The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, November 07, 1945, Page Page 4, Image 4

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Wednesday, November 7, 1945
Paqe 4
Aflor much sweating and labor
ing in a 5c phone booth (the two
ol us together) here's your dope.
Any complaints as to libel or slan
der may be addressed to The Nc
biaskan. AWGWAN! Let's forget
it. PLUG!!!!!!!!!
Ohhhhhhh these candy passings.
From Alpha Xi Delta way comes
word of the engagement of Cleone
Reetz to Sgt. Claude Blnnkcnship,
stationed at Sioux City Air Base.
Rev Murray, Alpha Phi, passed
the candy Monday night, an
nouncing her engagement to Ken
Kimball, medical student at
Omaha, Kappa's had big doings
Monday night when Marilyn
Boettcher and Fred Hecox, Phi
Psi treated the girls to that well
known box of goodies. Then top
ping it all off were the triple Dell
pledges who handed out the
sweets to their actives, signifying
their formal pledge pinning.
Wedding bells rang at the Chi
Omega house last Saturday night
for the marriage of Virginia Mc
Donald to FO E. W. Cox.
Disappointed Phi Psi brothers
tubbed Ted Wechter for not seal
ing his big deal with Theta Jenny
Magnuson with something more
than his identificiation bracelet.
Such couples seen at the Home
coming dance at the coliseum last
Saturday night were: Sig EP Ken
ny Fletcher and Gamma Phi Don
na Eliers (Sunday night too); Sis
ter Chris Deines was with Pete
Peterson, NRO; Rita Fitzmorris,
DG, danced the hours away with
SAE, Harris Graves. Kappa Kappa
Gamma girls Alice Christenson
and Shirley Lierk were with Beta
Del Roth and Phi Psi NRO Howie
"dream man" Esser respectively.
AOPI girl, Bobbie Mohler was
seen with old high school flame
Sterling Maus, ATO. Also, Kite
pledge Dot Bennison tripped the
light fantastic with Phi Delt Bill
The following is for the benefit
of Jack Hoyt, ATO who wants
publicity thrown towards 1433 R.
ATO, ATO, ATO!!!!!! Speaking of
the Taus, brother Jack Cawood
(nominee for the best dressed man
on the campus) and Grace Smith,
Gamma Phi, were seen together
Friday night, and then it was
Alpha Phi, Ellie Lykke on Satur
day. Sister Nancy Mines went
with ATO, Bob Veeder to Home
coming. ATO Boyd Waddle and
Kat pledge Joan Farrar hiked it
to the Pike.
With the able assistance of Gor
die Ehlers, Delt, we have se
cured the following: Warren Van
Norman Delt, and Mary Clare
Clark, KKG, are seeing quite a bit
of each other lately. Another big
deal that deserves attention is
that between Helen West, Alpha
Xi Delta, and Richard "Smiley"
Kolfoot, Kappa Sig. Thank's so
much Gordie!!!!!!!!!!
For a slight additional charge,
copies of the Ragged Edges will
be cheerfully distributed during
lecture classes.
Four Nebraska Pastors
Attend Philosophy Course
Four Nebraska pastors are cur
rently attending one of Dr.
Charles H. Patterson's philosophy
courses at the University of Ne
braska dealing 'with "The Sum
ma Theological of St. Thomas
These pastors are: Rev. Virgil
Anderson, pastor of Swedish Cov
enant church, Lincoln; Rev. Wil
liam Barnds, rector of St. Mat
thew's Episcopal church, Lincoln;
Rev. Alfred Fuerbringer, presi
dent of the Lutheran Concordia
Seminary, Seward: and Rev. Ar
thur Core, pastor of the United
Brethren church, Linncoln.
I M Football
Nov. 5.
Beta 7, Sic Ep 0.
Kappa Sic 7, Pioneer .
Quiclc Service
Good Food
Bill Mcradith
1347 "0"
Huskers 4th
In Big Six
Title Race
Nebraska's once victorious
Huskers, fresh from heir initial
win. resumed drills this week in
preparation tor their battle Sat
urday with Kansas State at Man
hattan. The game is the final Big Six
encounter for the Huskers, and
also the last road trip. Their two
remaining games will be played
on the friendly sod of Memorial
stadium against South Dakota
and Iowa university.
By virtue of the win over Kan
sas last Satuvday the Huskers are
now resting in fourth place in
the Big Six standings, ahead of
both Kansas It's. The Wildcats
have yet to win a conference
game, and have won only once
this year. That victory came in
their season's oener against
Wichita university.
Other conference teams have
used the Kansas Stalers as a door
mat, for Oklahoma, Iowa State
and Missouri have all racked up
at least 40 points against the
youthful Wildcats.
In recent games, however, Kan
sas Slate has become assrtiivc in
first half play, leading Iowa State
at the hall last week and the week
before holding Oklahoma to a
narrow margin at halftiine.
Won lml TIHI
Oklahoma II
MlNKonrl S
Inwa Stair t I 1
Nehrnnka 1
KanHaM , t
HanxaH Stat S
First Round
Table Tennis
Matches Today
Pairings have been announced
by Intramural Director Lou Means
for first round matches in the uni
versity table tennis tournament,
to begin this afternoon in the
basement of the coliseum.
Each organization will be repre
sented by five members in the
straight elimination tourney, each
member playing the best two out
of three games with his opponent.
The pairings:
WmI.. . , Beta Sic va. Stic Bp;
iwta ri v. piimmot.
Thitr., Nov. , ll' w Ac Colt.
Vri.. Nov. Navy Work bnntem v. ATO.
Mon., Nov. 1, HAK va. Navy Atoma.
Turn., Nov. 13, Nlpm Na va. fcrta Tae.
WmI.. Nov. 14. -ta Thrla 11 va. SI una
f'hl.; Phi Cam v. Navy Sororily Srt.
Thnra., Nov. 1A, Navy Flywa va. 1a
nialrh wlnnrr.
Frl., Nov. I, Navy Wolvra va. tnd
matrh wlnnrr.
Mon., Nov. 19. Kanna Sic va. Srd matra
Mon.. Nov. 2i, lhi Prlta va. 4th matrh
Tin".. Nov. 27. Navy Olamoa va. 5th
mntrh wlnnrr.
Wrd., Nov. 28. Till Pal va. h matrh
wlnnrr: Krima I'alarr va. 7th match
Religious Week . . .
(Continued from Page 1.)
Education for the Union of Amer
ican Hebrew Congregations.
In addition to the opening meet
ing Sunday evening, the pro
gram for the Week includes house
visitations Monday evening and
a tmiversity-sponsored convoca
tion Tuesday morning. Plans arc
also being made for numerous
luncheons and discussion groups.
Ploying 9 to 12
SAT., NOV. 10
44c per person
No Dance at
Union This
Barrell Opposes
Miller in Tennis
Finals Thursday
. Individual champion in the fall
intramural tennis singles tourna
ment will be determined tomor
row at 2 o'clock when Beta Bill
Barrett and Dick Miller of Pio
neer Co-op match strokes on the
courts south of Bessey hall.
The two aspirants to the title
have never competed against each
ol her and all indications point to
a hotly-contested three-set match.
UN (frail Donates
Electrical Units
Two precision instruments for
the department of electrical en
gineering were donated to that
department by Ralph S. Mueller,
university alumnus, engineering
dean Roy Green announced today.
One oi the instruments is a 50
cycle precision fork. The other is
a wavemcter for use in the range
of 16.000-50,000,000 cycles per sec
ond. Mueller, the donor, graduated
from engineering college in 1898
and received a professional en
gineer's degree in 1933 and an
honorary doctorate of engineering
in 1943 from Nebraska.
A portable arc-welding unit
with a current capacity of 300
amperes has also been received by
the engineering college. The unit
came from the same company
which gave the college the unit
which it has used for 15 years.
The Jur with "the
Mademoiselle look!"
And so supple and
warm, a special proc
ess making it lighter
weight than ever be
fore. In short, the an
swer to a college girl's
dream, and only . . .
all pricr
f7ui 20 litx
We can show you either
seven-eights, or 36-inch
length. Either a "rich,
logwood broitw or a light
er, cocoa-brou'ti. Sizes
12 to 20.
Cnnritirnt Pay menu Arrmngei.
YW Commission
Group Meetings
O pen to Fresh men
All freshmen coeds who are
interested, but who did not. sign
up for a freshman commission
group in the YWCA at the tea
last Thursday, are asked to come
to the YW office in Ellen Smith
Hall at their first opportunity to
sign up for a group, according to
Mildred Taylor, YW secretary.
Group leaders and time and
place of their meetings are: Mon
day at 5 p. m., Grace Heins, din
ing room A, and Pat Raun, draw
ing room B (first Monday in the
kitchen); Wednesday at 5 p. m.,
Mimi Ann Johnson, dining room;
Tuesday at 4 p. m., Marilyn Mar
kussen, S. W.; Thursday at 4 p. nv,
Cathryn Curley, S. E.; Olive
Pope's and Beverly Swartwood's
groups which meet at 4 p. m.
Thursday and Wednesday, re
spectively, are now closed. The
first meetings will be held this
Purpose of Groups.
The purpose of these commis
sion groups is to teach the new
students about the YWCA. The
groups are also formed to help
students become better acquainted
with each other.
Freshmen commission groups
are the only opening for fresh
men in the YW other than Ves
pers. Next semester students will
Third Floor
. .
f Wi A
X ' - j
be able to sign up for advance
New cabinet members are:
Gretchen Burnham, Vesper choir
leader, second cabinet; ' Helen
Schroeder, membership chairman,
first cabinet; Mary Esther Dunkin,
publicity chairman, first cabinet.
Stop Fretting
Swing Into November with a
fresh wardrobe. Lt as clean
and rejuvenate your fall suits
and coats.
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