The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, December 05, 1945, Page Page 3, Image 3

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    Wednesday, December 5, 1945
Page 3
U I n T ni n n tt re r
U aD U 1 LL U U UX
George Miller
No one is more confused on
the mixed-up coaching situation
than we are. From reams of copy
already written on the subject
and from some information
gleaned by our own efforts here
is what seems to b the present
status of the matter.
One thing is definite in the
coaching situation at Nebraska.
Biff Jones is not returning to
Lincoln in any capacity. His long
awaited letter of refusal, ad
dressed to the Athletic Council,
finally arrived and has been duly
recorded. The Biffer shows no ill
spirit, wishing the council success
in later endeavors, but makes it
clear that he is not coming back.
Speculation over the next Husk
er head eoaeh is rampant. A con
sensus of the various opinions
shows that Potsy Clark and Howie
Odell are the two most frequently
named possibilities. This line of
thoaght is further heightened by
the absence of two members of
the Athletic Conncil. John Selleek
and Ad Lewandowski, from their
campus office quarters.
According to some sources, both
gentlemen are in Chicago and so
are Clark and Odell. This may
"B" Basketball Schedule
Wednesday, Dee. 5
5.00 (S) Delta Upsilon vs. Navy
7:10 (S) Sigma Alpha Epsilon vs
Beta Theta Pi
7:10 (F) Sigma Chi vs Navy
7:10 (V) Phi Gamma Delta 's
Sigma Nu
8:00 (S) Navy Block Busters vs
Pioneer Co-op
8:00 (F) Alpha Tau Omega vs
Brown Palace
8:00 (V) Phi Delta Theta vs Sigma
Phi Epsilon
Thursday. Dee.
5:00 (S) Kappa Sig. & DTD vs
Cornhusker Co-op
mean something it may be a co
incidence. Odell, Yale coach this year, is
a young man a midwest product,
for he went to high school in
Sioux City, and has already es
tablished a place for himself
among the topflight football
Potsy Clark, Husker coach the
past season, has considerable
backing for a return engagement.
He Is familiar with the athletic
setup on the campus and his abiN
ity with football players is un
questioned. The way he brought
the Huskers to a roaring late sea
son drive which enabled them to
finish their play with four straight
wins cemented his fame as one of
the nation's most capable gridiron
Other men who have been
mentioned for the post are George
Sauer and Bernie Masterson, for
mer Husker gridders; Henry
Fmka of Tulsa, Bo McMillin of
Indiana, Lonnie Stiner, another
home state boy now coaching at
Oregon State, and even Bernie
Bierman, sage of the Northlands,
who concluded a disappointing
year at Minnesota.
No matter who is chosen, the
choice must be made soon. Spring
football practice is not too far
away, and the head coach must
be on hand to get a line on the
men who will constitute the Scar
let varsity eleven in 1946.
Help Needed . . .
(Continued from Page 1.)
paw through the refuse cans in
back of the Union for your copy,
someone had better apply for the
job of circulation manager. Here's
a good solution to that pledge
hazing question.
Apply Now!
Applicants will be made to feel !
IM Basketball
Season Begins
For "B" Leagues
Competition in "B" league bas
ketball enters the intramural pic
ture this week with 14 teams
showing their wares on coliseum
courts tonight.
The 16 squads entered in "B"
team play have been divided into
two leagues and each league will
play a complete round robin
schedule. The two winners will
play for the championship. Any
organization member not listed on
the "A" team roster is eligible to
compete for his group.
(Continued from Page 1.)
Michigan State, Iowa university,
South Dakota university, Iowa
State, Drake university and Mis
souri university.
Discuss Peace.
Competition was also held in
round table discussion of the
problems of "Winning the Peace."
Ted Sorensen was one of the six
participants to receive a superior
rating. Other members of the
squad were rated excellent.
Atomic Power . . .
(Continued from Page 1.)
wits enough to remember to
watch the image of the explosion
on the ground glass screen ar
ranged for our convenience. There
I saw a boiling mass of red hot
gases gradually begin to rise.
Some seconds later came the
sharp crack of the blast wave as
it reached us, and the reverbera
tion as it was reflected from the
ing the sun rise three times a
(Ed. note: Turn in applications
to journalism office, U hall, this
Track mentor Ed Weir has
Issued a call for all men in
terested in varsity track com
petition to report at the indoor
track at 4:30 tonite.
Plans for the coming indoor
season will be discussed, and
movies will be shown.
New Dorms . . .
(Continued from Page 1.)
streets, and betwen "U" and "S"
streets in Lincoln, on the northeast
corner of the present campus area,
the smaller units will face west
ward with the rear of each facing
the rear of the fraternity houses
standing on the west side of Six
teenth street. The large dorm will
face south with its back in the
direction of "U" street. All three
dorms open into what will con
stitute a huge quadrangle center
ing around a commons.
News in Brief . . .
(Continued from Page 1.)
unions which saw in the GM
offer a serious wedge in the
morale of the strikers.
Monday, harried President Tru
man asked congress for passage
of a bill setting up impartial fact
finding boards coupled with a
thirty day ban on strikes. Con
gress hastened in its task.
Barry Fitzgerald is a stamp col
lector from way back and his col
lection is one of the best and most
valuable in Hollywood.
Flight Training
to your curriculum.
Private courses now
available at
Call 6-2885 for details.
noc pou
Theodore Jorgensen
Lately of the Los Alamos
3:00 P. M., Wednesday, Dec. 5
at home, the pay is good, and the
hours are excellent, and besides
you'll soon learn to love watch-
( 1T ?
to have
taken and
give the
gift that
can give.
Christmas Specials now In effect
No appointment is needed in our studio.
Portrait Stodio . . . Second Floor
i Ml 91 'I ;-i!M
Tlie popular patterned
Lnils, in bright colors.
Crisply tailored in
plain colors and pin
55 795
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