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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (May 2, 1946)
Wednesday, May 1, 1946 THE DAILY NEBRASKAN Page 3 SOEH1S Tracts Nebraska fans will get their first look at the 1946 edition of the Husker outdoor track and field squad this afternoon when the Scarlet thinclads tackle the University of Colorado in a dual meet at Memorial Stadium begin ning at 4 p. m. Field events will start at 3:30 and student activity cards will be honored at the gate. Admission is 50 cents for those who do not have activity cards Coach Ed Weir has named 24 athletes for the meet, which will pit the visiting Bisons against Nebraska for the first time in several years. The Colorado team won rnore first places at the Kan sas relays than did any other school, and will give the Husk ers plenty of competition. C. U. Stars. Heading the Colorado entries are Loren Creese and Warren Bateman. Creese won the KU shot put championship with a heave of 47 feet 47s i"' s and placed second in the discus with a 137 foot lk inch effort. Bate man, a freshman, soared 13 feet to win pole vault honors from a field that included Nebraska's Miller, Big Six vault king. Miller went 12 feet 11 inches in practice Monday and will be out to revenge his defeat; while Ned Nutiman, the Huskers' ace shot putter, served notice that he is regaining the form that enabled him to win the Big .Six indoor crown, by placing second at the Drake relays behind Bill Bangert of Purdue. Nebraska will parade a power ful array of middle distance men, for Bobby Ginn, Dean Kratz, ' Al Brown, Blaine Young, Harvey Stroud and Bill Moorhouse will bid in the 440, 880 and mile runs. Four of these harriers will prob ably constitute the mile relay team, but Coach Weir has not named runners as yet. Busy Performers. Norval Barker and Ted Ran dolph will have plenty to do dur ing the afternoon, as each is listed for competition in four events. Barker will run in both hurdle races, the 100 yard dash and the high jump, while Randolph is slated for duty in the high jump, broad jump, 100 yard dash and low hurdles. Entries: Mile run: Colorado, Chipman and Meigs; Nebraska. Girth and Krata. 440 yard dash: Colorado, Temple, Oreib, Hobbs, Pope; Nebraska, Brown, Moor bouse, Stroud. 100 yard dash: Colorado, Campbell, Bean, Jackson; Nebraska, Barker. Ran dolph, Ware. 120 yard high hurdles: Colorado, Frank Jand and Goodrich; Nebraska, Barker and King. 880 yard run: Colorado, Pope, Oreib, Temple, Roach; Nebraska, Brown, Davis, Krats, Young. 220 yard dash: Colorado, Campbell, Bean, Jackson; Nebraska, Ware, Stroud, M on rehouse. Two mile run: Colorado, Meigs, rate. Chipman: Nebraska: Babcock Win-Mar- tin. Roads. Tocum. 220 yard low hurdles: Colarado: Frank land, Goodrich, Hofheinz. James; Ne braska: Barker, King, Randolph. Mile relay: Teams to be chosen. Pole vault: Colorado. Bateman, Pitch ford, Huges, McKee; Nebraska: Miller, Randolph. High jump: Colorado: McAferty. Wun derly; Nebraska: Barker, Fitzgerald, Glass, Randolph. 8hot put: Colorado: I Creese, D. Creese Nebraska: Grote, Hansen, Nutx nin. Discus: Colorado: L. Creese, Brlgcrs; Nebraska: Eisenhart, Hand, Pappas, Wlb bels. Broad lump: Colorado: Menary, Mc Bwen; Nebraska, Moorhouse, Ware, Ran dolph. Javelin: Colorado: Todd. Hurphy; Ne braska: Grote, Wibbels, Hand, Nutzman. 3000 SEATS AT $1.20 MON. EV'G., MAY 6th U. OF N. COLISEUM Victor V, Pm:. V i. if IN UUUlaJ PIANIST-HUMOrJST ANDHfS ORCHESTRA CHOICE SEATS NOW at WALTS MUSIC STORE 114 -O- SHEET prices: $i.t), ii.s. zm, '. . (tea lad.). Mall Orders to VTCTOB BORGE, F. O. Box 533, Lineehi 1, Nek. 1 Fleas n'cias self-address stamped . , .'4 i"- J To Test UN Power Today V WARREN BATEMAN, Colorado U. freshman, hopes for a repeat victory over Dick Miller, Big Six pole vault king this after noon as the Nebraska Cornhusk ers play host to the Buffaloes in a dual track meet. Bateman bested Miller in the Kansas re lays, clearing 13 feet. Bateman is a veteran of many missions over Europe with the AAF. nMirmrnrr..,. .In. t ,o. jy I 7 Wes Maser Tops Hitters After 8 Tilts Latest batting averages of the Nebraska baseball team show that Les Maser, fancy-fielding short stop, paces Husker batsmen with an average of .312. Maser has col lected ten hits in the eight games to date, and has appeared at the plate 32 times. The biggest batting: jump, how ever, was registered by outfielder Frank Brown who leaped from a mediocre .204 to an even .300. In last week's series with Iowa Sttae the free swinging cleanup hit ter pounded out four hits in six ofticiai trips to the plate to gain the charmed circle. In preparation for the Missouri invasion Friday and Saturday, Coach Frank Smagacz has been using Fritz Hedgwood at second base in place of Bobby Rubino. Husker batting averages: ab r h pet. Harold Jamb p 4 1 S .7RO Dirk lbl p 2 0 1 .000 Wen Mnrrii St 6 10 .31 Frank Brown of SO 4 .800 Rill Klnnamonc 14 3 4 .25 Truck W illiams of 18 1 .214 Dean Jaekson lb ZO 3 4 .200 Jim Kandstedt p 11 t t .181 Holt Bolen 18 S 3 .1M Wilbur Raark 3b 33 8 6 .1M Bob Rubino lb 32 1 3 .093 Kk O'Donnrll e 13 1 1 .070 Frill Hrdiroood If -of 8 .000 ;all Prlrnon of I 0 0 .000 Floyd 8tmk p t .000 John Olson p 0 1 .000 Tram total 149 31 51 .204 J 1 un f r n J u u u . Last University Swim Party To Be Held May 1 The last all-university swim party of the year will be held on Wednesday night from to b.ju p. m. at the coliseum pool. The parties are sponsored by the De partment of Student Physical Wel fare, and have been a monthly event during the second semester. Students Invited. All students are invited to come, with or without dates, and re turned servicemen and their wives have a special invitation to attend, according to L. E. Means, director of Student Physical Wel fare. Coed Intra murals Softball Today. Kappa Alpha Tehta vs. Alpha Omlcron PI. Alpha Chi Omega vs. Delta Gamma. Thursday's Games. Wilson Hall vs. Bye. Rosa Bouton vs. Alpha XI Delta, Friday's Games. Kappa Kappa Gamma vs. Bye. Badminton Today. Blackstone-Frits vs. Dye Chamberlin. Hubka-Weinsheim vs. Bye. MOTHER'S 0 pa 17s 1" H IUHBk2t Mat 19sV IIITRAMURALS Softball Results. Beta Sigma Phi 16, Zeta Beta Tau 1. Alpha Oamma Rho 16, Phi Gamma Del ta 0. Y.M.C.A. 22, Draw Two 1. Alpha Tau Omega 14, Brown Palaca Coop. 7. Volleyball Results. Delta Upsilon 2, Sigma Chi 1. Softball Games for Today. Alpha Gamma Rho vs. Alpha Tau Omega Phi Gamma Delta vs. Brown Palace Coop. Sack Seekers vs. Gizmos. The Big Wheels vs. Methodist Student House. J nek Best Standings. (Including Water Polo. ) Alpha Tau Omega 1575 Phi Delta Theta 150 Phi Gamma Delta 1472 Beta Theta PI 1320 Sigma Alpha Epsilon 1210 Sigma Phi Epsilon 1015 Sigma Nu 610 Sigma CM 95 Pioneer Co-ope AS7 Delta Upsilon 35 Phi Kappl Psi 450 Cornhusker Co-op 325 Brown Palace Co-op 290 Ag College 275 Delta Tau Delta Kappa Omego. . . . 270 Zeta Beta Tau 140 Theta Xi 130 Tliis year thrill Mother with a gift from Miller & Paine . . a fashion gift that tells her she's lovely. Suggestion here from Miller's. FIRST FLOOR DAY MjAY 12 i