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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (March 1, 1946)
Page ti THE NEBRASKAN Friday, March 1, 1946 Vcl crans . . . (Continued Jrom Page 1.) minority, special or pressure groups. We will stand with any group who is right but will part with those that are wrong. ARTICLE III. Organization. The Veterans Organization of the University of Nebraska shall be organized with a body of duly elected officers as stated in AR TICLE V and shall have no au thorized subsidiaries. ARTICLE IV. Membership. SECTION 1. Any male or fe male shall be eligible for mem bership in the Veterans organiza tion of the University of Ne braska who was regularly en listed, inducted, or commissioned and who was accepted for duty in the Army, Navy, Marine Corps, Coast Guard or Merchant Marine of the United States or of our al lies on or after September 4, 1940, and who served between this date and the date of the cessation of hostilities as established by the Government of the United States or a date to be determined by the government of the United States, when at such time no discharged person shall be eligible for a vet eran's status under the provisions of Public Law 346 or Public Law 16 (GI Bill), and afore described persons shall not have been dis charged other than honorably be and duly and legally registered with the University and whose status shall be student, part or full time, and or member of the University faculty or those of equal status. SECTION 2. There shall be but one for mof membership and that shall be an active, regular mem bership, ARTICLE V. Officers and Duties. SECTION 1. Chairman will be executive head of Veterans Or ganization of the University of Nebraska with full power to en force the provisions of the Con stitution, bylaws, and the will of the group. He shall also serve as head of the executive committee. He shall appoint all necessary committees when not otherwise provided and shall perform all other duties as are usually in cident to this office. SECTION 2. Vice Chairman Shall act as representative of Chairman in all matters referred to him by Chairman and shall upon his request preside over the meetings and perform such other duties as are incident to office. SECTION 3. Secretary Shall be charged with the administra tion of the policies and mandates of the Veterans Organization of the University of Nebraska, the executive committee and the Chairman. He shall perform such other duties as are incident to of fice. SECTION 4. Treasurer Shall be custodian of funds of the or ganization. He shall sign all checks, make disbursement of TONIGHT I ,' .. 1 HIS TROMBONE -and HIS ORCHESTRA 17 RADIO STARS IN PERSON Recently featured at Hotel New Yorker, N. Y. C. Frank Dailey's Meadow brook, Cedar Grove, N. J. Adm. 1.25 Ea. Plus Tax funds of the organization and shall make reports upon the con dition of the treasury when such reports are called for. He shall perform such other duties as. are incident to office. SECTION 5. Public Relations Secretary Shall keep public in formed relative to activities of the organization, in order to build and maintain good will toward the organization. Hhe shall also com pile all records of historical value and interest to the group. He shall also perform such other du ties as are incident to office. SECTION 6. The heads of the following committees shall be elected: 1. Social committee. 2. Athletic committee. 3. Housing committee. 4. And such other committees as are deemed necessary. ARTICLE VI. Terms of Office. Terms of officers Election of officers shall take place prior to the closing of one semester of the school term and the newly elected officers shall assume responsibili ties of their respective offices at the beginning of the next term. In case of existing vacancy of any executive committee men the suc cessor shall be selected by vote of group. ARTICLE Vin. Voting and Elections. Section 1. All voting shall be done under direction of the chair man or acting chairman and a mo tion shall be considered passed by plurality vote of the members present in the meeting at the time of voting. This shal hold whether in committee or group elections. Notice shall be given to all inter ested members prior to voting upon such matters as elections or other important issues. Upon mi nor, regular business issues no no tice need be given, for it is to be assumed such business shall be conducted at regularly scheduled meetings. Section 2. All officers shal be elected to their respective offices as follows: Nominations shall be taken at the regularly conducted business meeting. Following an in terval of a reasonable time be tween regular meetings, or at the next called meeting, those nomi nated for the respective offices shall b voted upon by the group present and shall be elected by plurality vote. ARTICLE Villi. Moneys and Collections. All money and collections shall be handled in an approved system and shall be strictly and accurate ly accounted for, and a public re port shall be made when required showing the source of all such in come and the expenditure there of. Such accounts shall be audit ed as prescribed by the Univer sity or at the discretion of the Veterans Organization of the Uni versity of Nebraska. ARTICLE IX. Discipline. Members will be suspended or expelled from the Veterans Or ganization of the University of Nebraska upon proper showing of cause. Charges shall be based on disloyalty, neglect of duty, dis honesty and conduct unbecoming a member of the Veterans Organi zation of the University of Ne braska. Any member so suspend ed or expelled has the right of appeal to the executive commit tee of the vets and thru regularly established University channels. ARTICLE X. The Veterans Organization of the University of Nebraska or any component part thereof, shall not be used to promote the interests of any individual or group ot in dividuals within the organization whose interests are not those of the plurality of the group. ARTICLE XI. Meetings. All meetings shal be conducted under Roberts Rules of Order and at the discrimination of the indi vidual in legal charge of the meeting. Musical Sorority Elects Ara J. Hill National Delegate At the last business meeting of Mu Phi Epsilon, national music sorority, Ara Jane Hill was elected delegate from Mu Gamma, campus chapter here, to the first national convention of the sorority follow ing the end of the war. Miss Hill, a piano major and vice-president of Mu Phi Epsilon, will attend the convention in New York City from July 1 thru July 4. A resident of Lincoln, she is a junior in teacher's college. ARTICLE XII. The word he or his shall be construed to refer to both sexes. ARTICLE XIII. Amendments. This constitution may be amended at any regular business meeting of the veterans providing the proposed amendment has first passed thru the committee to which it pertains. No committee is authorized to veto a proposed amendment but shall only present the proposed amendment with recommendations to the group. Contrary to public opinion, the motto on the new dime will be, "In Ginsberg We Trust." News From Our Fashion Floor Ik k ffW'rf v -4 v ' "' TttT Oi Casual, Comfortable Classic Coats In beautiful colors 29B 69 If you've been looking the town over for a versatile, smartly tailored full-length coat . . . you'll find it on our Fashion A Floor now! Just take a look at these smart coats that are perfect companions for wear over your suits or dresses. Shown in 100 wool fabrics, in beautiful colors. Sizes 12 to 20. GOLD'S . . . Third Floor Sportswear Shop News! Walkie Talkie Jacket Chick to Wear With Slacks and Skirts 100 Wool Be ready for Spring fun with a smart Walkie Talkie Town Jacket ... to be worn straight or tucked in at the waist. Brown, green or red. GOLD'S . . . Third Floor