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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (March 23, 1945)
r LflJ Vol. 44, No. 74 UN Student Party Elects Candidates The Student party, headed by Bill Miller, met Wednesday night to draw up their slate of candi dates for spring elections, coming up soon. Gene Dixon is the candidate for Ivy Day orator. The party slate for Student Council includes Ed Robinson, Lowell Anderson, Cath erine Curley and Joyce Crosbie as semors-at-large. Ag candidate is Joanne Rapp; arts and science, Dorothy Mastin; engineering, Robert Coonley; fine arts, Helen Laird; bizad, Shirley Hinds; teachers, Virginia Buck ingham; dentistry. Gene Mer chant and pharmacy, Roffs Zim- merle. Publications Board candidates are Lucy Hapeman, senior; Betty Lou Horton, junior; and Betty Jean Holcomb, sophomore. YW Conducts Poll on Results Of Conference That the Netherlands should have the right to occupy the terri tory north and west of Osnabruck in the settlement of the boundaries of Germany was the question carrying the largest number of af firmative votes in the experi mental peace conference poll con ducted by the YWCA last Mon day. Of the 638 votes cast on the question, 505 voted affirmatively 79 percent of the entire vote. In regard to the question of veto power in the Security Coun cil which allows any one of the Big Three (Soviet Union, United States and Great Britain) to pre vent international economic or military action against an sggres sor nation, 64 percent castra nea tive vote. Of the 677 votes, 245 were affirmative and 432, nega tive. Second Question. The second question in the poll was the most nearly split of the group. The question read, "Do you believe that (a) the territory west to the Curzon line and (b) Konigs berg should be included in the So viet Union?" With 664 voting on the first part of the question, 51 percent, or 342, voted yes. Sixty- (See YWCA, pare 4) Progressives Meet Thursday in Union Delegates of the Progressive Party will meet next Thurs day at 7:39 p. m. in Parlors X, T and Z of the Union to nominate a slaie of candidates for student conncS and pub lications board to be presented at the party convention. Faculty Appropriation Committee Pleads for $353,720 Increase in Budget As Unicameral Committee Hears Proposal for Addition to University Salaries BY SHIRLEY JENKINS. Asking for $353,720 increase for the biennium in addition to the previously submitted budget of the university, T. J. Thompson, as chairman, presented the report of the faculty appropriation commit tee at a hearing of the unicameral appropriation committee Thursday afternoon. The board of regents and sev eral faculty members were pres ent in addition to the committee members at the hearing. Thomp son, who is dean of student af fairs, presented the report of the committee. He stated that the original budget for the university which calls for an appropriation of $4,763,330, was made up by, Speakers Plan Informal Talks For Holy Week Initiating Holy Week observ ance on campus will be the Holy Week Discussions on Religion, a program of informal discussions to be held in organized houses either Monday or Tuesday eve ning. "flnrslrrr- 4r thA variolic houses are selected for their ability to speak and to carry on interesting discussions with col lege students," said Rev. Robert Drew, chairman of the committee in charge. General plan for the discussions is that the speakers will first present a short talk, and then open the discussion to all questions. Speakers Listed. Those houses who have not yet arranged for a speaker may do so by calling Rev. Drew at the Methodist Student House. Groups (See SPEAKERS, pare 4) Sigma Alpha Iota Presents Annual Spring Program The university school of fine arts will present Sigma Alpha Iota, national music sorority, in their annual spring concert to be given Sunday, March 25. The program consists of the works of some of the better-known con temporary American composers. The concert will begin promptly at 3 p. m. Nocturne Marine Stont Polka afaxlne Stone Joan Fankhauaer Del Thomas Maxine earn Mary Jean War Christ Went Up Into the Hills Richard Haeeman At Parting James B. Rogers Sinner Walsh Rita Marina Romance Walter Ooli Janet Douthit Cowboy Tune Brodskr and Trices v ana lions on rrere Jacques Marguerite Klinker Tango at Midnight Robert Simmons Mar)orr Horstman Marion Rapp When I Am Dead, Mr Dearest Oscar Rosbach Helen Laird Rondo Capri coo Bernard Fitzgerald Margaret Modiln Silhouettes Gordon Nerin I Wonder as I Wander NilM-Rorton The Reed Palmer Clark Ensemble Directed br Carol Peek Plane Crash Kills Ensign R. A. Rice Ensign Rodney Ansen Rice, after surviving 17 hours in a lifeboat last August when his plane was forced down in the Atlantic, was Killed in a plane crash on some war zone island March 17. ac cording to work the navy depart ment sent to his parent, Mr. and Mrs. J. Stuart Rice of Scotts bluff Wednesday. A former pre-medical student at the university, he was affiliated with Sigma Alpha Epsilon and married Jane Ann Baird of Has tings in May 1944. She is a grad uate of the university and was a J member of Delta Gamma. deans and directors in the summer of 1944 when hopes of an early end to the war were high. Since then, he said, the cost of living has risen about 20 percent. Take Cut In addition to this cost, faculty members who took a 22 percent cut in salary during the depres sion years, have only had their salaries raised 7 percent since that time. In his report. Dean Thomp son stated that a large number of faculty salaries are still IS per cent below the 1932 leveL Bringing up other facts, he men tioned another situation which is that new members have been add ed to the faculty at rates of pay Lincoln 8, Nebraska fJomen Elect IKloBtzscherer, McElhaaiey, IPopa as Prexys JANE McELHANEY. . . . beads BABW for '45. BABW Barb women elected Jane Mc Elhaney president of the Barb Activities Board for Women and Marion Priest vice president at women's election Wednesday. The new president is a mem ber of War Council, Barb Inter house Council, Coed Counselors, YWCA and Student Foundation Miss Priest is a member of Towne Club and Theta Sigma Phi, honorary journalism sorority. Members of the senior board are Barbara Griswold and Claire Kepler. Junior board members are Mary Helen Alexis, Mildred Brewer, Kathlee Hayes and Doro thy Temple. Members of the sophomore board are Mary Ann Campbell. Claire Dudley, Margaret Pinker- ton and Margaret Pyle. Mortar Shell Hits Lt. B. McCashland On February 17 Lt B. W. McCashland, serving with a combant infantry division attached to the Seventh army, was wounded in France, Feb. 17, according to word received by his wife. Struck in the knee by a mortar shell, he is now recovering in a hospital in southern France. The son of Mr. and Mrs. I. L. McCashland, Geneva, Neb., he was a student in the pharmacy college of the university when he enlisted in September, 1942, as an ROTC member. With that unit he went to Camp Roberts. California. and was commissioned an in fantry officer at Fort Bennins. Georgia, in July 1944. He has been overseas since last Decem ber. His wife and five months old son live in Lincoln. higher than rates of pay given to men of considerably longer mem bership. The faculty believes that if this continues, a feeling of in security will be apparent. Unless something is done, faculty morale, he declared, which is lower than it should be, will decline appre ciably, and this will show up in the enthusiasm with which they do their work. "We feel we are going to have an increase in enrolment when the European war ends," Dean Thompson went on. "It is going to be difficult to bring teachers back to the university.' i After Dean Thompson had pre sented the report of the faculty Courtesy of Lincoln Journal SUZANNE POPE. . . . serves as new Coed Counselor president. COED COUNSELOR Suzanne Pope was chosen at the recent women's election to act as president of the Coed Coun selor board for the coming year. The newly elected vice president is Barbara Griswold. Acting as secretary and treas urer of Coed Counselors will be Kathleen Hayes and Mary Lou Camp, respectively. Besides Coed Counselors Miss Pope's other activities include Y.W.C.A. cabinet and vice presi dent of Tassels. Miss Griswold is a member of War Council, BABW council, Y.W.C.A. and Alpha Lambda Delta, scholastic honor ary. Activities. Miss Hayes is a member of NU- Med, Band, Hesperia and is presi dent of Alpha Lamba Delta. Miss Camp is a member of YWCA. Senior affiliated members of the board are Virginia McDonald and Dorothy Caress. The senior un affiliated member is Barbara Griswold. Junior affiliated members are Joy Hill, Phyllis Teagarden and Sally White. Unaffiliated junior board members are Carol Briden- baugh, Kathleen Hayes and Doro thy Mastin. Sophomore affiliated members are l-Tiscula Jrlagg and Fhyllis Sorensen. Unaffiliated members are Jean Allaway and Mary Lou Camp. Sigma Eta Chi Announces Pledging of Four Coeds New members of Sigma Eta Chi, Congregational sorority, were pledged by Betty Fee, president, at Ellen Smith hall Tuesday eve ning. Doris Kinney, Lorraine Kinney, Charla Ann Sharrick and Betty Jean Hurlbut were the coeds who became members of Sigma Eta Chi. committee, several faculty mem bers appeared before the legisla tive committee to bring out more clearly the points at which the university needs strengthening Prof. C. M. Hicks presented a pic ture of the cost of living and its effect on salaries of the university faculty. Illustrates Point. Illustrating his point with two newspapers, one of 1941 and the other of 1945, Professor Hicks il lustrated the great price increase in butter, potatoes and sugar as only examples. Giving facts, names and figures on the rapid turnover of the stall since 1935, XL C FiUey, professor, Friday, March 23, 1945 V! 5i V MIDGE HOLTZSCHERER, . . . takes over AWS ravel. AWS BOARD Serving as president for the coming year on AWS is Midge Holtzscherer, chosen at all-women's election March 21 with op posing candidate Claire Kepler acting as vice president. Other AWS officers are Mary Claire Phillips, secretary, and Elizabeth Curley, treasurer. Miss Holtzscherer is on the YWCA cabinet, WAA council, is a member of Tassels and belongs to Tri-delta. Miss Kepler is a member of BABW, Coed Coun selors, Tassels, War Council and is on the YWCA cabinet. Mary Phillips. Mary Claire Phillips is a Corn husker staff member, AUF. War Council, Coed Counselors and a member of Theta. The new treasurer, Elizabeth Curley, is a member of Alpha Chi Omega. Senior Board members of AWS are Alice Abel, Jeanette Engle, Mary Ann Mattoon and Martha Nickerson. Junior Board members are Mary Cox, Mi mi Ann Johnson, Eleanor Knoll and Mary Claire Phillips. - Sophomore members are Kath leen Blue, Jean Chilquist, Jean Compton and Elizabeth Curley. University Players Show Matinee at 2 Saturday At 2 o'clock Saturday aft ernoon the University Players are presenting- a matinee of ROOM SERVICE. The box office reports that rood seaU for this performance are still available. Complete report of the fa culty appropriation committee submitted to the unicameral legislative committee will be found on pare 4. of rural economics, stated that in his department alone, he had lost 20 people in the last two years and two months. Professor Filley told of the difficulties of training young men, only to have them leave for higher paying positions in other institution or go into busi ness. Other speakers on behalf of the faculty were Robert W. Goss, dean of the graduate college, R, J. Pool, -chairman of the botany depart ment, Roy M. Green, chairman of the civil engineering depart ment, C. H. Oldfather, dean of the college of arts and sciences, and (See FACULTY, page 11)