The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, December 07, 1945, Page Page 5, Image 5

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    Friday, December 7, 1945
Page 5
Men: Take Heed in Picking
'Her" Christmas Present
BY NINA SCOTT :doesn't actually like costume
It's all well and good to say jewelry, but it costs a lot and is
that it is the thought, not the gift
that counts, but really, some
thoughts that some men get about
some Christmas presents are con
ducive to compulsory "oohs and
ahs" that shouldn't happen to a
dog. . . .
Now that the dept. stores are
festive, and the spirit is inspiring
the male of the species to buy a
little something for the baby of
the moment, leave us go into this
subject of what is near and what
is NOT dear to the hearts of above
mentioned recipients. . . .
It's Not My Idea!
Before I go any further with
this dissertation you must realize
that this was an invitation, not an
original idea. . . . You sweet boys
and your generous natures hold
no unpleasant memories for me
. . . But enuf of that or there will
be an evident complex. . . .
Perhaps we should cite a rep
resentative couple who don't know
what to wrap up for each other
for Santa to deposit under the
evergreen. . . . Ralph Ruffing
dorph is an enterprising young
man with ideas. . . . His young
woman, Ethel, has him worried.
... Ethel won't give him the
green light and he figures that the
holiday season may be his meat if
he can only think of something
REALLY awesome for her Christ
mas surprise. ... He is sick and
tired of being sick and tired wor
rying about the situation, so he
lopes downtown to give the cur
rent merchandise the once-over.
. . . Just once, Ralph, and you'll
be caught. . .
Wrong Choice
Well, this is serious, because
Ethel is a good kid, but she hardly
ever wears that squeezy banded,
heart locketed, shiny-gold bract -let
he presented her with last
Yuletide. ... He thought it was
just what she would want in
which to carry his latest snapshot
in his letter sweater. ... It cost
him a pretty penny, and she acted
as if she wanted to push her 2
inch heels right through its
jointed band. . . . Ethel is only
human, and always said that if
anyone ever gave her one of those
things she'd throw it in his face,
but she couldn't because Ralph
was so pleased with his purchase
. . . and after all she liked the way
his hair curled over his ears. . . .
But now that Ralph has a crew
cut, he hasn't a chance if he
doesn't find the right article. . . .
Flowers and candy are proper, but
Ethel has acne and is on a diet,
and she has rose fever too. . . .
That's out. . . . books . . . records
. . . perfume . . . hankies. . . . None
of these would startle her. . . .
Black Wisps
Aha, something sensational like
a wisp of this and that to be worn
in the boudoir only. . . . Ethel is
a sucker for frills and sheers . . .
so Ralph enters the ruslvin a local
apparel shoppe and blushes up to
the lingerie counter. . . . The sales
lady can tell at a glance that his
billfold is bursting with greenery,
and that he is so anxious to get
this over with that he'll buy any
thing ... so she drags out this and
that and the rest . . . but he is not
satisfied. . . . "Don't you have any
thing BLACK?" drifts into her
ears, and she believes she will
take the sleeping pill overdose
now and not later. ... They al
ways want black, and any woman
who would appear in black chif
fon and lace would be forced to
blush at her dearest friend at a
50 years reunion . . . but, Ralph
wants black and black he shall
have, but Ethel will be termed
all kinds of things if she gets
black. ...
He is discouraged and decides
to look at jewelry ... It is out
landish in price but nothing is too
good for his little flame ... He
8:00 P. M., SUNDAY, DEC. 9
Coffee Hour 5 to 6 ta Lounge .
flashy ... Of course, Ethel doesn't
ever wear anything except her
great grandmother's cameo and
her add-a-pearl necklace . . . She
is rather a plain Jane and is happy
with her .few good things . . .
But poor Ralph . . .
Ah! Balfour!
The next lightning that strikes
him is something from the Bal
four man ... He tears back
home to thumb through the cata
logue which assures the reader
that a compact, lapel pin, locket,
or ring with the appropriate crest
is just the thing for milady's
stocking . . . But some of the
things they can do with those
crests is enough to drive one to
the cup of hemlock ... He is
filling out the order blank for a
K3456457 in yellow gold plated
tin with lavendar opaque design
when one of the "brothers" walks
in and pooh poohs the idea .
He is a man of experience .
He is a smart man and knows
that what Ethel really wants is a
sterling silver manicure set .
She is probably fresh out of
lacquer and emery boards ... Or
says he how about a dresser set
. . . Comb, brush, mirror, scissors.
nail file, powder container, and
picture frame . . . All in apple
green plastic for $14.86 at the
corner "you want it, we got it,
and you can have it dept. .
Downtown again for Ralph, our
hero . . . He drags his size 13
shoes from pillar to post and no
success . . . That night when he
finally falls into the arms of Mor
pheus (more welcome than Ethel's
at this point) he has a dream .
And what a dream . . . Ethel on
Christmas morning with stars in
her eyes and "Come here, beau of
mine" in her tone . . . She has a
package in her hands ... It is
opened . . . She is awed and sweet
and smiling and oh, boy . . .
I'll Buy That Dream.
But, what is in the package .
That part of the dream is all misty
and Ralph can't see the contents
. . . He is going mad ... He is
biting his fingernails for the first
time since he ran for "Eligible
Bachelor" ... He didn't make it,
by the way . . . What is in that
The call-boy enters at this point
and wakens our main character
by screaming, "French toast for
breakfast, fellas . . . And stewed
prunes, TOO!!" While all "fellas"
trample each other galloping to
ward the morning menu, Ralph
plays the thinker and sits on his
bed trying to remember what was
in that package . . . Hmmm .
Wait and See.
But, ladies and gentlemen, the
secret canot be told, because Ethel
wouldn t be surprised on Decern
ber 25th ... If you sincerely want
to know what Ethel found in that
green and red package, peek in
her window on present-opening
morning and you can see . . .
Will it be some more pearls
for her necklace ... A bottle of
her favorite but hard to get per
fume ... A cashmere sweater
. . . A book of her most adored
poetry ... A picture of Ralph
smiling at her ... Or possibly,
some records that are their very
own songs? I won't tell . .
And neither will the reindeer .
Have yourself a merry little
Christmas . . . Ralph and Ethel
will . . .
A psychology laboratory assist
ant at the University of Kansas
submitted to a kiss while six
elector electrodes attached to his
forehead, ear lobes and back of
head, recorded the fluctuations, of
his brain while he received the
kiss. The experiment showed
that the brain is affeected only
slightly during the kiss. Oh yeah?
Daily northwestern.
Wedding March
Draivs Correctly
Gowned Crowds
The cherished day of the march
down the aisle is long remem
bered by everyone even the
golden wedding duo. And as this
Christmas holiday seems jam
packed with weddings, let's see
what's to wear!
For the bright morning wed
ding, your best sequin frock
would be out. Something more
in a dressy tailored style would
be appropriate, cuz' who wants to
bedazzle that early in the a. m.!
Quantities of fresh flowers be
decking the body are nothing but
effective, too.
For the buddy's "day of days"
honor her by wearing your new
beige crepe with the high Chinese
neckline, simple gathered skirt
and splashy taffeta bow. A like
compliment would be the wearing
of your most subtle pastel, styled
in a slim, shirred waist molded
into soft front drapery. Journey
to Saks and it's yours in aqua,
American Beauty, and black for
a "small" sum, natch.
Brilliant Afternoon.
Afternoon weddings call for a
little more dressin', such as this
The store with the Christmas Spirit
mat jt v
A lovely, festive dress fine black' crepes with sequin,
embroidery and lace trims. Beautifully styled for
your special holiday Sear. Sizes 9 to 15 10 to 2Q. .
your wonderfully brilliant new
crimson dress with a button back
top, nail-studded waist and softly
pleated skirt fullness. If you're a
dreamer (and who isn't) this eye
opener can be topped with your
new Russian lynx fur! Now,
wham we play? To set off the
costume, the new matching wool
semi-turban "Suze" cap. 'Nuf
It would be nothing short of
sacrilege to ignore the reception
so why not wear your new soft
corduroy outfit? As feminine as
Victorian days, yet as modern as
Bacall, it's the ideal reception
mode. Deep wing sleeves, the
fitted bolero, and opera-length
skirt fit you beautifully. And this
is to be had in "firebrand red,"
bisque or gray, topped with a
matching fur halo.
For the night of all nights, the
evening wedding the war-time
standards have been fairly lux
urious. And for this occasion
you've saved your very best till
the last. And it's really worth it.
For tonight you're wearing your
gala holiday dress a gown to
make your first war-free Christ
mas truly memorable . Sur-r-re
and bcgorrah, there's drama in
the one-shoulder line, star-dust in
the" sequins, and real excitement
in the brilliant shades (either
emerald green, royal blue or
American beauty). And to match
I Vxsv ?h v,
Saint Nick's birthday you don
your new Prince Matchabelli's
Holly Berry lipstick! Wasn't it
a gorgeous wedding?
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