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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Dec. 5, 1945)
Page 4 THE NEBRASKAN Wednesday, December 5, 1945 BY SARAH MURRY. Two pins in one week is one for the records ... so it goes in the life of Theta Billie Trombla Last week it was Phi Gam Jack Bryant's but Monday night she finished the fooling around and passed the cany with ATO Bill Lear. ATO's really got in on the good ies . . . The same night they went over Kappa way to celebrate Johnny Thompson s pinning to Irene Hansen. The Mortar Board party is not a thing of the past as yet accord ing to feminine chit chat. Fellows seemed to turn the tables and do just the things they blackball a gal for . . . breaking of dates, keeping 'em waiting, etc., were all common. ATO Fig Flagg showed up for the occasion with Alpha Chi Gloria McCulla surprise to all, the date was not with ex flame and Alpha Phi Margie Munson. Good Deal. Kappa Shirley Lierk's blind date proved to be a good deal . . . anyway she and Phi Delt Don Spomer have made a date for the Phi Delt party on the 22nd. Theta's are on the watch!!!! Why???? Their annual house party is only two weeks off and from here it sounds as if. it's go ing to be good. Katharine Reese and Mac Robinson will be there, and pledge Peggy Lawrie will be with Beta Ed Kelley. Parties, Parties. Parties, parties that's all we hear. Sigma Nu's had planned the return of the pig dinner for the 14th but there seems to be a ques tion as to university regulations. Zips will turn out Friday a la formal. Phi Psi Bud Varvcl and Chi O Sue Diggs will be on hand and of course Kappa Joan Fank hauser and Sigma Nu Dick Batch elder. More Rumors. Rumor has it Gamma Phi Ellie Asmussen and ATO Bud Marsh will go through the ordeal next Monday night . . . Then there are Alpha Chi Shirley Staats and Sig ma Nu Bob Holman who are go ing steadier and steadier. Mustn't overlook steadies DG Jeanne Douglas and Phi Delt Ted Ram sey . . . or Eligible Bachelor Sig Chi Johnnv Bell and Alpha Chi Charlotte Dixson. Dorothy Lamour wore a family heirloom gold necklace for scenes in Paramount's "Masquerade in Mexico" in which" she gets inno cently involved with a jewel thief. Quick Service Good Food Reasonable Prices at Bill Meradith 1347 "0" Free Juke Box Donee 9 to 11:30, FRI., DEC. 7 Union Ballroom and . Sii'ilTH-VARREIi Orchestra 9 to 12 SAT., DEC. 8 44c per person Union Ballroom DBaaUDd-d nan FORUM OF THE AIR Discussing the question "Are Schools Trying to Teach Too Murch?" on the university Forum of the Air will be Dr. William E. Hall and Dr. Walter K. Beggs of Teachers college and Dr. Lane W. Lancaster, chairman of the political science department. The Forum will be broadcast Saturday at 5 p. m. over station KFAB. W. S. Morgan, director of radio, will be the moderator. FRENCH CLl'B. French club organizational meeting will be held at 5 p. m. tonight in room 315 of the Union. All people interested in French are invited to attend, according to Janet Crawford, chairman. PRE-DENTAL CLUB. A re-organizational meeting of the Pre-Dental club will be held Friday at 4 p. m. in room 301 of Andrews hall, according to Don Kleinschmidt. All pre-dental stu dents interested are invited to attend this meeting which will be the first since the Pre-Dental club disbanded. Kleinschmidt staled. U. S. A. PARTY The Unaffiliated Student Asso ciation will have a mixed party for all barb students at the Ag ; Activities Building Saturday night. Tickets must be purchased Third t'liNtr takhion f . ! if V7. K Junior Sender Date dress with definite charms: separate blouse has stand-out peplum . . . and crystal bead embroid ery that's debutante-lush! LTnderslated Grey ... or Electric EJue. Sizes 11 and 15. $22.95. Dr. C. Patterson Speaks to YMCA At Meeting Tonite Dr. C. H. Patterson, chairman of the department of philosophy wlil speak to the university YMCA this evening at 7:30 in the Temple. Dr. Patterson's talk on "The Effect of Religious Exper ience on Personality" will be fol lowed by a discussion, song, and a skit. The program, sponsored by the Personal Effectiveness Committee, is under the direction of Chair man Bill Aeschbacher and mem bers Kenneth Kohant, Lasern Sorenson, Lloyd Jones, John Peters, Bert Younkin, Ernest Daniels, Stanley Anderson. Clar ence Howe, Simon Delisi, and Harvey Anderson. All univeisity men are wel- before the party and are being sold for 30 cents by the U. S. A. representatives. come, according to Bill Miller, YMCA president. Marjorie Reynolds, who made her screen reputation as dancing partner for Fred Astaire, doesn't dance a step in '"Monsieur Beau caire," in which she co-stars with Bob Hope for Paramount. F Not Too Late For""""" XMAS CARDS PLAIN OR PRINTED ft Golden rod Stationery Store ( 215 No. 14 Opn 9 to 9 . 1 FREE VARIETY SHOW VAUDEVILLE ACTS GARY COOPER in "SERGEANT YORK" 8:00 P. M., SUNDAY, DEC. 9 UNMKV I ALUKOOM Coffee Hour 5 to 6 in Lounge Our Fortieth Year! m 0 ' ttj. - -4 lC --' H J A On every Christmas list there is a name that gets top billing in the do nor's affections. For that favored male, we suggest a robe the elegant distinctive gift! SELECT FROM . . . Rayon robes with full rayon linings in stripes, figures and solid colors. 1 59 27o All- wool flannel robes In plain or stripes. $1250 $25 Rayon Cabardines in solid colors. 8s $15 Terry cloth robes in solid colors or beige with wine and blue stripes. $1250 Men's Furnishings, First Floor. X u ilVHfjL. r a 7 ft i I 4