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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (March 21, 1946)
THE NEBRASKAN Thursday, March 21, 1943 Page 4 1 'Hi 4i BY PAT GILLIGAN. We find it rather hard to ex tract news from these close mouthed students (at least on some subjects). To quote Gay Ed ling, "We are going to No, I'd better not tell you that. Harry thinks Well, we'll get some lor you." In spite of their help, we did glean these meagre tidbits though. Grade Smith has shown her preference for Fremont boys and that doesn't include the Taus. The Pike is renewing the Sun day matinee dances and student interest, too, this weekend when Russ Carlyle beats out. Joe Srb with Dick Huhl and Myitis Rider with Melvin Hermsmeyer accom panying will be there. Also, we hiar Loe Farmer and Keith De- Lashmutt are looking for dates to the event. Any girls interested, please apply as long as you wear that Kappa key. True blue are they. Strictly Blue. Taking over Friday night are the Sig Eps presenting their an nual affair, the Blue parly. You girls without blue formats or blue suits are out of luck. Sweetheart girls are Marj Horstman with Johnny Adams, Mary Beranek en joying herself with Bob Gembol and Jerry Tyner with his choice, Cora Lee Thomasscn. Seems to be some question as to the whereabouts of one Sigma Nu pin belonging to "Face" May born. Will not elaborate on sub ject. Dob Tangeman. giving Mary Esther Duncan the big rush, showed his affections by taking hor to Phil Spitalny Wednesday night but Leo Beck thinks the smooth man sends flowers. How about that, Dune??? Back on the campus for good and starting out with a bank is R-jms Heiny with big plans for S.-.tnrHav nitrht with Sallv White. This has been a steady fire for some years now. Also, spied Dar rel Devoe in the crib which should make last year Mortar Board, Gloria Mardis, all smiles. Gathering Them In. The Alpha Phi girls will be dressed in evening clothes Friday night with men coming from near and far to escort them to their formal. Coming clear from North western to accept Lorraine Rabe's invitation is John Drummond while Ruth Lykke will have an other great weekend with Brook ings. S. D., man, Bob Sexauer Shirley Peterson is. importing fi ance. Pat Maas, to give the sisters a look but that's all. Joining the steady list, if you haven't already noticed that peaceful look, are Elly Detweiler and Jack Dickey and I believe we can class Jean Anderson and Chick Zimmerman in the same category at least they spend every day together. Home, finally, is Lee Chapin and Sue Lancaster goes forward to ; .'- Believe me, 11, Uts th j?' 1 Fairmonts Ex-Swabbie Alvino Rey Re-enters Compteition For Ace-High Position Among Music Makers BY JERRY COHN. Alvino Rey, who was featured at the Turnpike Friday night, has organized a new band, which should prove to be competition for a top rating. With the ending of the war, many of the former bandleaders are re-entering the music field and Rey, having been discharged from the navy, lost no time in following his former pro fession. In an interview Sunday, Rey revealed future plans to regain his title of "the nation's most en tertaining band." "Several changes will have to be made in the pres ent arrangement," he said. "We are drawing most of our men from veterans, but naturally, we will steal the best sidemen we can get from other bands. For instance, Chuck Peterson (formerly with Tommy Dorsey and Woody Her man) is joining our trumpet sec tion Wednesday in Des Moines, as well as a new lead alto sax man and a drummer." Alvino has some new ideas he is using to re-establish the band. Junior Division Lists Reasons Students Leave Employment, hi-alth and mili tary service seem to be the main hindrance which prevent many university students from finishing the four-year couse and obtaining a degree, according to a recently completed university study. An analysis was made of the freshman class during the 1944-45 school year' by the junior division in an effort to determine why students quit school. The survey was made in the junior division because all students are required to enroll in this division. Statistics. Of 1,494 students registered in the freshman class that year, 156 withdrew. The reasons: military service, 59:. health 20; jobs ob tained, 17; going home, 13; mar ried, 9; unsatisfactory scholarship, 7; moved from state, 5; dissatisfied with course, 4; finances, 4; lack of interest, 4; enrolled in another school, 4. Additional reasons: mother's request 2; difficulty in study, lived with relatives, recommended by Veterans Administration, death in family, husband returning from overseas, illness of mother all one student each. Two withdraw ing gave no reason. school with more enthusiasm. Navy Ball should have quite an attendance what with new dates turning up all the time. Double dating will be Tom "Cooksie" Cook with Dorothy Coulter, while cousin, Betty Coulter is seen with Jim Clark. Roger Keivler will take in the ball with Betty Gra ham. tLis TV the best ever You can always de pend on Fairmont's Milk for Quality. Arrange for regular mornine deliver. He is using three muted trumpets playing against three open trum pets to produce unusual and beau tiful tone color. To give more body to his music, he has two baritone saxes. Rey is playing the guitar slightly different than usual. Instead of playing "take offs" with a million notes, he plays single notes. He expressed it as "playing the guitar like Claude Thornhill plays the piano." As for arrangers, Alvino has a good share of the best. George Handy, who has a reputation for "writing the best full-band jazz based music being heard any where," wrote a special called "Stocking Horse." Other top ar rangers include Bud Estes, Hal Mooney, Billy May, Dean Kin kade, and Sam Levine. Both Kin kade and Levine play trombone with the band and the latter.'s rendition of "The Blues" is hard to beat. Vocalists. The orchestra boasts 26 pieces, including the vocalists, four men and a gal, called The Airliners. Nebraska High School Slinlcnts Try for Regents University Regent scholarship examinations were given yester day to 427 Nebraska high schools and were taken simultaneously by 2,475 students. The written ex aminations will determine the winners of the 250 Regents Scholarships to the university. The scholarships, worth ap proximately $85, exempt recepi ents from tuition fees, but not matriculation, medical service, registration, Student Union and Daily Nebraskan fees. Only stu dents with high scholastic ability are allowed to take the examina tions. The number of students com peting this year, 2,475. compares with ,341 in 1945 and 2,358 in 1944 and v one of the highest totals in recent years. Ellen Smith Hall, according to architects, is copied from a famous European home, and contains 21 different kinds of windows. Tassels, the girls pep club, spon sors all football rallies. "Howdy, I'm KAY" $ 'fetid Mactas'ru Isntbtri d U$t Two soloists are also featured with the band When asked how long the band had heen organized, he replied. "I was released from the navy at 11 the morning of Dec. 14, ana ai 8:30 that evening we were playing a job at the Casino Gardens in Ocean Park, Calif." "Stringy," the guitar that talks and sings, is voiced fcy bonovox, a device attached to the throat of a singer, usually off stage. Alvino not only uses it for singing novelty tunes, but for heckling the band. New Record. Recording for Capitol, Alvino Rey's first platter is to nu me music stands in about one week. It features a novelty called "Ce ment Mixer," and a ballar, "Li lacs." After a series of one niehters. Alvino Rey and his orchestra move east the first or May ior several location jobs in such ho tels as the St. Louis Chase, Astor in New York, and Sherman in Chicago. Art (Continued from Page 1). developed to its full capacity. In ten years time under his leader ship the Columbus Gallery of Fine Arts had assumed national im portance for its progressive art educational program, for its new acquisitions, for its exhibition policy of stressing quality over quantity, for the installation of the Cubism Room, and for its community activities. When Mr. Adams' resignation was announced last July, Eliza beth Okerbloom, critic of the Co lumbus Citizen, devoted almost her entire art page in tribute to Mr. Adams, quoting high praise from such men as Francis Henry Taylor, director of the Metropoli tan Museum; Daniel Catton Rich, Chicago Art Institute; and Blake More Godwin, Toledo Museum. JUICE BOX DANCE 9:00 to 11:30 P. M. Sot., March 23 Union Ballroom Men's Shoes Second Floor OPEN TIIURS. NITE TIL NINE! AFCW Holds Conference Saturday The American Federation ol College Women will confer at th university Saturday, March IX This year the national conferenca for women's athletie associations attracts representatives from seven colleges. Peru State Teachers, Concordia State Teachers, Kearney Stata Teachers, Wesleyan, Hastings, Midland and Omaha Universities will be represented. The last AFCW meeting was held at Wes leyan College according to Mary Jo Gish, WAA president. Campus Groups. Individual WAA campus groups are anticipating and preparing their convention discussions. Cal- w endar events slated for Saturday are: 9 a. m. registration, and at 10 a. m. discussion groups, which are open to the public, and at which the topics reviewed will be tha basis for team competition in in tramural activities. Also discussed in these group meetings, will be the trends in of ficiating intramural awards, re viving and maintaining student interest in WAA, play or sports days, the WAA cabin, and activi ties offered in WAA. A Union luncheon for the delegates will be followed by a joint discussion and business meeting. wwMMMMMMaaatMiaCi WANTED Room-mate. 1612 Q St. "KAY says the 13th is lucky WE SOLICIT YOUR RENT-A-CAR BUSINESS Please be prepared to estab lish your reliabiliy and fur nish deposit. Required age 21 years or more. Maximum occupancy 4 people. Thmnkt Established 25 Years 'otor Out Cc"?::.y 1120 r Su 2-681 . Mo., marvelous mocca sins a man could ask for. The plump, pliant, costly calfskin in a special tan nage and sturdy leather soles will give long lived satisfaction. And for com fort, this roomy, walled side Master moccasin last stands ready to top any footgear you've ever set foot in. $3'75 I J ) ; ; , i i - . -tw.i'a.a -C'3r ! .."i E,-r 7T JCTJW.J'iWi