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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Dec. 2, 1945)
Sunday, December 2, 194b THE NEBRASKAN Page 3 Mizzou and Sooner Players Head All-Opponent Team Missouri and Oklahoma, fin lshing one-tvo in the Big Six con ference football standings, stack up in the same order in the num ber of candidates on the Corn husker varsity squad's all-op ponent team. Husker players named nine Tigers and six Sooneis as the toughtest customers they had to face during the conference season Four Iowa State players; three from Kansas and one from Kan sas State concluded the squad. Players chosen were: ENDS: Oakes. Missouri; Sch midt, Kansas; Haas, Kansas State Burgart, Oklahoma. TACKLES: Tallchief, Okla homa; Kekeris, Missouri; Hallett Oklahoma; Burk, Missouri. GUARDS: Fathauer. Iowa State Eigelberger, Missouri; Tillman ' Oklahoma; Day, Kansas. CENTERS: Stewart, Missouri Ridings, Iowa State. QUART ERBACKS: Brown Missouri; Gear, Kansas. HALFBACKS: Howard, Iowa State; West, Oklahoma; Hop kins, Missouri; Phelps, Iowa State; Brinkman, Missouri. FULLBACKS: Vanable, Okla homa; O'Connell, Missouri. Coliseum Pool Now Available For Swim Meets Competitive swimming enters the intramural picture this week with announcement from Head Coach Ed Higginbotham that or ganizations may challenge one an other to dual swimming meets. Groups must schedule their own meets and reserve the coliseum pool for the time and date de cided by contacting the intramural office. Contests may be held on Mondays from 5 to 6 p. m.; Wed nesdays from 5 to 6 p. m. or 8 to 9 p. m.; and on Fridays from 5 to 6 p. m. A team is to enter two men in each event; there is no limit to the number of events an individual may enter. The following order wm be used: 75 yard medley re lay, 25 yard free style, 25 yard breast stroke, 25 yard back stroke, 50 rree style, 50 yard breast stroke, 50 yard back stroke and 100 yard free style relay. Points will be awarded on a 5-3-1 basis. for the first three finishers. Fem Fun The volleyball tournament has reauy gotten oil to a swell beein ning with seven victories to those teams which could outplay seven other good teams. And so ask the Pi Phi's second team how they won that little victory of theirs. It's one for the books when von can have the score 27 to 3 and still win legally. Most of the victories were a little lopsided in favor of the Alpha Chi (1), Alpha Phi (2), Howard hall, S.D. T. (1), Rosa Bouton and the Dorm. For the next week, the schedule for games is as follows: Monday: Theta (1) vs. Alpha XI (2). Alpha Chi (2) vs. D. G. (1). Alpha Chi (3) vs. "I" House. Tuesday: Dorm vs. Pi Phi (1). D. G. (3) vs. Alpha Phi (1). Tri Delt (2) vs. Kappa (3). Wednesday: Gamma Phi (1) vs. Rosa Bouton. Barbs vs. Howard hall. A. O. Pi (1) vs. Raymond. Thursday: Kappa (1) vs. Wilson. Chi O (1) vs. G4mma Phi (2). Theta (2) vs. Tri Delt (1). Add Flight Training to your curriculum. Private courses now available at UNION AIR TERMINAL Call 6-2885 for details. IM TABLE TENNIS. Sigma Chi 3. Phi Psl 2. Navy Sorority Set 4, Brown Palace 1. Sigma Nu 4, Navy Gismos 1. ATO 3, Delta Upsilon 2. Pioneer 3. Beta Sigma Psl 2. Coming Matches. . Dec. 3 Phi Delta Theta vs. Sigma Nu. Dec. 4 Sigma Chi vs. Sorority Set. Dec. 5 Pioneer vs. ATO. Gophers Set For Huskers With Vets University of Minnesota basket ball workouts of the past week indicate that Coach Dave MacMil lan is pretty well set on the lineup he will use against the Huskers on December 8, when Nebraska opens its season against the Gophers. Consistent choices at the for ward posts have been Dave Ruliffson of Minneapolis, recently discharged army vet and 1942-43 letterman, and Phil Snoy, navy V-12 student from Middletown, Ohio. Jim Mclntyre, 6 foot, 8 inch freshman who last year led Pat rick Henry high of Minneapolis to the state prep championship, has the edge on the center job. Don Carlson of Minneapolis who was called into service dur ing the 1942-43 season has a firm hold on one guard post. Teaming with Carlson will be Max Mohr, prewar letterman, or Walt Rucke, navy vet who earned his "M" last season as a regular guard. IM Basketball Standings in the "A" leagues of the intramural basketball program at the end of the first week of play: "A" I.KAGI'K BAKKICTBAI.I. 8TANIHNOH. Lar I. w I Drtts t'ptlloa 1 0 Navy Rlnrfc Knatora 0 I Kappa Sit DTD ft I Phi Gamma PrMa 0 I Rrnw-a Palace Ca-oa 0 0 l.lllr n 0 Sigma Na o 0 I.MKWT II. X Thrta IM o Navy Waive I A Harvey's n 1 Kicma Phi Kpslloa e i isavy Hyrrn n n nrumtutr ( n-ia o 0 Beta Sigma Psl 0 ft l.eae III. Slrroa cl 1 n hib i Navy Sarorlty Set 1 n M Httm Taa fl l Navy OImimm ft i Phi Delia. Theta o I Mrrrjr Maker n 0 laH iv. ATO Sigma Alpha KptlHm Ptonrrr fa-op Phi Kappa Pal Wolverine Thrta XI A Cotlece lnh Navy Atom IM BULLETIN Aspirants for future Intra mural championships may gain instruction in wrestling from Coach Jerry Adam any evening from 4:00 to 6:00, and in squash, handball and badmin ton from Dave Strong from 5:00 to 6:00, in the coliseum (base ment. 2:30 and 4:00 P. M. SUNDAY, DEC, 2 STUDENT UNION BALLROOM ' Free Admission Cards Available at Union Office UN Matmen Prepare for Full Schedule Coach Jerry Adam has sounded a call for varsity wrestlers', as the rough and tumble sport re sumes its place in the Nebraska athletic picture. Twenty-seven men are working out daily under the direction of Coach Adam at the present time, and more candidates in all weight divisions are urged to report to Adam at the mats in the coliseum basement any afternoon for places on the squad. Letterman Ed Copple, 1G5 pound- grappler, is looking very trim in early workouts, and his brother, Newt Copple, Big Six champion and fourth place win ner in the National Champion ships before leaving for the serv ice, is expected to return to school at the beginning of the second semester to resume activities in the 145 pound class. Means To Tour "Mashed Potato'9 Circuit This Week Louts E. Means, director of stu dent physical welfare, will be the principal speaker at football ban quets held in Scottsbluff, Mina tare and North Platte next week as highlights of a tour of Ne braska high schools. Getting acquainted with coaches, principals and physical education directors, and looking over the state's athletic facilities, are the principal aims of Means' trip. Motion pictures of university rootoall games will be shown at tne Danquets. UN Grad Becomes 12th Air Service Group Director Lt. Col. Maurice J. Hollman, 1933 graduate of the university has been appoint d commanding olricer of the Twelfth Air Serv ice group, according to an an nouncement from Brig. Gen. Al bert F. Hegenberger, command ing general of the Tenth Air Force. The Twelfth group, formerly a part of the Fourteenth Air Force. but now assigned to the Tenth to assist in the redeployment of Chi nese troops, consists of seven squadrons totaling approximately MOO officers and men. Known as the "Service Commandos," the Twelfth was the first complete air service group ,to enter the China theater. Most recent assign ment of the unit in the Fourteenth Air Force was in support of the famous Chinese American Com posite Wing. Supply Officer. Colonel Hollman was formerly staff officer in charge of supply and material and later executive officer of the group. Overseas since November, 1943, he holds the Asiatic-Pacific theater ribbon with one bronze campaign star, and was recently awarded the Soldier's Medal for heroism. He enlisted as a second lieutenant in April, 1942. BUS BOYS WANTED Residence halls for women, 540 No. 16th. CM Mitt Arner, 2-7371. CHRISTMAS CAROLS COilCERT By the University Singers A Program of Unusual and Traditional Carols - of Many Nations Nebraska Navy Rifle Team Loses To Yale NROTC Two teams, separated by over 1,500 miles competed in a rifle match early this week. One of the teams was the University of Nebraska Naval ROTC team, the other the Yale university NROTC team. The score: Yale 892 and Nebraska 789. The match operates this way, according to Lt. Daniel Hurley, Nebraska NROTC gunnery offi cer. Each team fired on its own range. Scores were tabulated by 1 " -V0 .v VV tlOSENDLinM'S ii a kj nr to 3ff SADDLE SHOULDER SUIT 39M VThen tha foKrlc It predoug all wool, when th cut is couturier inspired, when lh tailoring ia uperb it's a Rosenblura, don for Hovland Swanson. High shade 10 to 20. WOOL COVERT CUSDIQfiN. 29.M impartial judges, totaled, and air mailed to the other team. Positions Open Staff positions of circulation manager and assistant business manager for The Nebraskan are now open to any students de siring to file for them. Applications for the positions may be obtained in the Jour nalism office in U hall. Pub lications board will meet Tues day to interview applicants and to select the new staff mem bers. Applications must be In before the meeting Tuesday. THE WOftlD'S MOST HONORED WATCH NEW