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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Dec. 17, 1944)
Sunday, DecemKer 17, 1944 THE NEBRASKAN Cornhuskers Not Potent To Hurdle Iowa Hawkey es Ready-to-wear, Fourth Floor. V fit) Pictured la Just one 5? Jf J PffTtx' ; Jfc of our tailored J rayon gabardines ryflJ' - if '1 Wv f that make a Merry ? Z . I Wtl 1 1 J 4? f1tecvH1;m IcbAIV 4if I fomia colors; sues V f ,V -I 1 1 1111s Hj 1 Nebraska Turns Out Fine Court Display Against IU Koenig Leads Husker Squad In 61-45 Loss Wings Story Late Because of deadline dates, the Lincoln Army Air Force Wines vs. Fort Riley Centaurs frame is not being: printed in the Nebraska. UBemcEa Warming (OUk DickDilsaver News from the Great Lakes indicates that former Husker Chick Knight is taking boot training in fine style. Little brother to the more famed Bus, Knight handled right halfback most of the past pigskin season and did a good job while at it. Fans last night should have gotten an idea of what to expect of this year's crop of basketeers when the Huskers met Iowa, Tho this writing was made before game time, our guess is that the Scarlets will have a tough time this year, tho possibly better than last. All the Corn- husker quint of '44 and '45 would have to do to beat the record of the past season's team would be win two games. Only one contest went on the records as a victory then. Those in charge saw fit to give the Lincoln Army Air Force Wings top rating on twin bills in the coliseum this year. Last night's game between Nebraska and Iowa took off afe 7:15 while the Wings-Fort Riley Centaur meeting came at 8:30. This change in starting times was probably made because of popular demand, for last year when the Wings played along with the Nebraska team, fans would fill the coliseum to watch the air corps fellows plav and trek out when the university team took the floor. Info coming out of France tells what Lt. Richard P. jHagelin, head coach for the university from 1938 to 1941 1 in the swimming department, has been doing for himself as 01 recent. LI ft : '. I 'll 1 H-KmI - rMl 1 f y 3 " ' f j ' ' I mil 3 Ml CALL 2-3515 For Prompt PRINTING SERVICE STATE PRTNTING CO. 1218 P St. - i -: i A. . $0 gift-worthy! Slac-Jac ... the U wool plaid jackrt to go with si cks or skirts. i Mjf i messy cnusr-"".- $10.95 Wool Skirt Plain colors; box pleats; sizes 28 to 32. $5.95 To Everyone and a Happy Vacation (emm ttrFSWrniTirit - ii"iiiViiiMi,ii in, 1. Alpha Tail Cops TM Pin" Pong 25 25 Championships Alpha lau Omega took intra mural ping-pong championships from Beta Theta Pi this week but the Betas found consolation in having handball honors returned to them from the Fijis after a mistake in pairing playoffs. The Phi Gams still rate second in handball. Most basketball teams have turned in their entries but the al ways late few must have their names in by Tuesday or be left behind in tournament pairing. Before China's modern tele phone system was installed, the service was so slow that it took 20 minutes to complete each call. BY DICK DILSAVER. . Iowa defeated Nebraska on the coliseum court here tonight but the surprise of the evening was still in the Huskers. Tho on the short end of a 61-45 count, the Nebraskans startled the Iowan fans and no doubt even Coach Ad Lewandowski in turning out a pleasant brand of cage-savvy against a highly rated Iowa team. Bob Koenig; was the big charge in the unrcvcaled Husker dyna mite as he swarmed all over the Hawkeyes on the defense and ac counted for 14 points himself. The South Dakota younjrster also set up many plays for tall Art Peter son, lanky, but uncontrollable Husker center. Also shining in the Husker light was one of the two letter men to return to the Nebraska court. Buzz Hollins. The husky Hollins was constantly taking re bounds from the Iowa backboard as well as putting in some nice offensive floorwork. Jim Strahan was another sur prise as he constantly set up and followed in plays for the Scarlets. Strahan should soon develop into a regxir starter tho he didn't see the initial whistle or too much time thruout the earlier part of the game. Also too be mentioned on the appraisals is Jack Dedrick who accounted for 5 Husker points. Clayt Wilkinson, formerly of last year's championship U ah team, was leading scorer of te evening:, putting 10 field goals a-d 4 charity tosses thru the crs. Koenig followed with 14 count -is. Iowa fp ft Ives f ft 1-2 P'pls f 2 1-1 C.Wil'on c 10 4-4 H.Wi'sun B 4 1-2 SpeT rcc i 2-3 Wlshmior f 0 0-0 Wi ir f 4 0-0 Culh'ton c 0 (i Wiwh'ier g 0 0-1 Prhulz K 0 0-0 Straatb a f t 0-0 f Nebraska 2 Hnlin 1 2 Ocririrk f 2 1 Prterpon c 2i KooniK K 2 H'nig ce) 1 Cnlliipy B 0 Hwox t 2 Strnhan t 1 ! McCr krn e 0 O.stPllo B V Blum f I fncmann p ff ft S 0 (: 2 1-' :i 2 -' fi 2 1 1 " 0 II ' o n 3 1 ' 0 f" 0 1 o - 0 I-' Tankman c 0 0-0 Tot aid 2.S 9-14 14 Tntala IS !11 9 Offici.ils: Kefoiv?. l:ix Rnper. T- hraxka; umpire. Jack North. HiiM'ind Park. Faculty . . . (Continued from Page 1.) Chicago. Undergraduate work was discussed at the meeting. Dr. Rebecca Gibbons, head of the division of foods and nutri tion of the college of agriculture, is leaving soon to spend t'ie Christmas holidays with her fam ily in State College, Pa. STATICriEHY Persontlized for Gifts Open Evenings Coldenrod Stationery Store 215 Norik 14 Xf.lAS CARDS Can do no wrong! An Arrow White Shirt gets along swell with your loudctt sports jacket . . . your best blue suit ... or any outfit you can dream up! And Arrow Whites can't go wrong on wear! Fab rics are pre-testtd to last ! Sanforized label meant less than 1 shrinkage. Arrow White Shirts, 2.24 up 0& ' . li&r ARROW White SHIRTS Take Home a Box of Nuts Assorted Iwnc2 Hows UBIE NUT BEWUSE 11R No. 13th St, forge Stock to Choone From Open Evening Golden rod Cord Shop 215 North 14 t