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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (March 23, 1945)
7 r '' ', ; - i ! : ; t ' 7? r :'VV ' - ' I 1 1 s i f f t'.r i JsM " 111I ,1:,. - , . J ' . Lr - , . THE NEBRASKAN Spring Fever Nixes Student's X Beaver-Fever, KO's Campus Betty Lysinger, Pi Phi, and Kappa Barbara Blackburn step from church wearing their new spring outfits from Magee's. Betty wears a chartreuse dress buttoned down the front. The square neckline is accented by two bows placed at each corner. She carries a white mandarin top per and wears a silly little chartreuse straw hat with a wiff of veiling and a bunch of pink roses. Barb cose a three piece pink covert suit with a navy felt of f-t he-face hat to accent her blonde hair. 'Come Out Buds Wherever You Are,9 Cry Coed Spring Flowers BY NINA SCOTT. Clothes make the man, and thedchoice ol Delta Gamma Sallie . , .i . lrn-iai-n Core cult 16 o Hroecv do a lot for the woman too as soon as the buds (reference to trees and bushes) come out and the grass comes up and the car tops go down, what do the fe minine think of? You're right, absolutely . . . but new clothes help . . . Easter bonnets and en sembles dare to be different, yet flattering this year. . . shoes are built to show off slender feet and legs . . . every article of the wardrobe has been inspired to show style and appeal. . . The Interfraternity Ball tonight offers excellent opportunity to coeds . . . they may wear their new outfits and create sensations . . . hope Alpha Phi candidate for Interfraternity Sweetheart, "Blcckie" Blanchard wears her crepe dress ... it is patte'rened of unusual black and white checks, has faille binding around neck and waist, and really FITS. . . Green Popular With Coeds. The new Alpha Xi president, Laurine Hansen, matches the trees in her very new "coat-canteen dress of chartreuse gabardine . . . the long sleeves will be hidden under a cinnamon Chesterfield coat . . . her accessories are brown in the shape of a tiny hat, purse and I. Miller shoes . . . any shade of green is popular now . . for instance, the apple green wool made into a sophisticated suit for DG Nadia Kunzmann . . . the jacket has an accented peplum and the skirt is quite straight with an inch slit in the center front. . . Pi Phi Jean Dougan ha a trick up her sleeve when it comes to the latest ideas . . . with her three-piece grey gabardine suit she will wear a green and white ascot . . . that's a little contrap- around one's . . Miss Dougan's brown sandals, , . a brown half- tion one wears neck, tucked in . accessories are gloves and bag . hat. . . There are other reasons for buying clothes, such as a wedding in the future. . . Theta Jean Buckley is outfiting herself with lots of cute things ... a lite green gabardine suit, a navy blue dress, and another dress in yel low. . . Tangerine. Wednesday night Frank Sin atra's program had a young guest star who sang Tangerine for Pi Phi Sue Newman . . . that's the shade of her English Honespune auit . . . she is smart in her selection of accessories . . . for, Sue has chosen Navy blue for her boxy tailored coat, Sissy Sailor hat and the rest . . . a colorful scene. Navy blue is also the Emerson. . . Sal's suit is a dressy one and at the neck of which she will wear a double strand pearl choker . . . her navy hat is ideal for the tall man, for it has a donut hole crown bound with pearls . . . low cut navy pumps and white mittens with fingers will complete the appeal. Smart Black. One of the best looking coats of the year is that of Kappa June Korb s ... a short black num ber with black, corded binding. . June has a black bowler hat to wear with it . . . sometihng else in ever-good black is the hat of Mariorie Ells. Alpha Xi. . . . me veil is sprinkled with multi colored tufts . . . with the bonnet Mariorie will wear a blue-grey crepe dress with bows around the neckline . . . the peplum is white eyelet . . . her coat is light blue with saddle stitching, Some one mentioned Sigma Chi Bill Heintzlemann ... for the reason that he has one of the best looking belts seen around ... it is tooled leather. . . This is just a teazer for what the campus parade will offer or the season . . . everything is well explained by descriptive adjee tives . . . maybe whistles would be better . . . anyway, easy on the eyes is a good term. . . Easter Joys. . . Happy Easter Bunny and don't waste Spring. . . Teller Urges All Students to Give To Clothing Box This week marked the begin ning of the United National Cloth ing Collection drive, which is sponsored by the War Council and is to be held during April. Fred Teller, chairman of the "On the Beam" committe, urged all stu dents to collect old clothing when they are at home on Easter or any time during March and April, A box placed in the lobby of the Union will be used for collection of the clothing. This will be the on nationwide clothing collection to be conducted in the United States in the spring of 1945 for foreign war relief pur poses. Good, substantial, used clothing is needed for both winter and summer wear. Altho clothing need not be in perfect repair, it must be useful to the people who will receive it. The World Student Service fund is conducting the clothing collec tion in the colleges. The goal is 150,000,000 pounds of good, usable clothing, shoes, and bedding. . 1 BY BARBARA KIECHEL. Spring is officially here. By the time this is printed (no harm in being optomistic, we always say; it will probably be blizzarding, but that's beside the point. The almanac say it's soring, and it isn't our fault if the weather is as unpredictable as Les Glotfelty's pajamas. (This is not a paid ad vertisement; they're just the most unpredictable things we can think of, off-hand.) One of the nicest things about spring is that with it comes that delicious malady known as spring fever. This particular disease has baffled scientists for years, but brewing up a cure would be to no avail, because people enjoy it too much. It hs proven to be a good excuse for practically any thing from cutting classes to nonchalantly setting the house on fire. If a coed forgets to get an accounting assignment, she has only to approach her instructor, assume a vacant air, and an nounce listlessly, "But I have spring fever." Whereupon the teacher nods in understanding, and waves the poor afflicted child aside with a sympathetic smile and a memo to his secretary to make out a down slip. Sap of Youth. One might think that professors could lighten assignments at times like these, but while spring saps youth of its energy, it apparently stimulates vigor in other genera tions. Concentrating on algebra tor the structure of Congress just can't be done college stuaems are too busy thinking beautiful thoughts . .'. or wondering if the dogwood is blooming in Phi Psi Gulch. Limited snaee necessitates skip ping over such vital reactions to spring as housecleanmg; dui sucn diversions do not particularly bother the collegiate population, anyway unless they happen to be pledges. Hats in the Belfrey. dnrinir hats are another matter. Everv coed is determined to shock her public if she has to appear in a scorched lampshade to do it, and she frequently does. Wear a lampshade, we mean; its impos sible to shock anyooay unaer 75 anymore. Surrealistic creations on display in the shop-windows are sold out alter the nrst Daimy Hav hut the thriftv voune thing has learned that the same effect may be achieved with an ashtray, a washcloth, two or three Dewey buttons, and a slight touch of in sanity. Just so it's unbecoming; that's the only requisite. . Romance, tragic as it is, nas been sadly neglected these last few years. With only 1 man to evwv 9 trirls. it's a little diffi cult to get actively involved. Be sides, the 1 man is prooaDiy still in a dizzy stupor over Lauren Bacall. If his absent murmuring, "It's even better if you help" as he gazes out the window gets slightly old, just humor him. Cotton Outlook ShinesPrices On Rampage . BY PHYLLIS MORTLOCK. Cottons are almost a non-existent luxurv these days but the cotton outlook is shinin a little hricrhter nnw. what with the new government regulation on more miantitv and ceiling prices on what quantity there is to be had. For a while there cottons were ramnacin? rieht UD in the "good" dress class at least according to the price tag. . . , Am f Cotton, Material oi me now. Rut with the sun beginning to sizzle and skirts out of the ques tion, the frustrated boll weevil has to give in and admit it cot ton is the material of the hour. Bright, striped Jumper dresses, flashy pinafore styles and the nastpi nrinress mode, with a dash of lace for seasoning, are all right in there competing lor tne coea pocketbook. 1NU sets iveynote. Brand new TNC Marilyn Hart- sook set the keynote for this spring and summer when she wowed the Coed Follies watcners with her crisp black and yellow ensemble. The landslide business in cottons and wash dresses of all kinds evinces the mighty urge which always hits tne campus gals around this time of the year that flighty feeling which nudges them and whispers, "Go 'wan, it's cotton time bring out the old pinafore, mother, they'll never catch me then!" Hi-llI EASTER'S CnOICE LITTLE DARK RATS TOUCHED WITH PIQUE Littel felts so feminine and flattering for your Easter ward robe. With bright white contrasts in pique trim. Make your Easter selections now from our complete collection. I0.C3 - 12.85 SECOND FLOOR