Sunday, March 4, 1945 THE NEBRASKAN 7 Junior Chamber of Commerce, Post Office Box 1622, Lincoln 1, Nebraska. Enclosed find (check) (money order) for $ for which please reserve the best seats available in section Kindly mail tickets in self -ad dressed envelope which I enclose. Name. (Hease Print.) Address . f ' n jV! City. Phone Make checks payable to Junior Chamber Opera. :i " t " Sit 'hf tip ub Mrtv From Th Lincoln JoamfcL LINCOLN WINGS Having just concluded a two weeks road trip thru Illinois, the high flying Wings defeated several outstanding teams in that sector, winning 22 out of their 23 contests. They are from left to right (front row):!: Ray Lumpp, Vic Krafft, Goose Tatum, Eddie Ehlers, and team captain Jake Ahearn; standing, Captain Hall, coach; Bob Shaddock, Frank Bellack, Ralph Brady, Charlie Hariss, Arnie Levine, and trainer Joe Doller. Wings To Meet Alexander, La. Quintet At Coliseum Tuesday BY CHUCK. PETERSON Capt. Stanley Hall's Lincoln Army Air Field Wings will close their home season this Tuesday night when they tackle the Alexandria, La., Field five in the first game of the Second Army Air Force basketball championship at stake. The Wings are the Northern division champions. Only this game will be playeci'- in Lincoln, with the second game scheduled for Alexandria, on Fri day, March 9, and the third, if needed, on the following Saturday on the same Louisiana court. Alexandria won the Southern division crown by taking Biggs Field of El Paso, Tex'., in two straight games, 51 to 40 and 50 to 44. The Wings were declared the champions of the Northern divi out of three games to gain the Northern division finals. The Alexandria five has won 45 games during the year while losing live during the same period. Captain Hall said that the ailing Vic Krafft had rounded back into shape again and that his cut eye no longer bothers him. The starting lineups: Wing's Alexandria Lumpp f . . . Dwan sion automatically when the Krafft f . Casper, Wyo., squad disbanded The Wings had previously beaten Burger Tatum c Taylor Ahearn g Stolkey the Colorado Springs quintet two Ehlers g O'Hare Cyclones Nab Big Six Title Iowa State's Cyclones came into the second half red-hot and blew the Kansas Jayhawks clear out of reach of the Big Six title Friday night as they scored a decisive 61-39 victory over the Kansas squad. Last year the Cyclones shared the conference champion ship with Oklahoma but a record of 8 victories and two defeats gave the Iowans plenty of room in this year's standings. Another championship was an nexed in the game as little Jim Myers, Cyclone forward, gained the conference scoring crown. Myers total for the season was 131 points, seven higher than Art Peterson, gangling Nebraska cen ter. At halftime the Towans held a slim 27-21 lead at halftime, get ting the jump on the sunflower staters from the opening gun. KU had taken a 2-0 lead following the tip but went scoreless for four minutes and Iowa State jumped at the chance and soon had the ball game in their laps. Kansas was always in striking distance during the first half but never after the fiast basket were they able to tie the Cyclones. The red hot attack of the Cy clones came at the start of the second halt when they put in 13 points to the Jayhawks two and held a 40-23 lead with seven min utes gone in the half. Later in the gams KU came as near as 10 points to the Iowans but no closer. Big Bob Mott led the Iowa State scoring list as the tall boy knocked in . six field goals and six out of six free throws for 18 points. Bill Block, veteran defensive star was second in line as he tallied 12 counters, one more than Myers. Peck was high for Kansas scor ers with 10 points. Summary: Iowa State ft f Kansas 2 Moffett f 4 Reynolds f 0 Carlson f 1 Williams f 2 Peck c O Corder c 1 Scot t 3 Ooehring O Helm 0 Hill i Da urn E Dean Undertakes Registration Task After 50 Years ACP. A worried frown ruffled the good Dean's forehead as he sat at the long wooden table in the University of Wisconsin Arm ory carefully filling out registra tion cards. "I sure hope I didnt flunk my freshman year, he said, but there was a misleading twinkle in the corner of his right eye which denied his sincerity. And well he might twinkle, for he was registering for the first time in 50 years, but not for him self. A week ago freshman Harry Watt, Jr., came to see Dean Scott H. Goodnight on a matter of ex treme urgency. He had not been formally graduated . from high school and couldn't he please go back and attend the ceremony? But who would register for him? "Why, I will," said the good Dean. Thoroughly enjoying himself, Dean Goodnight sat among the paraphernalia of exam-asphyxi ated students and filled out good ness knows how many Henry Walt, Fr.'s on goodness knows how many little white cards. Myerg t Petierliach f 3 2 0 3 4 1 Deal f Babbitt t Mott c Dahlke e C'mberl'B g KMCk Pflum r Johnson g ft f (I 3 1 4 (ACP). In a three hour canvass of the business district of Mont gomery, Ala., 43 Huntingdon col lege girl students, wearing red, white, and blue banners, sold over $20,000 in "E" bonds. I-M Tourney To Beam Wed. The seasonal play has ended for all regular intramural basketball, but an elimination tournament will be held to determine the ab solute basketball championship for the season. This tournament play will NOT affect the stand ings of any team toward the Jack Best trophy. All points for the Jack Best trophy will -be given on the basis of seasonal play only. This tournament will be strictly eliminational with the winner and runner-up each receiving a trophy. The following eight teams will compete in this tournament on the basis of their seasonal piay to date: 1. Beta Theta Pi. 2. Phi Gamma Delta. 3. Alpha Tau Omega. 4. Sigma Phi Epsilon. 5. ZiPhiPsi 6. Fhi Delta Theta. 7. Sigma Chi. 8. Pioneer Co-op. Pairings for these games were made by a draw and no attempt was made to arrange the first round in any definite order. The following is the schedule of the first round: WEDNESDAY, MARCH 7. 1. Zips vs. Sie Chi. 2. ATO vs. Pioneer Co-op. THURSDAY, MARCH 8. 1. Ihi Gams vs. Phi Delts. 2. Betas vs. Sis Eps. The second round will be played on Tuesday of next week' and the finals will be played on Wednesday night. This tournament will conclude all basketball play for the sea- son. A swimming meet and a track meet will follow later. A softball schedule is also being planned. Last Thursday night the Beta five beat the Sig Ep quintet by the score of 35 to 19. Kenny Christensen led the Beta attack. Opera Returns On March 23; Present 6Aida' The first grand opera to be presented in Lincoln for 15 years will open at the university coli seum on March 23. The Gallo San Carlo Grand Opera company will present the music drama "Aida." Sponsors of the performance are Junior Chamber of Commerce and the Lincoln newspapers. Tickets for the opera will go on sale March 12, but may be ordered through the Jaycee's at Postof- fice box 1622, Lincoln. The spon sors urge ticket-buyers to pur chase them early, as only reserved seats will be sold. Orders Filled. Orders will be filled in order of receipt, the committee in charge of ticket sales announced. Admission prices are: First 18 rows, $3 a seat; rows 19 to 24, $2.40; rows 26 to 35, $1.90; rows 36 to 4Q, $1.20; balcony seats range from $3 in the first rows to $1.20 in the rear. Further in formation may be secured by call ing the Chamber of Commerce at 2,6671. The special mail order blank for use in ordering tickets by mail is printed below. Fee. f Ttl- H 1.2371 H J fr.. k.a 1 " H .J 3M M. Mch Si. t t I 0 is 1 4 O 0 0 0 Totals 23 15 131 Totals 15 18 Score at half: Iowa State 27, Kansas 21. Free throws missed: Feuerbach, Peal. Dahlke, Chamberlain, Block, Pflum, Rey nolds 2. Prck( froit 2, Helm, Daum, 2. Oificaita: Parke Carroll and Bud Knox. When a plane travels safely across Arctic areas, it's partly be cause of wing-ice detector lights. The tiny bulbs enable the crew to tell whether ice is forming on the wings. Fifty cooling systems complete with compressors and other equip ment are required for a modern U. S. battleship. Experimental Peace Conference First Plenary Session Monday, March 5, 1945 Speaker: Ruth IX r van Owen Rohdc Former Minister to Denmark Final Session Friday, March 9, 1945 Speaker Herbert Rrownell ; Nationally Known Nebraska Alnmnns Moderators will be Judge Simmons and Senator C. Pctrus Peterson ILL SESSIONS HELD AT TIE COLISEUM FlightTraining Government Approved ; School Flight lessons arranred at (he Union Air Terminal by . ap pointment Night classes for ground school instruction. 2415 O Street Thone 6-2885 or 2-6124. Lincoln Airplane & Flying School For BetterValues Every Day! O Tobaccos O Drugs O Candies O Prescriptions O Stationery QSclwcl Needs Cheapper Drug Store 1325 "0" St. Lincoln, Neb. y rot MEM ONLV Q3h y THE HARVEY HABIT I I4 J". - I 4 ... BETTER DRESSERS HAVE IT! - ...77 '''''"kC,::, ; fc&Y-- - '' SL'Y WAt ION0S AND STAMPS AT HARVEY'S