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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Sept. 26, 1945)
m i nrmTiT-'-TT'ffi-""i-"" - Page 4 THE NEBRASKA Wednesday, September 26, 1945. i? J, it 5 li BY PIIEE AND SARAH. New Beta pledge, Bill Condon seems to be beginning his college fling on the right foot . . . with DG Ellie Detweiler. And brother Dean Neal appreciates DeeGee Lois Chantry. Sig Alph Kenny Hoffman has been devoting himself to Alpha Chi Audrey Ernest . . . And what's this between Phi Delt Bill Rolfsmeyer and AOPi Mary Dye . . . Chi O Ginny Pester is taking in movies and such with tall, dark and handsome NRO, Jim Pettis. Divided Time. Tau Jim Broberg is one busy pledge . . . What with dividing his time between the Alpha Phi and Theta house . . . shake hands gals, and come out smiling . , Gwen Remington, dorm really has the catch in her NRO Bob Lud- wig . . . Gwen Remington, dorm wig . . . And KKG Suzy Alexander dittos with navy Mac Graham . Tri Delt pledge Janie McArthur and NRO Ray Wilkins are to gether lots. AOPi Jackie Tobin is the femme in the triangle betwen the Navy and a certain Tau . . . Dodee East erbrook, Alpha Xi, led cheers with Art Beindorff, Kappa Sig and now they're going steady . . . Hand us a megaphone . . . Theta Ruthie Moll and new ATO pledge Jack Hoyt piked last Saturday . . . Dou bling them was KAT Sue Lan caster and All Tired Outer who just ain't! . . . Sid Salzman. Old Affinity. Alpha Xi Nita Bellinger dates every night and every night with Ralph Graves, NRO Sig Ep pledge . . . And that old affinity between the Tri Delts and the Phi Delts is still in evidence . . . Witness the picnic Sunday a few of the members attended . . . Toasting marshmallows were Ted Ramsey, and Carol Fredrichson, Bob Dan ley and Marilyn Lowe, Bobby Sprow and Jim McEachen. Fiji Chuck Peterson, home from GI life over the week end, dated Chi O Kay Blue ... Phi Delt Rusty Gates and Kappa Barb Hockenberger seeing each other these days ... As well as Phi Gam Jack Briggs and Phi Marge Olson . . . Brother Fiji Rex Stotts is dating Theta Beth Montgomery this Saturday. Bill Berner, Phi Gam of last year, now army in Texas, called Theta pledge Marge Benson, Mon day nieht . . . From all reports those five minutes weren't wasted! Lt. Flip Groggins, SAE, seems to admire that twinkle in Alpha Chi Jackie Scotts' eyes . . . Any way, they are one constant couple. From the same houses are Juanita Bartos and Mick McQuire who seem to be always together. Raye Kinnear, Alpha Xi, pledge, made it a steady deal with John Burt, Kappa Sig . . . And sister June Gast co-dated with Sig Chi Bill French. Phi Delt Joe Schrotz from Nova Fraternities . . . (Continued from Page 1.) Oiem, Walter R., Raylown, Mo. Oravea, Harris. Lincoln. Rasmuxnen, Dana B , Omaha. Swift, Roscoe E., Halg. SIGMA ALPHA Ml'. Monovlti, Krwln J., Fremont. Raznick, Byron, Omaha. KKiMA CHI. Bell, Warren J., Chester. Benn, Hubert F., Kadoka, S. D. Buckley, Paul I., Coon Rapids, la. Cllne, Allen A.. Culbertson. French William E., Scottsbluff. Kolho, Gerald M., Gretna. Nietfeld, Glen E., Grand Island. Roftera. Richard, Jr., Gibbon. Whitehead, Milton E. "Bus," Scottsbluff. Wittrock, Edward, Falls City. 8IGMA Nl KnAle. Bob, Marysville, Kas. Frandson, Phillip E., Story City, la. Paustian. John E., Sioux City, la. Saults, C. Joseph, Gordon. SIGMA PHI KPSII.ON. Cooke, Hugh M., Omaha. Gauger, Wendell L. Madrid. Larson, Lawrence J., Watcrtown, 8. D. It's simple to be BEAUTIFUL V A 7v Let us show you the way to greater charm VERA'S BEAUTY SHOP 1127 R "-f-'iy.; Scotia, dates Pi Phi Helen Ven num five nights a week . . . You're learning fast! Sgt. George Miller arrives in town this week end to view none other than Tri Delt, Mary Ellen Marshall . . . Theta Jo Ackerman and Sig Ep Kenny Fletcher are getting along quite well ... As is sister Trish Seidel and Lt. Jack Richardson . . In Demand. Tau Mac Robinson is quite in demand . . . Seems as tho sev eral KKG's are glancing in his direction as well as various other gals . . . New Theta Sal Swiler and Phi Psi Tom Green dated Saturday and Sunday . . . and Gamma Phi Ann Korb is round about with Gene Woodhead, Beta pledge. Eve Osborne, one of the arrow girls, tied the knot with Ensign Cal Ullman of the Naval Air Corps early in the summer. An other couple well on the way to the happily married state is Joan Thomas and Lt. Bob Howell who have progressed as far as the dia mond stage. YM Invites Men To Party Tonitc All men on both the city and ag campuses are invited to at tend the University Y. M. C. A.'s first All-Campus Party tonight in the "Y" rooms of the Temple building at 12th and R streets, according to Bill Miller, president. Refreshments, movies, singing, games, and all-around fellowship will highlight the program. Liggett, James C, Lincoln. Morrison, Wesley, Lincoln. Parsons, Robert, Crofton. Tyner, Jerry L., York. Wagner, Harry H., Hooper. Wickenkamp, Wayne, Dorchester. THETA XI. Neumann, Temple ., Wymort. ZETA BETA TAD. Levine. Robert, Omaha. Rosenberg, Howard, Omaha. Tassels . . . (Continued from Page 1.) in the house. For every 25 books purchased, the house will re ceive one candidate. Houses will receive credit for books bought by their members during regis tration. Miss Crosbie asks that all orders be in before Oct. 5 so that she and Marilyn Adler, busi ness manager, can order the covers early enough to insure a sufficient amount. Prices for the book are $5 full payment and $3 down payment with $2.50 due Feb. 1. hits ROYS WANTED Meals furnished if desired. RESIDENCE IIALIS FOR WOMEN Call Miss Arner, 2-7371 AUF ... (Continued from Page 1.) confine itself to helping Chris tians. Any person in a liberated country who needs aid in edu cation, books or teachers is sought by the WSSF. For example, since 50 per cent of the teachers and educators in Poland were lost in the war, the WSSF will open educational opportunities in that country until the Polish govern ment -can take over the prob lem. Special Edition. Nebraskans for Servicemen is a special edition of The Nebras kan printed once every two weeks for alumni in the armed forces. The edition is mailed to the alumni from an up-to-date list. Perhaps the biggest campaign will be launched by the National War Fund. Gerald Swope, chair man of the budget committee, completed a budget for the Na tional War Fund calling for $115,000,000 to be collected dur ing the week-long nation-wide campaign. Among the services which will be benefited by the War Fund are the USO, United Seamen's Service, War Prisoners Aid, Inc., American Field Serv ice, United China Relief, Philip pine War Relief and relief for the United Nations in Europe. Meet Your Big Moment for a Luscious Sundae at Tlie Mooli 1131 R 6 Free Square Dancing Lessons David Sander, Instructor 7:30-3:30 p. m., Thursday, Oct. 4 Student Activities Bldg. on Ag Campus Sponsored by THE UNION with CHEN YL2 on your nails and lips In a mahogany wood holder everything you need for" beautiful nails and luscious lips. Your favorite Chen yo bequer together with bottles of Lacquerol Base Coal, Chip Chek Top Coat, famous cben yu Fast Dry and 4 wonderful CHEN TV lipstick to match. PAGODA SET-2.S9 ., I . I I ! f ' E ' . - , - , ' . i - ' ' v ' - ; ' b ' -v , . Mi-. ,1 1 . " j , . l 1 r-- - it m 'm b A ; I Ml Hi -P - X ' r b i ' 1 - , ' ' b J V ' s ' ; bv l-J f Street Fleer 1 -,tv MS" m f -m . I b"i t r I V ii' J I p n 1 if , ti m . urn b si , , 0 THIRD FLOOR. 8. 95 A thoroughbred classic, tailored of Ameritex rayon gabardine. In lovely Fall shades of blue, gold, aqua, coral, green, 12 to 20.