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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (April 26, 1946)
Friday, April 26, 1946 THE DAILY NEBRASKAN Page 3 V Installation of Head Campus Activities of campus church groups this week will be high lighted by picnics, parties, and, in two cases, installation of officers for the coming year. Installation of officers will be held at the regular Sunday meet ing of the city campus Lutheran Student Association, at 5 p. m at the Student Center. The meet ing will also feature a discussion on "World Lutheranism," led by Pastor Alvin Peterson, student pastor. Team two is in charge of the meeting on the city campus. The Ag campus group will meet at the Ag student center at 6:30 Installation of officers and the discussion on World Lutheranism will also be held at this meeting i A fellowship supper follows both meetings. Officers. Officers for the city campus group are: Fern Bohlken, presi dent; Verlyn Klcman, vice presi dent; Verna Damkroger, secretary, and Robert Clark, treasurer. Ag group officers are: Leatrice Pflue ger, president; Virgil Nelson, vice president;vRulh Peters, secretary, and .Eunice Jensen, treasurer. At a picnic retreat at Pioneer park Sunday afternoon, members of the Presbyterian student group wiu Hold installation of officers. Students who wish to attend the picnic are to meet at 4:30 at the Presbyterian Student House. Stu dents who have cars are asked to bring them. The picnic will fea ture, besides the installation, rec reation, singing, worship, and New Officers, Picnics, Parties, Church Schedule For Weekend American Youth Hostels Sponsor Trip to Europe The American Youth Hostels association is planning a youth hostel trip to Europe this sum mer. Sailing from New York the lat ter part of June, the group will return Sept. 1. The program for the ten weeks will include two weeks on the ocean, two weeks of work in each of the countries, and two weeks bicycling from project to project. Able Leader. Each unit of ten workers will have an experienced and able leader. The trip will cost approxi mately $600. For additional infor mation regarding the trip, write to American Youth Hostels, Inc., Northfield, Massachusetts. Office Opening For' University Girl 3-5 or 3-6 PEERLESS CLEANERS 322 So. 11 2-6731 shampoo with lanolin KAY DAU.V.iT TJiU amuing thampoo leave hair J (aore liulrous, mumt lo ananaf e food. Officers for the coming year ere: Betty Lou Morton, president: Marilyn Markussen, worship chairman; Charles House, secre tary; and John D. Burley, treas urer. Bible Study. Sunday morning services at the tour Lincoln Presbyterian churches will be at 11 o'clock. Bi ble study at the Student House win be at 9:30. The University of Life series at St. Paul Methodist church will be held Sunday evening at 5:30. Sun day morning services will be at 10:55. and a Bible Studv class at 10:00. also at the church FriHav evening, beginning at 8 o'clock, a square dance will be held at the church. Members of the Rocer Williams Fellowship will meet at the First Baptist Church at 6 p. m. Sunday, and at 8 o. m. thev will condurt the Sunday evening service at the Second BaDtist church. Rpmilar Sunday morning services at the iour .Lincoln Baptist churches will be held at 11 a. m. On Fridav evening, the Rozer William Fel lowship will have a picnic at An telope Park. Students who wish to attend are to meet at thp Ran. tist Student Center at 7 p. m. Sermon. Sermon subject for the Sundav morning service, held at 10:45 at me i irst Christian church, will be christian Stairway." At 9:30 the University Young People's Sun day School class will meet. Be ginning at the regular meeting Sunday at 5 p. m., the Christian Youth Fellowship will hold a se ries of studies lasting for about three weeks on "Race Relations." As the first of this series, Mr Bryant, student pastor, will pre sent a film, "We Are All Broth ers." Sunday morning services at the First Evangelical church will be held at 11 o'clock. The anthem will be, "Let Not Your Heart Be Troubled." Florence Arnold of the Ag campus will be soloist. The Sunday school class will be held on Sunday morning at 9:45 at the church. At 5:30 members of the Ag College Student Christian Fel lowship will hold their regular meeting at the church. Newman Club. Members of the Newman Club and their friends are invited to attend a formal dance, sponsored by the Lincoln CYO, at the Corn husker hotel, beginning at 7:30 Sunday evening. Tickets, which may be purchased from Newman Club members, are 75 cents per person. The Newman Club Mass will be said at 11 a. m. Sunday in Parlors X, Y, and Z of the Stu dent Union. The regular discus sion club group will meet Tues day evening at 7:30, in Room 315 of the Student Union. All Catho- j lie students are Invited to attend. Sunday morning services at the University Episcopal church will include Holy Communion at 8:30 a. m., and Choral Eucharist and sermon at 11 a. m. Chapel Service. The Lutheran Chapel service will be held at 10:45 Sunday morning in Room 315 of the Stu dent Union. The Rev. H. Erch, university Lutheran pastor, will conduct the worship. The sermon topic will be "Ignorance of the Scriptures Leads to Grief." Miss Elaine Otto will be accompanist. Intervarsity members will dis cuss 'Doctrine of the Holy Spirit," at their regular 7:30 p. m. meet ing, Tuesday in room 316 Union. Abe Ediger, president, will be leader. r:. r j i Lincoln Youth For Christ International Interdenominational Presents Rev. C. M. George with the 'KIISG'S MESSENGERS" QUARTETTE (Omaha Grace Bible Institute) SATURDAY NIGHT APRIL 271117:45 P. M. Auditorium of SALVATION ARMY-11th & Q You're Welcome A PROGRAM GEARED TO THE TIMES the bobbed-cut coat will go everywhere this summer $24 it "iT X Fashion Floor S o c on tl A.': It: 8 i a ft: MM 0 flu 0 FN pa d Hi i; 19th fc O STREETS La