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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (March 15, 1946)
Friday, March 15, 1946 THE NEBRASKAN Page 3 Independent Tourney Won By 520 Club Wednesday night, on the coli seum floor, a hard pressed 520 club team eked out a 24-22 vic tory over the Bell Bottoms to win the championship in the independ ent basketball elimination tour ney. Konousky Stars. The 520 Club has looked well all season and Wednesday sparked by Konousky's 11 points, it was just too much for the navy boys, who had gotten their team togeth er after the navy tourney was over, in order to compete in the independent bracket. For third place among: the inde pendents, the Lilies outscored the Gismos, 36-33, as the winner's whole front line hit at least ten points apiece. The same evening, Alpha Tau Omega walloped Sigma Nu, 35-4, for third place in the fraternity tournament. The championship game, scheduled to be played that night between Sigma Chi and the Phi Gams, was postponed, and thehe two will meet next Monday to determine the fraternity cham pionship. Playoff Next Week. Next week the frat champs meet the 520 Club, and the Demolition BoyS, navy-winners, in a round robin of games to fight for the all university championship. UN Mermen To Face Beloit On Saturday Coach Ed Higgenbotham's mer men go into action again this week as they clash in a dual meet with Beloit College of Wisconsin, Sat urday at the coliseum. A high school invitational swimming meet will also be on the schedule. The two meets will be held al ternately. One college event will be run off and then a high school event will follow. The meet is scheduled to start at 3:30. No admission is charged. Nebraska's Entries: Medley relay: McNeely, King or Kleinkauf, Tucker or Harse. 220 yard freestyle: Burr, Ham lin, Gard. 50 yard freestyle: O. Chatt, Harse or Tucker. Diving:: Moore, Dilldine, March, Sprag-ue. 100 yard freestyle: O. Chatt, Burr or Harse. 150 yard backstroke: Suhr, Mc Neely or Holman. 200 yard breatstroke: King-, Ha-selrig-g:, Kleinkauf. 440 yard freestyle: Hamlin, Hass or Gard. Freestyle relay: O. Chatt, Harse, Tucker, Burr or Hass. WAA . . . (Continued from page 1.) year, and Joanne Rapp, junior and council concessions manager. Secretary: Ruth O'Hanlon, soph omore and basketball group head, and Arvilla Noltenmeir, sopho more acting as intramural repre sentative. Treasurer: Billie Steelman, jun ior, serving as cabin and bicycle chairman. The results of the election will be made known Thursday, accord ing to Mary Jo Gish, president. SMITH-WARREN ORCHESTRA Playing 9 to 12 Friday, March 17 44c per person UNION BALLROOM Matinee Dances 12 to 1 P. M. 5 P. M. to 6 P. M. Thursday Churches (Continued from page 1.) a contest for the men present will be held, with five dollars as a prize. Everyone who comes to the party (Army and Navy excepted) is asked to wear something green. The Newman Club is also spon soring a bowling party Sunday from 3 to 5 p. m. at the Lincoln Bowling Club. Mass. Mass will be said at 11 o'clock Sunday morning and at 7:05 on Wednesday and Friday mornings during Lent, in parlors X, Y, and Z of the Student Union. All Catho lic students are invited to attend the mission services., every night at 7:45, and the Lenten services at 7:00 Sunday, Wednesday and Friday evenings at St. Mary's Cathedral. "Friendly Friday" will be ob served at the Methodist Student House again this week, with a trip to the spring art exhibits scheduled for the evening. Those who wish to attend should meet at the student house at 7:45 p. m A candlelight communion dur ing the 6:30 inspiration service Sunday evening will feature the "University of Life" session at St. Paul church, which begins at 5:30 p. m. Mrs. Esther Goodyear will speak at the Marriage and the Family group, with other meet ings centered on Church Music and Fundamental Christian Be liefs. The Roger Williams group will meet at 6:30 on Sunday evening at the First Baptist church. All Baptist students are invited to at tend a "Coffee-Chat" social at the Baptist Student Center Friday night at 7 o'clock. The Roger Williams group will take part in the regular Sunday evening serv ices at i (he First Baptist church, beginning at 7:30. Sunday morn ing services at the four Baptist churchesare at 11 o'clock. Presbyterian Services. The .ReV. Sam Maier, Presby terian Student pastor, will speak Sunday . evening at the Presby terian Student Forum, beginning at 5:30 in the Student House, on the subject of "Christian Respon sibility to the World." Bob Pfeiler will lead the worship service, and a fellowship supper will be held at 6:30. If the weather permits, Presbyterian students will have a hike and a picnic Saturday after noon at 4 o'clock. Those who wish to attend are to meet at the Stu dent House. Bible study at the Student House is at 9:30 Sunday morning, and services at the four Lincoln Presbyterian churches is at 11 o'clock. Dr. Miller at the First Presbyterian church will present at the Sunday morning service one of his series of talks on The Lord's Prayer. This Sunday he will speak on "Forgive Us Our Debts." Grace Lutheran. Reverend Gideon Wich, assistant pastor at Grace Lutheran church, will give the second of a series of Lenten studies of the Character of the Apostles, at the regular LSA meeting Sunday at five o'clock at the Student Center. A fellow- V4 :XY& MCA MBfMTS nsvmo ns AND m CZCZISTBA 18 STARS OF RADIO STAGE and SCREEN TO-NIGHT TURNPIKE l.M m. pla tax Saturday, March 16 Smith-Warren and Their Orchestra ship supper will follow the meet ing. Sunday morning services at the First Evangelical church will be held at 11 o'clock. The ag col lege Student Christian Fellow ship will meet at the church at 5:30 Sunday evening. Students from Wesleyan will give a program at the evening service Sunday at 7:45. Lutheran Chapel. The Lutheran Chapel service of worship will be held at 10:45 Sun day morning in room 315 of - the Student Union. The Rev. H. Erch, university Lutheran pastor, will be in charge. For the second of Lenten service the sermon topic will be "Jesus on Trial in the Sanhedrin." Miss Elaine Otto will accompany the hymns. IIITRAMURALS The second round of the Ag col lege Tournament found the AGR edging out the DDT in a close 2Q to 23 decision. The game was close throughout. Kicstcr led the AGR's with eight points while Ra din kept the DDT's within dis tance of a possible victroy; In the Wednesday night's game the Rustics displayed too much power for the Podunks and hand ed them a 42-28 setback. With fine team work and good passing game the Rustics won easily. Rea gan contributed 15 points toward his team's victory. 520 club 24, Bell Bottoms 22; high scorers: Konousky (520) 11, Boudreau (BB's) 5. Alpha Tau Omega 35, Sigma Nu 4; high scorers: Fuller (ATO) 9, Andres (SN) 4. Beta Theta Pi 26, Delta Upsilon 9; high scorers: Johnson (Betas) 9, Skog (DU) 3. Lilies 36, Gismos 33; high scor ers: Lowe (Lilies) 14, Claussen. (Gismos) 15. WMAMMMBMIMMaiMMKi ROOM for Rent, 3(W No. 17th Street. Cull .VHM.V In the Neat and sweet for your suits ... an Opera blouse with ruffle interest. In Powder Blue, Brown, Black or White . . . sizes 32 to 38. 5 Milter's Sportswear tecotis: Flow Jim. String Shorties Cotton knits by Hansen In White or Honey Beige. 150 pair Hand-mades, In Whit and Off-White. 460 pair Miller's Olovee First Flo White Pigskins Soft, pure whit pigskins in a classic, sticbed slipon. 550 pair Moccasins The classic casual, a Simplex Flex-eze shoe, in two tones Brown with Beige. Composition oles, leather heels. Sizes 4 to 8, AAA to B's. 6 pair, Miller's Sports Shoes Thlri Floor "Bonnie Doon" PLAIDi Authentic Argyle plaids in cotton sox.. . , solor combinations of Blue, Brown, White, Beige, Red, Maize or Navy. O D 73 pair Others 25c to 85c Miller Hosiery Section First Ftoef U It Visit ths TRAVELING SALON Photography Exhibit, Auditorium, Fourth Floor