Friday, December 15, 1944 II .1 Peace Conference Previews BY PROF. J. L. SELLERS LARGE AND SMALL STATES. The voting of large and small siaics creates one of the greatest problems in organizing the world for peace. Small states claim equality in sovereign rights and claim an equal voice in any world organization. They wish to con tribute according to their size and wealth but vote according to their sovereignty. The great states must oear me great burden of world security. The British have pro vided such freedom and security on the high seas as the world has enjoyed for three and a half cen turies. The small maritime states of northwest Europe have flour ished on this British gratuity. At times ihf small nnt furnished the easv starting grounds from which iauncn attacks upon their more powerful neighbors. The Low lands have manv timM simnli the undefended frontiers by which aggressors pas around the de fenses of their nnirfent anrf urn fortified rivals to a raDid and easv conquest. The privileges claimed by small states and cranio ihom by the great Dowers is rlparlv nni ot me greatest mreats to enduring J peace. The popular mind seems always ready to support the con tentions of a small state against a great one. The creator states make concessions to small neigh- oors much more readily than they wouio. to great ones. Justice demands that small states be forced to face their own impotency. If thev exneet to be secured Dy a great power they should join the svstem of defense that they expect to rely upon, and give mat power the use or their territory and resources. No per son or neonle is entitled to pninv the freedom of anarchy and to claim the order and seeuritv of its self-disciplined, orderly, and defense-supporting neighbors. A world organization that cives to small and Croat nations an equal voice in its control Is founded upon a false DrineiDle that will reduce the organization to futility. An international or ganization to succeed must be founded upon the just principle of the political equality of man. A man in a small state is entitled to only as much political weight as a man In a large state. It will belificult to reduce sovereign slates to proportional representa tion in a co-operative security or ganization. It Is worth a great struggle and the peoples of the o'kc siaies win nave to make their stand. Enduring peace de pends UDOn a fonnriati ana jusi principles. XMAS CARDS Large Slock lo Choose From Open Eceningt Golden rod Card Shop 215 North 14 STATIONERY Personalized for Gifts Open Evenings Coldenrod Stationery Store 215 North 14 shs is a sophisticated angel... Shi koej fo guatslng - m4 fM km kv HVM-SeM - gift IfMI IM tfeud aaradoil U.'-O IV I for wodcfly-iM nt ' m t VI HJT'T: EffUlly for h-.iorU. aar. 1 j v "- 1 i fv -g&m H65J r. -.4 " j XJ Helena Rubinstein perf umi V , - s , - v . -t ' '' "Ji'f.",.",l''.lJIJ"v g . . . Helena uuui,.. ..she is th unforgettable fragrance in your life. Cive her A precious Helena Rubinstein perfume I tK.I trntKoM hr nftrll innil . " -r - - r nr that tells her what she means to you. Elusive? Brilliant? Romantic? One of &eee ff '4 'h famous perfumes It particularly bars... erea ted for her by to 7 rl artist io fragraac. she is a hsart-spinnsr... n t4 -spinner the most rirumg thing that. ever happened to yoo. High frequency White F1im b unquestionably her perfume. Heady, haunting, electric! 18.50, 2.50 sb j$ ycur year-long springttes.. .What more preciooa tribute to h 2' r . 1 . ut tresn young appeal loaat nppie owmw breth from aa orchard ia full bloom. The wortoVfamousagraace el romance, 1J5Q, 1A, ' Toilet Goods First Floor