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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Jan. 16, 1946)
1 i Page 4 Scarlet Five Drops Tilt To Cyclones Nebraska lost its third Big Six basketball game Monday night, when they succumbed to the Iowa State quintet by a 57 to 39 count, on the Cyclone court. Joe Brown led the Husker scorers with 12 points and Bob Korte followed with seven, but the real scoring leader was for ward Jim Stark of the Iowa team who dropped 24 points through the nets. The Huskers were in contention for the first ten minutes, but then the Cyclones pulled away, lead ing 33 to 17 at the half. Summary: Phi Gams Take Top Honors in Wrestling Meet Scoring a total of 199 points, Phi Gamma Delta topped the field in the university wrestling tour ney held last week. Beta Theta Pi scored 157 points for second. Over 120 men representing 20 organizations competed in the af fair. There were 122 matches. By virtue of their win, the Phi Gams stretched their lead in the Jack Best supremacy ract. The Betas moved into third only four points behind the second place Phi Delts and 89 points be hind the leaders. Wrestling point totals: Phi Gamma Delta 199 Beta Theta Pi 157 Independents 135 Alpha Tau Omega 133 Phi Delta Theta 116 Sigma Nu 70 Navy Flyers 69 Sigma Chi 44 Navy Atoms 37 Navy Wolves 30 Navy Gismos 16 Delta Upsilon 15 Sorority Set 10 Sigma Alpha Epsilon 5 Sigma Phi Epsilon 5 Block Busters 5 IM Basketball "A" League. Navy Atoms 34. Wolverines 19. Merry Makers 2, Navy Sorority Set 0 (forfeit). Phi Kappa Psi 2, Theta Xi 0 (forfeit). Navy Wolves 34, Beta Sigma Psi 25. Sigma Nu 2, Kappa Sig. & DTD 0 (forfeit) . Brown Palace Co-op 2, Navy Block Buster 0 (forfeit) 0. Navy Gismos 39, Zeta Beta Tau 8. "B" League. Alpha Tau Omega 2, Kappa Sig. & DTD 0 (forfeit). Sigma Nu 2, Navy Wolves 0 (forfeit). WE PAY Charles Miller Resumes Post As Gym Coach Captain Charles Miller of the army air forces will return to the gymnastic helm at the Umver sity of Nebraska next semester according to Louis E. Means, Di rector of Student Welfare. Capt. Miller, varsity gymnastic coach before his entrance into the service three years ago, is coming back to the university at a sub stantial increase in salary. Be sides handling all gymnastics, Mil ler will teach several physical ed ucation classes and take an active part in the recreational program. Other Pastures Wilbur Knight, who is leaving the school for other pastures, did an excellent job in filling Miller's shoes during the latter's absence. Miller returns to Nebraska with superior recommendations from every field at which he was sta tioned. He was director of train ing and operations at Buckingham Field, Florida, and reorganized the entire physical education pro grams at Scott Field, Illinois, and San Antonio, Texas. He also in structed at Maxwell Field, Ala bama and the Lincoln air base. Miller had been active in organ izing high school gymnastics throughout the state, and it is certain he will continue where he left off in that respect. He will study the athletic equipment in the coliseum basement in an ef fort to provide adequate, up-to-date apparatus for students' use. Publication Board Elects Nebraskan Staff Saturday The Publication board will meet Saturday morning, Jan. 19, to elect an editor, two - managing editors, four news editors, so ciety editor, sports editor, circula tion manager, business manager and two assistant business man agers for The Nebraskan. . All students may apply for these staff positions, and appli cations, which may be secured at the school of journalism office in University Hall or at The Ne braskan office in the Union base ment, must be turned in before January 19. IM Handball Phi Delta Theta 3, Pioneer 0. Alpha Tau Omega 2, Delta Up silon 1. Coming matches: Wed., Jan. 16, 5:00 Phi Gamma Delta vs. Navy Wolves. . Sigma Alpha Epsilon vs. Phi Delta Theta. Thurs., Jan. 17, 5:00 Alpha Tau Omega vs. winner Gismo-Lilies match. Sigma Chi vs. winner Beta-Independent match. The Hawaiian islands were orig inally named the Sandwich islands by Captain James Cook. n MORE FOR BOOKS THE NEBRASKAN f QJ EK D (B EH By George Sports-minded students will get plenty of opportunities to watch Nebraska teams in action in the immediate future. With the announcement of the track and wrestling schedules, as combined with the present bas ketball schedule, there will be plenty of indoor sports activity on the campus throughout the month of February. Nebraska tracksters provide Saturday afternoon entertainment each week in February, as they entertain Big Six foes on the in door track layout beneath the east stadium, and Jerry Adam's wrestlers show their wares for the home crowds three times during the month. Add to this action the Nebras ka basketball schedule which in dicates that South Dakota State, Iowa State, Oklahoma and Mis souri will all perform on the coli seum court during the month to come. With this reawakening of ath letic interest, we hope that Ne braska tear. -3 in all of these sports will prove to be on a par with the Husker teams of prewar days. Al though the days of Nebraska's domination of Big Six athletics are gone, Husker fans have not ap plauded a conference champion for several seasons in any major sport. Future prospects, if they can be judged by a comparison of activ ities at other Big Six schools, seem to be rosy. Only Iowa State has indicated that it will pursue a full-scale indoor sport program, with both wrestling and swim ming squads to supplement the track and basketball programs. Nebraska also will produce a swimming team this season, and Ed Higgenbotham is now at work at the university pool, drilling a promising number of squad candidates. Another sport which has been re-activated is rifle shooting. Through the extensive ROTC courses, a student rifle team will be selected, and will engage in meets with other schools. ROTC cadets are firing a series of pre liminary scores to determine the men best qualified to carry the Husker colors against intercolleg iate foes. Husker basketball players will Shoe Repairing Invisible Half Soling Latest Method Costs No More HATS CLEANED AND BLOCKED NIJWAY SHOE & HAT WORKS IM So. 18th t-M9 Lineola ?MB Wm ML WHETHER USED HERE OR BECAUSE WE ARE WHOLESALE E E EL DTTQziT Miller be able to catch their breath at the conclusion of this week's play. Throughout their last several games, team members have been bothered by' a fiendish schedule arrangement which has kept them on the move much of the time. For example, this week they returned from their Monday game at Iowa State on Tuesday, and will depart again tomorrow for Columbia and a game with the Missouri Tigers on Friday. Then comes a week's respite for final examinations. This is fol lowed by home contests with South Dakota State and three Big Six schools. The only road trips are two weekend jaunts to Kansas to meet K-State and Kansas Uni versity. An improved showing in games to come should be the result to this arrangement, as well as a sigh of relief from Coach Pop Klein who has naturally been on the anxious 'eat when the team leaves for an out-of-town trip, due to the usual worries of a coach when he has a team on the road. MATINEE DANCE 5 to 6 TODAY Union Ballroom FREE JUKE BOX DANCE . 9 to 11:30 P. M. FRIDAY, JAN. 18 SMITH-WARREN ORCHESTRA 9 to 12 SAT., JAN. 19 44c I person UNION BALLROOM limn! u Wednesday, January 16, 194S Because of a shortage of bath ing suits, Potchefstroom, South t" Africa, has lifted its ban against men appearing at beaches in trunks only. Tuberculosis, which 40 years ago was the most frequent cause of death, now has dropped to eighth place in the United States. WANTED BUS BOYS Cal Miss Arner, 2-7371 Residence halls for women 510 No. 16 St. I ARTISTRY IN RHYTHM STAN KENTON AND HIS ORCHESTRA Featuring June Christy and Gene Howard VOCALISTS TICKETS ARE GOING FAST mm person Limited Sale (400 Couples) at Union Office FRIDAY, FEB. 1 UNION BALLROOM NOT it . i . till i 1 ,J JOBBERS QeficrcJ? AMUSfM LHJ COIr