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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Jan. 14, 1945)
Surtclqy, January 14, 1945 THE NEBRASKAN Jayhawks Match UN Late Rally Nebraska lost the first basket ball game in her three road con tests over the weekend as the University of Kansas tapped the Scarlets, 48-33. Coach Phog Al len used 18 players in his victor ious conquest over the Huskers while Ad Lewandowski tried 10 Huskers in an attempt to stopHhe Jayhawks. The Blue and Crim son squad held a 23-14 lead at the end of the first half. UN's Third Loss. It was the third Big Six con ference loss chalked against the Scarlets while the Kansans made their record stand at two wins and no losses. To make a second half spurt Bob Hahn and Art Peterson tossed in a basket apiece plus a free throw each. Bdb Costello marked a charity shot as did Dean Corder for the Kansans. The brief Husker rally brought the Nebras kans to within three points of the Jayhawks but the moment of nearness was short lived. Rally Squelched Ottumwa Court Squad Battles I-State Quintet The Iowa State College Cy clones will step out of the con ference for their next game when they tackle the powerful Ottumwa Naval Base quintet at Ames Mon day night. The Skyers boast a veteran club which has chalked up five wins in seven starts. The only two setbacks were at the hands of the powerful Lincoln Air Base and the Iowa Seahawks. The Sea hawk defeat was avenged last week in a thrilling overtime bat tie. Every position in the starting Skyer lineup is filled by a eager who has had previous college ex three fast field goals making the count stand 30-21 and it was the last time in the game the Huskers came near to victory Two more games remain on the tour of the Huskers, tackling Ok lahoma Saturday night and Nor man Navy Zoomers the following evening. Box score of Friday s game: Kansas Reynolds f Williams f Mof fett f Carlson t Peck c Corder e Lance e Helm g Scott g Hill g Longford g GreKath g Woerner g Goehring g Daum g Rouse g Froom f Peterson t iK ft 8 0 f Nebraska fg OUUUlLlllllg nc '-l, "(,, tv,, o turn 1'e Tirvi Piura der, Reynolds and Scott with high.scoring guard who was & member of the Wyoming N. C. A. A. championship team in 1943. His running mate in the back court will be either Jack Newell, who had three years of varsity competition at Idaho or George Leddy, former Seahawk ace. Leddy was recently trans ferred to the Ottumwa base and may break into the starting lineup against the Cyclones for the first time At the pivot position will be Russ Weiger who played varsity ball at Wisconsin and Marquette. Johnny Kraft, former Chapel Hill pre-flight star will give the Cy clone defense a rigid test from his forward position. Kraft, cap tained the Chapel Hill quintet in 1943. Rounding out the first five is Walker Lundberg who played at Marquette last year. Coach Louis Menze will meet the Skyers' challenge with the same five who surprised many basketball followers by toppling Kansas State and Nebraska in conference games without too much difficulty. Judging from previous games, the Cyclones ap pear to be well balanced in scor- llHahn f OiBloss f 3lstrahan f OlBuckloy f II Peterson C 2iHollins c 2Costello g 3iHelKerson g JIHoeman I 1 oi 01 3 0 0) Totals 21 6 21 Totals Half time score: Kansas 23, 10 13 12 Nebraska 14. Missed free throws: Hollins 5, Moffett 2, Daum, Bloss, Buckley, Peck, Hahn, Costello, Corder, Reynolds, Hoeman. First classes at North Texas State Teachers college, Denton, were held on the second floor of a hardware store. ing power. The latest scoring find was uncovered in the Nebraska Cornhusker game when Bob Mott came through with 18 counters. Expected to carry the brunt of the scoring attack along with Mott against the Ottumwa Skyers are Orlyn Feuerbach, rugged for ward, and Jim Myers, who dumped in 24 points against Kan sas State. In the back court to throttle the Skyer offensive, Menze will use the always re liable Captain Bill Block, defen sive ace and Bob Petersen, out standing floor man. Following the Skyer game, the Cyclones will once again turn their thoughts to Big Six Confer ence rlay. They travel to Colum bia, Mo.,- where they will meet the Missouri Tigers next Satur day night, Jan. 20. Wings Easily Down Flyers Lincoln Army Air Field's zooming Wings went through an easy tilt with the Fairmont Fly ers Friday night, downing the Flyers by a 72-43 count at the Lincoln post. Coach Stan Hall's second string played all of the first half and eight minutes of the last with the regulars finishing the contest. The subs had made a 31-21 lead at the half time and were out in front 45-28 when the high scoring rgulars entered the game. Shaddock Hot. Bob Shaddock sparked the re serves scoring with 11 points, closely followed by teammates Red Mihalik and Ike Brady who accounted for 10 points each. Goose Tatum, clown prince of the Wings, tied for Lincoln scoring honors with Shaddock as -ie poured in 11 counters in the last twelve minutes. Tom Dickson led the Fairmont crew with 14 points. Although summer semester stu dents signed honor pledges the system is being tried with the entire student body for the first time. The Honor Council, which gov erns the functions of the honor system consists of both faculty and student members. CLASSIFIED LOST Sheafer maroon-striped pen with wide gold band. Reward. Mar Olson. Call 2-7371. VALENTINES Personalized Stationery Scotch Tape GOLDENROD STATIONERY STORE 215 North 11 Open Evening For All Beauty Specialties MISS AGNES BEAUTY SHOPPE Agnes Schmitt Harrison HOTEL CORNHUSKER 2-3122 2-6971 BECAUSE WE ARE NATIONWIDE BOOK DEALERS WE PAY YOU Highest Cash Prices For ysE TOIT IS B)K Sell All Your Boohs At Tit Boot! Student SW?Bi 3R A tailored, but-ton-d own the front casual that has an impor tant place in your wardrobe. In green, gold, red or brown; sizes 12 to 18. 14.95 V ''if I 511 I E