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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (May 6, 1945)
Plastics, Cool, Dominate Spotlite for Slimmer BY PIIEE MORTLOCK. Shades of cellulose! This rev olutionary material has gone and done it again. Ration-free plastic shoes made of cellulose will soon be flooding the greedy shoe mar ket Light weight, these plastic feet come in a wide range of clear, jewel-toned shades, and to top it all off they're washable. Ask the girl who owns some, Theta Billie Trombla, for in stance. Answering the call to arms for the cotton roster is the new sugar plum print sundress, easy on the eyes and even easier to wear, With its spiky ruffles marching round the bodice. And if you don't fancy yourself as exactly the bare-midriff type, your choice could easily be the wrapped, draped jersey bathing suit, white, with a chummy lobster, crab and snail background. So fresh and cool that it almost Induces a dip right here and now, the sea-print dress in fine cotton muslin is right down the coed's summer alley. Fashioned with cap sleeves and in blue with mauve, gr'iy wilth coral, and yellow with blue, the Sea-Print dress is definitely a comer. Look .Innocent The one you get those V-mails from thinks you are so why not look innocent in your shinin' new white pique halo hat. Creations such as this come once in a hat time and are a summer joy. Straight from a movie set is the China inspired butcher linen, with the stand-up collar and tiny sleeves so typical of the Chinese miss, in happier times. Typifying the seasons best in J play suits is the "Striped 'n' Texan" with skirt, shirt, and slacks in a clean-cut candy stripe. To bare or not to bare is the question as the persistent sun back dress crops up again this time in slate-blue cotton button ing all the way down the front. Knockout Suits No up and coming wardrobe is complete these crowded days without a subtly tailored suit a Night in the Dorm Brings Screams, Odd Garb, Chaos BY SARAH MURRY. Ah, yes, it's 10:30 at the dorm and lights are out in half an hour . . . there is a scream from the You-Know-Wbat as some one works the water works and an innocent soul in the shower has her back scorched. Babs Russel tears down the hall knocking people out of the way to make it to the second floor phone booths . . third's are full and she musn't keep Stan waiting . . . Coll Quigley has al ready started the nightly routine of putting up her mass of hair . . . Jean Compton, in her favor ite night clothes, a pair of Daddy's BVD's, smokes a last cigarette with Eve Osborne, the latter being of the most sophisticated of the dorm sleepers in her slinky neg ligie . . . Leoda Nispel struts down the hall, face greased, and hair put up in turban, to find some one who isn't studying (hard job???) and lets out a shriek as she bumps into Marilyn Strong, buried onrhpletely under a thick beauty mask . . . Bev McMains sits calmly smoking a ciggie, painting her toe-nails with one hand and holding a Spanish book in the other, making a quaint scene with a hair dryer propped on her shoulder . . . Dottio Manion comes up from first for excite ment looking a sight in the P.J.'s that the laundry ripped the arm off and shrunk the legs a good two inches . . . Ginny Hamilton, from Raymond, has come over to sell a pair of shoes, but streaks down again as she hears the long legged proctor in a too-short night shirt bellow "five minutes." Last Minute Discussions. Patty Kocum and Janie John eon sit on the stairs giving fortli with :their last minute discus sions on life . . . Jan Swartzer with her twin PJ.'s to Janie's cits down to scratch Patty's back . . . Fran up in a flash to see if someone will dance "Sentimental Journey" with her, but as the clock strikes 11 there Is a scamper of everyone getting to their rooms before the pitter patter of little feet comes for in spection . A shout of "Lights Out" booms up from Ackerman en first and ao end3 another night t the dorm. Freh Cottons warm, fuschia gabardine such as the one" worn by new diamond girl, DG Bonnie Hindrichs or a pastel yellow wool claiming KKG Sarah Murry's closet. Anything in a suit these days is a sure fire knockout. Splashed-with lucky horseshoes, swinging in a dancing skirt and a bra-tied bodice is the new waffle pique and a dream come true for the gal with pep. It's a wonder in the wash, too, a thing to reckon with now. Slicing your waist to nothingness is the belted short coat "the coat with a clipped ac cent," worn for all occasions, as examplified by Kappa Sally Stebbirs. Tropic white fairly demanding an island cruise, is the Paula Brooks styled original, in wispy balloon cloth with saucy rick rack dancing up and down the neck, sleeve and hip lines. Cool as a Florida breeze is the print Theta Jody Bohrer bought there with black and white hibiscus on a chartruse background. Fine to pin that new possession to! Abbreviated Sleeping Wear Nothing gives sleep that come hither glance more than the ab breviated sleeping wear chosen unanimously by coeds all over the country. In white, bordered by red, or vice versa, they permit plenty of uninhibited leg room, and although little more than elongated pajama tops, ably serve the purpose. A survey of spring fashions wouldn't be complete without more than fleeting mention of the summer shorts. They might easily be Jantzen's corded cot tons in natural, maize, lime, blue, or pink, accompanied by a Mexican-printed rayon shirt 'n all set aff by wooden clogs. All ready to soak up a little vitamin D, and dig for duty and another years victory garden, is the pulchriturii nous patriot, the girl of tomorrow. Volunteers Take Research Project Tests in Phys Ed Attempting to find out objec tively just what the average col lege girl can do in motor perform ance and endurance is part of the research project being carried on by the physical education depart ment at the present time. This program is part of a research project being carried on by the National Physical Education Di rectors association. Colleges thru out the country are participating. From this district of seven states, the University of Iowa and the University of Nebraska have been asked to take part. When asked to volunteer for this research project at Nebraska, over 180 freshmen and sophomore girls volunteered, of which ap proximately 60 girls were selected to form a special class. Tests Performed. Some of the tests being per formed here are measures of car diovascular (heat muscles to some of you) and motor eni'uranre. The girls in this research class have enjoyed going to the track for 50 and 200 yard runs, have worked hard on full squads for speed, have stepped countless steps up and down for the Brouha step-test, and have clone foot bouncing for speed. They all had fun getting into training with an indoor obstacle course. The girls have training rules and some of them are: Eating a balanced meal, eight hours of sleep and exercis ing regularly. Dr. Aileene Lockhart is a mem ber of the national research com mittee that is directing this studv and this experimental class at the university is under the direction j of Miss Janie Mott and herself. Varsity ROTC Baml Re-elects Old Officers The Varsity ROTC Band fieri pH officers at their meeting last Mon day night in the Temple build ing. The officers cresidinc this were re-elected to head next year's activities. President is Bob Meyers; vice president, Marion Maple; secretary-treasurer, Nickie Nickerson; promotion, John Burt and publicity, Phil Fredrickson. Baccalaureate Dr. Gerald Kennedy of St Paul's Methodist church will de uver the annual baccalaureate sermon at the university for the 1945 graduating class on Sunday, May 20, it was announced to-' day. THE-NERRAS1TAN . -'THE NEBRASKAN ! BY NINA SCOTT. The Crib opened at 10 a. m yesterday the cigarette line lprmed as usual smiling, tri umpnant faces sat on sturdy iiuuiaers Dana-aides were pulled forth from pockets and stuck where needed college is me same coUege is rugged. college is well, why not? ;' Only one more week to get your programs only one more week t$ skip classes then the week when people play more bridge than they have all semester this last holiday is known as RXAM WEEK.... it takes the place of spring vacation bridges the gap between collapse ana relapse J; Just so you won't forget the more cultural ' traditions of UN, tfce Fiji-Tau Tussel will be held as usual some time during the last week-end of school maybe the 12 a fitting climax the Sig- rAa Chi's are rounding up women iit their Sigma Chi Gay Nineties party Saturday night... Bob Van Sfcnt has selected Theta Beth ontgomery while Jim Yanney a escort another Theta, Joanne Ackerman .... I- ! ATO Sweethearts. 'And another celebration Satur day nite will be the ATO Sweet heart dinner for all tired out sweethearts who need nourish ment. ..' .Elch and Ttazz will un doubtedly be on hand .... ? Kappa Ginny Turner is minus Q.D.'s diamond and plus Delt Gordy Ehiers .... higher learning does things to high school ro mances or maybe it's "absence makes the heart grow fonder (for about ten days)". . ; . -Beta Harlan Helgerson jour neyed home this week-end after lqaving Alpha Phi Donnie Peter son with pleasant memories of a few minutes at tiie Dandelion Dance of last ironing day. . . .some others who danced in comfort were Phi Margie Reese and "Dumbo"; Alpha Chi Janet Sloss with " SAE Dick Hanisch; Alpha Phi Margie Olson with Fiji Lt. jck Briggs, who had the girls drooling in their cokes when he appeared in the Crib Wednesday afternoon, not regulation and another couple at the weed affair were Alpha Chi Mary Louise Wiedman and Beta Johnny Ed wards back from sunny Califor nia ... . DG Trip. Ames, Iowa won't be the same ever after this week-end when DG's Kay Detweiler and Sallie Emerson return to Lincoln with Beta's Lt. Dick Diedrich and Ed "Waterloo" Robinson . .Omaha-Phi Rho initiation dance bpundlfcre Dee Gee Shirts Hinds and KKG Jo Radcliffe Shirts will visit Rog McNeil, her Phi Delt pinmate, and Jo will be the guest of Jack Farner Kappa Hac Lilly and Phi Delt Tpm McCarville think they're go ing to surprise their respective fraternities with gum drops and 1 TT cicareues soon wny i . . . . nac is the more than proud possessor of Tom's recognition pin one more Phi Delt couple to look for is Pat Raun and Bob Danley . . , .evidently quite frequent . Wolfess?? Awgwan editor Phyl Johnson is considered a female wolf by a cer tain Lt his gift to her was, a dag tag with "Female Wolf No. 133456789" engraved in Old Eng- Mother's Day Sunday, May 13th I GREETING CARDS Personal Stationery Soldenrod Stoticpery Store CIS Narth 14 For 23 rr NM bve fontvd or aerrlce most de sirable. We bm now better pre red thin erer te aaali teahr good placement erwe can mr rite. ; rvtt mm SERVICE Netc Angle On Revolutionizes BY .NINA SCOTT. Is your form colloquial, do men break traffic rules to follow you on O street? Does your cigarette taste different lately? You know, lots of women go all the way thru university .without One proposal, so don't get your hair in a braid. Where there's life there's hope, so if you are still alive read on Macbeth, and on! ! 1 Cleanliness for Beauty (?). One of the prime essentials for beauty is cleanliness. For that scrubbed look add a little Bon Ami to your Saturday night bath water. The weekly tubbing is really necessary to rob one of those layers of glug that cover up the finer texture of a young lady's epidermis. After the bath, rub on a speck of Mazola Oil and sprinkle lightly with Colgate's tooth powder. You'll feel like the same person in a new shell. Twice a year take a minute or two for the facial. If Spring is the season, tear outside at dawn and gather choice onion roots which later you will stir up with a saucer of mud. Into this mix ture pour three tablespoons of Cherrioats to rid the face of brownheads (black sounds so crude). When this brew is ready stick it in the refrigerator for 24 days. But that time you'll for get about it and probably feed it to the dog for his tea. Back to the Bath. But, back to the bath. Yes, let's. A good nap will leave you in queenlike condition and then we can begin on the make-up. All your supplies ready? Yes, alcohol (grain), plyers, lard, lipgue, burnt cork (for the Florida tan look), rouge, and powder. Never, never, NEVER have your lipstick and rouge match. It just is not chic. First, smear a handful of lard over on .yqur map. Let it coagu late for a while and then remove with an bid rug. Massage your Dance Group Gives Annual Performance A large crowd enthusiastically applauded the Orchesis recital which was held in Grand Memor ial hall Friday evening. Rhythm ical dancers, colorful spotlights and varied costumes were in cluded in the program. One of the highlights of the evening's entertainment was the "Salute to Victory" dance The Chinese number enacted scenes in the Orient showing the Emperor and dancers of his court. The audience was next carried to Russia where Aileen Lockhart and Peggy Maly portrayed a typ ical Russian dance in traditional Cossack costume. 'Mutiny in the Nursery" was a mixture of dance numbers, an In dian dance, jitterbugging, London Bridge, three blind mice and a demonstration of Peas Porridge lish script upon its shining surface is she? Phi Delt, now of the Navy, Danny Lilly is back in town looking wonderful and lookinc at KKG Ella Burket letters flew on quaking wings between Lin coln and Great Lakes. . . .someone is beginning to see the light ' TOWNSEND PHOTO STUDIO n: - FLOWERS For MOTHER'S DAY pan'ielson; FLORAL CO. 1306 N 2-2234 Sundoy, Moy 6, 1943 Being Beautiful Old Routines' face with some alcohol. . . .remove this with any old piece of cotton you can find in the bottom of your drawer. Now that the preliminaries are taken care of, we shall apply the unatural coloring. A base s needed. . . .army or navy. . .makes no diff after this has soaked in, work in the rouge from your eye-bags down to the chin, mak ing sure to cover the ears. Dust on some powder avoiding your nose, because this is your best feature and it must shine. Next comes the mascara which should be brown if your hair is black and black if your hair is brown. If you're a blonde or dye your hair red never mind the mascara, no one will be looking at your eyes any way. Mascara should be brushed heavily onto the lower lashes avoiding the upper because you may stand on your head. Okay, the lipstick goes on now. Be sure to use lots because the fellows love it. With Your Face . . . Ready for the costume, but really with your face you can wear anything. If the party is fnformal always wear anklets with your pumps.... the ground might be dampish. A V-neck sweater is vogueish with a dirndl skirt. Color, color, color is the thing. Who cares if you wear orange and pink together. . .you'll be stared at. Earrings, flowers, and hair bows are definitely swish with shorts or slacks. The most important thing to remember is that you're really a swell kid, even tho you are different. Beauty is only skin-deep, but no one bothers to dig any farther. With these few hints, you will be a knock out. If there are any questions or helpful , suggestions from your first person experience (you never did get farther than one person, did you?) don't fail to address a postcard to Harper's Bazaar magazine. .. .they ought to know. hot using the feet instead of hands. Outstanding Performance. Jackie Young gave an outstand ing performance in her solo, the "Modos." The "Bolero" and "A New Hat," solos by Ginny Pettit and Peggy Maly, respectively, added to the enjoyment of the evening. One of the impressive numbers of the evening was "Pavanne" which was given by five girls dressed in long flowing gowns of white with green sashes and bodices. The "Theater Waltz" closed the program and was an effective end ing. "Half of the dancers were dressed in tuxedos and the others in formals, and they imitated a waltz. Anne Birdsall's piano solo added to the evening's entertainment. Dorothy Black Attends Parsons School of Design Dorothy Black, senior art stu dent, has received a scholarship to Parsons School of Design in New York City. The scholarship includes a year of art work with no academic learning. In peace times the re cipient of the award would study in Paris. This award is usually given to university departments once every three years but has been awarded to Nebraska for nine consecutive years.