 win. Aitho the losers outliit the Scar let, big Jim Sandstedt was tough in the clutches. Don Entsminger started on the mound for the Ben gals, but before the game ended three other pitchers had paraded to the hill. Wilbur Baack continued his potent hitting by coming up with a pair of bingles which gave him a total of four hits for the two game series. Second (ame. Nebraska ab h o a Missouri nb h o a Roblno 2b 3 10 4 W aekeile 31) J I I'i Hedewonri If 4 10 0 Reshkin lb 3 0 7 t) Baack 3b 4 2 1 lMoran2b 4 13 4 Maser ss 4 0 4 2 Hook If 3 2 0 0 Williams rf 4 0 4 2 Spink rf 3 0 2 0 Jackson c 10 4 1 Jenkins cf 3 2 1 0 Rolen cf 2 1 0 M-Vldmanss 3 0 4 1 Stark lb 2 0 10 Reed c 1 0 2 0 Sandstedt p 2 10 5 Dryden c 0 0 0 1 IKntsminger p 2 0 0 1 I Pitts 10 0 0 lYokum n 0 0 0 0 I Thayer p 0 0 0 0 I Febr p 110 1 Totals 2ti 6 21 14; Totals 27 7 21 10 Pitts baited for Redd in fourth limine Score by innings: Nebraska 000 011 0 Missouri 011 boo 2 111 '! Ism 1C1 STE3GSE Sunday, May 5, 1946 (Lbqs1 ft j ni 1 " - DREAMS . . . DREAMS . . . DREAMING of college days to come... dreaming of Sigma Chi sweethearts, his own sweethearts ... of days when he'll be ancient enough to smoke a Marxman" pipe . . . those fine pipes of matchless beauty advertised in Esauire . . . dreaming of days when he'll be old enough to read Esquire . . . Look for the pipe of handsome shapes at Harvey's . . . 1230 "O" street . . . Look for the really big men on campus who smoke pipes for good looks and relaxation . . . Take a gander at Erwin Hat field ... his pipe is al ways evident . . . Phi Gam: Say, what's that you're readin'? Sig Ep: The title is: "What twenty million qirls want." Phi Gam: Did they spell my name right? And how about YOU . . . are you Right in there with a raincoat for this real spring weather . . . Harvey's have anything you want in cotton gabar dine, poplin, or Zelan cloth, raglan or set-in sleeves and in tans and greys you dream about. DREAM of yourself in rayon or 100 wool tropical lightweight slacks in plain shades or patterned to suit your every taste . . . Clothing dreams D O come true when you stop at Harvey Broth ers . . . Harvey Brothers The Campus Favorite '1 li ii !? i ''mmiammBgmwmjffimmmjmjmmm'lWmfmim . J r 1 1 Mr 11 1