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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 22, 1944)
Monday night and Harry James vrill find lots of former UN students back for the occasion. Marine Cadet Reid Devoe, Fiji, will be escorting Theta Mary Lan caster, and Tom Scheer, Sig Chi from Camp Lee, Virginia, has a big date with Mary Ann Meyer, Alpha Phi. Incidentally, this deal might develop into something steady. Rumor his it that Phi Delts Rex Wagner and Bruce Al len will be there, too. Who'll the lucky gals be? In spite of the man shortage. Alpha Phi Margie Munson has too many men on her hands for Harry James so a sister is taking care of one. Lt. Jack Hogan, Tau, seems to have a pull with Uncle Sam. Hogie was down to see the boys on another leave this week. Pi Phi Betty Dobbs and Lt. Pres Hays, former Innocent and Sigma Nu, have chosen mid-fall for the taking of the vows. Glad to see they got together Beta Harry Staples, ASTP on the campus last year drove up from West Virginia in his Cadillac convert to see Alpha Chi Mary Lou Holtz for two days last week. Sounds interesting, Mary Lou. Bev Swartwood and Bev Evans over Tri Delt way have been hav ing a big week with both their men here on leaves. Lt. Bill Sor- enson, Sig Chi of last year, to see Swartwood and Lieutenant Gross visiting Bev Evans. Taus had a big reunion Friday night in honor of Lt. "Dog" Finley and Ensign Bill Korff who are back. "Dog" was with his pinmate Pat Parrish, KAT; Bill Korff with Joan Damewood, Bob Brown and Kappa June Korb and Bill Gayer with Mary Kay Bogan, Tri Delt. By the way, we are wondering where Harold Hopkins fits into Pat Parrish's plans now. Mary Edwards and Carol Fred rickson, Tri Delts, took a jaunt down to the KU game this week end. More of such UN loyalty would be a good idea. Alpha Phi Pledge Gladys Grothe has been seeing a lot of Bob Wil kins, DU, lately. Friday night they took in Dunninger. Is this a steady deal???? Lt. Jack Martin, SAE, was mar ried Oct. 6 to Shirley Wise, Min nesota U Tri Delt. Shirley is now visiting her in-laws in Lincoln. Tri Delts can really be proud of her. Some more James fans Monday night will be Alpha Chi Catherine Curley and Sig Chi Johnnie Bell Tom Cornish, Phi Gam, and Jan ice Wilson, Tri Delt J a c k i e Crogh, Alpha Chi. and Lt. Bill Jackson from N. Y. Marg Olson, Alpha Phi, and Thorn Dillon, Fiji Some DG dates are Gerry McKinsey and Don Kline Betty Simodynes and Lt. Danny Moyer, Phi Delt Mickey McPherson and Dick Miller. Alpha Chi B. J. Hunzinger, now of the WAVES, was back on the campus this week as well as DG Betty Newman sporting a new diamond from Beta Bill Williams. NEW WAY Shoe Rebuilders an flat Works US S. i:th 2-44M MAGIC isn't the Answer It's our scientific methods and careful handling that make our service so superior. III S: 12 Newmie is now a hostess with the United Airlines. Kathy Legge, Pi Phi, is a bottle neck in the man situation. We hear she was with three fellows Friday night. More power to her. Meiitalist . . . (Continued from Page One.) cause the management of the res taurant was convinced that he already knew what was offered. Laughing at these attitudes, Dun ninger declares that he must use the same process for working with one individual as with a group of people. Mr. Dunninger says that he loses about two pounds during one performance and ages considerably. A tremendous amount of vitality is drained from his system due to the powerful concentration he must exert; therefore it is impossible for him FREE VARIETY SHOW Charles Laughton and Merle Oberon in "Forever and A Day" 3:09 P. M., Sunday, Oct. 22 Union Ballroom .'11; ; THE NEBRASKAN Bulletin Kappa I'bl. First semester pledging service of Kappa Phi. Methodist Women's Club, will take Dlace Wednesday. October 25. at 5:30 p. m in Room 313 of the Student Union. After the DledcinK. the new pledges will be hon ored with a Big and Little Slater dinner in the XY room of the Union. Both alumnae and activities will be present at the service. Lavawn Johnson is chairman and Beverly Blba will be toast mistress ai the dinner. to spend all of his time reading people s thoughts. "Warms Up." For about thirty minutes before he ' makes a public appearance, he "warms up" and places himself in the receptive state of mind necessary for his performance. The mental genius has cultivated this ability through thirty years of experience, appearing in the White House before six different J with the wide Mia Hfl.-'iW 1 rib knit wool iy f 1 you love! Sand, toast. I f ,k A I ; j- y,qua or gold- MM ' 9 set1' ' JMmkM 2 y Young Towner Shop, Fourth Floor. Sunday, October presidents, and experimenting with Edison ana sieinmeiz. Vnr fh nast four vears. Dun ninger has worked in large med- inctntinns linHpr th aUSDiceS oUphysicians, curing "uncurable" diseases by a lorm or nypnosis. He made, it very clear that he does not use hypnoses in his pub lic appearances. wvion nckprl to define his abil ity ht siipffpsted it as being per haps either hypnotic or magnetic or a combination 01 Dom. uun ninger makes about three public appearances a week in addition WE STILL HAVE THOUSANDS OF USED TEXT BOOKS SI 0-j lis 22, 1944 to his radio programs. Commenting on his years of ex perience he stated that cheap imU tatoins of his work have always irritated him Blair Cut 50c OIL & HOT TOWEL Liberty Harbors 1S1 No. IStti Tut Book StudaU Suppttrt cz-.i nit i EY - ; ; : .... .. r 1 SINCE nu -