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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 10, 1945)
Page 2 THE JTEERASKAN We3nes3ay, OcToHer TP, JhsL TkbJia&Juuv rOBTT-riFl'H TA Subscription Kates arc fl.M Per Semester r for the CoHo Tea. ft.M Mailed. Single copy. & Cent. Entered as seeend-elasa matter at tha mmmt nffiea In Lincoln, Nebraska, ander Act af Congress March 1, 1S78, and at special rat i posiaya previoea iar ra Beetles lie Act af ueteher I. 1911, avtaoriaed cp ember 3, VUt. EDITOEIAX. STAFF Editor Lean Jeea Gletfslty Managing Editors Betty Loa Hasten, Janet Maw News Editors. .Phyllis Teagardea, Mary Alice Cawsod, Shirley Jenklas, BUI Roberta Sports Editor George Miller Society Editor Betty Klnf BUSINESS STAFF Business Manager Lorraine AbrasaaoB Assistant Business Manager Shirley Hampton, Dorothea Boseaberf To the Men i It's about time! This year for the first time since the 1942-43 school year, the university has a comparatively large contingent of men students. And it seems reasonable to assume that there must be, somewhere among those male students, enough interested men to get men's activities started again on. the campus. The three pricipal men's organizations which have been off campus or inactive since 1943 because of the war are Corncobs, Kosmet Klub and Innocents. Cornco'bs is the male counterpart of Tassels. It is the men's pep organiza tion which was begun in 1921. Kosmet Klub is the men's dramatic society and its activities include the annual fall and spring Kosmet Klub shows and it also sponsored the interfraternity sine contest on Ivy Day Innocents is the senior honorary, comparable to Mortar Board. Membership is based on participation in UN acitvities and junior men are elected to the group each spring. Obviously, it would be a little difficult to make Inno cent s active immediately since there are no former mem bers left on the campus and since there are so few junior men in activities at present. However, there is no particular reason why a few interested men students could not start Corncobs and Kosmet Klub this year, so that by next fall, when there should b a prewar enrollment of men, men s ac tivities will be in full swing. And if these two activities were organized and began working this year, it is possible that by spring there could be a limited tapping for Inno cents, with the help of the alumni of the organization who are in Lincoln. After all, the women have had a corner on the activ ities market for long enough. The men are back, and to our way of thinking, it's about time they began taking over what is theirs again. Snipe lluntin' with JIDGE MASON Count Hottentottenpottentate, official Nebraskan stooge, came into the office yesterday, giggling If there is anything the Ne- braskan staff and reporters can't stand, it is to see anyone laugh ing and not know what the joke is. So the Count was immediate ly surrounded, forced into a cor ner and kept there, listening to dire threats until he revealed the secret of his mirth. His story went something like this: "Walked into the Union this afternoon and the first sight which attracted my attention was a black eye, which, after careful and close scrutiny, I realized belonged to a guy by the name of Bob Korte. Speculating on the source of the black eye I decided he must not have paid his rent in the Krib and consequently had been tossed out on the proverbial ear. But as his proverbial ear was undam aged and the other one side okay too, we discarded this explana tion. We were about to ponder fur ther upon the problem when an other sight greeted our eyes. A young air corps captain walked by. Some girls smiled and flut tered their eyelashes at him. A nearby student said, "Hello, Pro fessor Bartley." The flirting girls fainted. The new political science teacher made his debut. Awgwan . . . (Continued from Page 1.) judging by last year's rumors all four issues will probably come out sometime after Christmas. For the benefit of freshmen"and new students, the Awgwan is a so-called humor magazine, a sort of a proving grounds for psycho pathic cases. It is written by a staff composed chiefly of a frus trated revolutionist, an ex-zoot suiter, a professional gladhander, Notice From 5:04 until 6:00 this aft ernoon there will be a jukebox dance in the Union ballroom, aceordinr to Pat Lahr, Student Union director. and the pride of the Kappas. These perverted individuals ex cell in stealing the best in chuckles from the New Yorker, Benchley, Perelman, and Cap't. Billy's Whiz Bang. I have it on good authority that the last editor left' town to avoid 23 copyright infringement cases. And so the Awgwan might come out. We of the Nebraskan have no quarrel with that, but we wish that as it comes out it would also get out ... of our office. BULLETIN The Sludrnt (Hindi nlll mwt at p. m. Wednesday In room 813 of the I nkm. There will be a meeting; of the "Htrp Lively" series fur all new students ta the XVZ parlor of the Vnloa at ft p. m. today. Sneakers will be editors of the ( Virnhukkrr. The Nebraskaa, aad preoldenu of Mortar Hoard and the Home Ee. elnb. AU girls are nvtted to attend a meet ing of the swimming- rlnb Thamday even ing at 7:30 la the eoHneam. Those wish lag to swhn bring; their .swimming permits aad 19. fermlte r.iay he ob tained at the Pharmaey building;. The Hty VMCA will meet tats ev ruing at 1:3 la Temple. A aoeamewtary film wlU be shown, followed by a dlscomion. Tryoats for Oreheols aad Pre-Orrheots will be held la the danee atadio of the women's gym tonight at I p. as. 1 01 1 LOST- Ft Bel Phi pin between 42 No. lath and Union or In Union. Mary Hher wood engraved on back. Call 1-7M5. Reward. LOfcT PI Beta Phi pin by Vernrlle Hen nlrxer near Beaaey or Bosh. Name engraved on bark. Call 2-7M5. LOST A lavender Parker pen between the Rrhmi of Music and Htudent Union. Fimler please return to Love hall, room 1205. Reward. UofN stationery stickers DECALS 3-RING ZIPPERS Open 9 to 9 GOLDENROD 215 North 14th SL i" ) U -v I y 7 Ah' 0 M w ('. :t ti l V )& - t a i; L, A - ' a Ms Tr-li v.. " " - y f i rnr tMi , r 1 TTTHQ . 1 no 'eady for civvies! Returning to the almost unfamiliar ways of peace, and glad of it! And glad to meet up with these old friends, comfo- table as old hoes, smart as a whipper-snapper! Sec 'em again at MAGElvS! All Wool SUITS $33.50 to $443.50 Quality COATS $29.50 to $45.00 Timey 9 Kensington 9 liar dis pun Worted-Tex VarBity-Ttntin 9Alpagora AH Kinds of Comfortable SPORTSWEAR McGregor QCatalina Field and Stream Californian FOOTGEAR $6.95 to $10.95 9Flor$heim Taylor-Matl FURNISHINGS return you to the colors! yarrow 9Re$ileo Botany . Phoenix Marlboro Wembley lliekok Paris Interwoven riaaVgataV SaBaaataV ' Met Jughtmd , AfafM'f Ttiephoi Booth Saletmrnn! FREE it) U&&AM IA. DUPLICATE of your Discharge Cer tificate (Honorable or otherwise!) in handy, wallet-size. And sealed in plastic for a long life, while you salt the origi nal away for your grandchildren. Take your rrrtiji eate to Mage? Second Floor Of fice.! Taken about ttoo tcerki. EXTRA JbuiionA WHICH we must charge you for... but, nevertheless, very nice quality, tarnish-resisting brass. Screw-back type. Identify yourself as a Veteran, and you can buy discharge button for. . . 35c MAGEE'S OFFICE SECOND FLOOR