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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (March 23, 1945)
Friday, March 23, 1945 THE NEBRASKAN 7mm 7hj(B te mi EM ........ .., .... .,,,,,..,,.:.:,;. M..s:,.i(iiBBtS . ,,f .v:.....,. ,KMi ,. ,,: v . s -.; ,: Si'yy 'y::WyV"y:'' 1 - - f - tn I f " . m m ? 1. Ik. W i ESTHER BLANCHARD. SHIRLEY CROSBY. HELEN GOODWIN. HELEN JOHNSON. MARGARET MUNSON. Presentation of UN Coed Highlights Spring Party BY J1DGE MASON Mystery holds special intrigue worth and his orchestra. They for anyone and the most intrigu- wiU b ,n playing at 8:3o p. m. ing mystery surrounding UN cam- .. . ,, a n.e pus now is: "Who will appear the ball will end at 11.45 upon the Union stage at the Fra- in time for Cinderella to get in ternity spring Bail rnaay nigm uana ior jrai uinr io cuc at about 10 p. m. as the new Fra ternity Sweetheart?" With five super-beauteous and vivacious UN coeds vieing for the ternities sponsoring the party honor, the outcome is unpredict able. Candidates, put up by the five fraternities which are spon soring the ball, are: Esther Blanchard, Alpha Phi; Shirley Crosby, Chi Omega; Helen Good win, Theta; Helen Johnson, Delta Gamma and Margaret Munson, Alpha Phi. Committee Picks Queen. The winning coed will be chosen by the committee in charge of the ball, which is made up of rep resentatives from each of the five fraternities, Beta, Phi Delt, ATO, Delt and Phi Gam. The newly selected Fraternity Sweetheart will be presented to the audience at 10 p. m. by CoL J. P. Murphy. Another feature of the party I Two invitations have been pre sented to the other iraternity houses on campus and a door list will keep out potential crashers. More than 200 people are ex nootoH to attend the oarty. ac cording to Russell Leger, member of the committee in charge. Lt. R. A. Offer Receives Fifth Military Award The recent award of the bronze star for "heroic service" topped the list of honors that Lt. Royal A. Offer, son of Mr. and Mrs. John A. Offer, Hickman, has received within the last few months. Last fall he was awarded the silver star for gallantry in action in France, August 11. In Novem ber he received a purple heart for wounds received in action. In December he was awarded the ex pert infantryman's combat badge and December 11, he was given a battlefield commission which changed his rank from technical sergeant to second lieutenant. The bronze star citation relates: "Enroute to the company com mand post, accompanied by his platoon sergeant, Lieutenant in fer, a platoon leader, observed a group of approximately 20 enemy soldiers who, after having pene trated our lines, demanded the surrender of the occupants of the command post among whom was the company commander. Without regard for his own safety, Lieu tenant Offer opened fire upon the enemy group that had launched its attack intent upon retaking the high ground it had lost the pre vious morning. In the fire fight that ensued, two enemy soldiers were taken prisoners and the re mainder forced to withdraw." Lieutenant Offer is a former student at the university. His wife now lives in Omaha. HASTIER GREETING CARDS Personal Stationery Golden rod Stationery Store will be the music of Francis Ells- hpforft the curfew). The hallroom will be decorated with crests or names of the fra- Theta Sigmas Offer Literary Contest Details Students interested in entering literary contests may now find de tails regarding prizes and fellow ships being offered for original manuscripts in a notebook which has been placed in the Reference Room of the library by Theta Sigma Phi, honorary journalism fraternity. The notebook contains an nouncements, qualification, and applications for such contests as those being sponsored by the Kenyon Review and Charm. Theta Sigs compiled and placed this notebook in the library after students had shown interest in these contests and desired more information regarding them. Gamma Mu Theta Initiates, Pledges Initiation and pledging cere monies for three initiates and one pledge were the order of business at Tuesday night's meeting of Gamma Mu Theta, professional fraternity for women pre-meds. Those initiated were: Elaine As mussen, Mildred Brewer and Mary Ann Sherman. Erdice Lukasiewicz was pledged at the meeting. Sybil Schellhase is president of Gamma Mu Theta and Dr. Ruth Warner is sponsor. City Churches Plan Activities For Weekend The Baptist church will hold their Sunrise service at 7:30 this Sunday, March 25 at the church on 14th and K street. Following this will be a breakfast. All those who plan to attend the breakfast must make their reservations be forehand. The university class is to meet at 9:45. At 8 p. m. the youth service will be held. Dr. Lewis Dale will give the sermon entitled Jesus's Challenge to You." Mass and holy communion for all Catholic students will be held at 11 in parlors X-Y-Z of the Stu dent Union. Confessions will be said, before mass at 10:30. There is to be a social hour sponsored by the Newman club in rooms X-Y-Z from 4 to 5. All are invited to attend. The Presbyterian forum will meet Sunday night at 5:30 in the Student House. The subject for discussion is "Is Man Immortal." Following will be devotions led by Laurel Adams. Julia Crom will furnish special music. A buffet supper will be served at 6:30. Rev. Robert Kennedy will give a sermon entitled "In Praise of Temptation" at St. Paul's Method ist church at 11. The Fellowship lunch will be served at 5:30, fol lowed by an open discussion on subject of "Personal Religion. The Lutheran church will hold its regular morning services at 10:45 in room 315 of the Student Union. The subject for the sermon is "Jesus on the Cross." Miss Elaine Otto is the accompanist. The Evangelical church will hold its regular worship services at 1. The Ag College Christian Fellowship will meet at 6:50. The problem for discussion is "A Study of Holy Week in Arf." A choir program is scheduled for 8. The Christian church will hold its regular services Sunday. Rev B. C. Robbit will continue his se ries of sermons entitled "Beliefs That Make A Difference." This week's sermon is "Christian Tri umphant." Thursday at 8 p. m. the Maundl Thursday communion service is to be held. 'Room Service' Greets Spring With Hilarious Performance WALLY BECKER A fast curtain rang down last night on the fastest play of the current season as the University Players greeted spring with a light and sparkling ROOM SERVICE, which played to a delighted au dience. The room was something right out of Vanity Fair, and it was served to a fun-bent audience by a lusty and light-toed cast. Bill Swanson threw every ruse in the book at the violent Carl Zeigler, who chewed the rug in furious attempt to throw Swanson out of the Whiteway hotel. Broadway Bum Goaded by the dim-witted blun- derings of Broadway bum Fred Teller and prodded in the ribs by country hick Dewey Ganzel, the responsive house called that setae best in which there were a mock death and services over the quite warm corpse of Dewey Ganzel, which responded to stomach stim ulation in a most remarkable manner. Bill Swanson, as Gordon Miller, parripH th weight of the Der- formance on very capable shoul ders, and the bomDastic wan .eig- ler ORrly roared the audience out nf their spats. So realistic and well played was country bumpkin Leo Davis that the hay-seeds lair ly sprouted behind the sun-burnt pars nf paneling Dewev Ganzel. who at times swept the show along by himself. Bunion Characterization Marvin Bowhay's characteriza tion of Bunion was refreshingly free of affectation; at all times he was completely at ease. John Lind At Mills college, the members of fourth floor, Mills hall, are sporting clever black and green match folders with "Fourth Floor" printed on them in gold. One unknowing freshman made the mistake of asking for a light, and then exclaimed, "What's this, a new night club?" apparently stepped right out of a Daguerrotype, and Jim Frans brief appearances were well done. Special mention should be giv en Rnh SmarHirk's Russian Sasha. which fairly reeked of caviar and vodka. Geoffrey Gass kow-towed all over the stage, and the bounc ing antics of Avrum Bondarin as the little doctor firmly established Bondarin as a genuine cnaracier actor. Barbara Jo Jenkins and B. J. Holcomb, though grossly outnumbered, were far from out-acted. It mav have been the the spring fever nr it miffht have been the epicacy, but whatever it is, ROOM SERVICE has it. WAVP? trnininsr at Smith Col lects received circulars from a tatooing firm offering to "beau- - . l J 1 Al. tify American womannooa wnu a varied collection or ancnors, flags, battleships, tracer shells or anti-aircraft guns." Have you seen a Cob yet? LOST Pi Phi pin Tuesday, probably be tween Pi Phi house and Grant Me morial. Hai "Beldora Cochran" on back. Reward. Locker Trunks" Oranlne Sampnoa locker SO"16"xll"--slrrl rrlnforerd ldm and tarnm, with lork. Handy tray 9.90 pl tax. 8KK VH FOR RPOKTINU GOODS Montgomery Word FREE VARIETY SHOW Fred Aslaire Ginger Rogers Ralph Bellamy "CAREFREE" with Cartoon Lorraine Woita and Cecil Smith 3:00 P. M. SUN., MARCH 25 in UNION BALLROOM Coffee Hour S to 6 in Lounge ay Wee! SPUING FRATERNITY HALL she ees exqueesete! Plan by these so smart men who bring their ladeez to the TeePee. How to do they know, 'so, and where to go. After the Ball, they come to the TeePee with their Queens Mm, wee! TaMty Pastry Shop notd CRN5IUSKEIt A. Q. SeMmmat Manaflnf Director A. I- Vtw Resident Manager tIS Nrth 14 Open Evenings