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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 4, 1945)
Page 2 THE NEBRASKAN Sunday, November 4, 1945 J Jul ThbkcuJiorL FOBTT-FIFTH Y1AB Sakscrlallaa Ralri ara tl.O Par Irmiflu ar II.M far lha Collrt Tnr. S?.M Mailed. Sinila ropy, Cents. ter4 aarand-rlaaa snatlar al (as post affiaa in Lincoln, Nebraska, anar Act af Canrew Mareh 1, 18'. 9, and at taeelal rata al aaUta provided tar la Seetiea 1103. Aet at Oetaaar t. lull, aalherned S-a-teniber (, tvtl. EDITORIAL STAIF Friday night for the burning of the Jayhawk in effigy and the rally dance afterwards in sweat ers, jeans and what have you Larry Wentz, Fiji, . enjoying dancing with M. C. Phillips, KAT. Alpha Chi's Shirley Staats and Jidge Mason with those smooooth Sig Nus, Bob Holman and Gene May bom. These up and coming deals! Bill Lear, ATO. went all out with Phi Georgie Wythers. Rumor has it that the Tau's broke five dates over Theta way this week end. Is it trophies or just rumor. Patricia Neely, Towne Club, de serves congrats for the scholar ship pin awarded by the Mothers club reward for hard labor and a high average. Filiat ... . Laslla Jeaa Glotfolta Msnafinr Editors Drtt lea Huston. Janet Meson T Newt tditara Pa) Ills Teejarden, Mary Alice Caweod, Shirley Jenkins. Hill Roberts Sports Editor George Miller Society Editor Hetty King Bl'SlNtSS ST Ar F Business Manager Assistant Businesa Manager. . I.nrralna Abramsim Shirley llamploa, Dorotkea Rosenberg Orchids to Us . . . Thanks! This is a blanket, all-inclusive "thank you" to everyone who helped make this Homecoming such a roaring success Thanks first of all to the team for playing a bang-up game of football that kept us all screaming ourselves hoarse turnout the whole game! Thanks to the Tassels and the Corncobs who organized the rallies and created more spirit than we ve had the pleas ure of seeing for much too long a time! Thanks to the cheerleaders who were always there on the job! Thanks to the university band, which did such a beau tiful job during the half and all the rest of the time! Thanks to the Mortar Boards, just because we never believed they would get down on their knees to anyone! And thanks to all the hundreds of students who beav ered on Homecoming decorations and floats, who turned out en masse for all the rallies and parades, and who really maae this one Homecoming one tor the books! G. Frankfortcr Talks to Group Of Engineers All active engineering societies will meet together Wednesday at 7 p. m. in the Union ballroom to hear Prof. C. J. Frank forter dis cuss Internal Security Measures under his jurisdiction while with the Seventh Service Command during the war. The Engineering Executive Board is holding the meeting for the five societies in order that the freshman class and returning upperclassmen may become better acquainted with engineering ac tivities on the campus. Returns to Faculty. Professor Frankforter returned to the faculty this fall after a 2Vi year leave of absence during which he served as a lieutenant colonel in the infantry. As the commanding officer of District 4 of the Seventh Service Command he had charge of all phases of in ternal security in Kansas. In this capacity, Colonel Frank forter had frequent contact with numerous aircraft plants and re fineries. His experiences include guarding the presidential train during the nationwide tour and checking of many reported Japa nese war balloons. On one occa sion, Colonel Frankforter located and recovered Jap balloon. Active on Students' Behalf. Professor Frankforter has been active on behalf of student organ izations since he joined the fac ulty of the department of chem ical engineering in 1908. He has served as advisor of the Student Chapter, A. I. Ch. E., Innocents, Interfraternity Council and Corn Cobs. In 1919, Frankforter reorgan ized the ROTC unit at the university. BABW Sponsors Mass Gathering Of Barb Coeds All unaffiliated women students will join in a mass meeting spon sored by the BABW, tomorrow night at 8 p. m. in room 315 of the Union. Employing the new point sys tem instituted by BABW, the board will discuss Barb participa tion in activities. All unaffiliated women are urged to attend the meeting whether they signed up at the BABW table at the Acti vities Mart or not, said Jane Mc Elhany, president of the organization. CHARM SCHOOL. The first meeting of Coed Counselor Charm School will be held Tuesday evening at 7 in Ellen Smith hall. Mrs. James Stuart of Lincoln will speak on "College Charm." BY PAT GILLIGAN AND PAT TOOF Climax to a spirited week in which the kids really rallied wiih enthusiasm pep queen Jackie Tobin danced with lucky sailor Al Liedel when she wasn't be ing presented as Nebraska's choice sister Pat preferring the Navy, too, specifically, Dale Jennings. Gamma Phi Mary Ann Korb with Tau Bruce Shurtleff, result of an hour dance acquaintance. Oddi ties do happen there is some fu ture in hour dances. Alpha Xis rallied together just before the Homecoming dance to eat candy from the five-pound box and see the- ring of Neta Bel linger. The diamond came from sailor and Sig Ep Bill Hunter. Bringing "Razz" Barry, ATO prexy, out of his shell (the man who never dates) was Kappa Kappa Gamma girl, "Elch" Beck enhauer, clown for the week end and the Homecoming dance. "Razz" doesn't even mind danc ing with her. Exchanging homecomings with Gamma Phi Pat Halderman of Iowa State was DU Dick Asmus- sen carrying on the fun from the Iowa week end. Also prefer ring foreign talent. Brother Don Whitcom imported Marge Cham bers of Omaha U. Homecoming Breakfast Eager to start festivities, the Sig Eps entertained at their an nual Homecoming breakfast Sat urday in the wee hours of the morning appreciation of beauty i shown by the "sweater" theme. Mortar Board Sue Pope breath ing the invigorating air with Bob Steele while sister, Olive, dined and danced with Neal Conde. Forsaking legendary Leonard Dunker, Shirley Crosby appeared with Chuck Pope KKG Lois Phillips wide awake with Woody Woodruff. Huskers Rallied. The campus turned out en masse Student-Faculty Council Presents Frosh Members At the ng student-faculty tea Wednesday from 00 to 5:19 p. m. three new freshmen members of the council will be introduced. Their identity will be kept se cret until the tea, which will be in the social rooms of the home ec building. Attend Tea. Members of the Student-Faculty council, which invites all home ec students and faculty to attend the tea, are: Ginny Bobbit, chairman; Gerry Gowan, vice chairman; Marolyn Hartsook, secretary; Monica Ann Alberty, Helen Wulf, Joan Rapp, Margaret Bowen, Marianne Srb, and Beth Noren-berg. ' t . :'.. mmm "A t . p - " V -iff: sc. -:v y.: . . k : X ' t ' - , S . s i r - V s T - . 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