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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Dec. 19, 1945)
V Page 2 THE NEBRASKAN Wednesday, December TO, 1933 JJul Vlsrf)iasJuuv rosn-nna tsas RnWrlntlan Katea (l.M Per Semester r SUM far tk CaHrra Tear. f?.5 Mailed. Binrle eopy. Centa. Eatered aa aeeand-elaaa natter at the peat effiee ia Linoolu. Nebraska, aader Aet af Canrreaa March 8, 187, and at apeeial rata at poatata provided (ar la Sectien UvS, Aet af VetoDer C tail, aaiaeruea tcf tember so, rniTARIAI. RTAFr Editor teella Jean OlotfeMy Manaflnr Editere Betty Lea lluataa. Janet Maaea News Editora I'hyllU Teagarden, Mary Alice Caweed, bUlrley jcnaua. uiu mdku Snort Editor Gearfe Miller Sorirty Editor Betty Klat BustneBi Manager Assistant Boaineaa Manager... Circulation Manager RIIKINESS STAFF , Lorraine Abramaaa ' " Shirley Hampton. Dorothea Roaenbrm Keith Jonei, 1'hone 2-6233 This is It So this is the end of 1945 as far as the university is con cerhed. It's been a great semester the men came back to school the administration approved the new men's dorm (the one bright lieht in their otherwise misguided efforts) the War Council disappeared formals came back with the Mortar Board ball UN won four football games Biff Jones got the boot the Board of Regents appeared briefly and then crawled back into its hole Corn Cobs brought out their red sweaters from the mothballs Coed Counselors managed to creep thru another year the Awgwan contin ued to be obnoxious the scholarship average was on its way up it snowed and Christmas vacation finally got within shooting distance. All that remains of this first peace-time semester in four years is two short weeks of classes and then, FINALS. Yes, it's been a great semester, but only a prophecy of the one to come. The Nebraskan weeps a sad tear for the administration, congratulates the students and wishes everyone a VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS AND A HAPPY NEW YEAR. Hail to Iowa . Merry Christmas to the students at colleges and univer sities in the state of Iowa who will be let out for vacation Thursday morning so that they can get home without wres tling with the bus and train situation as UN students will have to do over the weekend. Snow (Continued from Page 1) but dfter some maneuvering and bruised shins, she succeeded. The Navy, it is rumored, is sued those galoshes the boys have been wearing. An equal numoer of eunboats must have been ae commissioned to provide our boys with those dainty objects, we es pecially like Marv Mertins', las tened up to his knees. Pete Jernbere's red nose was protruding from between two fuzzy blue earmuffs, his inade quate white hat on top of his fuzzy head. Why don't they in vent something for kindness to coses? Skis Essential. Nancy Baylor came prepared for a quick trip between Sosh and Andrews, but she forgot the essential skis that commonly com plete an outfit such as hers. Les Glotfelty's horse, is tied to the Cornhusker door and calmly chewing their Christmas tree while Les looks rustic and casual in riding pants and sports jacket and directs traffic in The Ne braskan office. Newest color combination Fred Lorenz's red letter sweater and maroon scarf definitely out of this or any other world. It's a good thing it snows only in the winter. People need the warm summer months to think up these outlanaish outfits. Too bad they have to wait until it snows to don them. Kenton (Continued from Page 1) holders will be entitled to enter the second and third floors of the Union that evening. Patricia Lahr, director of the Union, reported that the Union was most pleased to have the op portunity to book Mr. Kenton's orchestra and that every attempt would be made to make it the biggest dance of the school year. The Season's (Greetings ABLE CLEANERS AND LIUNDHY 39 No. 14 Awgwan Copy! Awrwan editor Roth Korb today issued a plea for more copy for the January issue of the magazine. She announced that all material must be turned in to the Awrwan of fice in the basement of the Un ion before the berinninff of Christmas vacation. Next Fri day is the deadline for all copy and the magazine will come out after vacation. vm if "t"'" wr. SNIPE HUNTIN' with JIDCE MASON imflflettfinn INTERFRATERN1TY COUNCIL. Members of the Interfraternity Council will meet Thursday at 5 o ciock in the Union, room 313. CHEMICAL SOCIETY. Dr. F. S. Bukey. research direc tor of the Smith-Dorsey Co.. will address local members of the Americal Chemical Society Thurs day at 7:30 at Avery Lab. His topic will be "Drugs and Dosage forms." A dinner at the Union at 6 o'clock will precede the meet ing. Theatre (Continued from Page 1) in the poverty-stricken home, the old man is shaken to his roots. Ghost Appears. Lastly.the ghost ofChristmas future appears and takes Scrooge nto the cloudy days ahead where he sees what may be his own grave, bare and unremembered. At last fully realizing his foolish ness, old Scrooge changes and be gins to live a happy, generous life. Student director of the play is Sally Whiteman. Playing the part of Scrooge is Dede Meyer, and commentator will be Bill Swan- son. Quids Service Gccd Feed Reasonable Prices Bill Meredith 1347 "0" Merry Christmas, everybody! What did you say? Well, I can't help it if you haven't got your shoplifting done yet . . . don't look at me when you growl about the tests your teachers are piling on . . . geeminee, I don't care if you have a cold and are going to die of pneumonia before you ever get home! All right, all right, see if I ever say Merry Lhristmas to you again! . . . And so it goes, the trials and tribulations of the Yuletide no doubt Senator Wherry is racking his brain to decide how to vote on the issue: "Should Congress recess for Christmas?" Speaking of trials and tribulations, black lingerie probably has caused the most anxiety, at least as far as Meno Wilhelms is concerned. Meno "just can"t decide" what kind to get, where to get it, and what size she wears. The latter is his biggest problem and the only solution seems to be to pick a girl of her size and pop the question as yet, however, he hasn't resorted to this. (Oh we al most forgot the recipient Is his sister.) a Ode to a snowball: Little snowball in the air, Where you roin,' so firm and fair? Whizzing toward my little head, $?! yeh, that's what I said! Ah yes the snow! The Black Widow puffed and snorted and sneezed and wheezed and finally plowed out of its stall in time to make a nine o'clock at 9:15. Then she snuggled up to a curb in a bare six feet of snow and stubbornly refused to budge, until the Gray Goose gave her a few gentle wacks on the rump at the cost of two fenders, a bumper and a perfectly good radiator grill. Naturally by this time eleven o'clock classes were well on their way, and screaming to be ignored. So the Black Widow and Gray Goose made a race toward the Union, the winner, NATURALLY, be ing the Goose. What a horrible experience at the Union! ... doctor, lawyer, Indian chief . . . NO, NO, NO, NO . . love you like I do blurb I do blurb I do gob ble bank riip crash ... people running to the CONFUSION SAYS Translated By Don Grube Christmas leave is just around the corner, and if you think Thanksgiving caused excitement you should be around Navy Hall now ... everything is mistletoe and ribbon, huge packages and small ones . . . anything that does not pertain to Christ mas is unimportant and ignored . . . classes inci dentally are so completely distant . . . Officers too are anxious to be themselves over the holidays and are eager to arrive home in order to begin... This weather is perfect for ice skating ... If you don't believe me ask Bob Derges and Joyce Keck ley . . . They dressed warm Saturday night and tried it . . . They doubled with Salo Miller and Jo Titus of Kappa significance . . . Seen at the Sigma Nu party sipping punch and sighing were Harold Smith and Joan Fankhouser . . . Also sip ping punch were Don Beck and Shirley Crosby . . . Sech a perty . . . Norris Sibert bringing the Alpha Chi pledge Marie Abraham along attended . . . Of all things . . . The Sigma Nu house party . . . I have to . . . I'm only a pledge . . . Chi-O par tying over this snowy weekend were Meno Wil helms and Jo Engle ... , strong, blonde fellow . . . The most confusing item this week is the ap parent romance between "Bud" Healey and Ma rion Eloe ... He wasn't dating her a short time ago . . . That in itself is confusing . . . She is slightly beautiful . . . Our eligible bachelor ... I say that with malice toward none . . . Jim Pettis, is going with a charming thing called Ginny Pes ter and belonging to the Chi O sorority . . . Sorori ties are so hard to understand . . . Not allowed beyond the third step . . . Five date rules ... Such obviously unnecessary precautions. . . Confusion just said . . . That anyone who wants a blind date should pull the wool over her eyes . . . The Nebraskan party is about to, swing into a state of "going on," and I am in flats ... So be fore slipping outside to don heels, let me wish you a very merry holiday ... juke box, shaking it, throwing coffee cups at it . . . ominous silence. California Fashion Robes Another shipment of those smart California tailored robes that are so popular for dorm wear. Beautifully fashioned ef cotton and rayon gabardine. Comes la bHfht melon red and beautiful copen blue with white trim. Sizes 12 to 20 a95 GOLD'S... Third Floor WW Is A VH"I s ft