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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (March 1, 1946)
r 3 Page 6 THE NEBRASKAN Friday, March 1, 1946 Season's Performances Of Conference Trackmen MILE RELAY: Conference rec rd, 3:26.9 by Iowa State, 1941. Best time this year, 3:29.6 (Jack son, Stevens, Shea Lunsford) in dual with Missouri. Other first place times this year, 3:33.6 by Iowa State; 3:34.5 by Ne braska; 3:38 by Oklahoma: 3:38.6 by Missouri. Last years indoor point winners back: Iowa State, first. Outdoor point winners back, Iowa, State, first. SHOT PUT: Conference record 52 feet 1 inch by Quirk, Missouri, 1945. Best distance this year 46 feet 62 inches by Robison, Kan sas, in triangular with Kansas State and Nebraska. Other dis tances this year: 45 feet 2 inches by Andros, Oklahoma; 44 feet 44 Inches by Nutzman, Nebraska: 44 feet 2 1-4 inches by Hansen, Ne braska; 40 feet 11 inches by Wib bels, Nebraska; 40 feet 8 Mi inches by Putnam, Iowa State. No indoor point winners back from last year. Outdoor point winners back: Robison, Kansas, third. POLE VAULT: Conference rec ord, 13 feet lOii iches by Hunt, Nebraska, 1941. Best height this year, 13 feet 6 inches by Miller, Nebraska, in dual meet with Mis souri. Other heights this year, 12 feet 6 inches by Higgins, Mis souri and Mchenry, Missouri; 11 feet 7 inches by Randolph, Ne braska; 11 feet 6 inches by Nel son, Kansas State, and Sherman, Kansas State. Last year's point winners back: Miller, Nebraska, first; Belt, Iowa State, second. HIGH JUMP: Conference rec ord 6 feet 2 1-3 inches by Stoland, Kansas, 1941. Best height this year 6 feet 3 1-8 inches by Scofield. Kansas, in dual meet with Mis souri. Other heigths this year: 6 feet 2 inches by Weaver, Okla homa; 6 feet i.2 inch by Stoland, Kansas; 6 feet 1-8 inches by How ard, Missouri; 6 feet by Feeken, Iowa State; 6 feet ll'i inches, by Kansas State. Last year's point winners b:?k" Lovell, Iowa State, tied for first. 'droor point winners back: Miller, Ne braska, second; Lovell, Iowa State tied for third. BROAD JUMP: Conference rec ord, 23 feet 4 3-4 inches by Nor crosse, Iowa State, 1943. Best dis tance this year, 33 feet 8'i inches by Pederson of Iowa State in dual with Drake. Other distances this year: 22 leet 4 inches by Stevens, Kansas; 22 feet 3 7-8 inches by Crowson, Missouri; 21 feet 11 inches by Stoland, Kansas; 21 feet 8'iinches by Ware, Nebraska; 21 feet 7 1-4 inches by Clark, Iowa State. Last year's indoor point winners back: Crowson, Missouri, second:. Outdoor point winners back: Clark, Iowa State, third; Crowson, Missouri, fourth. 60 yard dash: Conference rec ord :06.3 by Little, Nebraska, 1940; Walter, Missouri, 1941. Best time this year :06.3 by Crowson, Missouri, in dual with Nebraska. Other first place times this year: :06.4 by Harp, Oklahoma; :06.5, Pedersen. Iowa State; :06.6 by Fuller, Kansas State. Last year's indoor pint winners back: Crow son, Missouri. 2nd; Moorman, Iowa State, third; Harp, Okla homa, fourth. 410 yard dash: Conference rec ord :49.3 by Lyda, Oklahoma, 1942. Best time this year :51.5 by Jackson, Kansas, in triangular with Nebraska and Kansas State. Other first place times this year: :5 1.8 by Alexander, Iowa State; :52.3 by Kratz, Nebraska; :53.3 by Whitacre, Missouri. Last year's in door point winners back: Kratz. Nebraska, first; Rowland, Iowa State, third; Alexander, Iowa State, fourth. Outdoor point win ners back: Jones, Iowa State, first; Alexander, Iowa State, sec ond. 880 yard run: Conference record 1:56.5 by Lyda, Oklahoma, 1942. Best time this year 1:59.8 by Hinches, Kansas, in triangular with Nebraska and Kansas State. Other first place times this year: 2:00.9 by Kratz, Nebraska; 2:02.1 Quick Gervics Good Food Reasonable Prices by Jones, Iowa State; 2:06.4 by Foland, Missouri. Last year's point winners back: Krati, Nebraska, first; Jones, Iowa State, second; Killough, Missouri, fourth. Out door pint winners back: Kratz, Nebraska, first; Rowland, Iowa State, fourth. One mile run: Conference rec ord 4:21 by Ginn, Nebraska, 1942. Best time this year 1:32.2 by Kratz, Nebraska, in triangular with Kansas and Kansas State Other first place times this year: 4:41.7 by Friel, Missouri; 4:41.9 by Moore, Kansas; 4:41.9 by Arlen, Iowa State; 4:42.6 by Killough, Missouri; 4:49 by Yocum, Ne braska. Last year's indoor point winners back: Kratz, Nebraska, first; Arlen, Iowa State, third. Two mile run: Conference rec ord 9:32.2 by Smithers, Okla homa, 1942. Best time this year 10:13.6 by Canaris, Oklahoma, in dual with Missouri. Other first place times this year: 10:23.2 by Roads, Nebraska; 10:31.7 by Slagle, Missouri; 10:33.2 by Ginn, Ne braska; 10:52.9 by Moore, Kansas. Last year's indoor point winners back: Slagel, Missouri, second; Deane, Iowa State, third; Arlen, Iowa State, fourth. Outdoor point winners back: Deane, Iowa State, second; Arlen, Iowa State, third. 60 yard high hurdles: Confer ence record :07.6 by Smutz, Ne braska, 1941. Best time this year :07.7 by Sharp, Oklahoma, in dual with Missouri. Other first place times this year: :07.8 by Chase, Missouri; :07.9 by King:, Nebraska. Last year's indoor point winners back: Barker, Nebraska, first; Moorman, Iowa State, second. 60 yard low hurdles: Confer ence record :06.9 by Shy, Mis souri, 1943. Best time this year :07.2 by Sharp, Oklahoma, in dual with Nebraska, by Chase, Mis souri, in dual with Nebraska, by Pedersen, Iowa State, in dual with Nebraska. Other first place !.mes this year: :07.3 by Barker, Nebraska. L2st vear's indoor point winners back: Bamer, Nebraska, first; Moorman, Iowa State, third. UN Students Choose Star Cage Squad Nebraska students have a chance to present their choices for a western all-star basketball team which will compete against a similar eastern aggregation on March 30 in Madison Square Garden. The contest is being sponsored by the New York Herald Tribune for its fresh air fund. The Harold Tribune also backs the early Sep tember football game between a professional team and the eastern all-stars for the same cause. All ,'henies the Boundary. Any student, using the ballot printed on this page, may indicate his or her basketball preferences. The dividing line between east and west in this venture has been set at the Allegheny mountains, so the western team has plenty of teams to draw from. With players like Bob Kurland of Oklahoma A. & M., Milo Kom enich of Wyoming, Max Morris of Northwestern, Charlie Black of Kansas, Leo Klier of Notre Dame and Don Otten of Bowling Green, UN students should have no trou ble choosing a ten-man squad. Ballots must be mailed to: Sports Department, New York Herald Tribune, 230 West 41st Street. New York 18. N. Y by March 5. Contrary to public opinion, the fantasy that holds up strapless gowns is not Yehudi, but an ob scure shoeclerk named Ginsberg. No Secret Ed Copple's Playhouse Rented Nitely For Dancing For Picknicking For Any Size Crowd of Fun Lovers 4-2372 2-6958 OklahomaTitle Hopes Rest on Hurdler Sharp NORMAN, Okla. Beaten by a close score in each of three dual meets this year, Coach John Ja cobs' Oklahoma track team closes its indoor season Saturday in the 18th annual Big Six indoor meet at Kansas City s Municipal audi torium. Lacking runners who can score heavily in the 440, 880 and mile runs, the Sooners have only an outside shot for the 1946 title, but will be strengthened by two ath letes who were not with them in Saturday's dual at Missouri, Quar ter-miler Joe Richardson and Pole Vaulter Fred Eaves. The Sooners practically for feited the vault to the Tigers and Richardson's sub, Broadiumper Jack Dempsey, dropped the wand in the mile relay which if Okla homa had won would have gained her a tie in the meet. "After we dropped the baton and got half a lap behind trying to pick it up, we kept running hard, hoping Missouri would drop it up ahead of us. But they held it with both hands," laughed Jacobs. The Sooners' top performer at Kansas City will be their brawny 180 pound hurdler, Jon Sharp. Sharp is all-victorious this win ter against Kansas, Nebraska and Missouri in both the 60 yards high and low hurdles and has not been outrun while anchoring the East-West All-Star Basketball Game for the benefit of the New York Herald Tribune Fresh air Fund NOMINATION BALLOT UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA My choice of team frojn the West is: 4. 1. (Oayer Mumi) (player' ealleta) (player Mum) (player' eollefe) (player aame) (player eoileiw) (pfctyer. itnie) (player' college) (player nunc) (player' eoll , . (player muim tpUyer'i eolle) (player him) (player' eolloc (player same) (player' college) ,. (player same) (player's college) (player name). " (player' eoMee , ....... ... . Student' Signatory Vote: Ta student voter Remember, only ene player may be nominate! from our own Irani. Nine nomiantion. must be from other tram In tbe West area. The entry mint be postmarked by March 15. Addreu year entry to: Sporti Department, EaM-Weat Game, New York Herald Tribune, 230 West 41t Street, New York 18, N. T. Sooner mile relay. He made up ten yards on the Kansas anchor and broke the string ni the meet deciding relay, only to lose be cause the Kansas runner's torso passed the finish line first. Other Sooner performers who should notch .points at Kansas City will be Laddie Harp, all victorious Sooner sprinter who defeated Missouri's Bob Crowson at Columbia Saturday; Two-miler John Canaris, who did 10:1S against Missouri and won; and Shotputters Plato Andros and Ben Stout B Ym EMIE UP S 1 Ruch Psychology and Life 2 Ruch Psychology and Life (oran9e) 3 Burns Dev. of West Civ. 4 Sutherland Introductory Sociology 5 Spencer Textbook of-. Business Law 6 Modlin and De Voyer Development of Economic Society - tBUFUS AT E3E9ESK Bill Meredith 1347 "O" 1 " wamiMiSB