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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Sept. 19, 1945)
Page 6 Fogs hm Aniiy Vets Bolster Scarlet Football Fate A laree turnout of football prospects greeted Head Coach "Potsy" Clark as Nebraska foot ball drills opened on Aug. 31. Altho only two letter men are returning, tackle Fred Lorenz and back Ed Gradoville, a large num ber of returned veterans, some with college and army football experience, will add stability to the squad. Wih only a short time remain lng until the opening game with the University of Oklahoma, Clark has cut the squad into two groups, the Varsity and the Nubbins. Posts Open. Coach "Pop" Klein has taken charge of the Nubbins while Clark retains a force of 44 men on the varsity. However, no positions are clinched and spirited compe tition is being waged for all start ing posts. In an Intra-squad game last Saturday, Mack Robinson, former Norfolk start sparkled in the var sity backfield, while laurels for were distributed among a number of players. Line Up. The present first team lineup finds Clayton Marsh of Omaha at left end, Bob Williams of Lincoln at left tackle. Rex Hoy of Lincoln at left guard, Dick Short of Omaha at center, Buck Buchanan of Ral ston at right guard, letterman Fred Lorenz of Lincoln at right tackle and Alex Schneider, Scotts bluff at right end. Chick Story of Lincoln is at quarterback, Rob inson and Bill Kinnamon of Lin coln at the half back posts and Phil Young of Oakland at full back. Present varsity roster: Kad. Roa Sailor. Omaha. Airs "Aire" Wijdrx, Rrotttblaff. Joha Kararwand, tteottbluf f. tiaytoa Mama. Omaaa. Paul Klpprr, Llnrola. Da Claaara. Ontaaa. Hartaa nuatM, Morktoa. Draa Itaalhnra, Cormd. Tacataa. Dru Prrdrtrkwm. HrWfrpart. Krr4 iMmx, Linraia. Alaa Harllhaa, Kmnr. ink Hrdlarrk. rirward. Paiaf WHiMn, Anna. Ito Wll(lam. Llarata. Mcaa Wilhrlma, Aaaara. Oaafda. Bark Itorhanaa, Rafntaa. Larry t taaea. Bcatrlca, Rex Hoy. Llaeaia. Jnha Nrbhia. Omaha. Bill Rnifunerrr. Umtak. Daaaa Bark, Paul mIL. Ceatm. MEET TOUR ALWAYS WELCOME (dslcomn III T an ir itq n an Joha IMnBole, Omaha. Dirk Short, Omaha. Charles Schrtaost. Spearftea, )aarterbacks. Tom GMaipte, Uneoia. Chick Story, Lincoln. Half -Hark. Bob Costeflo, Lincoln. Lra Cral, Oothenbarg. Airs Flak, linoota. Cletns Flarher, 8t. Edward. Kd Oradorilk), PlatUmoata. Mae Roobuoa, Norfolk. BUI Kioaa, Burwrll. B1U Klnaamoa, Llarola. Pnll-Barka. Phil Toanr, Oakland. Ooa Harrington, IJncola. Dick SkoK, Omaha. 8. D. Coach Weir Eyes Navy Track Men With a weather eye cocked at Navy prospects, Coach Ed Weir, Cornhusker thinclad mentor, has called a meeting for all track candidates in the N room of the Coliseum at 7:30 p. m. on Sept 20. Weir can count on the return of Dean Kratz, ace Big Six miler and is hoping that Don Morrison, distance man and steeple-chase expert, will be able to finish the season before he is called to the army. Any other men turning out will be strictly unknown quanti ties. Despite the return of these two strong conference contenders, Weir is troubled with a familiar Nebraska track ailment in lack of depth. It is there that the vet' eran coach hopes the newly ar rived NROTC unit will be able to help. Several of the navy men have had valuable experience and are expected to bolster an other wise thinly spread Cornhusker squad. Two better known names in last year's Nebraska prep circles Winter Sports Meeting Ad Lewandowski nonnces that a basketball and track meetinf will be held in the N elub room at the coliseum at 7:30 p. m. on Thursday, for all men interested in track and basketball. WELCOME STUDENTS, FRESHMEN SOPHOMORES, JUNIORS, SENIORS and VETERANS FRIENDS AT THE CO-OP in it. N Bade to Your Old College Hangout Hi rS U L THE NEBRASKAN ft Eileavy will also be added to the 1945 roster. Don Yokum, of North Platte, class A state mile champ and Stan Martin, class D cham pion should be potential threats in the distances. All of which places the Huskers strong in the mile and wide open in every other event. Coach Weir announced that there is still some doubt as to the holding of a conference cross country race this fall but that Iowa State and Kansas Univer sity have both expressed their willingness to take part in such a meet and that dates were being held open accordingly. Nebraska's participation will be decided on after Weir has had a chance to look over his new prospects. Players Open Theatre Season With Meeting Scheduling an organizational meeting of the. University Players for 7 p. m. on Sept. 25 in the Temple auditorium, Dallas Wil liams, theatre director, urged all students interested in acting, scenery, costuming or make-up to attend this first meeting. Williams emphasized that stu dents need not be speech majors to attend the session, or to par- WE HAVE EVERYTHING YOU WILL NEED IN THE SUPPLY LINE ZIPPER NOTEBOOKS DRAWING INSTRUMENTS DIETZGEN and K. E. NEW, Io USED ART ENGINEERING MATERIALS LAB. COATS and APRONS to protect your clothes ALWAY8 WELCOME CO-OI 1129 B St. Its m km JCa f&sektOt . , , . T f .to Lamm- W fi t mm j -2 m m r i r Third Floor I 'C-J tidpate in the group's activities. Information on the scheduled plays, the dramatic society, Ne braska Masquers, and the ex perimental theatre will be dis cussed. Don Kline, president of the Nebraska Masquers, will be in charge of.the entertainment on the stage, and refreshments will be served. Tryouts for the first of the University Theatre's four plays, Noel Coward's zany "Blithe Spirit," which will be presented Nov. 1, 2 and 3, was announced for Sept. 26 and 27 in room 201, Temple. Schedule for the two days includes tryouts from 4 to 6 and 7 to 9 on Wednesday, and 4 to 6 on Thursday. A cast of seven characters unite to make ipf spot. s FAIRMONTS t : mim mornin Tim km tSjr Kstmtatit . I'LH!) MAGIC Checker Plaid Magic by Joan Miller . . the smooth broad-shouldered lumber Jacket with it$ nee white neckline edging and tailored bow, the $et In belt and your favorite skirt with three pleats fore n aft are all conversation points combined to make m solid dream team. Kelly or Drown plaids by Deering MUUken. 9 to IS. : 1495 m km KS K&ats&t, t m m Wednesday, September 19, 1945 this one of Coward's most hila rious plays. At the same time tryouts for two one-act plays, "Family Al bum", and "Hands Across the Sea," both by Noel Coward, have been arranged. As part of the experimental theatre schedule, these plays are specifically planned to give stage experience to those interested in appearing in the major productions. The plays will be given Thursday, Oct. 18. Three other plays, scheduled to follow "Blithe Spirit" as Univer sity Theatre productions, are: "Juno and the Paycock" by Sean O'Casey, Dec. 13, 14 and 15; "Twelfth Night," March 14, 15 and 16; and Eugene O'Neill's "Ah, Wilderness," May 9, 10 and 11. You can always de pend on Fairmont's Milk for Quality. e for regular morning delivery, ' . . . Tai m km K3 Mdtseteet i km 'KSa ni't