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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 24, 1944)
THE NEBRASKAN Friday, November 24, 1944 TTkaL BY NINA SCOTT. Simon says put your hands on your head; Simon says puts your your head; Simon says put your there are 25 more shopping days until Santa Claus; Simon doesn't have a bird to do with this, but he's a notorious figure . . . that doesn't have anything to do with this either, but nobody reads the first paragraph anyway . . . The true blue Sigma Nu pledges are various shades of red in the vicinity of the fingernails these days . . . must have something to do with hell week ... at least, that's a nice way of putting it . . . they cleaned the house too . . . and the neighbors com plained ... Hilarious joke follows: He: You're Mae West, aren't you? She: No, I'm June West, thirty days hotter than Mae. Everyone else laughed . . . Former Alpha Chi, Nina Nix, visited in town last week . . .she is now a style specialist and has her own radio program . . . the Pioneer Co-op had a guest too, by name of Pfc. Merle Sjorgren, med student from Omaha . . . really Omaha is a fine place . . . ask Betty Chipman and Randy Keough (Phi Delt). Gamma Phi Carolyn Wright files preference for Red Oak, thf week-tails ... a man seems to be the reason . . hut thn rnuld anvone have a Kottor rra who has One? Anne Wellensiek and Bill Mil ler ran into complications when all they wanted to run in was a hue hinff stranded in Man hattan Kans thpv ended UD in some predicament tnat nas some tnine to ao wiin a suia . . . muic lone distance calls coming thru the dorm switchboard . . . one 7a5 for Rpttv Kremlacek Irom Ltl George Fagerquist in Tucson, Arizona. . . D G, Mortar Board, and et cetera Helen Johnson has been i a Una per day. Ivf Paybl. ha idnM ottiy. LOST Black and white Parker pen, near Sosh Tuesday morning. Keep sake. SDT. 2-3526. LOANED but not returned, at Progres sive party rally, one black and red pen. Return to Bill Sakayama, City V. M. C. A. desk. 13th & P. EbST Green and black striped Sheaf fer's Lifetime fountain pen. Reward. Hazel Stearn. 2-1 14. R1JS HOYS WANTED ' Hoars arranged to fit your schedule. Meals furnished if desired. KhMUhntK rim i WOMEN Call Mrs. Hendricks, 2-7379 Mm i Lorenzo Permanent 3 6" and Special: Cosmetios Lorenzo Cosmetics lor a limited time raducaa 10. Refill cosmetic- re duced 20. ! In) CONSULT MISS ANDERSON. COLD WAVE EXPERT Gold fir Co. Third Floor 2-1211 Be k?TA 1j- ; 5;kJ urn w w IS "Heartbeat" ... in this rayon gabardine! I095 It's the kind of a dress you live in . . . and love! It's pretty enough for a date dress . . . casual enough for classroom! In California col ors of fuchsia, chartreuse, peacock blue and tangerine. Sizes 9 to 17. Young Tmrnrr Shop, Fourth Fioar 'fA5W vfo v- 'WHS the recipient of an Alexander Graham Bell courtship or friend ship or partnership from DU Bill Staten . . . she was seen with Lyle King, former Phi Delt back on the campus, Wednesday nite, tho' ... The next Dorm houseparty has the prospect of the selection of the Sweetheart of the Residence halls . . . Johnnie Van Horn had to go and have a birthday so that he could have a party so that there would be names to put in here . . . Bette Heckinlively KAT and Bud Schaumberg of the Navy are here now because they were there then . . . Theta Anne Phillips and Ramey Beachly, Sig Alph, were along also ... Newsflash . . . KKG Irene Dunnell ... Sig Ep pin . Cliff Blackwell . . . romance. Lt. TOWNSEND PHOTO STUDIO SMART They team to perfection as a business wear combination. TEAM And this combination is very smart for summer social occasions. WORK You're always dressed up in this elegant refined sportswear. Buy a War Bond in the Sixth! CREATED BY lUlTlfToum Style-setting JacicetH Smart Var:;ity Slacks $18.50 to $25 $8.50 to $12.50 Mrn't Clothing ... Second Floor