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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (March 8, 1946)
Friday, March 1, 1946 THE NEBRASKAN. Page 7 V Interfraternity Queen Candidates "X " 5 ' ' t'- e BY PAT TOOF. Wandering into my home away from home (the Crib to you) the other day, I caught a glimpse of some of the 13 spotlighted candi dates for rule of the fratbrats . . . not campaigning or anything . . . just storing up energy to ward off their public. Getting on with my trek, I shuffled my size 8 s in the gen eral direction of the platter player and DG Nina Scott, who was sit ting with Dave Andrews, the fel low Nina is pinned to this year. A frat brother of Dave's once told me that Nina always looks the way a girl should look. What did he mean? The boy didn't bother to elaborate, and I didn't dare ask as my last bobby pin slipped from these locks. Smooth, I'd say . . . . you know like a Sigma Nu. Shifting my envious bifocals to the neighboring booth, I espied Jean Guenzel, sometimes known as Doris, but not if she can help it, sitting with her Kappa sisters and devouring Crib concoctions. Inci dentally, Jean is Jo Guenzel's sis ter. Mary Armour was within those four walls, too, receiving publicity enough without combined frater nity help, thanks to Dick Stone and said Kappa Sig pin, now ob viously absent from beside her own Alpha Xi pin. Noticed espe cially Mary's expressive eyes .... Mac Robinson has his own spe cial adjective. Leaving the armourous Miss Ar mour, I tripped over one waiter, three race horses, and a half- Ieasten doughnut before reaching the group of Taus. In the middle oi wmcn i iouna fat uuugan, me Alpha Phi s candidate, counseling her fraternity sons and running competition with campus chatter. It now comes to mind that Pat dates Bob Buxton occasionally . . . Let's see, how many years has it been now? ? My attention was drawn from this cultured circle when Beth Montgomery made entrance. Beth works on some adjacent publica tion called the Cornhusker and wears the kite of Kappa Alpha Theta. Lately all aglow since Fred Metheny got that minor thing called a discharge which gives him a real chance for "Joe" col lege and dating Beth, the girl that can get along with anyone. In one corner, I found blonde Louise Rawley, surrounded by books and papers and muttering "average, exams, average!" Inter viewing this popular Tri Delta brought to light that she favors dark suntans and can't stand cold weather. What'll it be fellows . . . Leg makeup or sun lamps? When Louise shoves the books in the background, she gives attention to Lyle King which shows that the Phi Delt-Tri Delt feud isn't taken seriously by all. Lois B. Johnson is from Elk- horn and has an attachment to the phone booth on the second floor of the Gamma Phi house. L. B. is the Gamma Phi's choice for queen, but this isn't restricted to just her sisters. Lorraine Davidson next caught my eye with her dark hair and eyes. You'll notice her too, when she appears with Fred Teller to night. Sorry, Fred wasn't avail able for comment . . . Some ap pointment down on No. 14. Peered between the Venetian blinds just in time to see Sally White, Alpha Chi drive by in her Buick .... Shes in Teachers college, too, so I don't feel so bad Saw Maxine Campbell heading for the Sigma Kappa house. . followed by NRO and Phi Gam Preston Tucker. Ah, yes, the navy has a way. Donna Wagner, once gracing a Awgwan cover but don't hold that against her, dashed off to a pic nic, no doubt with Milton Mack She's a girl with a sheltered life . . . . not even her best friends could tell me her intimate person ality. Caught AOPi Jo Srb just leav ing as I straggled from beneath a husky vets loot. Cute girl, and a certain fellow in Omaha shares my opinion as do AGR's at Ag from whispered rumors. Former prexy and now candi date of Pi Beta Phi, specifically Betty Stanton, is the last one of the favored few. Strictly a per sonality girl and a diplomat, she wielded the gavel over Panhellenic Counsel, .too. After this, I crawled back to my cluttered Nebraskan desk. staggering under the weight of an inferiority complex .... Oh, well, see you at the ball to night! ! Veterans Sphinq (fahivsA. (Bhhiqhiq dfauMdhwimnq, Svudduv (Dhijhsu, QlaMhoom GnikA, ovsl !! By Genene Mitchell. Spring is here and so is house cleaning time or "Ring Ching" day by any other iame would smell as dusty, eh Pi Phi pledger? Satur day morn at 8 o'clock ( the fatal hour) will see plenty Pi Phi po tentialities peeping (PPPhh) out of a sewer main or beavering into the Love Library cupola to escape the warth of Les (hell n hi water) Glodfelty or Kathy Legge accom panied always by Bob Tegt. Lots of fun if you consume enough Clapps Baby Food. Rain lent a mystic atmosphere to the campus Wednesday and the 'Kappa Kappa Gamma filed Indian style over to Grant Memorial gym ti play a basketball game which had been cancelled. Ashes are be coming to KKG's. Enroute Peppi Vovada got lost in the swim across 14th street it's rumored the flood deposited her on the capitol dome and a farmer named Ginsberg up there is paying her 60 cents an hour to sow oat meal. Homebodies. Currently and contrary to pub lic opinion the Chi Omega kids are strictly hearth loving children for some Italian reason. Try to date a Chi O pledge for this Satur day nite betcha can't do it. The Gamma Phi Betas are aid ing the municipal and campus junk collectors by donating waste baskets for public use. Pledge Nancy Finkle deposited an actives can (trash) by the corner mail box. Betty Ann Metzger, being chief waste basket girl, dashed out and rescued the container from loitering dogs (Phi Delts) to re turn and find the Gamma Phi door locked. At this point we leave Betty Ann outside biting her tears and blinking back her lips minus a kneenex. Barefoot G&L Prof. Marcus' English II class has seen everything from an ab straction ladder to Delta Gamma, Joan Vingers padding around in her bare feet. Her shoes? Don't ask me I vaguely remember Don Reynolds looking out of the win dow and dying to hysteria and apoplexy. If things will happen, they will to Miss Vingers. Pledge sister Barb Dunn Is doing her best to compete with the earth science classes. They both putt around the campus chipping cement one for class specimens and the other on rainy Grant Memorial steps for the purpose of attracting attention (male) Interfrat Ball or bust is the theme song. The AOPi's are mad about Kora syrup, I understand. Stop me if you've heard this one but they're sitting in it. Speed and efficiency are essen- FREE" VARIETY SHOW Marlene Dietrich George Raft Zorina Orson Welles IB It FOLLOW THE BOYS 3:00 P. M., SUNDAY, MARCH 10 UNION BALLROOM Coffee Hour S to 6 in Union Lounge tial factors in progress. Lilia La tham, 'Doc" Atkinson had all three. Two dates and they're steady she must have konked him over the noggin with a whole bottle of "Surrender" colone. I could go on for ptiges and tell you about the Zeta Beta Tau pledge who confused his Sigma Delta Tau dates and whispered the wrong name to the other coed while making ardent amours. But Id have to get a copyright and join a union, and participate in strikes and pay taxes and get indi gestion at an early age and I'd much rather go to orchesis any way (jrood bye! Newman Club Discusses Bible, Holds Services Newman club will meet to dis cuss questions concerning the Bi ble Tuesday, March 12, at 7:30 p. m. in the Union XYZ parlors. Throughout Lent, Mass will be held at 7:05 a. m., every Wednes day and Friday in the XYZ par lors. i f DAVE Mar. 9 H HAUN ) Lineain't Orchestra finest Ballraom Jv Iff f 1A.M. i.' i Aim. SSeEs. I (Continued from Pag 1.) name from Veterans' Organization to Organized Veterans. The one-third membership re quirement would not be approxi mately 700, but as the veteran enrollment increases or decreases, the membership must still be held at one-third no matter what the total number of veterans. Also acted upon by the council was the proposal that the date of spring vacation be changed in order to benefit both the students and the university. The motion was made and carried that a com mittee propose to the Board of Regents that vacation start on noon of Saturday, March 23, and end at 8 Monday, April 1. Presi dent Edith Pumperey presided at the meeting. Art (Continued from Pg 1.) diana university and by Mr. Philip Adams of the Cincinnati Art mu seum. Complete list of gallery talks and their speakers is as follows: Friday , Marrk a, f.SO p. m., MIm Faalk-ni-r. Gallery B. HuncUy. Marrh 10, 3 p. m.. MIm Faulk nrr, (Inllcry A. .limrtny, March 11, 12:4S p. ni., I'ro fraiior Kmllh. Gallrry A. Tiirday, March 12, 8 p. ., Mr. Klrarh, (inllrry H. Wrditmdity, March 13, t:4i p. m., Mr. Klrorh. Gallrry H. riiriuy. March 18, 7:49 p. ni., Mr. Klriirh. Gallrry H. Hiinday, March 17. 3 p. ni.. fanel of Men (lr. Karl Amdl Moderator) GaMrry H. Tnct-ilny, March ID. H p. m., Panel of rv-irrvdw men. Gallery R. Saturday, Mareh 13, 3 p. m.. Mr. Henry lloM (Indiana unlveraltyl Gallrry R. Sunday. March 44, 4 p. n.. Mr. Philip Adanm Inctnnatl Art Muneant) Dnlon biillnxHtt. Sunday, March 31, 3 p. ni., Mr. Klnch, Gallrry A. Lightniug does strike twice in one place. The more common variety of Plymouth chickens do not cluck but chirp like birds. Martin the Great could pound four nails into a paving brick with one blow. How to avoid: jn THE STRETCH THE SQUIRM THB WRIGGLE A pair of Ill-fitting shorts can put you through these setting-op exercises. A pair of Arrow Shorts: never! If you'ra the analytical type, you can see why from rho factii Arrow Shorts have no chafing tenter seam. They're roomy. They're Sanforiied Ubeled for permanent fit. They're designed strictly for comfort PS. If tm ikrw Attlm hun't tbt nt yon Nwa. My t ARROW SHIRTS and TIES UNDERWEAR HANDKERCHIEFS SPORTS SHIRTS A poor-trait in one sitting And how to avoid it) You can recognize men in ill fitting shorts immediately. They squirm. They wriggle. This is silly. They should wear Arrow Shorts. Arrow Shorts are roomy. Arrow Shorts are Sanfor ized - labeled (shrinkage less than Arrow Shorts have no binding center seam. All-white bromddoih thortm . . . tomte mmde with C rip per fmttener. Get your todmyl to? S 85c Uen't Fmmhhimgt, Firtt Floor ARROW SHORTS-