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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (April 14, 1946)
Sunday, April 14, 1946 THE NEBRASKAN Page 3 UN Gridders See Action In Scrimmage In the first game scrimmage of the spring football season, the Red squad scored three touchdowns to defeat the Greens as the Corn husker coaching staff looked over the gridiron hopefuls as they per formed under actual game condi tions. Myers Sparkles. Jim Myers, York halfback, turned in the longest run of the day as he sprinted -70 yards to a touchdown. Fred Metheny went over from the 1-yard line, and Dick Hutton of Auburn dashed 35 yards with an intercepted pass for the other Red counters. Two more scrimmages are in store for the Huskers, one on April 19 when high school football stars will be present, and the other on the last day of spring drills, April 25. Red units: No. 1 Knits, Manrtaul and Nydt-n; tarkles, Samuilsnn and l.elk; guards, Srhw art knpf ami lirent; renter, CnHtrlln; barks, Metheny, Hutton, At hey and Moure. No. J Knd. t'mvley and HaM'ley; tackles, Tret and Sedlank: miai-ds, Man nine and Folthn-eyer; center, Thnmpmm; barks, Dllldine, Myers, Story and Hew It. Green units: No. 1 Knda. Srhlelier and Christensen; tarkkles, Thompson and Mussntan; iruards, UrlfenbatiKh and Rmwa; renter, Taylor; barks, Sloan. Harrtnctnn, Lipps, Vlrrk. No. t tCnds, Cotton and 1-arwin; tarkles, I.nras and Wtlhrlms; guards. Hood and Tltommon; center, Burkley; barks, .Naladen, i'lacc Crtak and r nuire. Williams Lists 'Ah Wilderness' Cast Members Cast for the last major produc tion of the University theater this season, "Ah Wilderness!" has been announced by Dallas S. Wil liams, director of the theater. The play, a comedy in retrospective, will be presented the evenings of May 9, 10 and 11. Dean Graunke will play Nat Miller, editor of a small town newspaper, and Essie, his wife, will be portrayed by June Gast. Both have appeared in University productions before, Graunke play ing the part of Malvolio in "Twelfth Night" and Miss Gast was Juno in "Juno and the P-y- cock." Bondarin. Avrum Bondarin will appear as Richard, son of Mr. and Mrs. Mil ler. Nat Miller's school-teaching sister Lilly will be played by Dor othea Duxbury. Dave Andrews will take the part of Sid Davis Nat's brother-in-law. . Other members of the cast in clude Arthur, Nat's young son, played by Howard Rosenberg; Mildred, Nat's daughter, Anna Marie Proper; Tommy, Nat's youngest son, Jeff Seear: David McComber, one of Nat's business acquaintances, Rex Cosier; and Murian McComber, his daughter, Eleanor Dent. Wint Selby, a class mate of Arthur Miller's at Yale, will be portrayed by William Mohr; Belle, a college girl, Mimi Hahn; Nora, Roma Rohn; bar tender, Wayne Denning; and salesman, Robert Wheeler. Lyman . . . (Continued from Page 1.) has been active in the American Pharmaceutical Association and during World war I headed the J NpiNTERY i KKHHHMHHMH Coeds find chic ver sions of Springtime's most flattering hat silhouettes for Easier ensembles in the Street Floor Debutante Shop. Play Topper hats to bare your brow, frame your face becomingly ... styles to make you look so young and enchanting in the Eas ter parade! Thee beauties are modestly priced at $2 and S3 . . . just try one on mom Tennis Workouts Slated for South Street Courts Tennis drills for men seeking places on the University of Ne braska squad will be held every day this week at the Lincoln Tennis club courts at 36th and South streets, beginning at 3 p. m., according to Ad Lewan- dowski, who is handling the squad this spring. Oklahoma Next. .A ladder tournament will be held to determine the players for the Nebraska squad in their next match. The Huskers will be host to the University of Oklahoma racquet wielders on April 19 in their next start. University Staff Members Judge Music Contests Four Nebraska high school mu sic contests and clinics were judged by university school of music faculty members April 11 and 12. Earnest Harrison and Lawrence Tagg were judges for the district music contest at Fremont Friday and Saturday. J. Dayton Smith and Donald Lentz conducted the high school music clinic at Wayne and David Foltz and Emanuel Wishnow judged the district mu sic contest at Hastings Friday and Saturday. Earnest Harrison also judged Lancaster county piano contests yesterday at Nebraska Wesleyan university. national pharmacy training pro gram for the AEF. Specialist in Drugs. Over half of Dean Lyman's for mer students, all of whom he knows personally, have gone into drug research work, but he has this to say of today's corner drug gist: "The pharmacist is a specialist in drugs. He is trained to know more about drugs than any other human being. It is his business to know their proper dosages and the combinations that will be the most satisfactory to the patient. It is his business to see that drugs get to those destinations intended by the physician, and keep them from reaching those who would be injured by them. He is a guar dian of the public health." Engraved etf Sterling Silver Cltsks (T for her Sastcr Qift V J GIVE HER A I r Persona! Messes Creeds! Prep Pigskin Rally to Be HeIdApii-119 The university, in cooperation with Nebraska Wesleyan, will be host to the Sixth Annual All State Football rally Friday, April 19. On that date high school coaches throughout the state will bring their standout football play ers to Lincoln for a day of enter tainment sponsored by the Lincoln Junior Chamber of Commerce. Full Slate of Activities. High school athletes are given an opportunity to inspect the fa cilities at both schools, as well as attending a variety of athletic events scheduled for the day. The university coaching staff heartily endorses the plan, and Football Coach Bernie Masterson urges every boy who is eligible to take advantage of this oppor tunity to get a look at the uni versity scene. Co-chairmen for the day are Dr. D. W. Edwards and Francis Minard of the junior chamber, who have lined up an attractive agenda of activities for the visit ing athletes and their coaches. Football Scrimmage. Coach Masterson will have his Cornhusker spring football can didates go through a full game scrimmage at 4 p. m. as the high spot of the day's events. In addi tion to this gridiron action, high school players will be able to watch Nebraska varsity teams in action m three other sports. At 1:30 the Husker golf team will face the University of Okla homa team at the Lincoln Coun try club, and at 2:00 the Scarlet tennis players begin competition against the Sooner team at the Lincoln Tennis club. The baseball team will also face the University of Oklahoma. in the first tilt of a two-game series. The Sooner nine has been cutting a fancy figure in. its first games this season, and is touted as an outstanding contender for the Big Six title. Cornhusker baseball mentor Frank Smagacs will send his team onto the field at 4:00, as the Scarlet make their first start AT NO mr 9 CHAKGK !lifl ZrtQrawd PrteKt! K,9tC2 of Vc your owh mtisog. Girls wJN tcvtfdl of . Bwnrtlfer Sterling Silver Mtsiofl Urocele. A eWAottirvg . riZZSSZwSXi o the boy friends, iH friends ond 1aHv,r A ooleMoa of $ or 4 UoceJatt worn fognW txtrwiwly smart Start Iror coBcHb, fctcfeyu. STEEET FLOOE Kosmet . . (Continued from Page 1.) ulo Soldevilla, Paul Bogen and Clarence Flick. Yukon. Beta Sigma Psl led off with "Yukon If You Think You-Kon," an Alaskan melodrama in Orange Crush and the Chanetuse Fanny won out over the forces of evil. Sigma Phi Epsilon's 'A Cold Win ter's Evening" capitalized on singing waiters, campus per sonalities and situations, r us n jitterburg ensemble. "As You Like It" found the Delta Tau Deltas broadcasting the lorn ieenamint show, with se lections by the Andrews Sisters and Frank Sinatra, who was car ried in on a stretcher. The No Gin, No Sin Society invasion of the local taprooms by the Beta Theta Pis, culminated in "Wages of Sin." A phone Booth, plus the usual fraternity goings-on, featured the Kappa Sigma "Third Floor, Northeast." Sigma Nus presented "This Is It.' again on a radio theme, this time sponsored by Zilchs Fertilizer, ana featuring a campus commen tator, Calla Phones. The Barefoot Bov with Cheek theme was utilized by the Phi Kappa Psis to produce "Welcome Home." Part of the reorienta tion of the returned veterans in cluded meeting local glamour gins, and a pony chorus clad in abbreviated gym suits. Ihe Kosmet Klub members presented Miss Aasen with an en graved gold compact, a pair of against a Big Six opponent this season. Registration at the Junior L-namoer headquarters at 10 a. m. is the first activity on the day's slate, and the JCC will be host to the visitors at a noon luncheon at the chamber. Bus Trio. After the luncheon the hieh school stars will be taken on a bus trip to the Wesleyan campus ana the Ag campus. The itinerary for the trip: 1:15 Leave JCC. 1:30 Arrive Wesleyan. 2:30 Leave Wesleyan. 2:45 Arrive Ag College. 3:45 Leave Ag College. 4:00 Arrive at downtown cam pus. The dav will rlnsi with stinnpr at tne btudent union at 6:30. The meal is snonsored bv the N Cluh. varsity lettermen's organization. EXTSA "V t asanas IZzhtf tttdShmi nylons and a bouquet of Ameri can Beauty roses. Prince Kos met was the recipient of an en graved Ronson lighter. I ) y sign$ W Of r Spring 1 . Campus cats all set for Easter with a flashy new hat from Harvey Brothers . . . 1230 "O" St You JUST can't be well-dressed for that big occasion without a topping for your head . . . even if you are a Max Gymnasium (translated from the old German: Max Col lege). 2. The Taus and Fijis are forgetting winter's differences in rousing games of "catch" across their front lawns . . . 3. Cotton-bloused co eds up in time for their eight o'clocks . . . 4. For THE men on campus .... Harveys have a new shipment of rayon sport shirts with dress collars . . . Phi Psi Dick Knudsen, one of THE men on campus, wears a brown "V" necked sweater to prove 5. For another indica tion of spring's ap-1 proach .... purchase some plain wool ties featured NOW in col ors ranging from ca nary to maroon . . . Spring Really H Here $f . . you'll love it! W. ...... , .. . - ..u-- 1 , .J