Friday, December 7, Sooner Cage Hopes Aided BVLettermen "V NOIfMAN, Okla., Dec. 1, Oklahoma's Roundball Runts learneil last season that no matter how sinartly a small team ma neuverk. a rebound is still imoor tant i;n basketball and tall guys shag yby far the most of them. Ccmsequently Coach Bruce Drake is doing lots of hard work thee days with taller boys on his Sooner squad, fellows like Doug Lyn, 6-foot 8-inch freshman from Henryetta high school, Paul Courty, 6-foot 3-inch navy dis chartfee who subbed last year for the Norman Navy Skyjackets, Tom Wheeler, 6-foot 4-inch fresh man from Oklahoma City Foster high school and Burrell Lewis, 6-foot 2-inch freshman from Tulsa Central high school. Oklahoma returns most of her diminutive leltermen who won half their Big Six Conference games last year and tied for third in the league race. Obviously, they won't rise any higher this season against opponents who are rapidly returning to peacetime strength with the return of ex perienced players who have been away to war. So far, Oklahoma hasn't gained from the hordes of returning war veterans a single letterman in either football or basketball. The nine lettermen back from Oklahoma's Lilliputians of last year are Jack Landon, all-Big Six Conference guard of last year, Harold "Scooter" Hines, Bill Whaley, Howard Brinegar, Don Buelow, Lemont Eltinge, Don Krouse, Ed Lindenberg and Winston Potts. Can they go against the stars'of 1942, back for more schooling and more basket ball after three years of fighting overseas; This season's schedule: Trc. 1 Southern Methodist at Normmn. ltm. 10 Will Rorrro Field t Norman, Ir. IS Bradlry Tern at Peoria, 111. Iee. 18 City follere at Madison hqnarc Garden, New York tlty. IVc. tl Kentucky at Lexington. Weo. i6, 17, 18 Oklahoma City All AM' College, tournament. Js 7 Nebraska at Norman. Jan. Jan. Jan. 12 Kansas Ktate at Norman. 18 Kansas at l.awrenee. 28 Mlssoart at Colombia. Feb. t Iowa state at Norman. 11 Nebraska at Lincoln. Feb. Feb. It Kansas Ktate at Manhattan. Feb. 23 Iowa State at Ames. "Feb 28 Kansas at Norman. March t Missouri at Norman. March IS Oklahoma Amities at Norman, Kig Six Conference games. 131 Basketball "A" LEAGUE. Navy Atoms 26, Ag College Club 22. Lilies 21, Brown Palace 6. Phi Gamma Delta 33, Sigma Nu 26. Navy Flyers 38, Beta Sigma Psi 11. Wolverines 16, Theta Xi 11. Pioneer 22, Sigma Alpha Epsi lon 20. Beta Theta Pi 27, Cornhusker Co-op 15. Merry Makers 10, Phi Delta Theta 6. "B" LEAGUE. Delta Upsilon 19, Navy Wolves 7. Beta Theta Pi 24, Sigma Alpha Epsilon 11. Navy Flyers 36, Sigma Chi 10. Sigma Nu 11, Phi Gamma Delta 7. Navy Block Busters 27, Pioneer Co-op 11. Alpha Tau Omega 24, Brown Palace 20. Phi Delta Theta 32, Sigma Phi Epsilon 16. In "Lost Weekend," Frank Fay lean is a sadistic male nurse who gives sick Ray Milland a bad time. In "California," Faylen is a harm less farmer who get saved by tough Ray Milland from a brutal beating in a saloon. Add Flight Training to your curriculum. Private courses now available at UNION AIR TERMINAL Call 62385 for details. 1945 Coach . . . (Continued from Page 1.) track and three in swimming. He had the distinction of never hav ing played on a losing team in high school. In the university, from which he graduated with a B.S. in edu cation in 1935, he was a three year football letterman playing quarterback for Dana X. Bible. He lettered three years in swim ming and was the Big Six cham pion in the spring events for two years. Also, Masterson lettered in track, competing in the discus event under late Coach Henry F. Schulte. In 1934 "Bernie" played with the College All Stars against the The easy way to play Santa Claus is to stop at Simon's anj select gifts from their beautiful selection for both men and women . . . here are just a few suggestions: THE NEBRASKAN Chicago Bears, later joining the Bears as a quarterback. Under Coach George Halas, he became an outstanding quarterback and became backfield coach in addi tion to quarterbacking. Hired by Coach Shaughnessy of Stanford University in the spring of 1940, he installed the "T" for mation and was given a great share of the credit for the Indians' undefeated season and the per formance of All American Frankie Albert at quarterback. Naval Record. Receiving a commission as lieu tenant, junior grade, in the Navy, he was in physical training and survival work in connection with lighter than air craft. His assign ments were Pensacola, 18 months; Whoa, there! Stop V. v'.v . V for her .... Brunch Coats and Robes Bedroom Slippers Jewelry of All Types Handkerchiefs and Scarfs Toilet Kits DOZENS OF OTHER ITEMS Carribean area, Trinidad; Miami, Florida; Qironoset Point, R. I., and is at present at St. Mary's Pre-Flight school where he was head football coach the past sea son. Masterson is 34 and is married. He has two daughters. Some of the football players coached by Masterson who be came nationally known thru their success with the "T" formation are Sid Luckman, Chicago Bears; Frankie Albert, Stanford; Bob Waterfield, U.C.L.A.; and Ernie Case, present Uclan quarterback. While making Paramounts "Masquerade in Mexico," Dorothy Lamour received a sarong made of Polar bear skin from a G. I. in Alaska. . at Simon's! Jf, for him .... Lounging Robes Bedroom Slippers Finest of Pipes Neckwear and Scarfs Toilet Kits Page 7 Churches (Continued from Page 1.) Foltz, assistant professor of music, will direct two quartet groups and an octet in the following pro gram: "Sleep, Baby, Sleep" and "Gloria in Excelsis," arranged by Kricka, Delta Omicron quartette composed of Jackie King, Mar garet Ann Amend, Lorraine Woita and Virginia Reiter. "Hark, the Herald Angels Sing" and "We Three Kings," sung by Sinfonia quartet made up of Harold Parks, Burl Beam, Lee Kjelson and Fred Teller. "Still Grows the Eve ning," Bohemian song, and "Silent Night," from the German, by the octet. 3 mw SSIIflSKIl! a W