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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (March 12, 1946)
Tuesday, March 12, 1946 THE NEBRASKAN Page 3 UN Gridders Open Spring Pigskin Drills Ninety-two hopefuls greeted Football Coach Bernie Masterson as the. opening session of spring football practice got underway yesterday afternoon for Univer sity of Nebraska athletes. This number, reminiscent of prewar days, will be augmented by several of last fall's players who were absent, and by more new candidates. Right to Business. Masterson and his staff, Gomer Jones, line coach; Glen Presnell, backfield coach; and Pop Klein, assistant coach, wasted no time in getting down to business. After a brief chalk talk explaining some of the rudiments of the T forma tion, the red-clad gridders moved to the practice field south of the regular gridiron for calisthentics and limbering up exercises. The Husker pigskin aspirants showed plenty of size, with sev eral men scaling well over the 200 mark. Jerry Kathol assisted the regular staff in putting the grid ders through their paces, and will aid Masterson during the spring season. Fred Metheny, Husker quarter back of 1941, was in suit, although it was at first believed that he would not report until next fall. Another welcome newcomer was big Carl Samuelson of Grand Is land, a 6 foot 4 inch lineman who weighs in at 234 pounds. Roster Addition. Additions to the roster are: Alloa Kltnker, Johnoon, end, IS, ' 1", no. Wayne Alitor, Uncoln, center, 27, ', t3A. John Goodwll, Lot Anirrles, tMk '. 220. Trd Mable, Bansett, bark, 20, 5' 1C4", 190. Fred Melhenjr, IJneoln, bark, 24, S' 11", 183. Res Mercer, Lincoln, bark, 22, 8' 10", 170. Krith Powell, ScoUnbluf f, bark, 24, ' 11". I7. Bob Sroville, Hartington, bark, 18, ft 11", 180. Kocene Him, Xrbranka City, taekle, 22, ". 23S. Jim Thornton, IJnroln, bark, 21, 1", 218. BUI Syke, Crystal Sprint;, Mis., bark, 22, 18. Cart Hamoelnoa, Grand Island, end, 2S, 4", 234. Phys Ed Group Will Present Coed Athletic Clinic A clinic on high school girls' athletic activities will be presented by the university's department of physical education for women, for members of the Nebraska State Physical Education association which convenes in Lincoln next weekend. The clinic will include a discus sion and demonstration of stunts and tumbling, conditioning exer cises, volley ball and basketball, according to Dr. Mabel Lee, de partment chairman. In addition there will be two group confer ences on physical education pro gram planning and the need for qualified instructors in high schools. Coach Bernie aster sons W. D. Frankforter Elected President Reactivated Frat Delta chapter of Sigma Gamma Epsilon, geology fraternity, was reactivated at a meeting last week. W. D. Frankforter was elected president; Jack Rathbone, vice president; Howard Sykes, secretary-treasurer; and Willard Bunk er, corresponding secretary and editor. An open meeting will be held Tuesday night at 7:30 in Morrill hall auditorium. Mr. Gilbert Leuninghoener, professor of geolo gy at Midland, will show a color film on Glacier National Park. The meeting is free to all students. Add Flight Training to your eurrtcufum. Private courses now ovailab'j ot UNION AIR TERMINAL Call 6-2385 for details. Name Home Town Pos. Age Adams. John, Daykin HB 17 Augenatcin, Dewey, Sidney T 20 Athey, Marvin. Wauneta HB 23 Bolker, Joe, Omaha C 21 Beck, Rodney, Minden E 21 Barber. Frank, Okeechobee, Fla HB 24 Armstrong', Charles, Greenwood ? 22 Branch, Perry, Lincoln E 21 Boesiger. W.. Cortland ? 16 Bonesteel, Herb, Sidney HB 21 Bradford, Bill, Omaha C 22 Bridpe, Don, Norfolk HB 24 Brophy, Art, vLincoln. E 21 Brown, Joe, Nashville, Tenn E 21 Brown, Wilbur, Auburn G 21 "Bunker, Willard, Lincoln E 26 Beattie, John, Ainsworth G 19 Cotton, Dallas, Lincoln E 21 Crawford, Bill. Lincoln G 22 Carriker, Revere, Harvard HB 18 Christensen, Franklin, Fremont E . 21 Carlson, Clare, Omaha E 23 Cooper, John, Omaha HB 23 Calkins, Don; Alma HB 16 - Costello, Bob, Lincoln C 19 Collins, Ed., Omaha HB 20 Dilldine, Carl, Fafls City ; HB 19 Deffenbaugh, J. L., Lincoln C 22 Dedrick, Jack, Sidney E 19 DeBoIt, Ray. Blair HB 24 Daffer. Stanley, Lebanon ? 20 Eis, Glen, Lincoln T 22 Elwood, Dick, Red Oak, la HB 20 Elliott, John, Columbus ? 21 Evans, Paul, Seward C 20 Edling, Gaylord.. Lincoln T 21 Edelmaler, John, Lincoln ? 23 Flagg, Gould, Lincoln HB 21 Fox, John, Lincoln HB 24 Fouts, Neil, Seward T 21 Fink, Alex, Lincoln HB 20 Fischer, Cletus, St. Edward HB 20 Green, Jthn, Omaha HB 23 Gillaspie, Tom, Lincoln HB 26 Gallagher. John. O'Neill ! 20 Gear, Bill, Fairbury T 21 Gerlach. John. Lincoln HB 18 Gloor, Emit, Columbus HB 22 Gissler, Holland, Osceola E 21 Howard. Lou. Amityville. L. I C 22 Harrington, Don, Lincoln HB 17 Hall, Gordon, Lincoln T 23 Hemmingfen, Don, Lincoln HB 18 Hewit, Bill, David City HB 22 Hand. Bill. FairLury HB 22 Hawkins, Bob. Lincoln HB 24 Hawley, Harold, Nebraska City T 25 Hermann. Roland, Falls City G 22 Hlavac, Rene. Omaha T 20 Hervert, George, Omaha '. . ? 24 Hood, Howard, Chadron E 26 Hughes. Paul. Randolph HB 18 'Denotes lettcrman. Ht. 5- 9 6- 0 6- 0 5-10 5-11 4 5- 9 5- 3 6- 0 5- 8', 4 5-11 5- 9 10 114 0 8 214 0 0 0 u 5 6 6 5 6 6-6-6- 5 6- 0 6- 2 6-11 6- 0 5-11 5-10 5-U 5- 10 6- 4 5- 11 6- 0 6- 14 5-U 5-U 5- 914 6- 1 8-1114 5- 9 5- 1014 6- 4 8 9 1 0 0 1 9 114 6 5-11 5- 84 6- 2 5- 10 6- 1 6- H 5- 714 6- 2 '4 5- 814 6- 1 5-11 5-10 5- 6 5-5- 6-6- 6- 6- 5- 6-6- Wt. 140 235 190 180 175 181 148 180 155 170 176 170 185 180 180 200 180 175 180 170 175 185 180 150 190 195 172 170 200 205 190 225 185 225 J 65 185 200 170 210 218 165 170 210 180 195 189 170 208 204 178 154 205 148 183 209 - 182 198 160 230 190 195 160 7946 Cornhusker Name Home Town Pos. Age Huff, Bill, Lincoln HB 19 Hungerford, Harold, Lincoln HB 23 Hutton, Richard, Auburn HB . 2 Johnson, Roger, Scandia, Minn T 20 Johnson, Creighton,- Casper, Wyo HB 21 Korte, Bob, Fairbury E 20 Kaderli, Kenneth, Kimball . ... E 22 Kudlacek, Franklin, Wilber HB 20 'Leik, Francis, Lincoln T 27 Lorenz, Bred, Lincoln G 24 Lipps, Bob, Lincoln G VI Lai sen, Sophus, Lincoln E 22 Lein, Bob, Lincoln E 22 Levine, Bill, Omaha E 23 Myers, Jim, York HB 22 Myers, Neil, Fairbury G 23 Mandula, Francis, Youngstown, O E 21 Metheny, Bob St. Joe, Mo T 22 Miller, Glen, Vermillion, Kas C 30 Murphy, Ed., North Platte C 26 Mussman, Oscar, Deshler T 19 McCluhan, Neil, Winnebago HB 22 McClanahan, Irs, Tekamah HB 23 Nyden, Ed, Lincoln E 25 Nyden, Roy, Beatrice , E 24 Page, Richard, Wymore E 21 Powley, Harland, Pender E 24 Quigley, Dean, Indianola C 22 Ray, Bill, Lincoln G 20 Reninger, Clyde, Sioux City, la O 23 Robinson, Mack, Norfolk HB 18 Rolfsmeyer, Bill, Lincoln 17 Raetz, Jack, Brady E 22 Reiny, Albert, Lincoln C 20 Smiley, Tom Los Angeles E 20 Schwartzkopf, Ed, Lincoln G 27 Saladen, Dick, Red Cloud HB 19 Shipman, Frank, Fairbury... HB 21 Scheinost, Charles, Spearfish, S. D T 21 Story, Chick, Lincoln HB 21 Sailors, Don, Omaha E .17 "Sedlacek, John, Seward T 20 Sloan, Bill, Burwell HB 17 Skog, Dick, Omaha HB 17 Sehnert, Walt, Plainview E 17 Schleiger, Bob, Omaha E 19 Schlciger, Dick, Omaha E 18 Seume, Bob. Omaha HB 23 Smith, Charles. Lincoln G 18 Taylor, Jim. Garden City, Kas C 21 Tegt, Bob, Fremont T 22 Tiemann, Norbert, Campbell E 21 Tipton, Calvin, Craig T 21 Thompson. Edgar, Lincoln T ,26 Vlcek, Bill. Wahoo HB 23 Wilkins. Walt, Omaha HB 20 Wiemers, Duane, Alma T 17 Williams, Bob, Lincoln T 23 Wilhelms. Meno, Auburn T 21 Wait, Don, Seward HB 23 Wismer, Dale, Arapahoe HB 24 Withrow, George, Hot Springs, Ark.... HB 24 Denotes previous experience. squad Ht. 5-10 5- 9 5- 914 5- U 6- 214 6- 2 6- 2 5- 10 14 6- 1 5- 8 5- 10 . 6- 2 5-U 5-U 5-10 5- 914 6- 1 6- 2 6- 7 5- 10 6- 4 6- 0 5- 10 6- 3 6- 2 6- 0 6- 0 6- 0 5- 8 5- 9 6- 0 5- U 6- 4 5- 10 6- Hi 5-10 5- 614 6- 0 6- 1 5- U 6- 3 6- 1 5-U 5-10 5- 10'4 6- 4 6- i 6- 1 5- 9 5- 10 6- 0 6- 2 6- 2 6- 1 6- 1 6- 0 6- 1 6- 1 6- 2 5- 7 '4 6- 0 6- 0 Wt. 145 175 180 206 172 190 185 185 205 187 178 196 185 230 175 170 208 197 175 190 205 200 150 190 180 175 185 165 172 183 180 177 190 195 17? 190 130 170 195 185 190 195 185 160 154 212 215 196 189 195 220 198 205 225 190 180 185 214 205 175 190 202 All-University Boxing Sv3eet To Close Tonite Champions in eight weight di visions will be determined tonight as the all-university boxing cham pionships go into the final round at the coliseum at 7:45 p. m. , In addition to the championship bouts, three matches to determine third place spots will be held. A semifinal battle in the 175 pound class will open the evening's show, as Harlan Cranston and Chick Thome mix to determine which of them will meet Jack Adams in the final match. Several attractive bouts are on tap. In the 135 pound class Del Roth and Norris Sibert will mix. Roth has flashed plenty of boxing savvy while Sibert uses a rushing pushing style to subdue his oppon ents. Gridders Clash. An all-football final in the heavyweight class should produce plenty of fireworks. John Sedla cek, Husker tackle, who scored a knockout over Stan Daffer in his semifinal bout, and Mack Robin son, Norfolk backfield ace, are matched in the closing bout of the evening. Flyweight contenders will get their first taste of action. Sid Salzman and Marv Runyan were the only entrants in this class and they will meet tonight for the championship. Tournament director Lou Means stated that with a break in the weather, tonight's crowd should surpass last week's attendance. The team champion will be an nounced following: the Sedlacek Bobinson slutfest, and team tro phies will be awarded to the first and second place teams. Glenn Presnell will handle the refereeing chores, with Frank Smagacz and Charlie Miller serv ing as judges. Queen Victoria owned a parrot that could speak in 1-1 languages and 3 dialects. NEBRASKA BARBER SHOP HAIRCUTTING OUR SPECIALTY 211 NO. 12 Tonight's Bouts SEMIFINAL BOUT. 175 lbs. Harlan Cranston vs. Chick Thome. THIRD PLACE BOUTS. 160 lbs. Bob Raduenz vs. Bill Sloan. 147 lbs. John Einunf vs. Ed McEUigott. 135 lbs. Dan Cbaney vs. Jim Welch. CHAMPIONSHIP BOUTS. 112 lbs. Sid Salzman vs. Marv Runyan. 118 lbs. Ray Roth vs. Darrell Ellis. 126 lbs. Stan Diller vs. Sid Wells. 135 lbs. . Del Roth vs. Norris Si bert. ' 147 lbs. Wayne Watson vs. Hal Haldeman. 160 lbs. Gould Flagg vs. Bob Lipps. 175 lbs. Jack Adams vs. Cran-ston-Thorne winner. Ilwt. John Sedlacek vs. Mack Robinson. Coliseum to Be Scene of State Prep Tourney State high school basketball teams will take over the coliseum Thursday, Friday and Saturday for the state tournament. Thirty two quintets will see action, eight in each of the four classes. Lincoln, Creighton Prep and Benson are considered as the leading contenders for the Class A crown, with Northeast, Mc Cook, Fremont, Norfolk and Scottsbluff also in the title fight. These teams won their tourney berths by getting to the finals in the four regional tournaments which were held in different sec tions of the state last week. In Class B Holy Name of Oma ha, Mitchell and Lexington are the teams to beat, Crete, Central City, Schuyler, Seward and Ord make up the rest of the eight team field. Claes C and D titles are also wideopen races, and eight teams in each of these classes will battle for -top honors. St. Francis of Humphrey is considered a strong threat in Class C following its Mixed Swim Party Planned On Wednesday The university's mixed swim ming party for March has been scheduled for Wednesday, March 13, in the Coliseum pool. The pool will be open to students from 7:00 to 8:30 p. m., and everything from hair-ruining water fights to painlessly-acquired sun tans un der the 500-watt overhead lights will be in order. The party is one of a series planned and put on throughout the year through the joint aus pices of the men's and women's physical education departments. All married students are espe cially invited to "come and bring: the missus," and an invitation is likewise extended to faculty mem bers and their wives to join the fan. victory over College View, the de fending titleholder. Ong and Wayne Prep figure to be tops in the D competition. Champagne contains an alkali known as antophobistic-monasto. The pause that refreshes Mffl i i-" oCWl 111 OTTUD UNOCI AUTHORITY Of THf COCA-COU COMfANY Y LINCOLN COCA-COLA BOTTLING CO. ; V s : IK tt G I