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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Dec. 14, 1945)
Friday, December 14, 1945 THE NEBRASKAN Page 7 v Twelve Nebraskan Cagers Leave for 3 Game Jaunt A squad of twelve Nebraska basketball players and Coach Pop Klein left this morning by car for Kansas City, the first stop on a road trip which will find the Huskers playing three games before they return to Lincoln Tuesday. Squad members nominated by Klein for the jaunt are: Les Liv ingston, Don Barry, Jim Sand stedt, Leo Schneider, Tom Cook, Joe Brown, Chick Story, Mac Robinson, Chuck Mulvaney, Bob Korte, Fred Ilecox and Gayle Lebsack. The games to be played at Kan sas City will have no bearing on Big Six standings, and will serve only to indicate the relative strength of the four competing UN Foundation Announces New Scholarships Establishment of th Alr-Sar. r Ben scholarship Foundation for rfiiflAnin ' a J . . 1 1 diuucuu in ugiiuuiiuie was an nounced Thursday by the Univer sity Foundation. The Knights of Ak-Sar-Ben in Omaha will make awards- this year totaling $5,800, which will include 24 scholarships of $100, $200, and $300, and two fellow r ships of $500. Scholarships add ing up to a minimum of $3,400 will be given each subsequent year by the Knights. To All Classes. Eight $300 scholarships will be awarded this year to freshmen, eight $200 scholarships to sopho mores, and eight $100 scholarships to juniors. The awards will be apportioned evenly between men and women and between four districts of the state. The two $500 fellowships will go for grad uate research in fields that will contribute to the state's economy. Appointment of a statewide 1,1 committee to administer the scholarships will be made later. Qualifications set up by the orig inal committee include scholar ship, adaptability, and need for assistance. Permanent Plans. The permanent plan for the awards calls for two $500 fellow ships and eight $300 scholarships to go to eight freshmen each year. The scholarship winners will re ceive $100 in each of their suc ceeding years as undergraduates. Members of the Ak-Sar-Ben committee announcing the foun dation are De. E. Bradshaw, W. B. Millard, jr., and W. D. Lane. Plans for the awards were worked out by members of this committee, Dean W. W. Burr of the Ag college, and other uni- versity representatives. I M Basketball "A" LEAGUE. Navy Block Busters 20, Sigma Nu 15. Delta Upsilon 23, Brown Pal ace 7. Phi Gamma Delta 31, Lilies 19. Navy Wolverines 24, Phi Kappa Psi 15. Sigma Phi Epsilon 2, Harvey s 0 (forfeit). Co mint Games. Dec. 18. 5:00 (S) Pioneer Co-op vs. Ag College. Dec. 19. 5:00 (S) Navy Gismos vs. Navy Sorority Set. 7:10 (S) Alpha Tau Omega vs. Phi Kappa Psi. 7:10 (F) Beta Theta Pi vs. Sig ma Phi Epsilon. 7:10 (V) Phi Gamma Delta vs. Navy Block Busters. 8:00 (S) Zeta Beta Tau vs. Mer ry Makers. 8:00 (F) Ilarveys vs. Navy Wolves. 8:00 (V) Sigma Nu vs. Kappa Sig. & DTD. "B" LEAGUE. Phi Gamma Delta 28, Sigma Al pha Epsilon 16. Phi Delta Theta 24, Kappa Sig Sc DTD. Cominf Games. Dec. 20. 5:00 (S) Delta Upsilon vs. Navy Block Busters. 7:10 (F) Sigma Chi vs. Alpha Tau Omega. 7:10 (V) Beta Theta Pi vs. Sig ma Nil 8:00 (S) Navy Wolves vs. Pio neer Co-op. 8:00 (F) Navy Flyers vs. Brown Palace Co-op. teams, Missouri. Kansas State, Kansas U. and Nebraska. . Sunday morning the squad will leave for Iowa City where they will face the powerful Iowa uni versity quintet on Monday. Servicemen Write To Col. Murphy For Information An average of seven letters a day from service men in this country and overseas, inquiring about courses offered by the uni versity, are being received by Col. James P. Murphy, director of mil itary training at the university. "If I can believe what I read from these men the university is going to be literally mass invaded by veterans within the next year or two," Colonel Murphy said. "In all my experience with uni versities I have never seen a stronger bond exist between stu dents and their university than at Nebraska. It speaks well for the University of Nebraska for they are ail tree to attend any school of their choosing under the GI Bill of Rights." The university will experience a new type of . student because most of the veterans are much more mature than the average ci vilian student, according to Colonel Murphy. "Study Centers" Offer University Extension Credit University credit can be gained for study in off-campus classes which are being established in communities throughout the state by the university's Extension Di vision. "Study centers," as they are called, are open to anyone for a small fee, and are held generally once a week. Five communities have these centers now. They are located at Grand Island, Loup City, Ord. Wahoo, and Franklin. Others are being organized at Hebron, Clay Center, Kearney, Elmwood and McCook. Aviation Workshop. The Grand Island class is an aviation workshop conducted by Prof. Frank E. Sorenson of Teach ers college; Loup City, a course in social institutions conducted by Prof. Karl M. Arndt of the eco nomics department; Ord, a course in speech conducted by Prof. Le roy T. Laase of the speech de partment; and Wahoo, a course in school law conducted by Thomas H. Adams, Lincoln attorney, and a course in public school art taught by Mrs. Clara M. Allen of the art department. Alpha Tau Omega Wins Table Tennis Crown in IM Meet Alpha Tau Omega took first place honors in the intramural team table tennis tournament which finished last Thursday night, by defeating Sigma Nu 3 to 2 in the finals. Third place in the final stand ings went to Pioneer Co-Op who took the spot on a forfeit from the Navy Sorority Set. In semi final games the ATOs defeated Pioneer and the Sigma Nus dropped the Sorority Set. JACK DEST STANDINGS Table tennis results not included. Phi Gamma Delta 497 Beta Theta Pi 450 Phi Delta Theta 445 Alpha Tau Omega 345 Pioneer 292 Sigma Alpha Epsilon 240 Phi Kappa Psi 185 Sigma Chi 180 Beta Sicma Psi 170 Sigma Nu 140 Cornhusker 1 25 Sigma Phi Epsilon 120 Ag OPoge 115 Brown Palace .......110 ' Delta Upsilon 100 Kappa Sig & DTD E0 Independents 70 Navy Flyers 70 Navy Gismos . 60 Navy Wolves 60 Navy Soririty Set 30 Navy Atoms 30 Theta Xi 30 Zeta Beta Tau 0 Navy Blockbusters 0 Examination Schedule Urr bow, rtSL.ii ,or r"""0 " " or tw days shall meet for examination! , JSX. ? and Tuesday .hail be examined en the date scheduled for the first beer of met ttaf; Wednesday or Tharaday classes ea the second b ear of their meeting; Friday or Saturday cUsses Vi n,ntJ" have beea scheduled for all sections la the following anbjeeta: (I) Bali ) Cbemitry, 1; 3 Civil Engineering; 1; (4) Education SO, 61. 62; S English A 1 I S and IS; (7) Home Economies 41 and 42; Mathematics 11, 12, is, II, 21 41. 101 103 I04-' l; (10) Psychology 70; Ull Spanish 61 and 6S.. If students have restart scheduled ,,. at follows t their labora a the third Business Organltatlon S and 1; , ii, zi; () French 11 students have regularly scheduled examinations conflicting with the aDOVe SDeeisllv arranr.d trhednle mn..m.nt. t . made with the department concerned on or oeiore taS," 14? T-TiaaB A WIWW V5 I ScVr'nTlVn FOR AN EXAMINATION WHICH CONFIJCTS WITH A SPEt IAIX1 'SCHEDULED m MIVlTinV IV RANGKMKNTH SHOULD BE MADE WITH THK FRENCH ltWrK-tiV?-liTlS. . . . 4V . Dim rsuLH L,U.H1SA11U.1 AT ANOTHR TIME. MONDAY, J ANT ART 11 S:00 a. 10:80 a. 2:80 p. 2:80 p. 2:30 p. 1:06 a. S:00 a. 10:86 a. 2:86 p. 2:S0 p. 8:00 a. 10:30 s. :SO p. 2:S p. 2:80 p. 3:80 p. 2:80 p. :60 a. 10:S0 a. Z:S0 p. t:SO p. t:S6 p. Z:SO p. S:M a, lt:SO a. Z:SO p. 2:80 p. Z:SO p 2:3a p.i ": a. 10:30 a. m. to 10:06 a m. Classes meeting at 0:00 a. m., Twi., Thnrs., Rat., or any one or 2:22 - 'ZJ mrr"n ? m- "nd Thnrs., or either one el P- m.-4 lasses meeting at 7.00 p. m., Mon.. Wed.. Frl., or any one or two of these davs. of these days. . . . i . m. to 4:80 a. m. Classes meeting a Iron m -r- " . ' " " "T m. to 4:30 p. m.-All section l." English A, 1, I, 3. 4,' lT. T. " " TUESDAY, JANUARY 22 m. to 10:00 a. " -J"" :0 ". " or foar days, or Moo., Wed., Frl., or aay aoe or m., to 10:00 a. m. All aectloas In Chemistry 1. m. to 12:80 p. m. 4'lasse meeting at 10:00 a. m.. Toes . Tbars Rat i- u. , m to 4:80 p.m.-Classea meetlng'at 4:00 p m 'lies? and Tna'r, oV "tl dv. T"- m. to 4:80 p. m.-AU aeetton. in Mathematics 11. 1, U. 11, z?i" liuIoiTiot! WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 23. " m "JJUM at 10:M a. ., f Te ar fear days, ar M.a, Wed., Frl.. a, any ,ae ar Toes., Thnrs., Sat., ar any one or two of these days. 1 aes. and Than., ettner m. m 4..u two Of two af m. to 12:36 p. m. Classes meeting at 11:00 a. m., m. to 4:80 r. m. Classes meeting at 3:00 p. m., m. to 4:80 p. m. All sections In Mechanical Engin Enrlneerinv l .... h- . r m i " in rnnrs ii ana is. m. to 4:80 p. m. All sect torn in fpanlsh CI aad 63. m to 4:30 p. m. All aBcUona in Home Eeonomica 41 and 42. THURSDAY, JANUARY 24. m f1? m,;"!!CL "Z.V Thars., ar either one of these days. m. to 12:3.1 p. m. Ctasses meetiag at 11:00 a. m., I h e or foar days, at Man.. Wed., Frt., or aay am as. to 4:30 p. rn -tti7'Ua : . 'Ive or foar days, or Moa.. Wed., Frl., or any on) m. to 4:30 p. m.lasses .nwtol at 4:00 p. ., five or foar days., Moa., Wed., Frl., ar any aae m. to 4:30 p. m. An sections la Itasiness Orgaalzatloa S aad 4 m. to 4:30 p. m. All sections la Psychology 70. FRIDAY, JANUARY ZS. m. to 10:00 a. m. Classes meet lag at ZrtO p. m., five or foar days, ar Moa., Wed., Frl., ar aay aae ar these days. m. to 12:50 p. m. Classes meeting at 1:00 p. m., five or foar days, or Moa., Wed.. Frl., or aay one or these days. m. to 4:30 p. m. Classes meeting at 8:00 a. m., Taes., Thars., Sat., ar aay one or two of these davs. ni. to 4:30 p. m. Classes meeting at 0:00 p. ra., live ar foar days, ar Moa., Wed., Fri., or any one or these days. m. to 4:80 p. m. Classes meeting at 5:00 p. m., Taes. aad Thar, ar either one of these days, a. to 4:30 p. m. All sections as Civil Engineering 1. 8ATI RADY, JANUARY- 20. m. to 10:00 a. m. Classes meetiag at S:O0 a. m., five or foar days, ar Moa., Wed., Frl., or any one or these days. as. to 11:30 p. m. AU sections In Edaeattoa SO, 01, 02. two af two of two of two of two af two af two af : f . 1 U 1 ' - I ! 'lit ra -eV f ' I Crowd in closer little fellow your daddy's home! After years of asking you not to travel, it is heartwarming for Over land Greyhound to speed the re unions of fighting men to freely carry all Americans to all places in America for the first peacetime holidays. There will be crowds of course there always have been at Christmas time so go early and come back late if you can. But go anyway! Overland (ireyhound service, without the wartime taboos, is back. Now, more seats, more schedules, faster speeds to all America are yours again. Watch for further great bus improvements. They're coming fast and Greyhound will lead as always. 320 So. 13th 2-707 i liVERLAUD U OffXelTfD IT IMIltST ATM TI4KSIT LINES IM5