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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (March 4, 1945)
8 THE NEBRASKAN Sunday, March 4, 94 5 Frosh Coeds Don Beards, Compete In Men's Derby (ACP) New Mexico A. & M.': two girl engineers, Freshma Marion Reeves and Junior Eva Blanehard, aren't planning to be left at the post in the engineers annual whisker-raising derby. which began this week. The cam pus engineer who boasts the long est beard on March 17, St. Pat rick's Day, will reign over ttre slide-rule wizards yearly festival And the coeds, refusing to be baffled by their feminine handi cap, plan to borrow beards from the college dramatic club for the occasion. Registrar Names Eligibility Date In order to be eligible for consideration for Honors Day the report of removals of all "incompletes" and "no report" must be on file in the regis trar's office on or before March 15, according to the registrar. Engineers Carry Knives AfPV The mvstery is solved When Elizabeth Schultz, Michigan State College sophomore engineer, said her greatest ambition was to wear a slide rule on her belt, Shirley Simpson, freshman, ex claimed, "Is that what tnose are: I always thought they carried knives. Bulletin SMAIX NATIONS MEET. A raaeat af all mall Bat km will be wu tm thii I nioa at :oa monaay. amall aatlmt are rraete rm4 4ele aatea, according Robert GUlaa. 1 NION. i .k. caAMt I aiiM Director, aa- Mnm thai taw will be aa tfcmaay variety show. TEACHERS COIXrXJE. AH Trarbera olW-rr Htitirttts are re- aaevtea' ta attend aa Important merttaK to be he I Marrb 7-at a p. m. la tne nararj f Tracker nllcr. The parpaae at the meeting la for rgaairaMoa ar tne m- Iree, aaa mrmbcm will wt aa tttr mrm aaatltartoa aaa fftrrr. TNC Plf Tl RES. FlaallM far 1W Typical Nrhraok Cora win mc-t at a a. aa. Tbarwday in the! edaratina department, west atadiam, ta km their pirlarea takea for paMtrity parinm. according a Maarllm-HoltM-brrrr. AWS board member. All Nebrakmi for Servicemen workers ahould report Tuesday mpht at 7 p. m. at the Nebraiikan office. LOST: Larce bloodstone ring, set in gold. Family heirloom of A. S. T. student Leftia St. Union week ao. Reward. Re turn to Union office. LOST Gold msrroon Eversharp pencil Name engraved. Betty Brockney 3-322t. LOST Tuesday, black and white foun tain pen. valued fiit from deceased army brother. Reward. Finder return to Nebraslcan office. Personal Stationer)7 $1.00 W Sbeeta M Eavelapea far Neatly printed fa rich fclae Ink. Name ana aaarra. anaaerraai ar crest. GRAVES PRINTING CO. Baata af Teaapla GASTEt! CARDS Tor aVarj Membar mi fba ramify Mafl Now For Srvic Men and Women Oversea Wt . a tua aalaotloa af Baiter Crfl ta a aid variety af dolrtu, ahapa ai4 oolora. mi - J (7 V ( VI .... i IV - S 11 u stops short this spring! The gay, young short-coat will be the pet many a wardrobe. It animates the silhouette... and lets spring dresses and suits blossom out with all sorts of color complimentsi Fantasy-pink. . .turquoise. . .white. .. amber... beige... and sky-blue. choice woolen fabrics (crepes, suedes, and shaggy-fleeces). Sizes 10 to 20. '25 io 39.95 RED CROSS War Fund Orfr tart tomortowl Girt ... yir m If a I J i J i ml from the juniors! Peplums gathered in the back are both Impertinent... and flatteringl Just one of the devices by which our exclusive designers talk the junior-size language. Perry Brown . . . Minx Modes . . . Johara Junior. . .Dlen Kaye. . .contribute to our spring collections. Choose yours in black, navy, or colors. . .sizes 7 to 17. 'lO.gS.o 22.95 CTlm ray fcnpadeat flaffefwr . . anrjr ray 9m crepa riffc bnronad"o wkMntiqwrn amd4ae tl$M ' 6 I WW i I i XJ PBIMTtat I l!24 0SUat Lincoln. Nebr , 'SlaTICilEfct