The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, April 28, 1946, Image 1

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    "U ULJ3;U jLnIU UlfuU L
Vol. 45, No. 96
Sunday, April 28, 1946
SolohdA, ChohallAnwi
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Featured soloists at today's presentation of "Elijah," are Fanabel
Tripp, Mary Berner, Joyce Stuve, Cleve Genzlinger, and Floyd Han
son. Dr. Westbrook is at the piano.
EJsiimncB JJnciIlnsi (CffdDinm
y-i . ...
rioya nanson, wtio will sing
the well-known tenor airs "If
With All Your Hearts," and "Then
Shall the Righteous Shine," is a
graduate of Nebraska Wesleyan
The University Choral Union,
comprising 500 voices of the four
campus singing groups, presents
Mendelssohn's oratorio "Elijah"
today at 3 p. m. in the coliseum.
ine live solo parts will be sung ! and an assistant instructor
by Cleve Genzlmger, Floyd Han- i voice at the university,
son, Fanabel Tripp, Mary Berner j
and Joyce Stuve. i Another graduate soloist is
, . I Fanabel Tripp who holds three
Under the direction of Dr. Ar- b.irhplnr Hoarse rrnm HocCn,
4V,,... W,..l,..l. 41 .. . " .icow.fao
":f U,uu, w.c Kiniuiiifu college where she graduated in
iwuija iiiLiuur me -Mg ioiiej;e
Chorus, the University Singers,
the University Chorus (groups I
and II) and the University or
chestra. Assisting the orchestra,
prepared by Emanual Wishow,
will be Myron Roberts at the
organ and Earnest Harrison at
the piano.
Title Role.
Cleve Genzlinger, who will sing
the title role of Elijah the pro
phet, graduated in 1943 with a
bachelor of music in education
and appeared in university musi
cal productions. He was a mem
ber of Phi Mu Alpha-Sinfonia
During his three years in the
armed forces, he soloed in 20
light operas.
Hapeman Wilis
Top Ranking
In Tournament
Lucy Anne Hapeman, senior in
the college of arts and sciences,
was awarded the cup for earning
the highest accumulative rating
in the intramural speech contest
which closed Saturday morning.
Delta Gamma won the gavel,
which is presented the organized
house whose two contestants have
the most accumulated points.
Eleanor Knoll and Pat Lathen
were Delta Gamma entrants.
Knoll Second.
Eleanor Knoll, with an accu
mulative store of 52, was second
in individual competition. Rich
ard Schleusner ranked third and
Jackie Gordon, fourth.
Beta Si )ima Psi was second in
organization entrants, Sigma Delta
Tau, third, and Alpha Omicron
Pi, fourth
Lie lit Finalists.
Twenty-six students began the
contest Ia-t Tuesday, and second
round roniix-tition was Thursday
evening. Pat Lathen, Betty Jo
Packard, Mry Dunnell, Eleanor
Knoll, Jackie Gordon, Richard
Schleusner, Robert Holland and
Lucy HK?iriii were the eight
As a member of Delta Phi
Delta, honorary art fraternitv.
Miss Hatten received the sinele
(Summer school art scolarshin
which the national organization
of 34 chapters awarded this year.
1945. She is working on an ad
vanced degree here is sociology.
Contralto Mary Berner, school
of music voice coach, is choir
director and organist at Taber
nacle Christian church. She holds
bachelor of music degrees from
Belhaven and Mississippi state
Joyce Stuve, the only undergra
duate soloist, is a junior in the
school of music where she is an
active member of Delta Omicron
and Alpha Chi Omega sororities
bhe will sing the part of the
Hatten Receives
National Delta Phi
Delta Scholarship
Marion Hatten, a senior and
art major has been awarded the
National Delta Phi Delta scholar
ship for summer study at the
Stillwater Art Colony in Still
water, Minn.
Style Show
Charm Schools' style show,
sponsored by Coed Counselors,
will take place at Hovland
Swanson's at 7 p. m. Tuesday
eveninr. According f Betsy
Bahensky, wh is in eharre.
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Tassels Pick
New Pledge
Group at Tea
Twenty-five new Tassels were
selected from a group of coeds
who attended a Tassel tea at the
Tri Delt house Saturday.
All organized houses elected
coeds to attend the tea where the
new Tassel members were chosen
on a basis of leadership, scholar
ship and general good character,
according to Joy Hill, president
of the organization.
Necessary qualifications for
membership in Tassels is a
weighted 80 average and a sopho
more standing.
The new members are: Patty
(See TASSELS, page 2.)
Courtesy of The Journal
Seated on a throne shaped into the replica of the moon, Julia
Crom was presented to dancers attending the annual ag spring party
as the '46 Ag Goddess Friday night in the Ag Activities building.
A member of Phi Upsilon Omicron, home ec honorary society,
the new Ag Goddess is a Tassel, a member of the Ag 'YWCA cabi
net, home ec club and 4-H club.
For Election
Roberta Collins, chairman of
the Elections committee of the
Student Council, has announced
the regulations binding the com
ing elections.
Everyone in a specific college
votes for the Student Council can
didates from his college. For ex
ample, all students in Arts and
(See ELECTIONS, page 2.)
Bengston Discusses Registration
Problems for Perplexed Student
Ivy Day Practices
Junior and senior coeds not
livinc in rganized bouses, de
siring to be in the lry me Daisy
chain for lry Day ceremonies,
sbeuld come to practice en
Tuesday. April 30, at 4 p. hl,
in the Union, room 31. Accord
ing to Sucanne Pope. Mortar
Board, in charre of the chain.
Student: "How do you do. Dean
Bengston. My name is Anne
Rogers, and I would appreciate
little help from you in clearing
up this muddle about registration.
m still in the junior division my
self, but from what I've heard
even the upperclassmen are con
fused about registration. A bunch
of us in the Crib just now were
talking about it and we all
thought one of us should come
see you and get things straight
ened out by someone who would
Dean Benrston: "Really, I am
sure you will find that registra
tion is not at all the muddle you
now think it is after we talk about
it for a little while. Probably the
best way to begin would be for
you to ask questions about any
thing that puzzles you, so fire
Anne: "Questions about things
that puzzle me would take in just
about everything, I'm afraid, but
well, what is the very first thing
we do? I mean, what starts the
ball rolling?"
Dean Benkston: "All students
in the university must report to
their advisers between the dates
of April 29 and May 18 for pre
paration of their class schedules
for summer school and for the
first semester of next year. In the
junior division, students are urged
to arrange appointments with
their advisors during this time so
as to provide ample time for the
preparation of the program for
each student; to meet require
ments and also the preferences of
the students. I would advise you
to make this appointment with
your adviser as early as possi
ble in the three weeks' period
provided "for that purpose."
Anne: "But, Dean Bengston, I'm
not going to summer school. Do
I still have to register that early?"
Dean Benrston: "All students
registration periods for summer
school and the first semester of
next year, for both junior devi
sion and upperclassmen students,
(See BENGSTON, pare 2.)
Selected from 49 senior women
who were nominated, the goddess
was revealed by Arlo Wirth, mas
ter of ceremonies, at 10 p. m. At
tendants to the Ag Goddess were
the six runners-up in the election,
Edith Pumphrey, Lois Ferguson,
Vivian Ferris, Gerry Cowen, Mar
garet Alma and Lois Opper.
Selection of the candidates was
based on scholarship, qualities of
leadership and participation in ac
tivities. Marianne Srb and Wilbur
Bluhm were co-chairmen of the
dance which was sponsored by the
Ag Exec board. Dorothy Stevens
was in charge of publicity.
Eleanor Johnson and Lillian
Lock of the Home Ec club were
chairmen of the presentation cere
mony. Staging and decorations
weie under the supervision of Lois
Bamesberger, and Virginia Hill
was responsible for costumes.
Sing Groups
Tell Selection
For Ivy Day
Sororities, fraternities and or
ganized houses participating in
the Interfraternity sing on Ivy
Day, May 4, have announced their
songs and song leaders. The
groups are listed and. will appear
as follows:
Alpha Chi Omega, "Dream
Song, Peg Shelley; Alpha Omicron
Pi, "Girl of AOPi," Donnie Wage
man; Alpha Phi, "Alpha Phi
Sweetheart Song," Barbara Jeaa
(See SING GROUP, pace 2.)